FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL, INDUSTRIAL AND NUCLEAR SUPERVISION SERVICE OF RUSSIA RESOLUTION No. 15 of December 27, 2006 ON APPROVAL AND ENACTMENT OF THE FEDERAL CODES AND REGULATIONS IN THE FIELD OF ATOMIC ENERGY USE PROVISIONS ON PROCEDURE OF ANNOUNCEMENT OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, EMERGENCY SITUATION AND PROMPT COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION IN CASE OF RADIATION HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS AT NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES The Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service resolves the following: to approve and enact from June 1, 2007 the attached federal codes and regulations in the field of atomic energy use "Provisions on procedure of the announcement of emergency preparedness, emergency situation and prompt communication of information in case of radiation hazardous situations at nuclear fuel cycle facilities" (NP-078-06). Chairman K.B.Pulikovsky Approved by: Resolution of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No.15 of December 27, 2006 Enacted on June 1, 2007 FEDERAL CODES AND REGULATIONS IN THE FIELD OF ATOMIC ENERGY USE PROVISIONS ON PROCEDURE OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, EMERGENCY SITUATION AND PROMPT COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION IN CASE OF RADIATION HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS AT NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES NP-078-06 This regulatory document "Provisions on procedure of the announcement of emergency preparedness, emergency situation and prompt communication of information in case of radiation hazardous situations at nuclear fuel cycle facilities" establishes basic requirements for the procedure of announcing and communicating information in case of emergency situations or the risks of their taking place at nuclear fuel cycle facilities. This is the initial release of the document <*>. -------------------------------<*> The present version of the regulatory document was developed by the Institute of Safe Development of Nuclear Power Industry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proposals, provided by the specialists of Rosatom, Rostechnadzor, SEС NRS, FMBA of Russia, FSUE GNTs RF-FEI, FSUE “SRC RF NIIAR”, FSUE “PA “Mayak”, FSUE SSC, were taken into account when developing the document. The document was developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On the use of atomic energy", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On procedure for collection and exchange of information in the field of protection of population and territories against natural and man-induced emergencies”, requirements of federal codes and regulations in the field of atomic energy use, documents of Rosatom, including the following: Provisions on functional subsystem of the prevention and elimination of emergency situations at organizations (facilities) supervised by and subordinate to Rosatom; Provisions on information exchange; Provisions on interaction between plant dispatcher services and dispatcher division of the Situation and crisis center; Procedure of informing about current state of industry enterprises and about abnormal situations; Temporary provisions on expert groups of the Branch commission for emergency situations, instructions of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia regarding the time period for and format of submitting information about the protection of public and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-induced character, as well as in accordance with IAEA recommendations: Guidance on radiation protection in case of reactor accidents, General instructions for the assessment of and response to radiological emergency situations, procedure of preparation fro response to nuclear or radiation accidents. The regulatory document was subjected to the legal review of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Letter No. 01/2135-АБ of March 14, 2007). 1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATION SCOPE 1.1. This regulatory document establishes requirements for the procedure of announcing and communicating information in case of emergency situations or the risks of their occurrence at a nuclear fuel cycle facility, including nuclear fuel cycle object(s) and commercial reactors with necessary employees (personnel), located within the boundaries of the site determined by the design (hereinafter referred to as the “NFCF”). The document was developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On the use of atomic energy" <*>. -------------------------------<*> Federal Law No.170-FZ of 21.11.1995 "On the use of atomic energy", Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation No. 48, 1995, article 4552 with changes of 10.02.1997 No. 28-FZ, Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation No.7, 1997, article 808; of 10.07.2001 No. 94-FZ, Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation No.29, 2001, article 2949; of 28.03.2002 No.33-FZ, Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 13, 2002, article 1180; of 11.11.2003 No. 140- FZ, Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No.46 (part I), article 4436. 