3 RD SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION FOR SEMESTER OF 3 YEARS DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING -AE This scheme is valid for the student taking admission in academic session 2009-10 & 2010-11 Duration of Semester Student Contact Hours Total Marks Sl. No : : : Name of Subject Sixteen weeks (15+1#) 34hrs 750 Subject Code Subject Theory & Practical is of period 60 minutes each Teaching Scheme L T P Examination Scheme Hours of Exam Full Marks of Subject Internal Assessment Final/External Exam/*Committee Marks Pass marks/Ext Exam Pass marks in Subject 301A Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 Engineering Mechanics ME302 Theory 4 1 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 3. Strength of Material ME303 Theory 4 1 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 4. Manufacturing Technology-I ME304 Theory 5 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 5. Mech. Engg. Lab-I ME305 Practical 0 0 6 3 100 20 80 32 40 6. Workshop Practice-III ME306 Practical 0 0 6 4 100 20 80 32 40 7. Technical Seminar & Library $ ME307 Sessional 0 0 3 - 50 20 30 - 25 8. 9. Mechanical Engg. Lab – I ME308 Workshop Practice-III ME309 Total Hours of Teaching per week : Sessional Sessional 17 02 15 - 50 50 20 20 30 30 - 25 25 Total Marks 400 Lecture 1. Engineering Math -III 2. Theory L : : Practical T : : 200 Tutorial Sessional P : : 150 Practical * Committee Marks 1. The practical subject (External examination) will be evaluated by an internal committee for – 40% of the full marks and 40% of full marks by an external committee. 2. The Sessional subject will be evaluated by an internal committee for – 30% of the full marks and 30% of full marks by and external committee. $ Submission and presentation on a topic prescribed in the syllabus before a committee constituted by the principal. # one week is assigned for internal assessment examinations. 1 ENGINEERING MATHS -III L 4 T 0 P 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Curri. Ref. No. 301A Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 RATIONALE : Engineering Mathematics is most important for engineering students. Without this subject, it will very difficult to understand the other Engineering subjects. Professional Mathematics is one of the subjects which is widely used in modern times. The techniques of this subject are being applied in finding an approximate value, optimal value and to develop the managing system in Industry. It will also help to develop attitude towards cost effectiveness, selection of most effective alternative methods. The Mathematical technique and modeling are so used in Industry, so it will not wrong to say that professional mathematics is an industrial mathematics. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. The course will provide a student to develop Managerial skill based on mathematical footing. To understand the techniques and methods for Solving. Engineering problems such as differential equations of higher orders in the fields of Electrical circuits, LRC Circuits etc. using Lap lace transformation and others. TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Sl. No. Topics 1. Numerical Technique 2. Statistical Technique 3. Fourier series 4. Laplace transform 5. Management Techniques (Linear models) TOTAL Period 20 10 07 07 16 60 COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Numerical Technique 1.1 Finite Difference :1.1.1 Forward and backward differences, 1.1.2 Kinds of operators , , , , and their relations, Factorial notation. 2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.1.3 Finite difference interpolation / extrapolation formulae. 1.1.4 Newton’s forward formulae and Newton’s backward formulae Numerical differentiation :1.2.1 Newton’s forward and backward differentiation formulae. Numerical integration :1.3.1 Newton’s cotes quadrature formulae 1.3.2 trapezoidal rule, simpson’s 1/3rd rule and Simpson’s 3/8 rule. Numerical solution of non linear and transcendental Equations. 1.4.1 Iteration method, Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method, and NewtonRaphson’s method. Solution of linear simultaneous equation :1.5.1 Guassian Elimination method 1.5.2 Gauss-jordan method. 2.0 Statistical Techniqe 2.1 Introduction to statistics, measure of central tendencies. 2.2 Mean deviation standard deviation and varience of discrete and grouped data, Assumed mean and step deviation method. 2.3 Correlation :2.3.1 Introduction, Correlation coefficient. 2.4 Regression :2.4.1 Introduction, coefficient of regression. 2.4.2 The two lines of regression (cases of two variables only) 2.5 Probability distribution :2.5.1 Binomial distribution, Poisson’s distribution and normal distributions, their means, standard deviation and variances. 3.0 Fourier Series 3.1 Periodic function, fourier series, even and odd function 3.2 Fourier cosine and sine series, fourier series expansion of the period function. 4.0 Laplace Transform 4.1 Introduction, general laplace transforms of algebric, trigonometrical and other function. 4.2 Inverse laplace transformation. 4.3 Application of laplace transformation in solving differential equation of second order. 5.0 Management Techniques 5.1 Introduction to operations research (O.R.), steps of O.R. 5.2 Linear programming problems : steps in formulation of a LPP. 5.3 Mathematical modeling and solution procedure, graphical solution, examples. 5.4 Solution by simplex method :5.4.1 Basic feasible solution (degenerate and non-degenerate) procedure including Big-M method, examples. 5.5 Transportation problem :5.5.1 Introduction and solution procedure, finding the initial basic feasible solution by N-W corner rule and vogels approximation method (VAM) 3 5.6 5.7 Assignment problem :5.6.1 Introduction and solution, procedure fundamental theory underlying Hungarian method. Network analysis :5.7.1 CPM and PERT, Introduction, basic activities, various time calculation. 5.7.2 CPM to determine the optimal project schedule. 5.7.3 PERT, Definition, difference CPM and PERT. 5.7.4 Pessimistic time, Optimistic times, most likely times of various activities. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publisher. Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Das, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Introduction to Numerical Analysis by S. S. Sastry, Prentice Hall of India. Operations Research by Kanti Swaroop, P. K. Gulta and Manmohan, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics by S. C. Gupta and V. K. Kapoor, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 4 ENGINEERING MECHANICS L T P 4 1 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Tutorial:15 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Curri. Ref. No. ME302 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topics Introduction System of Forces Plain Truss Friction Lifting Machine Introduction Rectilinear and Curvilinear Motion Work, Power and Energy Collision TOTAL Period 04 18 08 06 05 10 05 04 60 RATIONALE : Engineering Mechanics is defined as the science which describes or predicts the conditions of body in rest or motion under the action of applied forces in its preview come variety of general and specialized disciplines concerned with various systems of forces in rest or motion and analysis of simple plane structure and machines. Thus it becomes one of the basic subjects for Mechanical Engineering. OBJECTIVES : The student shall be taught to understand. 