Cardiology Words and Phrases for Quick Reference By Health Professions Institute AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) AAI rate-responsive mode abdominal aortic aneurysm active bowel sounds active fixation leads Actos adenopathy adverse effects Aerodyne bicycle agonal respirations A-H (atrio-His) interval AI (aortic insufficiency) AICD (automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) air break mask AK (above-knee) popliteal graft akinesis albumin solution Aldactone alk phos (slang for alkaline phosphatase) allopurinol Alphagan altered consciousness amaurosis fugax ambulatory peritoneal dialysis amenable amiodarone amplitude Ancef anchoring stitch anchoring sutures aneurysm resection aneurysmal dilatation angina pectoris Angiocath 2 angiodysplastic angioplasty sheath with sidearm anicteric ankle edema anorexia nervosa anoxic encephalopathy anteromedial accessory pathway antianginals antiarrhythmics anticoagulant therapy anulus aortic anulus aortic-bifemoral graft aortic cross-clamp aortic orifice aortic root aortic stenosis aortic valve gradient aortic valve leaflets aortic valve replacement aortic valvotomy aortogram with runoff aortoiliac occlusive disease aortoiliac stenosis aortoiliac thromboembolectomy aortotomy aortoventriculoplasty apical aneurysm apical impulse apical murmur arcus senilis ARDS (acute or adult respiratory distress syndrome) arrhythmia arteriography arteriosclerosis obliterans arteriotomy 2 3 arteriovenous anastomosis arteriovenous fistula arthralgia arthritis AS (aortic stenosis) ASHD (arteriosclerotic heart disease) ATA (atmosphere absolute) atherosclerotic coronary artery disease atraumatic atrial appendage atrial biventricular pacing atrial extrastimulation atrial fibrillation atrial flutter atrial overdrive pacing atrial pacing atrial pacing wire atropine A2 greater than P2 audible rub auricular rate auscultation AVA (arteriovenous anastomosis) AV (arteriovenous) fistula AV (atrioventricular) nodal disease AV (atrioventricular) valve Babinski reflex (Babinskis) Bactrim balloon angioplasty banked blood Bard arterial cannula Bardic catheter basal akinesis baseline standing pulse rate basilar rales Bentall inclusion technique 3 4 Betadine ointment bibasilar rales bicaval cannulation bicuspid aortic valve bifurcates bifurcating, bifurcation biventricular hypertrophy biventricular (bi-V) pace BK (below-knee) popliteal graft BK popliteal to plantar in situ bypass bladder irrigation blockage of vessel blood backflow blood-loss anemia Borg scale brachial axillary AV graft brachiocephalic vein bradyarrhythmia breasts free of masses breasts symmetrical bronchoscopy bruit bundle branch block CAD (coronary artery disease) Calan calcium-containing antacids calf pain cannula (pl. cannulae or cannulas) CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) Capoten captopril Carafate cardiac arrest cardiac catheterization arteriography cardiac index cardiac ischemia 4 5 cardiac output cardiac transplant cardiomegaly cardiotonic regimen cardiovascular risk factors cardioversion cardioverted Cardizem carotid endarterectomy carotid ultrasound Carpentier-Edwards porcine valve catheterization CBC (complete blood count) Cellcept cephalic vein cerebral atrophy cerebrovascular accident check-valve sheath chest wall contusion cicatrix Cimino fistula cineradiograpic views circular Dacron patch claudication click clonidine C-loop fashion clubbing, cyanosis, or edema Cogentin Colace cold cardioplegia solution cold potassium cardioplegic solution cold saline collection chamber commissures commissurotomy 5 6 compensated edentulism compensated hypothyroidism competent mitral valve complex ventricular ectopy composite valve graft replacement concentric left ventricular hypertrophy concrete questions congestive heart failure conjunctivae pink connective tissue disorder continuous pericardial lavage contractility COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Cordarone Cordis sheath Corgard corrected transposition Coumadin counterincision coupling interval coved ST segments CPK enzymes, isoenzymes crackles crescendo