1.2. This regulatory document covers designed, constructed, operated and decommissioned NFCFs of any potential radiation hazard category. 1.3. The requirements of the present regulatory document cover emergency situations of radiation and non-radiation nature, including those ones that are caused by fires, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, industrial incidents or other operational occurrences at NFCFs, as well as those connected with the unauthorized actions that may cause a radiation accident. 2. PROCEDURE OF ANNOUNCING THE STATE OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, EMERGENCY SITUATION AND PROMPT INFORMATION EXCHANGE AT NFCFs 2.1. Procedure of announcing the state of Emergency preparedness or Emergency situation at NFCFs. 2.1.1. The operating organization shall develop criteria for announcing the states of Emergency preparedness and Emergency situation for every NFCF and its radiation hazardous objects. The values of effective dose basic limit and permissible radionuclide concentration in the premises of personnel permanent attendance as per radiation safety standards shall be the criteria for announcing the state of Emergency preparedness at a NFCF. The values corresponding to level A of dose criteria, specified by radiation safety standards, shall be criteria for announcing the state of Emergency situation at a NFCF. 2.1.2. In case there are violations of the limits and (or) conditions of safe facility operation, characterized by the exceeding of the criteria for the states of Emergency preparedness or Emergency situation, as well as in case there is threat to NFCF safety due to situations provided in item 1.3, personnel shall immediately do the following: - inform the official of NFCF operating organization (or even the duty dispatcher of the operating organization) about the situation; - take measures related to assistance in case of injures, threat to human life and personnel overexposure; - take measures to eliminate the occurrence or mitigate its consequences. 2.1.3. Procedure of reporting within NFCF divisions and procedure of reporting from NFCF divisions to the duty dispatcher shall be determined by a relevant administrative document of the operating organization (Appendix 1). 2.1.4. Each NFCF division shall develop a list of potential normal operation occurrences in the process of production, which the duty dispatcher shall be immediately informed about. The list is approved by the operating organization (technical director or chief engineer of the facility). 2.1.5. Basic operative information, communicated by the NFCF divisions to the the dispatcher service, shall include the following: - date, time, name of a facility, place where the event occurred; - brief description of the occurrence, possible causes of it; - data on radiation impact on personnel, public and the environment; - state of the facility prior to the occurrence; - state of the facility and nature of the hazard at the moment when information and data on injured was communicated; - classification of the occurrence as per requirements according to the established procedure; - position, full name of an official responsible for the management of division activities (at the time of occurrence) and elimination of occurrence consequences; - position, full name of an official who communicated the information to the dispatcher service. 2.1.6. NFCF Director (head) (or his/her deputy) makes a decision on announcing the state of Emergency preparedness and (or) Emergency situation at the NFCF, and on pitting into force plans of measures on the protection of personnel and public in case of an accident at the NFCF, as well as makes orders to the chairman of the commission for prevention and elimination of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the operating organization (hereinafter referred to as the OCES) and to the head of a structural unit authorized with solution of tasks related to the protection of public and territories in emergency situations (or to his/her deputy). 2.1.7. The decision made by NFCF Director shall be announced to all NFCF personnel. All communication and announcement means (loudspeakers, direct communication and telephone lines) shall be used. 2.1.8. After the state of Emergency preparedness is announced at the NFCF, the personnel and equipment shall be prepared to eliminate the occurrence and to localize and eliminate its consequences. 2.2. Procedure of announcement in case of radiation-hazardous situations or accidents at NFCFs. 