Current CV/Bio

Date of Birth : 18-05-1944.
: 90-Panchamukhi Soc., B/H Dixit Colony,
Nr. Sri Ram Eng. College, Madhotal,
Katangi Rd., JABALPUR – 482 002.
Mob.: 9893101016.
Education :
B.V.Sc.& A.H.
JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P.
M.V.Sc.(Obst.& Gyn.)
JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P.
Ph.D. (Reprod.Biol.)
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi
Positions held
Research Fellow
( Reprod. Biol.)
June 1968 to Jan 1969
Jan 1969 to July 1970
Aug.1970 to Jan 1975
Associate Professor
Professor / Res.Sci.
(Gynae. & Obstet./
Reprod. Biol.)
Jan. 1975 to Jan 1986
Jan 1986 to May 2004.
Oct.2004 to April 2005
I/C Principal & Dean
April 1997 to Aug 1997
Veterinary College, JNKVV,
Jabalpur, M.P.
All-India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi.
All-India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi.
Punjab Agricultural University
Gujarat Agricultural University
S.K.Nagar / Anand
Veterinary College, Anand.
Other credentials
1. Young Scientist Award (ICMR) : 1972
2. Nils Lagerlof Memorial Award : 1985
3. Fellowship (ISSAR)
: 1992
4. Conducted Technical co-operative Mission at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as
an expert on behalf of International Atomic Energy Agency : 1998.
Conducted International Training Programme on Radio-isotopic
Techniques and Radio-immuno assay on behalf of International Atomic
Energy Agency, Vienna.
Remained member of the Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Animal
Expert / Examiner at various Universities, U.P.S.C.
8. Referee for the Indian J. Anim. Sci.(ICAR), Indian J. Anim.Reprod.,
ICAR’s Ad-hoc research projects and Department of Atomic Energy
9. Life Member, Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction.
10 Life Member, Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility.
11. Remained Member of various bodies of Gujarat Agricultural University.
Field of specialization:
(Reproductive endocrinology, RIA of hormones, Buffalo
reproduction and embryo transfer, Evaluation and
management of reproductive efficiency in cattle and
buffaloes in the tropics, A.I. Training and management.)
: 131.
Post-graduate Students guided : M.V.Sc. - 10.
- 5.
Nature of duties : Taught Animal Reproduction to under-graduate and postperformed
graduate Veterinary students; Guided Post-graduate and
Doctoral research; supervised research projects sponsored
by various agencies; Trained field Veterinarians; General
administration; Academic work at University level and at
other Academic Institutes.
Research Projects Handled:
1. “Hormone levels in women taking oral contraceptives”. ICMR Research
Project, AIIMS, New Delhi, (1970 – 73) – Asstt. Research Officer.
2. WHO Research & Training Center in Human Reproduction, AIIMS, N. Delhi,
(1973-75) – Jr. Research Officer.
3. “Hormonal levels in Murrah buffaloes during different phases of
reproduction”. ICAR Research Project, PAU, Ludhiana, (1975-76)Endocrinologist.
4. “Reproductive disorders in cattle and buffaloes”, PAU, Ludhiana, (1976-86) –
Associate Professor , Gynaecology.
5. “Deep freezing of Ram semen”, (Proposed and got sanctioned as GAU Plan
Scheme ,1989 – 91).
6. “Infertility in cattle and buffaloes”, GAU, Anand (1991-94) – Principal
7. “Initiating research in embryo transfer technology in cattle and buffaloes”,
GAU, Anand, (1994-2004) – Principal Investigator.
8. “Reproductive efficiency in Surti and Marwari goats”, GAU, Anand, (19942004) – Principal Investigator.
9. “Network Programme on embryo transfer technology in animal production”,
(ICAR), GAU, Anand (1995-2000) – Scientist-in-Charge.
10. “Endocrine profiles in Jafrabadi buffaloes during different phases of
reproduction”, (ICAR Scheme), GAU, Anand (2000-2003) – Principal
11. “Radioimmunoassay monitored hormone therapy in post-partum buffaloes to
economize milk production” (Department of Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic
Research Center, Mumbai), GAU, Anand, (2002-2004)- Principal
Specific experience related to use of Radio-isotopes in Research :
(i)In vitro and In vivo studies using 3H and 14C labeled
(ii) Established RIA laboratory and standardized RIA of LH,
FSH and Prolactin at the WHO’s Research and Training
Center in Human Reproduction, All-India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi and Trained several
researchers in RIA techniques.