cross-clamp time cryopreserved homograft cryopreserved human allograft conduit curvilinear aortotomy cusps cyanosis, clubbing, or edema cystic changes Dacron Sauvage patch Darvon DC countershocked DDD mode de-aired graft 6 7 de-airing hole in the ascending aorta de-airing maneuvers decannulation decrements degenerative osteoarthritis dehydration delta wave Demerol Dermabond dermatomyositis/polymyositis Dexon diabetes mellitus Diabinese diagonal branch dialysate diaphoresis diastolic murmur digoxin level diltiazem diminished sensorium diphasic dipyridamole disorientation diuresis dobutamine dopamine Doppler bruit outflow Doppler ultrasound study dorsalis pedis pulse double-looping DTRs (deep tendon reflexes) dual-chamber DDD transvenous pacemaker Dyazide dysplastic valve dyspneic dysuria 7 8 ecchymosis (pl. ecchymoses) echo Doppler study echocardiogram Ecotrin edentulous ejection fraction Elavil electrical overdrive cardioversion electrocardiogram electrolytes elevated CPK EOMI (extraocular movements intact) epigastric tenderness epilepsy epinephrine ergometric studies erythromycin Esmarch bandage esophageal spasm essential hypertension ET (endotracheal tube) Ethibond everted nipples exacerbation exercise-induced ischemia exertional chest pain exit site exogenous obesity extracardiac conduit extrapyramidal side effects exudate facial asymmetry fatigue fatty infiltration felt bolster femoral-femoral grafting 8 9 femoral-popliteal Gore-Tex bypass graft ferrous sulfate fibrillation fibrin glue Fick method finger-nose-finger first diagonal branch fistulogram fistulous tract 5/5+ motor flat line flattened ST segments flattening of ST segments flexible steerable wire flipped T waves floppy guidewire flow-limiting flutter waves focal neurologic deficits Fogarty catheter French dilator French sheath friable walls full carotids full-mouth dentures funduscopic exam gastrointestinal angiodysplasia genitorectal (genital-rectal) gentamicin Glidewire Glucotrol Gore-Tex graft Gore-Tex patch graft cut on the bevel graft-dependent graft occlusive disease 9 10 gram-negative-rod urinary tract infection Guidant defibrillator Haemonetics Cell Saver System Hagar probe Halcion Haldol heart block heave hematemesis hematochezia hematuria hemispheric neurologic event hemithymectomy hemodynamic monitoring hemodynamically stable hemoptysis hemorrhage hemostat heparinized saline heparin lock introducer hepatomegaly heroic treatment Hidalgo catheter high-grade lesion high-grade stenosis hilar adenopathy Holter monitor Homans sign homograft Huber needle Humulin insulin H-V (His-ventricular) interval hydrochlorothiazide Hypaque 76 hypercalcemia hyperglycemia 10 11 hyperkalemic hyperkalemic crystalloid cardioplegic solution hyperlipidemia hyperparathyroidism hyperresonant hypertension hypertensive arteriolar nephrosclerosis hypertonic dialysate hypervitaminosis B hypocontractility hypokinesis of anterior wall hyponatremia hypothyroidism hysterectomy I 131 therapy iatrogenic hyperthyroidism iced saline idiopathic idioventricular rhythm IJ (internal jugular) dialysis access catheter implantable venous infusion port Indocin SR indwelling catheter infarct infected aortic graft inferior hypokinesis inferolateral inferoposterior hypokinesis infiltrate infraclavicular artery infraclavicular incision infranodal block insulin-dependent diabetes intermittent myocardial ischemia interrupted wire suture interstitial markings 11 12 interventricular septum intra-arterially, intraarterially intractable intradermally intravenous anticoagulation with heparin introducer-dilator ipsilateral irregular heartbeat irregularly irregular rate ischemic cardiomyopathy isoproterenol infusion Isordil isosorbide IV of D5W TKO J (joule) JL4 (Judkins left) catheter J-point depression JR4 (Judkins right) catheter J-tipped vascular wire jugular neck veins jugular venous distention jugular venous pulse junctional rhythm K-Dur keep-open IV kissing balloon technique Klebsiella pneumoniae Kondremul LAD (left anterior descending) artery Lanoxin LAO (left anterior oblique) projection laparotomy Lasix Latitude followup lead