2.2.1. The procedure of public informing in case of radiation hazardous situations or accidents at the NFCF shall be developed in advance, approved by the operating organization and agreed upon with organizations participating in accident elimination, as per the plan of measures on the protection of personnel in case of an accident at the NFCF. 2.2.2. During the first hour after the accident took place at the NFCF, the dispatcher of the facility (or NFCF official, in accordance with dispatcher's order) shall inform the duty dispatcher of the Situation and crisis center of Rosatom (hereinafter referred to as Rosatom SCC) and the duty officer of Rostechnadzor about the following information, for further operative prediction of the radiation situation at the NFCF: - name of the NFCF and divisions of the NFCF; - date and time of accident initiation; - pre-accident state of the damaged facility; - possible cause of the accident, brief characteristics of the accident, total quantity of radioactive products released into the environment during the accident, approximate isotopic composition of the discharge; - the state of the damaged facility at the moment of information communication; - brief description of meteorological conditions during and after the accident in the area of the NFCF (air temperature, cloudiness, wind velocity and direction). 2.2.3. As soon as the state of Emergency preparedness and (or) Emergency situation is announced and the plan of measures on the protection of personnel in case of an accident at the NFCF is put into force, the operating organization shall inform the following individuals and authorities about the accident: - head of Rostechnadzor inspection department at a given NFCF; - duty officers of a medical unit of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (hereinafter referred to as the FMBA of Russia) and regional FMBA office servicing the NFCE and a duty officer of the Emergency Medical Radiation Dosimetry Center of the FMBA of Russia (the EMRDC of the FMBA of Russia); - territorial bodies of department for CD and ES of the town where the NFCF is situated, and of the region (autonomous district) where the NFCE is sited; - heads of administration of the town and the region (the autonomous district) where the NFCF is sited; - administration of enterprises implementing construction and providing for NFCE functioning and vital activity; - dispatcher of power system corresponding department; - division of the the State Fire Protection Service (hereinafter referred to as the SFPS) and regional fire protection authority; - territorial body of Rosgidromet; - organizations of other ministries and offices at NFCF area and control area (hereinafter referred to as the CA); - authorities of the settlements located within a 5 kilometer area around the NFCF; - as well as other organizations and authorities concerned. 2.2.4. In case of a radiation hazardous situation or accident at the NFCF, the operating organization shall immediately inform NFCF personnel and the personnel of enterprises and organizations, public living in the settlements located within NFCF CA, using all communication and announcement means. 2.2.5. As soon as the information concerning the announcement of the state of Emergency preparedness and (or) Emergency situation at the NFCF is received from the operating organization, and as soon as the plan of measures on the protection of personnel in case of an accident at the NFCF is put into force, the duty dispatcher of Rosatom SCC shall inform the following individuals and organizations about the situation at the damaged NFCF: the specialist on duty in Rosatom; - operative duty dispatcher of the FMBA of Russia; - management of the department for nuclear materials production of Rosatom (hereinafter referred to as Rosatom Department for NMP); - operative man on duty in Rosgidromet; - other organizations and authorities concerned using duty telephone numbers from a separate list in accordance with the category of an occurrence. 2.2.6. NFCF Director (or his/her Deputy) shall submit information about the following to the management of Rosatom Department for NMP, chairman (deputy chairman) of the Branch commission for emergency situations prevention and elimination and fire safety assurance of Rosatom, heads of regional and local authorities: - causes of announcing the emergency situation and putting into force the the plan of measures on the protection of personnel in case of an accident at the NFCF; - measures implemented to eliminate the accident, scope of the accident and predicted spreading of radioactive contamination; - need to provide urgent support to the NFCF. 2.2.7. The management of Rosatom Department for NMF shall inform the Head of Rosatom (Chairman of the Branch commission for emergency situations of Rosatom), Rostechnadzor Chairman about the implemented measures and the need of urgent centralized technical support. 