(iii) Established RIA laboratory and standardized
Progesterone, estradiol and Testosterone RIA at
Punjab Agricultural University and trained several
researchers in RIA techniques.
(iv) Conducted RIA of steroid hormones to study various
aspects of reproductive endocrinology in
Buffaloes and goats.
(vi) Conducted International training Programme on Radioisotopic techniques and Radio-immunoassay on behalf of
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
1. Dugwekar,Y.G.,Narula,R.K. and Laumas,K.R. (1971) Metabolic clearance rate
of chlormadinone acetate from the blood of women after a single intravenous
injection.Proc. Symp. Basic Mechanisms in Radiation Biology & Medicine, New
Delhi, P. 599.
2. Dugwekar,Y.G.,Narula,R.K. and Laumas,K.R. (1971) Uptake and disappearance
of chlormadinone acetate in the blood and reproductive tissues of women. Indian J.
Physiol Phaimacol. 15:19.
3. Dugwekar.Y.G. (1972) Some aspects of the mechanism of action of contraceptive
steroids. Paper presented at the ICMR Young Scientist’s conference, Hydrabad,
March 1972.
4. Laumas,K.R.,Dugwekar,Y.G. and Narula,R.K. (1972) Fate of Chlormadinone
acetate in women. IV International Congr. Endocr.( Excerpta Medica Int. Congr.
Series No. 256, Abstr. No. 69).
5. Dugwekar,Y.G. and Mittal,V.P. (1972) Preservation of buffalo bull semen at room
temperature : Comparative study of various diluents. Indian Vety. J. 46: 156.
6. Dugwekar,Y.G.,Narula,R.K. and Laumas,K.R. (1973) Disappearance of l3HChlormadinone acetate from the plasma of women. CONTRACEPTION, 7: 27.
7. Dugwekar,Y.G.,Narula,R.K. and Laumas,K.R. (1973) Distribution of l3H –
Chlormadinone acetate in the reproductive tract of women. CONTRACEPTION,
8. Laumas,K.R.,Hingorani,V.,Malkani,P.K., Laumas,V., Murugesan,K., Bhatnager S.,
Farooq ,A., Dugwekar.Y.G., Uniyal,J.P., Verma,U., Srivastava,U.K., Narula,R.K.,
Krishnan,A.R., Kashyap,P. and Sharma,U. (1973) Metabolism and action of
progestational steroids. Proc. Indian Natal. Sci. Academy 39(8): 387.
9. Laumas,K.R., Narula,R.K., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Chandra,V.L. (1973) Effect
of contraceptive steroids administered as sub-cut silastic implants on the plasma LH
and progesterone levels in women. Symp. Advances in Chemistry, Biology and
immunology of gonadotropins. Bangalore, Oct. 21-27, 1973.
10. Dugwekar,Y.G., Kashyap,P., Hingorani,V., and Laumas,K.R. (1973) Effect of
daily administration of low dose norgestril on the plasma LH levels in women. Indian
J. Physiol. Phaimacol. 17:164.
11. Dugwekar,Y.G., Rao.B.R., Bapat,S.T. and Verman, P.N. (1975) Estrogen and
progesterone levels in repeat-breeder buffalo. Proc. Symp. Use of radiation and radioisotopes in the studies of Animal Production. IVRI, lzatnagar, P. 270.
12.Dugwekar,Y.G.,Rao,B.R. Bapat,S.T. and Verman,P.N. (1975) Serum progesterone
levels in buffaloes during pregnancy. Proc. Symp. Use of radiation and Radioisotopes
in the studies of Anim. Prod. IVRI, lzatnagar, P. 276
13. Narula,R.K., Chandra,V.L.,Dugwekar,Y.G., Rahman,S.A. and Laumas,K.R.
(1975) Long-term contraception by steroid releasing implants – Q. Clinical
effectiveness and mode of action o magestrol acetate in women. Indian J. Med. Res.
63: 1620.
14. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1978) Interaction of chlormadinone acetate with the proteins on
human plasma. J. Steroid. Biochem. 9: 831.
15.Singh,G.B.,Dugwekar,Y.G.,Chauhan,F.S. Sharma, R.D. and Singh,M. (1978)
Luteolytic effect of prostaglandin F2 in buffaloes. J. Steroid. Biochem.9:885.
16. Jha,P., Jain,P.K., Rehman,S.A.,, Dugwekar,Y.G. and Laumas,K.R. (1978) Serum
LH, FSH, progesterone and estradiol-17 levels of normally menstruating Indian
women. Indian J. Med. Res. 67: 57.
17. Rao,B.R., Dugwekar.Y.G., Bapat,S.T., Gujarathi,K.G. and Verman,P.N. (1978)
Total estrogen and progesterone levels in the blood of buffaloes during last two
months of pregnancy. Indian J. Dany Sci. 31: 181.
18. Dugwekar,Y.G. and Mittal,V.P. (1978) Morphology of buffalo bull spermatozoa
after preservation at room temperature in various diluents. Indian J. Daily Sci.31: 393.
19. Bansal,R.S., Gupta,S.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1978) Incidence of reproductive
disorders in buffaloes. J. Remount Vety. Corps. 19: 9.
20. Dugwekar,Y.G., Takkar,O.P.,Roy,S.K. and Sharma,R.D. (1978) Exfoliative
vaginal cytology of Murrah buffaloes during various stages of estrous cycle. Indian J.
Anim. Res. 12:102.
21.Pangawkar,G.R., Dugwekar,Y.G., Khan,A.G. and Mittal,V.P. (1978) Seasonal
variations in the semen quality of buffalo bulls. J. Remount Vety. Corps. 17: 201.
22.Singh,G.B., Chauhan,F.S„ Dugwekar,Y.G., Sharma,R.D. and Singh,M. (1978)
Prostaglandin F2 in the treatment of sub-estrus buffaloes. In FAO/SIDA follow-up
Seminar on Animal Reprod., Faizalabad, Pakistan.
23. Dugwekar,Y.G. and Laumas,K.R. (1979) Progesterone metabolism in the ovaries
of rats treated with oral gestagens. Proc.3rd Annual Conf. Soc.Endocr.,Varanasi.P. 14.
24. Singh,G.B., Dugwekar,Y.G., Sharma,R.D., Chauhan,F.S. and Singh,M. (1979)
Prostaglandin F2 in the treatment of sub-estrus buffaloes. Vety.Rec. 104: 412.
25. Dugwekar,Y.G., Pangawkar.G.R. and Sharma,R.D.(1980) Induction of estrus in
anestrus cows treated with ‘Fertivet’. THERIOGENOLOGY 13: 123.
26. Dutta, J. C. and Dugwekar, Y. G. (1981): Serum alkaline phosphatase and
lactic dehydrogenase levels in cows and buffaloes retaining and not retaining foetal
membranes. UGC Natl. Seminar on Reprod. Biol.,Anand,Gujarat.
27. Bedi,K.S., Singh,G.B„ Sharma,R.D. and Dugwekar,Y.G.(1981) Use of tonometer
for the prediction of semen productivity of buffalo bulls. Indian J. Anim.Reprod.1: 99.
28. Dhaliwal,A.S., Dugwekar,Y.G. and Sharma,R.D.(1981) In vivo pelvimetry in
buffaloes (Bos bubalus) . THERIOGENOLOGY, 15: 501.
29. Nanda, A.S., Sharma, R.D. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1981) Serum progesterone levels
in prepartum prolapse of vagina in buffaloes. Indian J. Dairy Sci.34: 467.
30. Mohanty,D.N. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1981) An evaluation of poor freezability of
semen in HF bulls. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 1: 100.
31. Dutta,J.C.and Dugwekar,Y.G.(1981)Therapeutic value of broad spectrum antibacterial drugs in the treatment of placental retention in cows. Indian J. Anim.Reprod.
1: 116.
32. Gujarathi, K.G., Dugwekar.Y.G., Onkar Prasad and Verman,P.N.(1981) Blood
serum progesterone in growing buffalo heifers. IndianJ. Physiol. Pharmacol. 25: 110.