1. 2. 3. Analyze different system of forces. Understand the physical condition like equilibrium and different motion linear, rotational and curvilinear. Understanding of Simple plane structure and lifting machine. 5 ENGINEERING MECHANICS COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Matter, Particle and body 1.2 Space, time, motion and Trajectory 1.3 Scalar and vector quantities 1.4 Newton's law of motion 1.5 Force and system of forces 1.6 Equilibrium, Resultant and Principle of transmissibility 1.7 Dimension and Unit 2.0 System of Forces (18) 2.1 Coplanar Forces 2.1.1Introduction 2.1.2 Parallelogram law of forces 2.1.3 Resolution of forces 2.1.4 Resultant of coplanar concurrent forces 2.1.5 Triangle law Polygon law of forces 2.1.6 Simple problem on coplanar forces 2.2 Moment and Couple 2.2.1 Moment of a forces 2.2.2 Varigon's Theorem : Law of moment 2.2.3 Resultant of coplanar, Non-concurrent force system 2.2.4 parallel forces and couple 2.2.5 General condition of equilibrium 2.2.6 Free body diagram 2.2.7 Simple problem on equilibrium 2.3 Concurrent forces in space 2.3.1 Vector Algebra 2.3.2 Scalar and vector product of two vectors 2.3.3 Component of a force 2.3.4 Moment of a spatial force 2.3.5 Resultant of space concurrent forces 2.3.6 Equilibrium of a particle in space 2.3.7 Simple problem 3.0 Plane Truss 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Introduction Classification of truss Reaction at supports Forces in a member by method of joints and method of section Simple problems Friction 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 (06) Introduction and classification Static and dynamic friction Laws of friction in solid Angle of friction, angle of repose and cone of friction 4.0 (04) (08) 6 4.5 4.6 Ladder friction and wedge friction Simple problems 5.0 Lifting Machine Introduction (05) 5.1 Basic concept and definition load, effort, Mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a simple lifting machine. 5.2 Lever and their types 5.3 Pulleys : fixed and movable 5.4 Simple wheel and axle 5.5 Winch crab 5.6 Screw jack, worm and worm wheel 6.0 Rectilinear and Curvilinear Motion (10) 6.1 Displacement, velocity and acceleration 6.2 Equation of rectilinear motion and simple problems 6.3 Motion under gravity and equation of projectile path 6.4 Relative velocity 6.5 Simple problem on relative velocity 6.6 Kinetics or Rotary motion 6.6.1 Rotary motion and Torque 6.6.2 Moment of momentum 6.6.3 Laws of rotary motion 6.6.4 Torque and angular momentum 6.6.5 Kinetic energy due to rotation 6.6.6 Simple Problem Work, Power and Energy (05) 7.1 Definition of work, power and energy 7.2 Work-Energy principle 7.3 Potential energy, kinetic energy and simple problem 7.4 Work done by a spring 7.5 D' Alembert principle Collision (04) 8.1 Collision of elastic bodies 8.2 Collision of inelastic bodies 8.3 Coefficient of restitution 8.4 Loss of Kinetic energy during impact 8.5 Simple problem related with collision 7.0 8.0 RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Engineering Mechanics – by K. L. Kumar TMH Publication 2. Engineering Mechanics – by Dr. D. S. Kumar, S. K. Kataria & Sons. 3. A text book of Engineering Mechanics – by A. R. Basu, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 4. Engineering Mechanics – by D. P. Mandal 5. A text book of Engineering Mechanics – by Dr. R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd. 6. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics – by Beer-Johnston 7. Engineering Mechanics statics and Dynamics – by I. A. Shames. 7 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL L T P 4 1 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Tutorial:15 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Curri. Ref. No. ME303 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topics Simple stress and strain Two dimensional stress system Stress in composite section Thin cylindrical and spherical shells Center of gravity and moment of inertia Bending moments and shear force Theory of simple bending Torsion TOTAL Period 05 07 07 07 07 12 08 07 65 RATIONALE : Strength of Material deals with the internal behavior of solid bodies under the action of external forces. The subject focuses on mechanical properties of materials, analysis of stress, strain and deformations. Therefore, it is an important basic subject for students for mechanical and automobile engineering. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define stress, strain, elastic constants and compute the relationship between the elastic constants and their application in solution of simple problems. Understand the concept of principal stress, planes and their application in solution of simple problems. Find out the stress, and strain due to various types of loading and solve the problems. Understand the hoop stress, longitudinal stress of thin cylinder and sphere and solve the problems. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of various types of loaded beams. Define bending stress, section modulus, flexural rigidity and moment of resistance and solve the simple problems. Find out the total stress developed in column under eccentric loading. Establish the relationship between torque, polar moment of inertia, angle of twist, and solve the problems. 8 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Simple stress and strain (05) 1.1 Recall the various types of loads, stresses, strain, elastic constant, Poisson’s ratio. 1.2 Establish the relation between free elastic constants (E, G, K) 2.0 Two dimensional stress systems (07) 2.1 Determine normal stress, shear stress and resultant stress on oblique plane 2.2 Define principal plane 2.3 Define principal stress 2.4 Determine principle plane, principal stresses analytically 2.5 Determine principal stress from Mohr’s circle 3.0 Stresses in composite section (07) 3.1 Solve simple problems using principle of super position 3.2 Determine stress in composite bar 3.3 Define temperature stress 3.4 Determine temperature stress in composite bar (single core only) 3.5 Define strain energy and resilience 3.6 Determine stresses due to gradually applied, suddenly applied and impact load. 4.0 Thin cylinder and spherical shells under internal pressure (07) 4.1 State assumptions for thin shells 4.2 Define hoop stress and longitudinal stress 4.3 Define hoop strain and longitudinal strain 4.4 Computer hoop stress, longitudinal stress, hoop strain, longitudinal strain and volumetric stain. 