2.2.8. Upon the decision of the Branch commission for emergency situations of Rosatom, Rosatom SCC shall inform the following individuals and organizations: - heads of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (EMERCOM), Rostechnadzor about the accident, the measures that were implemented are to be implemented, need of support to Rosatom for the localization of the accident and elimination of its consequences; - head of the FMBA of Russia about the injured, measures taken and about need of urgent specialized medical aid and of the evacuation of facility personnel not participating in accident elimination and of public living near the NFCF; - the mass media about the accident and measures taken to ensure safety ( by Rosatom and other bodies and organizations) and decisions made regarding urgent support to the NFCE, its personnel and public depending on the scope of the emergency situations; - international organizations about the accident and measures taken to ensure safety (by Rosatom and other bodies and organizations) and decisions made regarding urgent support to the NFCF, its personnel and public depending on the scope of the emergency situation. 2.3. Requirements for the format, content of operative information and time period for its communication in case of radiation hazardous situations and accidents at the NFCF. 2.3.1. In case of events attributed to the operational events, as well as events with radiation consequences of Levels 7-2 as per INES scale (events of Categories A1-A6), the prompt message shall be prepared in the format according to federal codes and regulations which determine the procedure for investigation and accounting of operational occurrences at the NFCF. 2.3.2. In case the sate of Emergency situation is announced at the NFCF, there should be immediate informing about the risk (prediction) of the emergency situation as per 1/ES format and about main parameters of the emergency situation as per 2/ES format in accordance with the formats, provided in Appendix 2. 2.3.3. During the whole period starting from the moment when the state of Emergency preparedness and (or) Emergency situation has been announced up to the completion of activities related to the localization of occurrence (accident) consequences, the dispatcher of the facility informs the duty dispatcher of Rosatom SCC about the following: - development of situation and progress of the activities on occurrence elimination (or urgent reference information upon request) not later than two hours after the beginning of the accident; - notification and announcement in case of an accident or radiation hazardous situation, information about management of forces and means for the localization of the consequences of an occurrence not hazardous for the public - during 8 hours from the beginning of the accident; - event that took place during 24 hours while the activities on the localization and elimination of occurrence consequences were performed, state of radiation (chemical) situation - until 8:00 (Moscow time) of the next day. 2.3.4. NFCF dispatcher shall communicate all additional and updated information about the emergency situation at the NFCF to the dispatcher on duty of the SCC of Rosatom. Appendix 1 (recommended) PROCEDURE OF REPORTING ABOUT OCCURRENCES AT NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES Name Pos of information . No. 1. Information about the occurrence (operative primary) 2. Information about the occurrence Responsible official 3. OCES Chairman Facility Director Chief Engineer Deputy Chief Engineer Head of OCES Duty dispatcher of Rosatom SCC Head of inspection department of Rostechnadzor at the NFCF OCES members OCES Chairman Facility Director Facility Director (responsible person, appointed by Director General) Territorial bodies for CD and ES of the town and the region (autonomous district) where the NFCF is sited duty officer of Rostechnadzor Heads of the administration of the town and region (autonomous district) Head of the FMBA of Russia MChS of Russia SFPS division for NFCF protection and regional fire protection authority 4. 5. Preliminary information about occurrence for identifying its category Identification of occurrence category Prompt informing about occurrence at NFCF Addressee Shift supervisor of Dispatcher on duty at the facility the division Dispatcher on duty at the facility Military Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, protecting NFCF (duty officer of the unit, commander of the guard) Bodies of the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Territorial body of Rosgidromet Organizations of other ministries and offices at NFCF area and CS Authorities of the settlements located within a 5 kilometer area around the NFCF Appendix 2 FORMATS OF INFROMATION (MESSAGES) ABOUT EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES, PROVIDED TO ROSATOM AND ROSTECHNADZOR INFORMATION (MESSAGE) ABOUT THE RISK (PREDICTION) OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Co de 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Content of the data Name of the potential ES Potential region (facility) of ES Affiliation of the region (facility) of potential ES Predicted time period and scope of potential ES Suggested measures on prevention of ES development (on mitigation of possible consequences and damage) Organization that carried out the forecast or other forecast