Ms - Geography-12

Geography 12
Plate Tectonics, Volcanism & Earthquakes
To help you succeed….
I am providing you with a list of all the concepts you must learn by the end of this Unit. Please
keep track of these prescribed learning outcomes as you go through the course work. You can
even check them off as you’ve learned them if you want!! This will help you understand what is
expected of you for the Provincial/Final Exam!!! Happy Studying!!
 You are expected to be able to:
*Describe the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including:
− The Earth’s layers
− Volcanism
− Folding and faulting
*Explain the effects of volcanism
*Explain the effects of earthquakes
*Explain Human and Physical Interaction as a theme in Geography
*Apply effective written, oral, and graphic communication skills to geography topics
 What you should KNOW at the end of this unit!!
-I will be able to identify (on a diagram/picture/video) and explain the nature of the following:
The Earth’s Layers:
lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, centrosphere,
Volcanism & Igneous Activity: composite cone, cinder cone, shield volcano, batholith, caldera,
columnar jointing, igneous, intrusive, laccolith, sill, dyke, extrusive
Associated Tectonic Processes: convection, shearing, tension, compression
Rock Types & the Rock Cycle:
metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous
mid-ocean ridges, subduction, convergent, divergent, oceanic plates, tectonics,
continental plates, island arcs, trenches, rift valleys,
Folding and Faulting:
anticline, syncline, strike-slip, faulting, horst, folding, graben,
Hazards of Volcanism: nuée ardente, lahar, pyroclastic flow,
Effects of Volcanism:
climate change, loss of life, destruction of property, enhanced soil fertility,
creation of landmasses, geothermal energy
aftershock, P-wave, Richter scale, seismograph, S-wave, epicentre,
tremor, focus
Hazards of Earthquakes:
Ms. Burnett, Geography 12
liquefaction, mass wasting, tsunami
 The BIG IDEAS you should understand at the end of this unit:
An understanding of features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including:
-The Earth’s layers
-Folding and faulting
− Earthquakes
 What you will be able to do at the end of this unit:
I will be able to: Describe the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including:
I will be able to distinguish among Earth’s layers, including centrosphere, mesosphere, asthenosphere,
and lithosphere
I will be able to describe the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, and relate
them to the rock cycle
I will be able to identify the processes associated with tectonics (convection, tension, compression,
I will be able to identify types of plate boundaries (e.g., convergent, subduction, divergent, and
transform), plate movements, and the resulting landforms (e.g., rift valleys, trenches, island arcs, midocean ridges, fold mountains)
I will be able to distinguish between oceanic and continental plates
I will be able to describe volcanoes with reference to
– Type (e.g., shield, composite, cinder)
– Intrusive features (e.g., dyke, sill, laccolith, batholith)
– Extrusive features (e.g., columnar jointing, caldera)
-Origins (e.g., plate boundary, hot spot)
I will be able to identify the features and processes associated with folding (e.g., syncline, anticline) and
faulting (e.g., normal, reverse, horst, graben, strike-slip)
I will be able to define epicentre, focus, Richter scale, seismograph, tremor, aftershock, P-wave, S-wave
I will be able to: Explain the effects of volcanism:
I will be able to identify hazards associated with volcanism (e.g., nuée ardente, lahar, pyroclastic flow)
I will be able to assess the effects of volcanism (e.g., climate change, loss of life, destruction of
property, enhanced soil fertility, creation of landmasses, geothermal energy)
I will be able to: Explain the effects of earthquakes:
describe the hazards of earthquakes (e.g., tsunami, liquefaction, mass wasting) and their effects
Ms. Burnett, Geography 12