School of Health Sciences (SHS) Accomplishments 07/08

School of Health Sciences (SHS) 07-08 Accomplishments to date
Professor Arlene Thompson has maintained her certification as a critical
care nurse(CCRN) for 30 years which was recognized by The American
Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Certificate Corporation as a
significant milestone for both the AACN Certificate Corporation and
Arlene’s career.
Professor Arlene Thompson received a Geriatric Resource Nurse (GRN) pin
from the Hartford Geriatric Institute designating her as a Geriatric
Resource Nurse.
Dr. Emily Hitchens attended the national conference of Nurses Christian
Nurses Fellowship (NCF) in St. Paul, MN.
Dr. Emily Hitchens attended the International Parish Nurse Resource
Center and became certified as a Parish Nurse Educational Facilitator.
Dr. Emily Hitchens became the Educational Coordinator for Puget Sound
Health Ministries.
Dr. Kathy Stetz’s article Representation of Mental Illness in Christian BestSellers, was accepted for publication in the Journal of Mental Health,
Religion and Culture.
Dr. Chris Henshaw serves as pro-tem member of the Washington State
Nurses Commission reviewing nursing programs and disciplinary cases.
Professor Barbara Cheyney attended the national conference of Nurses
Christian Fellowship and helped to develop and present a workshop,
“Compassion Fatigue”.
Professor Vicki Aaberg began doctoral study with the first PhD cohort at
Washington State University.
Senior student Karin Rohde has been nominated for a NCAA postgraduate scholarship for her academic and athletic performance (cross
country team).
Dr. Barbara Ann West attained national certification as a Certified Nurse
Educator- CNE (July 2007).
Dr. Barbara Ann West Presented her doctoral research at the 14th Annual
Washington State Public Health Association Conference in Yakima,
Dr. Barbara Ann West was appointed as a member of the Professional
Advisory Committee (PAC) for the RN to DNP Program at the University of
Washington. She serves as a community representative on a HRSA grant
awarded to UW School of Nursing, School of Community and Public
Professor Heidi Monroe’s Master’s research was accepted for presentation
at the 2008 National Society of Pediatric Nurses convention in Denver, Co.
The SPU RN to BS program added a 5th practice partner and has 5 cohorts
in progress.
The SPU RN to BS program added a videoconferencing distance education
format to the Group Health Co-operative (GHC) cohort and now there are
capabilities to simultaneously teach students at 3 separate sites.
Adult and baby simulation mannequins were purchased for the Skill Lab
and13 faculty members were trained to use them.
07-08 Academic Year
Updated 1/22/08
Dr. Chris Henshaw was appointed to the Highline Medical Center Board of
Professor Barbara Cheney presented a poster “How to Make a Poster” and
showcased RN–to–BS student research posters at the School Nurse
Organization of Washington State Spring Conference. The student posters
were completed for their Undergraduate Capstone/Synthesis Internship
Professor Erla Champ-Gibson was accepted into the Washington State
University (WSU) Ph.D. program and will begin doctoral study in June,
Professor Erla Camp-Gibson received an Instructional Technology Services
(ITS) grant for her proposed Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) study.
Professor Erla Camp-Gibson completed the University of Northern
Colorado (UNCO) Nurse Educator Program.
Professor Vicki Aaberg completed three semesters of doctoral study as of
May, 2008!
Professor Vicki Aaberg presented a poster at Western Institute of Nursing
Research (WIN) meeting.
Professor Vicki Aaberg presented a poster at the Inland Empire Health
Research Symposium.
Professor Arlene Thompson will begin Nurse Educator and Advanced
Practice studies at the University of Washington in Autumn, 2008.
07-08 Academic Year
Updated 1/22/08