sources Additional textual information Signature of NFCF Head Note. If there is a threat of occurrence or in case of occurrence of emergencies in the sea or water reservoirs, there shall be information as per code No.2 about latitude and longitude of the place where the emergency occurred in the sea, lake, or distance in kilometers from the settlements located on the riverside or near channels. INFORMATION (MESSAGE) ABOUT THE FACT AND MAIN PARAMETERS OF THE EMERGENCY SITUATION Code Content of information 1. General data 1.1. Type of emergency situation _______________________________ 1.2. Date, month, year of emergency situation ___________ 1.3. Moscow time, h., min. ______________________________ 1.4. Local time, h., min. ________________________________ 1.5. Place: regional center _______________________________ 1.6. Republic (region) _______________________ 1.7. city (town) ____________________________________________ 1.8. district ____________________________________________ 1.9. Object of national economy_______________________________________ 1.10. Name ____________________________________________ 1.11. Ownership form _____________________________________ 1.12. Branch (industry) _________________________________________________ 1.13. Ministry (authority) ________________________________ 1.14. Causes of emergency situation ________________________________ 1.15. Brief description of emergency situation _______________________________ 2. Meteorological data 2.1. Air temperature, centigrade degree. _______________________________________ 2.2. Wind direction and speed, centigrade degree, m/sec ________________ 2.3. Humidity, % ____________________________________________ 2.4. Precipitations, type _____________ amount _______ mm 2.5. Condition of air bottom layer _____________________ 2.6. Visibility _______________________________________________ 2.7. Ice conditions ______________________________________ Main parameters of emergency situation 3. Earthquake 3.1. Epicenter magnitude, points _____________________________ 3.2. Depth from the ground surface, km ________________________ 3.3. Coordinates: latitude, degree, min, sec ______________________ longitude, degree, min, sec __________________________ 3.4. Earthquake intensity in big settlements, points _____________________________________________ 3.5. Additional textual information _____________________ 4. Radioactive contamination 4.1. Radioactive contamination source ______________________________ 4.2. Radiation level in velocity of the source (indicate distance from radioactive contamination source), milliroentgen/hour, roentgen/hour _______ 4.3. Remoteness of the external boundary: а) areas of emergency measures, m ________________________________ b) areas of preventive measures, m __________________________ c) areas of restrictions, m __________________________________ 4.4. Radiation levels as per areas, milliroentgen/hour, roentgen/hour: a) areas of emergency measures ___________________________________ b) areas of preventive measures _____________________________ c) areas of restrictions _____________________________________ 4.5. Additional textual information ______________________________ 5. Flooding 5.1. Causes of flooding _________________________ 5.2. Water rise level against the standard, m ________________________ 5.3. Flooding duration, h _________________________ 5.4. Water rise rate, m/h ______________________________ 5.5. Time of travel of the break-through wave to the settlements and large objects of the national economy, h ___________________________ 5.6. Size of a closure channel in a dam, dike, ________________ 5.7. Additional textual information ______________________________ 6. Bacterial contamination 6.1. Epidemic, epizootic, epiphytotics _________________________ 6.2. Type of bacterial agent _____________________________ 6.3. Additional textual information ______________________________ 7. Chemical contamination 7.1. 7.2. Source of the chemical contamination __________________________ Name of chemically hazardous substances(ChHS) __________________________________ 7.3. ChHS amount released into the air, kg, t ________ 7.4. Amount of highly toxic substances (HTS), total amount in facility tanks, kg, t ________________________________ 7.5. Spillage square, m2 _________________________________________ 7.6. Height of the pallet (border) m ___________________________ 7.7. Additional textual information ______________________________ 8. Fire 8.1. Number of fire sources, pcs ____________________________________ 8.2. Fire area, m2, hectare _______________________________________ 8.3. Direction of fire propagation, degree. _____________________ 8.4. Rate of fire propagation, km/h _____________________ 8.5. Area of smoke generation, m2 _____________________________ 8.6. Water supply, % _________________________________ 8.7. Destroyed by fire: 8.7.1. objects of the national economy, pcs __________________________________________ 8.7.2. social-purpose objects, pcs. ______________________ 