Supplementary Figures Legends Figure S1. Structural organisation of DAPK1 and DAPK2. The kinase domain of DAPK2 is 80% homologous to that of DAPK1 and both kinases are regulated by calcium (Ca2+) and calmodulin (CaM). DAPK1 also has a series of ankyrin repeats (pink) important for protein-protein interactions and appropriate localisation of the protein, P loops (purple lines), a cytoskeletal binding motif (orange), a death domain (purple) and a serine-rich tail (green), the latter two characteristic of pro-apoptotic proteins. Interestingly, DAPK2 has a dimerization motif (turquoise) on the C-terminus. Figure S2. Validation of siRNA oligonucleotide molecules that target different sequences of DAPK2 mRNA, designed using different algorithms. U2OS (a, c-f and k-n) or A549 (b, g-j and o-v) cells were transfected with non-targeting siNS, or different DAPK2 siRNA oligonucleotides, as indicated in the figure. Forty-eight h after transfection knockdown efficiency was determined by qPCR (a, b), cell survival rates in response to TRAIL measured using crystal violet viability assays (c-j), and DR5 (k-r) and DR4 (s-v) expression assessed by flow cytometry. For cell survival assays, 24 h after transfection, cells were re-plated into 96-well plates at a density of 2x104 cells per well. The following day, cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of TRAIL for 24 h. Cells were then fixed using methanol and stained with crystal violet. Crystals were dissolved in 10% (v/v) acetic acid and quantified by measuring the absorbance at 595 nm. Values were normalised to the untreated samples. Data represents mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments, performed in triplicate. Statistical analyses were done using two-way ANOVA test (** p<0.01, *** p< 0.005). Flow cytometry was used to assess the levels of DR5 expression in U2OS cells (k-n) and A549 cells (o-r), DR4 levels were assessed in A549 cells only (s-v). Data represents mean ± SEM of three independent experiments. Cell surface expression quantification was done using geometric means of those three independent experiments and plotted as fold change of surface expression in Schlegel et al. 2014 Cell Death and Differentiation (re-re-submission) relation to siNS. Statistical analysis was done using Student’s t-test (paired, one tailed) (* p< 0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p< 0.005). Figure S3. Silencing DAPK2 sensitises resistant cancer cell lines to TRAIL-induced cell death. U2OS and A549 cells were transfected with either siNS, or siDAPK2. Fortyeight h after transfection, U2OS (a-e) and A549 (f-j) cells were treated with TRAIL (100 ng/ml) for 6 h. Cells were then fixed with ethanol, incubated with RNase A and PI. Cell sub-populations were analysed using FlowJo. Cell cycle profiles representative of three independent experiments are shown in histograms (1-d and f-i) and summarised graphically in bar charts (e and j). Figure S4. Silencing DAPK2 does not affect the levels of FLIP. U2OS (a, c) and A549 (b, d) cells were transfected with either siNS or DAPK2 siRNA. Forty-eight h after transfection the expression levels of FLIP were evaluated by quantitative western blotting (a, b) and the induction of FLIP mRNA by qPCR (c, d). Blots shown are representative of