33. Dha]iwal,A.S., Dugwekar,Y.G. and Sharma, R.D. (1982) Pelvimetry in buffaloes
(Bos bubalus) During pregnancy and parturition. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 2: 32.
34. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1982) Serum alkaline phosphatase and lactic
35. Dutta J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1982) Serum alkaline phosphatase and lactic
dehydrogenase activity in buffaloes with retained fetal membranes. Indian
J.Anim.Reprod. 3: 1.
36. Dutta, J.C. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1982) Incidence of retained placenta in cows and
buffaloes. Livestock Advisor 8: 17.
37. Dutta,J.C., Dave,M.R and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1983) Serum sodium and potassium
levels in cows and buffaloes retaining and not retaining fetal membranes.IndianVety.
38. Bedi,K.S., Biswas,R.K., Singh,G.B. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1983) Semen
production in relation to age and body weight of buffalo bulls. Indian J. Anim.
Reprod. 3: 96.
39. Mohanty, D.N., Biswas, R.K., Singh, G.B. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1983)
Reproductive efficiency of HF bulls in Punjab. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 3: 97.
40. Bedi,K.S., Singh,G.B. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1983) Testicular size in relation to
age of growing buffalo bulls. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 3: 98.
41. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1983) Blood glucose and serum protein levels in
cows retaining fetal membranes. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 3: 80.
42. Nowshahri M.A., Dugwekar,Y.G., Nem Singh and Dhablania,D.C. (1983)
Presence of transmissible venereal tumor during coitus, pregnancy and parturition in a
bitch – A case report. Indian J. Vety. Med. 3: 105.
43. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1983) Retention of fetal membranes in buffaloes –
Serum proteins and blood glucose levels. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 4: 56.
44. Bedi,K.S., Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1984) Fructolysis in semen and its
relation to breeding performance in buffalo bulls. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 4: 60.
45.Mohanty,D.N., Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1984) Biometry of HF bull
spermatozoa. J. Res. PAU, 21: 320.
46. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1984) Serum progesterone levels in buffaloes
retaining fetal membranes. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 5: 28.
47. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1984) Blood glucose and serum proteins in cows
retaining fetal membranes. Indian J. Anim. Res. 18: 77.
48. Bedi,K.S., Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1984) Biometry of Murrah buffalo
bull spermatozoa. Agric. Sci. Digest. 4: 107.
49. Mohanty.D.N., Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1985) Cold shock resistance
test as an indicator of spermatozoan freezability in HF bulls.IndianJ.Anim.Sci.55:107.
50.Bugalia,N.S„ Saigal,R.P„ Sharma,R.D. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1985) Diplopagus
sternopagys monster in an Indian water buffalo. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 6: 102.
51. Prani,P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1985) Hormonal and non-hormonal treatment of
summer anoestrus in buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 6: 198.
52. Tadkod,D.M.,Sharma,V.K., Patel P.R. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1986) Dystocia in
camel and its surgical treatment. 10th Convention, Indian Soc. Vety. Surgery,
53. Sambyal,D.S., Biswas,R.K., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Sharma,R.D. (1986)
Bacterial aetiology of some reproductive disorders and their therapy in cattle and
buffaloes. J. Res. PAU, 23:496.
54. Dutta,J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1986) Serum progesterone levels in cows
retaining fetal membranes. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 7: 40.
55. Dugwekar,Y.G. and Dutta, J.C. (1986) Influence of retained fetal membranes on
the fertility of buffaloes. Proc. Natl. Symp. Buffalo Prod., GAU, Junagadh, P. 40.
56. Pangawkar,G.R., Sharma,R.D., Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1986)
Composition of seminal plasma in relation to freezability in HF bulls.Proc. 6th Natl.
Congr. Anim. Reprod., Guwahati, P. 76.
57.Mohanty,D.N„ Biswas,R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1986) Metabolic traits of
spermatozoa and their relationship with fertility in HF bulls. J. Res.PAU, 23: 289.
58. Dugwekar,Y.G. and Bedi,K.S. (1986) Physical growth, genital development and
semen quality in growing buffalo bulls. Proc. Natl. Symp. Buffalo Prod. GAU,
Junagadh, P. 31.