4.5 Computer the change in length, diameter and volume 5.0 Center of gravity and moment of inertia (07) 5.1 To find out C.G of simple geometrical figure such as I,T and angle section 5.2 Moment of inertia and radius of gyration, basic theorems of parallel and perpendicular axis 5.3 Moment of inertia of rectangular, circular, semicircular, triangular, hollow, I&T and angle section about centroidal axes 5.4 Simple problem 6.0 Bending moment and shear force (12) 6.1 State types of beam and loading 6.2 Define and explain shear and bending moment, shear force diagram and bending moment diagram 6.3 Determine the B.M. and S.F. by analytical method. Subjected to concentrated load, uniformly distributed load for: 5.3.1 Cantilever beam 5.3.2 Simply supported beam 5.3.3 Over hanging beam 9 6.4 5.3.4 Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagram for clauses in 5.3.1, 5.3.2 & 5.3.3 Define point of contraflexure 5.4.1 Determine the point of contra flexure 7.0 Theory of simple bending (08) 7.1 State various types of sections (symmetrical, unsymmetrical and built up sections) 7.2 State the assumption for simple bending 7.3 Derive the relation M/I = f/y = E/R 7.4 Define the section modulus, flexural rigidity and moment of resistance 7.5 Explain the distribution of bending stress across T & I sections 7.6 Solve simple problems on above 8.0 Torsion (07) 8.1 Define torsion 8.2 State the assumption of pure torsion 8.3 Derive the relation T/Ip = fs/r = Gθ/L 8.4 Differentiate between the strength of hollow and solid shaft 8.5 Solve simple problems on above RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Strength of Material by S. Ramamrutham, Dhanpat Rai Pub. Co. 2. Strength of Material by I.B. Prasad 3. Elements of Strength of Materials by Timoshenko and Young, Affiliated East West Press. 4. Theory and Problems of Strength of Materials by W.A. Nash, Shaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill Inc. 10 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY - I L T P 5 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 75 Theory : 75 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Curri. Ref. No. ME304 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topics Theory of Metal Cutting Lathe Machine Shaper, Planner and Slotter M/C Drilling, Boring & Reaming Welding Soldering and Brazing Foundry Metal Forming TOTAL Period 12 12 08 08 12 05 12 06 75 RATIONALE : Engineering basically means production of goods and services for human consumption. The major function of mechanical engineering is to manufacture various products using machineries, production processes and production management techniques. Therefore, this is one of the most important subject to be learnt by a mechanical and automobile engineer. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Decide a suitable manufacturing process for a particular product. Explain cutting actions of different cutting tools, tool angles and their purpose. Define cutting speed and feed and lubricants with their purpose. To select machine and tools to produce jobs more speedily and accurately. Describe the different parts and functions of a lathe machine and state the specification of different lathe machines. Describe the different parts and functions involved in shaper, planer and slotter machine. Describe the parts and function of drilling, boring and reaming machines. Understand the purpose of welding and explain various welding processes with welding defects and safety precautions. Define soldering and brazing and describe same processes. Describe various foundry tools and process such as pattern making, moulding, melting and pouring. Explain different metal forming processes such rolling and extrusion. 11 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Theory of Metal Cutting 1.1 Metal cutting theory. 1.2 Orthogonal and Oblique cutting 1.3 Cutting tools. 1.4 Classification of cutting tools. 1.5 Single point cutting tool geometry and tool angles. 1.6 Chip formation and types of chips. 1.7 Tool life, wear and failure. 1.8 Cutting feed, speed and depth of cut. 1.9 Factor affecting tool life. 1.10 Coolants and their uses. (12) 2.0 Lathe Machine (12) 2.1 Lathe principle 2.2 Types and specification of Lathes 2.3 Parts of centre lathe and their functions 2.4 Enlist the different operations on lathe 2.5 Explain plain turning, grooving, step turning, thread cutting, taper turning, parting off operations 2.6 State the safety precautions needed 2.7 Capstan and Turret lathe. 2.8 Parts of Capstan and Turret lathe. 2.9 Advantages of Capstan and Turret lathe over center lathe 2.10 Difference between Capstan and Turret lathe. 2.11 Work holding devices. 2.12 Planning and Tool layout in Capstan and Turret lathe. 3.0 Shaper, Planner and Slotter Machine 3.1 Shaper Machine 3.1.1 Working principle of Shaper 3.1.2 Types and parts of Shaper machine. 3.1.3 Quick return mechanism 3.2 Planner Machine 3.2.1 Working principle of Planner Machine 3.2.2 Types and parts of planner machine 3.3 Slotter Machine 3.3.1 Working principle of Slotter Machine 3.3.2 Types and parts of Slotter machine. 4.0 Drilling, Boring & Reaming (08) 4.1 Drilling 4.1.1 Introduction of drilling machine 4.1.2 Classifications and specifications of drilling machine. 4.1.3 Drilling accessories 4.1.4 Nomenclature of twist drill 4.1.5 Cutting parameters (08) 12 4.2 4.3 Reaming 4.2.1 Introduction. 4.2.1 Nomenclature of Reaming tool Boring 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Specification and classification of boring machine 4.3.3 Counter boring and counter sinking operations 5.0 Welding (12) 5.1 Define and classification of various welding processes. 5.2 Type of joints. 5.3 Edge preparation 5.4 Electrode specifications, current setting & use of flux in welding 5.6 Welding process 5.6.1 Arc Welding Equipment A.C. and D.C. Arc welding 5.6.2 Oxy acetylene welding Equipment and types of Flame 5.7 Advance welding process :- Equipment and process 5.7.1 Fusion – TIG, MIG, Thermit, Welding, Submerge Arc Welding, Plasma Arc Welding and Laser Welding, Resistance Welding. 5.7.2 Solid State – Ultrasonic Welding, Forge Welding, Explosive Welding & Cold Pressure Welding. 5.8 Defects of welding 5.9 Testing of welding defects 6.0 Soldering and Brazing 6.1 Define soldering 6.2 Classify solders 6.3 Explain different procedure of soldering 6.4 Define brazing 6.5 State different filler materials 6.6 Explain different procedure of brazing 6.7 Compare Soldering, Brazing and Welding 7.0 Foundry (12) 7.1 Introduction and history 7.2 Moulding Sand – Types, characteristics and properties of sand 7.3 Pattern Making – Material, Type and Use. 7.4.1 Allowances 7.4 Mould making 7.4.1 Runner and Gating System 7.4.2 Core, Chaplets and Chills. 7.4.3 Parts of Mould 7.4.4 Different machines for mould making 7.5 Process and steps in Sand Moulding 7.6 Other casting processes (05) 13 7.7 8.0 7.6.1 Investment casting 7.6.2 Die casting 7.6.3 Centrifugal casting 7.6.4 Slush and Squeeze casting 7.6.5 Continuous casting Defects and remedies of Casting Metal Forming (06) 8.1 Explain fundamentals of rolling and extrusion. 