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Theorising capital: Economic, Cultural and Social.
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Burt, Ronald (1997). Contingent Value of Social Capital. In Lesser, Eric L. (ed)
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I samband med SOS311-kurset “Theorising capital: Economic, Cultural and Social”
må deltakarar skrive eit essay for å få kurset godkjent. Essayet kan skrivast rundt ei av
dei følgjande bøkene:
Bourdieu, Pierre (1984): Distinction. Cambrigde, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1996): The State Nobility. Cambridge: Polity Press
Burt, Ronald S. (1992): Structural Holes. The Social Structure of Competition.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Fine, Ben (2003): Social Capital Versus Social Theory: Political Economy and
Social Science at the Turn of the Millennium. London: Routledge.
Lin, Nan (2001): Social Capital. A Theory of Social Structure and Action. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Mintz, B. and Schwartz, M. (1985): The Power Structure of American Business.
Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
Mizruchi, Mark S. (1992): The structure of corporate political action: interfirm
relations and their consequences. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Putnam, Robert D. (1993): Making Democracy Work. Civic Traditions in Modern
Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Putnam, Robert D. (2000): Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American
Community. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Scott, John (1997). Corporate Business and Capital Classes. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Useem, M. (1984): The Inner Circle: Large Corporations and the Rise of Business
Political Activity in the U.S. and U.K. New York: Oxford University Press.