impedance lead threshold 12 13 left bundle branch block left hemispheric cerebrovascular accident (CVA) left ventricular chamber left ventricular dysfunction left ventricular end-diastolic pressure left ventricular hypertrophy lidocaine drip lift Lipitor Lo-Profile steerable dilatation catheter long-standing history longitudinal arteriotomy Lopid Lopressor Lortab lovastatin-induced myositis low-grade fevers low-profile port L-transposition LV (left ventricular) hypertrophy LV (left ventricular) pressure malaise marked pitting edema mattress suture maximal heart rate maximum predicted heart rate Maxzide MB fraction median sternotomy incision melena methylprednisolone Mevacor MI (myocardial infarction) Micronase micropuncture needle technique midaxillary line 13 14 mid forearm Mills valvulotome Minipress minoxidil mitral insufficiency mitral valve prolapse mitral valve replacement mitral valve septal separation mode switching modified Bruce protocol morphine sulfate MR (mitral regurgitation) MS (mitral stenosis) mucosal lesion mucous membranes moist multilumen catheter multiple sequential dilatations murmurs, gallops, or rubs myalgia Mylar catheter myocardial hypothermia myocardial infarction myositis myringotomy tubes myxedema myositis myxomatous changes Naprosyn narrow complexes nasal cannula nasal oxygen near-syncope neck mass neck supple Neoral nephrolithiasis nephrosclerosis 14 15 neurovascularly neurologic Neutra-Phos Nexium niacin nipples everted nitrates Nitro-Dur disc Nitro-Dur II nitroglycerin ointment nitroglycerin patch nitroglycerin sublingual nitro paste (edit to nitroglycerin ointment) nitro patch (edit to nitroglycerin ointment) nocturnal noncandidate noncrushing vascular clamps nondecremental nondiaphoretic nondistended abdomen nondominant vessel noneverting fashion nonfocal neurologic exam nonicteric non-Q-wave MI nonreversed nonsmoker nonspecific ST and T-wave changes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug nontender nonvalved conduit normal saline normocephalic normochromic anemia normocytic anemia Norvasc Novofil suture 15 16 Novolin NPH insulin obtuse marginal artery obtuse marginal branch of circumflex occlusion ohm OM (obtuse marginal) Omnipaque organomegaly orifice (pl. orifices) orificial narrowing oropharynx clear orotracheal orthodromic orthopnea orthostatic Oscor active fixation leads osteoarthritis ostium outflow tract pacemaker mode Paceport-Swan catheter pacing thresholds palpable pulses palpable thrill within the graft palpitations Pamelor papaverine solution papillary muscles papilledema paralysis parathyroid hormone level paresis paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia PAT (paroxysmal atrial tachycardia) patch closure of ventricular septal defect 16 17 patent foramen ovale patent grafts pathological reflexes PDS suture peak CPK peaked T wave pedicle peel-away introducer peptic ulcer disease percussion percutaneous groin puncture pericardial effusion pericardial fluid pericardial lavage pericardial well pericardiocentesis peripheral edema peritonitis PERL (pupils equal and reactive to light) permanent rate-responsive pacemaker Persantine PET balloon phosphate pigtail catheter pinked up pitting edema plaque pleurisy PMI (point of maximal impulse) PND (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) pneumothorax (pl. pneumothoraces) polymyalgia rheumatica popliteal pulses Port-A-Cath catheter posterior ventricular branch of circumflex artery posterior wall thickness 17 18 postexercise poststenotic dilatation postural hypotension Potts scissors precordium Pred Forte preexcitation pattern preexcited R-R interval preexercise state Premarin preopped (coined term for prepped) pressure injector pressurization presyncope with intermittent junctional bradycardia pretibial edema procainamide Procardia profunda femoris Prolene suture prosthetic valve replacement protamine protuberant abdomen psychosis pullback pulmonary adhesions pulmonary arterial vent pulmonary artery wedge waveforms pulmonary edema pulmonary embolus pulmonary stenosis pulmonary valvotomy pulmonary vascular congestion pulmonary