8.2 Describe various rolling process and specify the types of products. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Workshop Technology (part-1) by Hazra Choudhury, Media Promoters and Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2. Workshop Technology by Raghubansi, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 3. Production process by O.P. Khanna 4. Manufacturing Technology by P.N. Rao, TMH 5. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by S. Kalpakijan, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 6. Workshop Technology-II by Hazra Choudhury, Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 7. All About Machine Tools by H. Gerling, New Age International (P) Ltd. 14 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB - I L T P/S 0 0 6 Total Contact Hours : 90 Total Marks Sessional : 50 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 Curri. Ref. No. ME305 & ME308 Practical : 100 End Term Exam : 80 (Int. comm. :40,Ext. comm. :40) I.A. : 20 RATIONALE : Engineering is a practical field oriented profession. It essential that the mechanical and automobile engineering students realize and test knowledge and understanding of various subject through practical experiments in the laboratories. OBJECTIVES : To identify, Specify, Start (where applicable) different equipment and laboratory setup and perform respective experiment in the laboratories pertaining to engineering mechanics, strength of material and material science & technology. 1.0 Engg. Mechanics Lab 1.1 Determination of Mechanical Advantage and Velocity Ratio and efficiency of 1.1.1 Single or double purchase winch crab 1.1.2 Screw jack 1.1.3 Worm and worm wheel 1.2 Determination of reactions at support of loaded beam 1.3 Verification of law of parallelogram of forces 1.4 Determination of co-efficient of friction 2.0 Strength of Material Lab 2.1 Determine Young’s Modulus by Searl’s apparatus 2.2 Find the stiffness of spring and its modulus of rigidity 2.3 Find the moment of inertia of a fly wheel. 3.0 Material testing Lab 3.1 Visual identification of different materials 3.2 Perform Tensile test of given specimen using an universal testing machine 3.3 Determine hardness of different metals by Rockwell / Brinell hardness testing m/c 3.4 Determine impact strength of ductile materials by Izod/.Charpy’s method test. N.B. Minimum 9 experiments to be performed taking at least 3 from each group. 15 16 WORKSHOP PRACTICE - III L T P/S 0 0 6 Total Contact Hours : 90 Total Marks Sessional : 50 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 Curri. Ref. No. ME306 & ME309 Practical : 100 End Term Exam : 80 (Int. comm. :40,Ext. comm. :40) I.A. : 20 RATIONALE: Manufacturing of products is done through use of various machineries and processes in industry. It is therefore, essential for mechanical and automobile engineers to have practical training in these manufacturing processes and operation of the machineries OBJECTIVES: To identify, specify and use various tools, instruments and materials and make appropriate jobs with their own hands in fitting, smithy, carpentry & pattern making and lathe machine. 1.0 Fitting 1.1 Study and use common precision measuring tools 1.1.1 Sine bar 1.1.2 Combination square slip gauge 1.1.3 Dial test indicator 1.1.4 Height gauge 1.1.5 Go and no go gauges 1.2 Do practice job with accuracy 1.3 Drilling & tapping 2.0 Machine Shop Shaper 2.1 Making a V-block in shaping machine 2.2 2.3 Turning Study a lathe machine and its accessories Perform jobs involving the various operations 2.3.1 Plain turning 2.3.2 Step turning 2.3.3 Taper turning 2.3.4 Grooving 2.3.5 Chamfering 2.3.6 Knurling 2.3.7 External threading 17 2.3.8 3.0 Foundry Practice 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4.0 Enlarging a hole by boring Study of pattern making tools & their uses Observe demonstration of wood turning machines Make Solid pattern Comply with safety norms Use of foundry tools and equipments Preparation of moulding sand Making a simple moulds Making Cores using different types of patterns Study of cupola and tilting furnace One job on Ferrous/Non-ferrous casting Welding 4.1 Introduction to gas welding and arc welding processes, use of welding machines, protective equipments such as boot, gloves, safety goggles, apron etc. 4.2 Welding practice 4.2.1 Butt joint 4.2.2 T-joint 4.2.3 Corner joint 4.2.4 Lap joint Job to be made N.B. Each student perform minimum 5 jobs taking at least one from each group. 18 TECHNICAL SEMINAR & LIBRARY L 0 T 0 S 3 Total Contact Hours : 45 Sessional : 45 Curri. Ref. No. M307 Sessional : Total Marks : 50 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 Technical Seminar Topics : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Industrial safety Environment Any technical topic and their application Any processing industries Industrial visit Newer technology Energy conservations and renewable energy Synopsis of forth coming project work. (5th semester) Any relevant topic with concerned to department 19 4 th SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION FOR SEMESTER OF 3 YEARS DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING -AE This scheme is valid for the student taking admission in academic session 2009-10 & 2010-11 Duration of Semester Student Contact Hours Total Marks Sl. No : : : Sixteen weeks (15+1#) 34 hrs (Per Week) 750 Name of Subject Subject Code Subject Theory & Practical is of period 60 minutes each Teaching Scheme L T P Examination Scheme Hours of Exam Full Marks of Subject Internal Assessment Final/External Exam/*Committee Marks Pass marks/Ext Exam Pass marks in Subject 1. Material Sc & Tech ME401 Theory 3 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 2. Hydraulic & Hydraulic Machine ME402 Theory 5 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 3. Thermal Engg. – I ME403 Theory 5 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 4. Mechanical Engg. Drawing ME404 Theory 3 0 2 4 100 20 80 28 35 5. Manufacturing Technology-II ME405 Theory 4 0 0 3 100 20 80 28 35 6. Mech. Engg. Lab.-II ME406 Practical 0 0 6 3 100 20 80 32 40 7. Workshop Practice –IV ME407 Practical 0 0 6 4 100 20 80 32 40 8. Mechanical Engg. Drawing ME408 Total Hours of Teaching per week : Sessional 20 0 14 - 50 20 30 - 25 Practical T : : Total Marks Theory L : : 500 Lecture 200 Tutorial Sessional P : : 50 Practical * Committee Marks 1. The practical subject (External examination) will be evaluated by an internal committee for – 40% of the full marks and 40% of full marks by an external committee. 2. The Sessional subject will be evaluated by an internal committee for – 30% of the full marks and 30% of full marks by and external committee. # one week is assigned for internal assessment examinations. 