three independent experiments yielding identical data. qPCR data represents mean ± SEM of three independent experiments with duplicate samples. Statistical analysis was done using Student’s t-test (paired, one tailed). Figure S5. Overexpression of BCL-XL does not rescue siDAPK2-mediated sensitisation of U2OS cells to TRAIL. (a) U2OS cells were transfected with either siNS, or siDAPK2 in combination with an empty vector pcDNA3 control plasmid (EV), or with a pcDNA3 BCL-XL expression plasmid, and the knockdown and over-expression efficiencies determined by quantitative western blotting. Cells transfected with the empty vector (b), or with the BCL-XL-expressing vector (c) were re-plated into 96-well plates at a density of 2x104 cells per well 24 h after siRNA transfection. The following day cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of TRAIL for 24 h and cell death assessed using crystal violet assays, as described before. Values were normalised to the untreated samples. 2 Schlegel et al. 2014 Cell Death and Differentiation (re-re-submission) Data represents mean ± SEM of two independent experiments performed in triplicate. Statistical analyses were done using two-way ANOVA test (* p< 0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p< 0.005). Figure S6. siDAPK2-mediated sensitisation to TRAIL is p53-independent. Prostate cancer PC3 (a, c) and colon cancer T24 (b, d) cells were transfected with either nonspecific siRNA (siNS) or DAPK2 siRNA. Forty-eight h after transfection knockdown efficiency was determined by western blotting (c, d) and cell survival using crystal violet viability assays (e, f). Staining was quantified by measuring the absorbance at 595 nm, as described before. Values were normalised to the untreated samples. Data represent mean±SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicates. Statistical analysis was done using two-way ANOVA test (* p< 0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p< 0.005). Figure S7. Involvement of RELB in sensitising several cancer cell lines to TRAIL following DAPK2 depletion. U2OS (a) and A549 cells (b) were transfected with either siNS or with the following siRNA 1:1 mixes: siDAPK2+siNS, siRELB+siNS or siRELB+siDAPK2. Twenty-four h after transfection cells were re-plated into 96 well plates at a density of 2x104 cells per well. The following day cells were treated with TRAIL for 24 h at the indicated final concentrations. Cells were then methanol-fixed and stained with crystal violet. Staining was quantified by measuring the absorbance at 595 nm, as described before. Values were normalised to the untreated samples. Data represent mean±SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicates. Statistical analysis was done using two-way ANOVA test (* p< 0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p< 0.005). Figure S8. Efficiency of siRNA-induced silencing using two different siRNA oligonucleotides concomitantly. U2OS (a) and A549 (b) cells were transfected with either non-specific siRNA (siNS) or siRNA 1:1 mixes, as indicated in the figure to a final siRNA concentration of 40 nM. Forty-eight h after transfection, knockdown efficiency of 3 Schlegel et al. 2014 Cell Death and Differentiation (re-re-submission) each target was determined by qPCR. Values were normalised to the untreated samples. Data represents mean±SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. 