59. Mohanty.D.N. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1987) Spermiograms of HF bulls and their
relationship with fertility. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 8: 81.
60. Dutta J.C. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1988) Treatment of retained fetal membranes in
bovines. Indian Vety. J. 65: 76.
61. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1988) A report on Research in Animal Reproduction. VII Annual
Convention, ISSAR, Trichur.
62. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1988) Physico-chemical properties of chlormadinone acetate
binding plasma protein. Natl. Symp. Recent Trends in Fertility Management of farm
animals, Trichur.
63. Mohanty,D.N„ Dugwekar,Y.G. and Biswas,R.K. (1988) Testicular measurements
of HF bulls as an indicator of reproductive performance. Natl. Seminar on Recent
Trends in Biotechnology, Madras.
64. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1988) Recent advances in the management of infertility in farm
animals in ‘Symposium on Infertility’ Indian Soc. Reprod. Fertility, Bombay.
65. Pangawkar,G.R., Sharma,R.D., Biswas R.K. and Dugwekar,Y.G.(1988)
Electrolyte composition of seminal plasma in relation to freezability in HF bulls.
Indian J. Dairy Sci. 41: 497.
65. Pangawkar,G.R., Sharma,R.D. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1989) Serum testosterone
profile in exotic and cross-bred bulls with different freezability and initially poor
quality semen. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 59: 1279.
66.Dugwekar,Y.G.(1989) A note on the ‘Research needs in the field of Animal
Reproduction’. VIII Annual Convention, ISSAR, Anand.
67. Pandey,S.K., Shukla,K.P., Gujar,B.V„ Pate,J.P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1989)
Studies on some reproductive traits in pregnant Kankrej heifers. Natl. Symp. Applied
Reprod. Farm Animals, Anand.
68. Pandey,S.K., Shukla,K.P., Gujar.B.V., Patel,J.P. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1990) Body
weight and pelvic dimensions during pregnancy and puerperium in Kankrej heifers.
Indian J. Anim. Reprod. II: 17.
69. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1990) Recent advances in the hormonal control of reproduction.
Seminar on ‘Hormonal control of bovine reproduction’. Sabar Daily, Himmatnagar.
70. Patel,J.A„ Tajne,K.R. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1991) Evaluation of semen quality of
rams. 1st Natl. Seminar on Small Ruminants Reproduction, CSWRI, Avikanagar.
71. Patel,K.V. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1991) Synchronization of estrus in Kankrej
cattle.Proc.Natl. Seminar ‘Recent Biotechnological Advances in Anim.Reprod’.HAU,
Hissar. P. 20.
72. Derashri, H.J„ Dugwekar,Y.G. and Chinoy, N.J. (1992) Effect of preservation on
lactate and succinate dehydrogenase activity of buffalo spermatozoa during summer
season. Proc.Int. Conf. on Fertility regulation, Bombay, P. 308.
73. Virani,A.C., Derashri,H.J. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1992) Effect of certain semen
diluent additives on preservation and freezability of buffalo bull semen. Proc. Int.
Conf. on Fertility regulation, Bombay, P. 311.
74. Pandey,S.K„ Shukla,K.P., Gujar,B.V., Patel, J.P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1992) Age,
height and growth rate at conception and first calving in Kankrej cows. J. Maharashtra
Agril. Univ. 17:341.
75. Pandey, S.K., Shukla,K.P., Gujar.B.V., Pate,J.P. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1992)
Studies on some reproductive characters of Kankrej cows. J. Maharashtra Agril. Univ.
17: 343.
76. Patel, J.A. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1994) Acrosomal enzymes and metabolic activity
of Patanwadi, Rambouilet x Patanwadi and Merino x Patanwadi ram spermatozoa.
Indian J. Anim. Sci. 64:1195.
77. Patel, D.M. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1994) Disposition of metronidazol in the
nflamed buffalo uterus.Proc. Natnl. Symp. Reproductive Health Care, Indian Soc.
Reprod Fertil, Jaipur, P. 129.
78. Derashri,H.J., Patel, D.M., Dhami,A.J. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1995) Inter-estrous
interval, frequency of services and conception rate in Surti buffaloes. Proc. Natnl.
Symp., Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Akola, P. 24.