20 MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY L T P 3 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 45 Theory : 45 Curri. Ref. No. ME401 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Sl. No. Topics 1. Material Classification 2. Imperfection in crystal Ferrous metal & Alloys. 3. Iron carbon system 4. Heat Treatment 5. Nonferrous metals & Alloys 6. Evaluation of Material 7. Polymers, Composites & Ceramics 8. Material Selection & Mode of Failure TOTAL Period 02 10 08 10 04 04 05 02 45 RATIONALE : Entire field of engineering deals with use of most of materials for making objects for human consumption. These materials include wide spectrum of elements, metals, alloys, compounds and composites with diverse properties. It is imperative that an engineer from any field should have a good knowledge of such materials and their properties. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Classify the materials into ferrous and nonferrous alloys and select proper material considering the requirement of service condition. Explain crystal imperfections and effect of imperfection on metal properties as well as deformation of metals, properties change by deformation. Explain the iron carbon equilibrium diagram. Explain the purposes and methods of heat treatment. Explain the predominating elements of nonferrous alloys and their properties as well as uses. understand material evaluation methods and importance. Plan material selection. Know the user of polymers, ceramics and composites. 21 MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Material Classification & Properties (02) 1.1 Classify metals and non metals. 1.2 Classify material into ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. 1.3 Classify steel and cast iron. 1.4 Understand factors affecting the selection of materials for engineering. 1.5 Physical and mechanical properties of metals. 2.0 Imperfection in Crystals (10) 2.1 Explain crystal, Crystal pattern of unit cells, ideal crystal and crystal imperfection. 2.2 Explain elastic and plastic deformation. 2.3 Classify crystal imperfections or defects such as point defects, line defects, surface or gain boundaries defect and volume defects. 2.4 Explain types of line defects such as edge dislocation and screw dislocation. 2.5 State various causes of dislocation. 2.6 Explain deformation by slip and twinning. 2.7 Explain property changes by deformation. 2.8 Bauschinger effect, elastic after effect and work hardening 3.0 Iron carbon system (08) 3.1 Understand basic concept of phase diagram cooling curves. 3.2 Explain the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram with salient micro constituents of iron and steel. 3.3 Time temperature transformation diagram, Pearlite, Ferrite, Cementite and Martensite transformation. 4.0 Heat Treatment (10) 4.1 Explain purpose of heat treatment 4.2 Describe processes of heat treatment and elaborate the methods of annealing, normalizing, hardening, tempering, martempering, age hardening and surface hardening methods. 4.3 List effect of heat treatment on the properties of steel 4.4 Explain hardenability of steel 4.5 Non-conventional hardening process – Carburizing, Litriding, Cyaniding, Flame and induction hardening. 4.6 Vacuum Heat Treatment. 5.0 Non ferrous alloys (04) 5.1 Describe composition, properties and the uses of 5.1.1 Aluminium alloys such as duralumin, y-alloy 5.1.2 Copper alloys such as Copper-Aluminium (the Aluminium bronzes) Copper-tin-antimony (Babbitt metal) Copper-tin (tin bronzes) Copper-tin-phosphorous (phosphor bronzes) Copper-zinc (brass) Copper-nickel (the cupro-nickels) 22 5.2 6.0 5.1.3 Lead alloys 5.1.4 Zinc alloys 5.1.5 Nickel alloys Name the alloys for high temperature service Evaluation of material 6.1 Destructive testing of material – 6.1.1 Hardness testing 6.1.2 Tensile and Compressive shear testing 6.1.3 Notch impact testing 6.1.4 Fatigue testing and Creep testing. 6.2 (04) Non-Destructive testing 6.2.1 Visual inspection 6.2.2 liquid penetration inspection 6.2.3 Magnetic particle inspection 6.2.4 Eddy current inspection 6.2.5 Ultrasonic and Radiographic inspection 7.0 Polymers, Composites and ceramics (05) 7.1 List properties and application of thermo-plastic and thermo-setting plastics 7.2 List properties of elastomers 7.1 Classify composite material 7.2 Explain particle-reinforced & fiber reinforced composites and their properties. 7.3 Classify and state application of ceramics 8.0 Material Selection and Mode of Failure 8.1 Parameter to be considered for material selection. 8.2 Classification of fracture. (02) RECOMMENDED BOOKS 1) Materials Science & Processes by S.K. Hazra Choudhury 2) A textbook of Material Science and metallurgy by O.P. Khanna 3) A textbook of Material Science by G.B.S. Narang 4) Science of Engineering Materials by Srivastava and Srinivasan 23 HYDRAULICS & HYDRAULIC MACHINE L T P 5 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 75 Theory : 75 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Curri. Ref. No. ME402 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topics Properties of Fluids and hydrostatics Bernoulli’s equation and its applications. Flow through orifices and notches. Flow through pipes. Impact of Jet. Turbines Centrifugal pumps. Reciprocating pumps. TOTAL Period 08 10 10 10 10 12 08 07 75 RATIONALE : Use of fluids in engineering field is of great importance. It is therefore necessary to study the physical properties and characteristic of fluids which have very important use and application in mechanical and automobile engineering. Actual use of or action by various liquids like water and oil can be realized by a group of machines called fluid machines. Mechanical and automobile students should be conversant with design, operation and use of these hydraulic machine. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Understand various properties of fluids and pressure of fluid with pressure measuring devices. Understand the behaviour of fluids in motion through closed conduit. Understand the flow of fluids through orifices and notches. Evaluate fictional loses during flow of liquid through pipes. Analyze forces during impact of jet. Understand the working of water turbines. Explain the working of centrifugal pumps. Explain the working of reciprocating pumps. 24 HYDRAULICS & HYDRAULIC MACHINE COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Properties of a fluid (08) 1.1 Define a fluid 1.2 Classify fluids 1.3 Define various fluid properties such as density, specific weight, specific gravity, viscosity and surface tension and state the units 1.4 Define fluid pressure 1.5 Define total pressure (hydrostatic force) 1.5.1 Calculate total pressure and location of centre of pressure on vertical, horizontal, inclined. 