vascular redistribution pulsatile mass pulsatile perfusion pulse amplitude 18 19 pulse oximetry pulsus paradoxus purulent-appearing sputum purulent-appearing urine PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) PVR (peak velocity ratio) PVR (peripheral vascular resistance) PVR (pulse volume recording) quadripolar catheter Quinaglute therapy quinidine radiated murmurs rales RAO (right anterior oblique) projection rapid heartbeat rare ectopic beats RCA (right coronary artery) reciprocating tachycardia reduced lung capacity reflex tachycardia reflux esophagitis refractory period Reglan regular insulin renal insufficiency residual gradient respirators retrograde atrial activation mapping retroperitoneal hematoma revascularization reverse Trendelenburg rhonchi Rocaltrol R-R interval rub (noun) (pericardial friction) running monofilament absorbable suture 19 20 ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm saline challenge saphenofemoral junction saphenous vein 2nd degree heart block 2nd diagonal branch seizure disorder seizure-like activity Seldinger technique self-retaining retractor sensorium septal perforators septum serial enzymes serial tracings serum aldolase level sewing ring SFA (superficial femoral artery) shaggy ulcer shortened PR interval shortness of breath sick sinus syndrome side-biting clamp Silastic tape Silastic vessel loops sinus bradycardia sinus node dysfunction slope slurring of speech spasmed spironolactone ST depression steam autoclaved steep Trendelenburg position stenosis stenotic valve 20 21 stent placement stenting steri-stripped Steri-Strips sternotomy incision St. Jude composite valve graft St. Jude prosthesis St. Jude valve sewing ring stool heme-negative streptokinase stroke Stryker saw ST-segment elevation ST-T wave changes (= ST segment and T wave changes) subacute myocardial infarction subclavian venipuncture subclavicular fascia subcu (subcutaneous) subcutaneous pocket subendocardial MI (myocardial infarction) subfascially suboptimally subvalvar sulfa supraannular constriction supraceliac aorta suprapubically supravalvar aortic stenosis supravalvular aortogram SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) Swan catheter Swan-Ganz catheter symmetrical breasts synchronized cardioversion syncopal episode syncope 21 22 Synthroid systemic hypertension systolic ejection murmur systolic murmur tachyarrhythmia tachycardic tachypneic takeoff tamponade Teflon felt bolsters Tegaderm dressing telemetry temporary pacing wire tensionless anastomosis tented up tetracycline Tevdek pledgeted sutures thallium thallium perfusion study thiazides 3-vessel disease threshold thrill thrombin-soaked Gelfoam thromboembolectomy thrombotic material in atrial appendage thrombus thyroid extract thyromegaly TIA (transient ischemic attack) Ti-Cron suture titrate TMs (tympanic membranes) tonsil clamp topical myocardial hypothermia tracheotomy 22 23 transaortic gradient transbronchial biopsy Transderm-Nitro transposition transpulmonic gradient tricuspid aortic valve tricuspid regurgitation tricuspid valve anuloplasty triple-lumen catheter trivial mitral regurgitation truncus arteriosus tube graft two-vessel coronary artery disease Tylenol unlabored respirations unstable angina upstroke urine cultures uterine cancer UTI (urinary tract infection) VA (ventriculoatrial) conduction time valvular function valvular heart disease varicosities Vaseretic venipuncture venogram venous blood return ventricular arrhythmia ventricular ectopy ventricular extrastimulation ventricular fibrillation ventricular function ventricular impulse ventricular overdrive pacing ventricular pacing 23 24 ventricular refractoriness ventricular response ventricular septal defect ventricular tachycardia ventricular wall motion ventriculography ventriculotomy verapamil Vicryl subcuticular suture volume repletion VSD (ventricular septal defect) water pills Wenckebach rhythm wheezes wheezing Williams syndrome with regard (not regards) Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome wound prophylaxis woven graft xanthelasma Xylocaine Zantac Zaroxolyn Zetia 24