79. Kamugisa, G.M., Patel, D.M., Prajapati, K.S. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1995)
Response of buffalo endometrium to the application of Lugol’s and povidone iodine.
Proc. Natnl. Symp., Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Akola, P. 38.
80. Chauhan,F.S., Sarvaiya,N.P., Mehta,V.M. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1995)
Comparative effect of two commercially available FSH preparations on superovulatory response and embryo yield in cross-bred cows. Proc.Natnl. Symp., Indian
Soc. Anim. Reprod., Akola, P. 52.
81. Sarvaiya,N.P., Chauhan,F.S., Mehta,V.M. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1995) Effect of
dose of P.G. and season on induction of estrus in Surti buffaloes. Proc. Natnl. Symp.,
Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Akola, P. 91.
82. Dugwekar,Y.G. (1996) Super-ovulation and embryo transfer in cattle, buffaloes
and goats. Proc. Workshop on Embryo Transfer Technology, Durg, M.P.
83. Deshpande,S.B., Baru,P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1996) Testosterone levels and
seminal attributes in goats. Proc. 2nd Asian & Oceanic Congr. Andrology, Chandigaih.
84.Pathak,M.M., Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,A.V. Patel,D.M. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1996)
Comparative study on super-ovulator y response in Surti buffaloes treated with two
brands of FSH.Proc. Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Pantnagar, P. 3.
85.Patel,A.V.,Deshpande,S.B., Baru,P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1996) Surgical embryo
transfer in Surti and Marwadi goats and their endocrine profiles. Proc. Natnl.
Convention of Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Pantnagar, P. 10.
86. Patel,D.M., Sarvaiya,N.P., Pathak,M.M., Belsare.V.P., Methew,K.O. and
Dugwekar.Y.G. (1996) Super-ovulatory response and embryo yield in Jersey cows
treated with Folltropin-V. Proc. Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod.,
Pantanagar., P. 16.
87. Deshpande,S.B., Baru, P., Sarvaiya,N.P. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1996) Preliminary
studies on surgical embryo transfer in Surti and Marwadi goats. Proc. Natal.
Convention, India Soc. Anim. Reprod., Pantnagar, P. 19.
88. Suthar, B. N., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Chauhan, F.S. (1996) Factors affecting serum
testosterone levels in Patanwadi rams and its crosses. Proc.Natnl.Convention lndian
Soc. Anim. Reprod., Pantnagar, P. 64.
89. Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel, D.M., Pathak M.M. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (1996) Effect of
prosolvin to induce and synchronize estrus in cows and buffaloes. Proc. Natnl.
Convention, Indian Soc. Anim. Reprod., Pantnagar, P. 84.
90. Dugwekar,Y.G., Baru, P., Deshpande,S.B., Patel, D.M. and Patel,A.V. (1996) A
preliminaiy study on development of abdominal canula for frequent laparoscopic
viewing of abdominal organs in goats. Proc. Natnl. Convention, Indian. Soc. Anim.
Reprod.,Pantnagar, P. 98
91. Deshpande, S.B., Patel, A.V., Baru, P. Sarvaiya, N.P. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1997)
Preliminary studies on embryo transfer in local breeds of goats of Gujarat. Indian J.
Anim. Reprod. 18:115.
92. Baru,P., Patel,D.M. Deshpande.S.B. Patel, A.V.and Dugwekar.Y.G.(1999)A
preliminary study on the development of abdominal canula for frequent viewing of
abdominal organs in caprine. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 20: 71.
93. Kamugisa, G.M., Patel, D.M., Prajapati, K.S. and Dugwekar,Y.G.(1999) Effect of
Lugol’s iodine and povidone iodine on the histology of buffalo endometrium. Buffalo
J. 3: 397.
94. Patel, A.J. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1999) Physical characteristics of Patanwadi,
Rambouttet x Patanwadi and Merino x Patanwadi ram spermatozoa. Indian Vety. J.
76: 391.
95. Patel, K.V., Dhami, A.J., Chauhan, M.K, Dave, A.S., Vadodaria, V.P. and
Dugwekar,Y.G. (2000) Freezability, enzyme leakage and fertility of bovine
spermatozoa. Indian J.Dairy Sci. 53 (4) : 284.