1.6 Explain working of various measuring devices for pressure 1.7 Solve numerical problem involving the principle of manometers of simple, differential and inverted types 1.8 Principle of buoyancy and floatation 2.0 Bernoulli’s equation & its application (10) 2.1 State various types of flow 2.2 State & prove equation of continuity for one-dimensional flow 2.3 State various energies of fluid 2.4 State & prove Bernoulli’s theorem 2.5 State the limitations of same 2.6 Specify application of Bernoulli’s equation 2.7 Explain the working of ventury meter, pitot tube 2.8 Solve numerical problem on above 3.0 Flow through orifices and notches 3.1 Define orifices 3.2 Classify orifices 3.3 Define orifice coefficient such as Cc, Cv, Cd 3.4 Establish the relation between orifice coefficients 3.5 Define weir and notch 3.6 States the types of weir and notch 3.7 Differentiate between weir and notch. 3.8 Solve numerical problems on above. 4.0 Flow through Pipes (10) 4.1 Define a Pipe in pipe. 4.2 State laws of fluid friction 4.3 Mention the equation of loss of head through pipe due to friction 4.4 State Darcy’s formula and chezy’s formula 4.5 Explain Hydraulic gradient and total energy line 4.6 Define nozzle & state its application 4.7 Derive the expression of Power transmission through nozzle 4.8 Compute the condition of maximum power transmission through nozzle 4.9 Solve numerical problems on above (10) 25 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Impact of Jet (10) 5.1 Estimate impact of jet on flat surface 5.1.1 Determine impact of jet on fixed flat plate 5.1.2 Solve numerical problem on above 5.2 Estimate impact of jet and work done on moving flat plates 5.2.1 Estimate impact of jet and work done on series of flat plates fixed on rim of a cylinder. Derive the condition for maximum hydraulic efficiency out of such system 5.2.2 Solve numerical problems on above 5.3 Draw velocity triangle for jet impinging tangentially in curved vane. 5.3.1 Estimate work done and efficiency of above system Turbines (12) 6.1 Define water turbine 6.2 Classify water turbine 6.3 Describe construction and working of pelton wheels 6.3.1 Draw velocity triangle for a single bucket 6.3.2 Estimate work done and efficiencies for pelton wheels 6.3.3 Solve numerical problem on above 6.4 Describe construction and working of Francis turbine 6.4.1 Draw velocity triangle for Francis turbine 6.4.2 Estimate work done and efficiencies for Francis turbine 6.4.3 Solve numerical problems on above 6.4.4 Draw velocity triangle for inward and outward flow reaction turbines 6.4.5 Solve numerical problems on above. 6.5 Describe construction and working of Kaplan turbine 6.6 Describe governing of hydraulic turbines 6.7 Explain the working of Surge tanks and draft tubes 6.8 State the criteria for selection of hydraulic turbines 6.9 Solve numerical problems involving quantity of water, head, power and efficiency Pumps (08) 7.1 Classify pumps 7.1.1 Centrifugal pumps 7.2 Describe construction and working of Centrifugal pump. 7.2.1 Explain various types of casings, such as volute, vortex and different user types. 7.3 Draw velocity triangle for a single vane of impeller 7.4 Computer the work done for same 7.4.1 Define various heads of centrifugal pumps 7.4.2 Define manometric efficiency, mechanical efficiency and over all efficiency of centrifugal pump 7.4.3 Solve numerical problems on above 7.5 Define manometric starting speed 7.5.1 Derive the expression for minimum starting speed 7.6 Explain the working of multistage pumps 7.7 Explain priming of centrifugal pumps with various priming procedure used 7.8 State the method of prevention of air intake for centrifugal pumps Reciprocating pumps (07) 8.1 Describe construction and working of single acting reciprocating pump 8.1.1 Describe construction and working of double acting reciprocating pump 8.2 Define slip 8.2.1 State positive & negative slip 8.2.2 Establish relation between slip & coefficient of discharge 8.3 Derive the formula for HP required to drive 8.3.1 Single acting reciprocating pump 26 8.4 8.3.2 Double acting reciprocating pump Solve numerical problems on above RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines by Modi & Seth, Standard Book 2. Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Bansal 3. Fluid Mechanics by A.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers 4. Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics by Jagadish Lal, Metropolitan Book 5. Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by R.S. Khurmi 27 THERMAL ENGINEERING – I L T P 5 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 75 Theory : 75 Curri. Ref. No. ME302 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Sl. No. Topics 1. Thermodynamic concepts and properties 2. Laws of thermodynamics 3. Properties & process of ideal gases 4. Internal combustion engine 5. Air compressors 6. Refrigeration 7. Air conditioning TOTAL Period 08 10 08 16 10 15 08 75 RATIONALE : Thermal engineering is the field of applied science which deals with the energy possessed by heated gases and vapours, and the laws which govern the conversion of this energy into mechanical energy and vice versa. This is the fundamental subject for understanding the process of producing vast amount of mechanical energy from heat energy and therefore necessary to be learned by all engineering students. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Understand the different Thermodynamic properties. Explain the first two laws of thermodynamics and its application. Find out the various properties of gases on PV & T-S diagram of various Thermodynamic process. Understand the different types of I.C. engines and their working principle with the help of thermodynamic cycle. Find out the performance of the I.C. engine. Describe the working principle of reciprocating air compressor and find out the efficiency. Understand the basic concepts of air refrigeration system. Understand the different types of air conditioning. 28 THERMAL ENGINEERING – I COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Thermodynamic concept and properties (08) 1.1 Explain energy 1.2 Describe the sources of energy 1.2.1 Conventional energy (thermal, mechanical) 1.2.2 Non-conventional energy 1.3 Explain various thermodynamic systems 1.3.1 Closed system 1.3.2 Open system 1.3.3 Isolated system 1.3.4 Explain thermodynamic equilibrium condition 1.3.5 Explain quasi-static process 1.3.6 Define thermodynamic properties, process and cycle 1.4 Classify thermodynamic properties (intensive, extensive) 1.5 Define thermodynamic properties (pressure, volume, temp, internal energy-enthalpy). 1.6 Define heat, work & state their units. 