8.7.3. forests, thousand hectares _______________________________________ 8.7.4. agricultural lands, hectare _______________________________________ 8.7.5. peat fields, hectare __________________________________________ 8.7.6. additional textual information ______________________________ 8.8. Additional textual information ______________________________ 9. Emergency situations in water areas 9.1. Heaving of the sea ________ force ____________________________ 9.2. Nature of ship damage _______________________________________ 9.3. Number of people needing aid, prs __________________ _____________________ 9.4. What help the captain of a ship is asking for __________________ 9.5. Taken measures ____________________________________________________ 9.6. Causes of oil spillage ___________________________________ 9.7. Amount and grade of oil products ________________________________ 9.8. Propagation rate and direction of drift of the oil product spot ___________________________________________________ 9.9. Probability of coast boundary contamination _________________ 9.10. Aid requested ____________________________________ 10. Losses 10.1. Total, persons ______________________________________________________ 10.2. including death-roll, number __________________________________ 10.3. Number of children, persons who died ______________________________________________ 10.4. Additional textual information ______________________________ 11. Condition of buildings and structures 11.1. Destroyed: _______________________________________________________ 11.1.1. objects of the national economy, pcs __________________________________________ 11.1.2. apartment houses, pcs. _________________________________________________ 11.1.3. medical institutions, pcs. __________________________________ 11.1.4. other buildings and structures, pcs. __________________________________ 11.2. Damaged: ______________________________________________________ 11.1.2. objects of the national economy, pcs __________________________________________ 11.2.2. apartment houses, pcs. _________________________________________________ 11.2.3. medical institutions, pcs. __________________________________ 11.2.4. other buildings and structures, pcs. __________________________________ 11.3. Additional textual information ______________________________ 12. Condition of communications Failed: 12.1. In settlements: 12.1.1 electric power supply lines, km ______________________________________ 12.1.2. communication lines, km _________________________________________ 12.1.3. railways, km _______________________________________________ 12.1.4. automobile roads, km ____________________________________________________ 12.1.5. bridges, pcs. _____________________________________________ 12.1.6. water-pipelines, m _________________________________________ 12.1.7. gas-pipelines, m _________________________________________ 12.1.8. heating mains, m ___________________________________________ 12.1.9. sewerage networks, m ________________________________ 12.1.10. structures (indicated failed areas of viaducts, pumping stations, broiler boiler houses, etc.), pcs. _____________ 12.2. Main communication lines _______________________________________ 12.2.1 electric power supply lines, km ______________________________________ 12.2.2 communication lines, km _________________________________________ 12.3. products pipelines: ________________________________________________ 12.3.1. name _____________________________________________________ 12.3.2. length, m _________________________________________________ 12.4. Bridges and road structures: 12.4.1. name _____________________________________________________ 12.4.2. amount, pcs. __________________________________________________ 12.5. Additional textual information ______________________________ 13. Agricultural animals 13.1. Total accounted, thousand heads ______________________________ 13.2. including by species, thousand heads _________________________________ 13.3. Total losses, thousand heads ________________________________ 13.4. including by species, thousand heads _________________________________ 13.5. Additional textual information ______________________________ 14. Agricultural lands, afforestation 14.1. Total accounted, thousand hectares _________________________________ 14.2. including by types, thousand hectares________________________ 14.3. total losses, thousand hectares ___________________________________ 14.4. damage in monetary terms ______________________________ 14.5. Additional textual information ______________________________ 15. Transport accidents ______________________________________________ 16. Accidents in electric power grids and complex power systems _____________________________ 17. Mudflows, avalanches, landslips ___________________________________ 18. Tsunami, hurricanes, tornado _________________________________ 19. Explosions __________________________________________________ 20. Other data ____________________________________________________ Signature of NFCF Head