96.Dugwekar.Y.G. (2000) Embiyo transfer in goats. In Compendium on Goat
Production, Gujarat Agril. Univ., Anand, published Jan. 2000.
97. Patel, K.V., Dave, A.S.and Dugwekar.Y.G. (2001) Testicular biometry and sperm
production in HF and cross-bred bulls. Indian J. Anim. Reprod, 22(1): 69.
98. Patel, K.V., Chauhan, M.K., Mehta, V.M. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (2001) Reaction
time, seminal fructose, fructolysis index and blood testosterone profile in HF and
cross-bred bulls. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 71(2) : 109.
99.Dugwekar,Y.G.,Patel,D.M.,Sarvaiya,N.P. and Patel,A.V.(2001) Induction and
synchronization of estrus in Jersey cows treated with PG F2 by two different routes .
Proc.Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., Jodhpur, P.68.
100.Patel,A.V.,Parmar,A.P.,Deshpande,S.B.,Patel,D.M. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2001)
Oestrus synchronization in Surti goats treated with progesterone impregnated vaginal
sponges. Proc.Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., Jodhpur, P.73.
101.Patel,D.M., Sarvaiya,N.P. ,Patel,A.V., Parmar,A.P. and Dugwekar,Y.G .(2001)
Biological and hormonal profiles of buffaloes during induction of estrus treated with
Crestar ear implant. Proc.Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., Jodhpur, P.74
102.Sarvaiya, N.P., Patel,D.M., Pathak,M.M., Patel,A.V., and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2001)
Superovulatory response, embryo recovery and ovarian steroids in Jersey cows treated
with different FSH preparations
and routes of administrations. Proc.Natnl.
Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., Jodhpur, P. 78.
103.Pant, H.C., Barot, L.R., Dugwekar,Y.G. , Kasiraj,R. and Prabhakar, J.H.(2002):
Hormonal induction of oestrus in anoestrous buffaloes. Indian J .Anim. Reprod. 23
104.Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,D.M., Pathak,M.M., Patel,A.V. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2002)
Superovulatory response and embryo recovery in jersey cows. Proc. Natnl.
Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., IVRI, Izatnagar, P. 39.
105.Patel,A.V.,Deshpande,S.B.,Parmar,A.P.,Sarvaiya,N.P.and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2002)
Induction and synchronization of estrus in Surti goats treated with injectable
progestoges. Proc. Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod.,IVRI,Izatnagar,P. 73.
106.Dugwekar,Y.G., Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,A.V., Patel,M.D. (2002) Serum estradiol
and progesterone levels during different phases of reproduction in Jafrabadi buffaloes.
Proc. Natnl. Convention, Indian Soc.Anim.Reprod., IVRI, Izatnagar, P. 109.
107. Patel, A.V., Deshpande, S.B., Sarvaiya, N.P . and Dugwekar, Y.G .(2002):
Effect of Anti-PMSG on the ovulatory response and serum levels in Surti goats superovulated with PMSG. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 23 (2) : 151.
108. Suthar, B. N., Sharma, V. K., Dugwekar, Y. G. and Kavani, F. S. (2002) :
Serum testosterone profile in breeding rams. Indian J. Animal Reprod. 23 (2) : 154.
109. Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,D.M., Pathak,M.M., Patel,A.V. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2003):
Superovulatory response, embryo recovery and ovarian steroids in Jersey Cows
treated with different FSH preparations and their routes of administration. Indian J.
Animal Reprod. 24(1): 36.
110.Patel, D..M, Sarvaiya, N.P.Patel, A.V., Parmar,A.P. and Dugwekar,Y.G.(2003):
Induction of estrus and hormonal profile in buffaloes treated with norgestomet ear
implant. Indian J. Animal Reprod. 24(1): 67.
111. Dugwekar.Y.G., Patel, D.M., Sarvaiya, N.P. and Patel, A.V. (2003): Induction
and synchronization of estrus in Jersey cows treated with PGF2 by two different
routes. Indian J. Animal Reprod. 24(2): 163.
112. Dugwekar.Y.G., Sarvaiya, N.P., Suthar, B.N., Brahmkshtri, K.G.and Gajabia,
P.U. (2004): Reproductive performance of post-partum buffaloes treated with GnRH.