1.7 Derive P-dV work transfer on P-v diagram 1.8 Explain specific heat 1.8.1 specific heat at constant vol. (Cv) 1.8.2 specific heat at constant pressure 1.9 Derive relationship between Cp ad Cv. 2.0 Laws of thermodynamics (10) 2.1 State and explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics 2.2 State and explain first law of thermodynamics 2.3 Explain application of first law of thermodynamics non-flow process & solve simple problems on: 2.3.1 Const pr. Process 2.3.2 Const vol. process 2.3.3 Adiabatic process 2.3.4 Isothermal process 2.4 Application of first law of thermodynamics to steady flow process & general energy equation applied to condenser, nozzle, turbine 2.5 Explain the limitation of 1st law of thermodynamics 2.6 State and explain second law of thermodynamics 2.6.1 Define heat engine, efficiency, heat pump, refrigerator, & C.O.P. 2.6.2 State Kelvin-Planks statement 2.6.3 State Clausius statement 2.7 Explain reversible and irreversible process and highlight causes of irreversibility 2.8 State Clausius inequality 2.9 Define entropy 2.10 Explain principle of increase of entropy 3.0 Properties, processes of ideal gas (08) 3.1 Explain difference between ideal gas & real gas 3.2 Explain difference between gas & vapour 3.3 State Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay Lussac law & combined gas equation (with problems) 3.4 Derive and explain characteristic gas const., Universal gas constant (with problems) 29 3.5 3.6 4.0 5.0 6.0 Explain various non-flow thermodynamic processes and solve problems on 3.5.1 Isothermal process 3.5.2 Isobaric process 3.5.3 Isochoric process 3.5.4 Isentropic process 3.5.5 Polytropic process Explain free-expansion & throttling process Internal combustion engine (16) 4.1 Explain air standard cycle 4.1.1 Otto cycle 4.1.2 Diesel cycle 4.1.3 Dual-combustion cycle 4.2 Derive the air standard efficiency of above cycles, solve some related problems 4.3 Explain classification of I.C. engines 4.4 Identify various I.C. engine parts & their functions 4.5 Explain the terminology of I.C. engine such as bore, dead centers, stroke compression ratio, clearance volume, stroke volume piston speed and R.P.M. 4.6 Explain the working principle of 2-stroke C.I. & S.I. Engine with valve timing diagram. 4.7 Differentiate between 2-stroke, 4-stroke engine 4.8 Explain performance testing of I.C. engine 4.8.1 Describe how to determine of I.H.P., B.H.P. and F.H.P. & mechanical efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel combustion. Air compressor (10) 5.1 Explain the function of compressor and industrial use of compressed air 5.2 Classify air compressor 5.3 Describe the construction and working principle of Reciprocating air compressor 5.4 Explain the terminology of reciprocating compressor such as bore, stroke, clearance vol., swept vol., piston speed, pressure ratio, free-air delivered and volumetric efficiency Refrigeration (15) 6.1 Air Refrigeration cycle 6.1.1 Define Refrigeration 6.1.2 Explain methods of Refrigeration 6.1.3 State unit of Refrigeration, C.O.P. 6.1.4 Explain carnot cycle, reversed carnot cycle, bell coleman cycle and derive the C.O.P. with simple problems 6.1.5 Explain open air and closed air refrigeration system 6.2 Vapour compression system 6.2.1 Explain the principle and analysis of vapour comp. Refrigeration system with help of PH, T-S diagram, simple problem 6.2.2 Write down different types of refrigerant with their properties (Ammonia, CO2, F-11, F12) 6.2.3 Briefly Explain the working principle of Ice-plant, cold storage, domestic Refrigerator. 6.3 Vapour absorption system 6.3.1 Explain the working principle of vapor absorption system 6.3.2 Understand the working principle of Electrolux Refrigeration 30 7.0 Air conditioning (08) 7.1 Explain the purpose of air conditioning 7.2 Define the Psychrometric terms (dry air, moist air, saturated air, humidity, absolute humidity, D.B.T., W.B.T., D.P.T.) 7.3 Study Psychrometric chart 7.4 Explain Psychrometric process 7.4.1 (Sensible cooling, sensible heating, humidification, dehumidification) 7.5 Comfort air conditioning 7.6 Explain working principle of summer air conditioning system and winter air conditioning system RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Thermal engineering: A.S. Saran 2. Engineering thermodynamics: P.K. Nag 3. Thermal Engineering: A. Basu 4. Refrigeration and air conditioning: R.S. Khurmi & Gupta 5. Thermal Engineering: P.L. Ballaney 6. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Manohar Prasad 31 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DRAWING L T S 3 0 2 Total Contact Hours : 75 Theory : 45 Sessional :30 Curri. Ref. No. ME404 &ME408 Total Marks Theory : 100 End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 Sessional : 50 End Term Exam : (Int. comm. :15,Ext. comm. :15) I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Sl. No. Topics 1. Introduction 2. Draw different types of joints 3. Assembly and detail drawings TOTAL Period 10 25 40 75 RATIONALE : Drawing is the language of engineer. For learning and practicing mechanical and automobile engineering, mechanical engineering drawing is most important. OBJECTIVES : Students after completing the course will be able to understand and produce drawings of various mechanical components and devices. COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Dimensions 1.2 Sections 1.3 Angle projections 1.4 Bill of material 1.5 Conventional representation (10) 2.0 Draw different types of joints (5 sheets) 2.1 Bolts, Nuts, Thread 2.2 Screw, Rivets 2.3 Joints 2.3.1 Cotter joints 2.3.2 Knuckle joints 2.3.3 Pipe joints & Coupling 2.3.4 Flanged Coupling (25) 32 3.0 Assembly and detail Drawings (5 sheets) 3.1 Rigid pedestal food step bearing 3.2 Plumber block 3.3 Stuffing Box 3.4 Steam stop valve 3.5 Boiler safety valve 3.6 Tail stock (40) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Machine Drawing by R. B. Gupta. 2. A text book Machine Drawing by R.K. Dhawan, S. Chand & Co. 3. Machine Drawing by T. Jones and J. Jones 4. Engineering and Machine Drawing by N.D. Bhatt, Charotar Book Stall 5. Machine Drawing by P.S. Gill. 33 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY - II L T P 4 0 0 Total Contact Hours : 60 Theory : 60 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Curri. Ref. No. ME405 Total Marks : 100 Theory : End Term Exam : 80 I.A. : 20 TOPICS WISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topics Milling Grinding Broaching Super Finishing Processes Forging Gear Manufacturing Jigs and Fixtures Press Work Metrology TOTAL Period 10 10 03 03 05 05 04 10 10 60 RATIONALE : Engineering basically means production of goods and services for human consumption. The major function of mechanical engineering is to manufacture various products using machineries, production processes and production management techniques. Therefore, this is one of the most important subject to be learnt by a mechanical and automobile engineer. OBJECTIVES : On completion of subject students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Describe different types of milling machine with attachment and various types of cutters. Acquire knowledge on selection and specification of grinding wheel as well as various types of grinding machine. To understand the nomenclature of broach and its advantage over other manufacturing process. Acquire knowledge of super finishing processes. Describe various tools and application of forging. Acquire knowledge of different processes of gear manufacturing. Define jigs and fixtures and describe jigs and fixtures with respect to principle and method of location and various types of jigs and fixtures. Describe the different types of sheet metal work and parts of die. Understand the basic standard of measurement and measuring instruments of engineering importance. 