4 Schlegel et al. 2014 Cell Death and Differentiation (re-re-submission) Supplementary Tables TABLE SI. siRNA oligonucleotide sequences used throughout this study Target gene Target sequence Dharmacon ID Non targeting (All Stars) Luciferase GL3 Duplex BID_3 BID_18 BID_19 BID_20 DAPK2_1# DAPK2_3 DAPK2_4 DAPK2_5# DAPK2_3'UTR DAPK2_Qiagen 11 DR4_6 DR4_15 DR4_16 DR4_17 DR5_1 DR5_2 DR5_3 DR5_4 NFKB1_1 NFKB1_2 NFKB1_3 NFKB1_5 NFKB2_1 NFKB2_2 NFKB2_3 NFKB2_18 RELA_3 RELA_4 RELA_5 RELA_18 RELB_1 RELB_4 RELB_5 RELB_18 Not disclosed by Qiagen CUUACGCUGAGUACUUCGA GCACCUACGUGAGGAGCUU GAGUAAGGGCACUGACGGA GCCAGAAGCUACUGCGAUG UGCAAUACAUACCACGCUA GAGGAGAGCUCUUCGAUUU GGAAACGGCUCACAAUCCA GGAAUUUGUUGCUCCAGAA GAGAUGGGCCCAAGGAAUU GAGUGUGGACUUAGGAAAA CAGCAUUCCCAAAGCTCUU UGACAAUUCUGCUGAGAUG CAACAAAACUGGACGGAAC GAACAUAGCCCUUUGGGAG CGGCAGAUUUGACAGGUGU GGACAGAAGCUCACAACGA UCAUGUAUCUAGAAGGUAA ACACGAUGCUGAUAAAGUG CAAGGUCGGUGAUUGUACA GCAGGUAUUUGACAUAUUA GCAAUAGCCUGCCAUGUUU GAACCACGCCUCUAGAUAU GGGCUACACCGAAGCAAUU CCAAACAGUUCACCUAUUA GGACGUGUCUGAUUCCAAA GGUGAUGGAUCUGAGUAUA GUAGACACGUACCGACAGA GGAUUGAGGAGAAACGUAA CUCAAGAUCUGCCGAGUGA GGCUAUAACUCGCCUAGUG GAUUGAGGAGAAACGUAAA CAUCAGAGCUGCGGAUUUG GCCCGUCUAUGACAAGAAA GCACAGAUGAAUUGGAGAU GUACCUGCCUCGCGACCAU Qiagen-SI03650318 Dharmacon-001400-01-20 Dharmacon-004387-03 Dharmacon-004387-18 Dharmacon-004387-19 Dharmacon-004387-20 Dharmacon-004418-01 Dharmacon-004418-03 Dharmacon-004418-04 Dharmacon-004418-05 Dharmacon-custom Qiagen-SI04988298 Dharmacon-008090-06 Dharmacon-008090-15 Dharmacon-008090-16 Dharmacon-008090-17 Dharmacon-004448-01 Dharmacon-004448-02 Dharmacon-004448-03 Dharmacon-004448-04 Dharmacon-003520-01 Dharmacon-003520-02 Dharmacon-003520-03 Dharmacon-003520-05 Dharmacon-003918-01 Dharmacon-003918-02 Dharmacon-003918-03 Dharmacon-003918-18 Dharmacon-003533-03 Dharmacon-003533-04 Dharmacon-003533-05 Dharmacon-003533-18 Dharmacon-004767-01 Dharmacon-004767-04 Dharmacon-004767-05 Dharmacon-004767-18 # Excluded from the siRNA pool following deconvolution analysis due to off-target effects 5 Schlegel et al. 2014 Cell Death and Differentiation (re-re-submission) TABLE SII. Oligonucleotide qPCR primer pair sequences used throughout this study Oligo name Oligo sequence (5' to 3') DAPK2 fwd DAPK2 rev DR4 fwd DR4 rev DR5 fwd DR5 rev FLIP fwd FLIP rev BID fwd BID rev NFKB1 fwd NFKB1 rev NFKB2 fwd NFKB2 rev RELA fwd RELA rev RELB fwd RELB rev cREL fwd cREL rev C-JUN fwd C-JUN rev TNFA fwd TNFA rev TCCTGGATGGGGTGAACTAC CAGCTTGATGTGTGGAATGG CATCGGCTCAGGTTGTGGA TGCCGGTCCCAGCAGACA GCACTCACTGGAATGACCTC GCCTTCTTCGCACTGACAC TCTCACAGCTCACCATCCCTG CAGGAGTGGGCGTTTTCTTTC TCCACACATGAATCTGCACATC GGGAACCTGCACAGTGGAA GCAGCACTACTTCTTGACCACC TCTGCTCCTGAGCATTGACGTC GGCAGACCAGTGTCATTGAGCA CAGCAGAAAGCTCACCACACTC CCAGGTTCTGGAAACTGTGGAT CCCCACGAGCTTGTAGGAAAG TGTGGTGAGGATCTGCTTCCAG TCGGCAAATCCGCAGCTCTGAT AGTTGCGGAGACCTTCTGACCA CGTGATCCTGGCACAGTTTCTG TCCAAGTGCCGAAAAAGGAAG CGAGTTCTGAGCTTTCAAGGT TCTTCTCGAACCCCGAGTGA CCTCTGATGGCACCACCAG GAPDH fwd GAPDH rev HPRT fwd HPRT rev AGCCACATCGCTCAGACAC GCCCAATACGACCAAATCC TGACCTTGATTTATTTTGCATACC CGAGCAAGACGTTCAGTCCT 1 Galligan L et al. (2005). 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