14th Annual meeting of the Indian Soc. Reprod. & Fertil., Bangalore, Jan.2004., P.28.
113. Pathak, M.M., Sarvaiya, N.P., Patel, A.V., Patel, D.M., and Dugwekar.Y.G.
(2004): Use of HCG to improve super-ovulatory response in buffaloes. Natnl
seminar, Biotech : A tool for sustainable agri. Prod.., GAU, Anand, Jan.2004., P.75.
114. Parmar, A.P., Sarvaiya, N.P. and Dugwekar, Y.G. (2004): Synchronization of
estrus and conception in goats treated with ‘Cronogest’. Natnl. Seminar, Emerging
Biotech. Frontiers in animal health & prod., GAU, S.K.Nagar,Feb.2004., P. 80.
115. Dugwekar.Y.G. (2004): Key Note Address: ‘Nuclear techniques as diagnostic
tools in reproductive bio-medicine’. Natnl. Seminar, Radiation and bio-molecular
techniques in animal sci. and human health, Assam Agril. Univ., Guwahati, March
116. Parmar,A.P., Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,A.V. and Dugwekar,Y.G. (2006): Control of
reproductive cycle in goats with Chronogest impregnated intra-vaginal sponges.
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117. Dugwekar,Y.G., Sarvaiya,N.P., Suthar,B.N., Shah,R.M., Chaudhary, C.F.,
Brahmkshtri, K.G. and Derashri, H.J. (2006): Influence of GnRH treatment on service
period in buffaloes. Indian J.Anim.Reprod., 27(2): 86.
118. Dugwekar,Y.G., Sarvaiya,N.P., Patel,M.D.,Tajne,K.R. and Shah,R.R. (2008):
Serum progesterone and estradiol levels in Jafrabadi buffaloes. Indian J. Anim.
Reprod., 29(2): 177-180.
Book :
Reproductive Biotechnology of Farm Animals Ed. Y.G.Dugwekar. Agrotech
Publishing Academy, Udaipur, India, 2006.
1. Laumas, K.R., Hingorani, V., Laumas, V., Malkani, P.K., Murugesan, K„
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normal and lactating women. ‘Advances in Medicine’. Proc. XX. Int. Congr.Intenal
Med.(Ed).R.Vishwanathan P. 39.
2. Dugwekar.Y.G. (1997) Present status of hormone therapy in bovine infertility. 1st
All India Symp. Anim. Reprod., PAU, Ludhiana.
3. Dugwekar.Y.G. (1981) Hormones in relation to infertility in cattle and buffaloes.
Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 1; 71.
4.Dugwekar.Y.G. (1999) Scope and limitations of hormone therapy in animal
reproduction and production. Indian J. Animal Reprod. 20: 1.
5. Dugwekar.Y.G. (2004): Nuclear techniques as diagnostic tools in reproductive
bio-medicine. Natnl. Seminar, Radiation and bio-molecular techniques in animal sci.
and human health, Assam Agril. Univ., Guwahati, March 2004.
Popular articles:
1. Pangawkar, G.R., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Bawa, S.J.S. (1978) Sterilization of
equipments – A must for successful A.I. programme. Livestock Advisor 3: 23.
2. Bawa, S.J.S, Dugwekar.Y.G. and Pangawkar, G.R. (1978) Prolapse of the female
genitalia in cattle. Livestock Advisor 3: 9.
3. Sharma, R.D., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Pangawkar, G.R. (1978) Calving : A moment
of gain or loss. Progr. Farming. 14: 18.
4. Dugwekar.Y.G., and Sharma, R.D. (1978) Repeat breeding and its management in
cattle. Progr. Farming. 15: II.
5. Pangawkar, G.R., Dugwekar.Y.G. and Sharma, R.D. (1978) Landshut method: A
new technique for freezing of bovine semen. Livestock Advisor, 3: 21.
6. Pandey, S.K., Baghel, K.K.S. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1992) Immunological factors
in the aetiology of infertility in domestic animals. Pashudhan) 7: 1.
7.Siddique, G.M. and Dugwekar.Y.G. (1989) Disease transmission through embryo
transfer. Vety. College Magazine, Guj. Agril. Univ., S.K. Nagar, 8: 18.