34 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – II COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Milling (10) 1.1 Introduction, Working principle and describe various types of milling machines and operations performed by them. 1.2 Explain work holding attachment. 1.3 Describe construction and working of simple dividing head, universal dividing head. 1.4 Methods and operation of Milling 1.5 Explain the procedure of simple indexing and compound indexing. 1.6 Nomenclature of a milling cutter. 1.7 Various milling cutters. 2.0 Grinding (10) 2.1 Introduction and principle of grinding 2.2 Grinding wheels 2.2.1 Classification of grinding wheel 2.2.2 Shape and Size of grinding wheel 2.2.3 Grinding wheel abrasive 2.2.4 Grain size and grit size 2.2.5 Type of Bond 2.2.6 Grade and Structure 2.2.7 Dressing and truing of grinding wheels 2.3 Specification of grinding wheels 2.4 State criteria for selection of grinding wheels 2.5 Classification of Grinding Machines 2.5.1 Cylindrical Grinder 2.5.2 Surface Grinder 2.5.3 Centre less Grinder 2.6 Application and advantages of grinding. 3.0 Broaching (03) 3.1 Introduction and principle of operation 3.2 Size and specification of broaching machine 3.3 Types of broaches 3.4 Broach parts and nomenclature 3.5 Advantages limitation and applications of broaching. 4.0 Super Finishing Processes (03) 4.1 Introduction of surface finish surface roughness 4.2 Honing, Lapping, Super Finishing, Abrasive Belt Finishing, Polishing, Buffing, Tumbling and Gear Finishing. 4.3 Application of Super Finishing Processes. 5.0 Forging (05) 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Explain different forging hand tools with size, specification and uses 5.3 Describe various forging processes such as hand forging, machine forging, drop forging, stamping, bending and wire drawing. 6.0 Gear Manufacturing (05) 6.1 Introduction and classification of Gears 6.2 Gear terminologies 6.3 Method of gear cutting 6.4. Generating Process 6.4.1 Gear Shaper 6.4.2 Gear Planner 6.4.3 Gear Hobbing 35 7.0 Jigs and Fixtures (04) 7.1 Define jigs and fixtures 7.2 State advantages of using jigs and fixtures 7.3 State the principles of locations 7.4 Describe the methods of location with respect to 3-2-1 point location of rectangular jig. 7.5 Parts of jigs and fixtures 7.6 Design consideration of jigs and fixtures 7.7 Types of jigs and fixtures 8.0 Press Work 8.1 Classification of machine 8.2 Specification of power press 8.3 Parts of Press 8.4 Types of die 8.4.1 Clearance on die set 8.5 Construction and parts of die 8.6 Various sheet metal operations 9.0 Metrology (10) 9.1 Definition of objective of metrology 9.1.1 Physical measurement 9.1.2 Precision and accuracy 9.1.3 Types of Error 9.1.4 Working and reference standard 9.2 Line measurement and end measurement – Instrument and gauges. 9.3 Angular measurement – Sine bar, Angle gauge, Bevel protector. 9.4 Comparators – (Introduction only) Mechanical, Electrical, Optical, Pneumatic 9.5 Limits, Fits and Tolerances. (10) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Metrology by .AK. Jain Workshop Technology – II Hazra Choudhury, Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Workshop Technology, Part – I & II by W.A.S. Chapman, ELBS. All About Machine Tools by H. Gerling, New Age International (P) Ltd. Tool Desing, Donaldson, TMH Materials and Processes in Manufacturing – by DeGarmo (PHI) CNC machines – by B.S. Pabla and M. Adithan – New Age Publishers (P) Ltd Metrology by R.K. Jain Workshop Technology Vol. I & II by B.S. Raghubanshi 36 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB - II L T P 0 0 6 Total Contact Hours : 90 Curri. Ref. No. ME406 Total Marks : 100 Practical : End Term Exam : 80 (Int. comm. :40,Ext. comm. :40) I.A. : 20 RATIONALE : Engineering is a practical field oriented profession. It essential that the mechanical and automobile engineering students realize and test knowledge and understanding of various subject through practical experiments in the laboratories. OBJECTIVES : To identify, Specify, Start (where applicable) different equipment and laboratory setup and perform respective experiment in the laboratories pertaining to engineering mechanics, strength of material and material science & technology. COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Hydraulic Lab 1.1 Study of mechanical pressure gauge 1.2 Study of Manometers 1.3 Determine Cc, Cv, Cd for circular orifices 1.4 Verify of Bernoulli’s theorem 1.5 Perform experiments on centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump 1.6 Perform experiments on Hydraulic turbines 1.6.1 Francis turbine 1.6.2 Pelton turbine 1.7 Determine the discharge and co-efficient of rectangular notch 1.8 Determination of metacentric height of a floating. 2.0 Thermal engineering lab 2.1 Study and running of 3.1.1 Two stroke petrol and diesel engine 3.1.2 Four stroke petrol and diesel engine 2.2 Performance test of four stroke diesel and petrol engine. 2.2.1 Mechanical efficiency 2.2.2 Brake thermal efficiency 2.2.3 Specific fuel consumption/BHP/HR 2.3 Perform experiments on air compressor rig 2.4 Find the COP of refrigerator 2.5 Study of Ice plant 2.6 Study of domestic refrigerator N.B. Each student perform minimum 8 experiments taking at least 4 from each group 37 WORKSHOP PRACTICE - IV L T P 0 0 6 Total Contact Hours : 90 Curri. Ref. No. ME407 Total Marks : 100 Practical : End Term Exam : 80 (Int. comm. :40,Ext. comm. :40) I.A. : 20 RATIONALE: Manufacturing of products is done through use of various machineries and processes in industry. It is therefore, essential for mechanical and automobile engineers to have practical training in these manufacturing processes and operation of the machineries OBJECTIVES: To identify, specify and use various tools, instruments and materials and make appropriate jobs with their own hands in fitting, smithy, milling & gear cutting, grinding and press work. COURSE CONTENT : 1.0 Machine Shop 1.1 Job practice involving 1.1.1 Drilling 1.1.2 Boring 1.1.3 Turning 1.1.4 shaper 1.2 Flat surfacing on grinding 1.3 Spur gear cutting on milling machines 1.4 Simple indexing 2.0 Smithy 2.1 Study of smithy hand tools, machine and their uses 2.2 Observe Demonstration types of job 2.3 Perform jobs 2.3.1 Door ring with hook 2.3.2 Octagonal flat chisel 2.4 Observe safety procedures 3.0 Metrology 3.1 Line & end measurement instrument 3.2 Angle measurement 3.3 Precision instruments & measurements 3.4 Use of Mechanical Comparator 4.0 Press Work 4.1 Fly press 4.2 blanking, piercing ,bending, cutting off etc 5.0 Welding 5.1 Introduction to gas welding and arc welding processes, use of welding machines, protective equipments such as boot, gloves, safety goggles, apron etc. 5.2 Welding practice job with finishing N.B. Each student perform minimum 5 jobs taking at least one from each group. 38