(To be completed) 21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Professional Skin & Nails II Human Services Cosmetology Title: Professional Skin & Nails II (WVEIS 1732) Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT-SKINNII.1 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.1 Nail Tips, Wraps, and No-light Gels Students will demonstrate the mastery of skills related to nail tips, wraps, and no-light gels. HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.3 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.4 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.5 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.1.6 HS.O,CSMT-SKINNII.1.7 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT-SKINNII.2 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.2 Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: explain the purposes of the necessary supplies for nail tips. identify the types of nail tips. demonstrate proper procedures and safety in nail tips application and removal. explain the benefits of silk, linen, fiberglass, and synthetic wrap applications. demonstrate the procedures and precautions in fabric wrap applications. demonstrate maintenance, repair, and removal of wraps. demonstrate proper procedures in no-light gels. Acrylic Nails Students will demonstrate knowledge of acrylic nail enhancement. Students will explain how methacrylate nail enhancement chemistry works. explain the purpose of the supplies in acrylic Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: 1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.3 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.4 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.5 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.6 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.2.7 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT-SKINNII.3 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.3.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.3.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.3.3 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.3.4 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT-SKINNII.4 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.4.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.4.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.4.3 nail enhancement. demonstrate correct procedures in application of acrylic nail enhancement of tips and natural nails. practice health and safety precautions involving application of nail primers. perform rebalance procedures and repairs. implement proper procedures for removal of acrylic nail enhancements. explain differences in traditional and odorless acrylic nail enhancement products. Hair Removal Students will demonstrate knowledge of various methods of hair removal. Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: describe the elements of a client consultation for hair removal. name conditions that contraindicate hair removal in the salon. describe methods of permanent hair removal. demonstrate procedures in temporary hair removal. Facials Students will demonstrate knowledge of skin analysis. demonstrate knowledge of care. demonstrate knowledge of facial treatments. Students will describe various skin types and conditions. demonstrate knowledge of contraindications and screening. describe various products used in facial Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: 2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.4.4 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.4.5 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT-SKINNII.5 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.3 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.4 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.5 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.5.6 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT- SKINNII.6 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.6.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.6.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.6.3 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.6.4 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.6.5 treatments. demonstrate use of electrical equipment used in facial treatments. demonstrate basic facial procedures. Facial Makeup Students will demonstrate knowledge of use of cosmetics. Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: demonstrate the uses of various types of cosmetics. demonstrate appropriate application of color theory. demonstrate application of basic makeup for any occasion. demonstrate basic corrective makeup procedures. demonstrate application and removal of artificial lashes. demonstrate safety procedures used in makeup application. UV Gels Students will demonstrate knowledge of UV gels. Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: describe the chemistry of UV gels. describe the supplies used in UV gel application. demonstrate proper procedures for maintaining UV gel services using forms over tips and on natural nails. describe the one and two color methods for applying UV gels. explain how to safely remove UV gels. 3 Standard Number: HS.S.CSMT- SKINNII.7 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.7.1 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.7.2 HS.O.CSMT-SKINNII.7.3 21st Century Skills Information and Communication Skills: Thinking and Reasoning Skills: Personal, and Workplace, Skills: Participating in the Student Organization Students will participate in a student organization. Students will identify the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization. explain the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization. demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. Learning Skills & Technology Tools 21C.O.912.1.LS1. 21C.O.912.2.LS1 21C.O.912.3.LS1 Learning Skills & Technology Tools Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Evidence of Success Evidence of Success Entrepreneurship Skills: Culminating Assessment: Culminating Assessment: Examples: 1. Build Assessments anchored in authentic task by using GRASPS: G What is the Goal in the scenario? R What is the Role? A Who is the Audience? S What is your Situation (context)? 4 P What is the Performance challenge? S By what Standards will work be judged in the scenario? 2. End-Of-Course Technical Skills Test 3. Industry Credential Exam Examples: You are a Dietician within healthcare facility. Your goal is to develop a meal plan, for a patient, given a specific diagnosis and a prescribed therapeutic diet. You will be judged by the inclusions and restrictions of the therapeutic diet and the guidelines for recommended daily allowances established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You work in a Information Management Department of a local hospital and must correctly interpret a medical record by defining the medical elements contained within a patient’s medical report. You will be judged on the accuracy of you interpretation. As a consumer of health care, you must identify the type of healthcare insurance plan provided by your employer, listing the provisions and exemptions of the plan. You must correctly analyze the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) received for services provided during a recent healthcare episode, including the deductible, co-insurance, co-payment, and final charges. You will be judged on the correct conclusions of the EOB. As a high school student, you plan to continue your education and enter a healthcare profession. You will research a selected healthcare career, utilizing a variety of resources and methods such as web searches, interviewing local professionals, etc. From your research, you will develop a healthcare career display to enter in the HOSA Career Health Display competitive event. You will be judged by the event rubric within HOSA Handbook. You are an Infection Control specialist in a local hospital. In the last 6 months there has been an increase in the number of nosocomial infections on the Extended Care Unit. Your job is to analyze a patient care scenario to determine the inputs into the Chain of Infection that perpetuated this spread. You will verbally present your analysis to your co-workers, by presenting a pictorial representation (charts, graph, etc.) illustrating each area of the chain and the corresponding action that might have contributed to the patient contracting a nosocomial infection. You will be judged on the application of your knowledge of microorganisms and the Chain of Infection, and a peer review on your ability to verbally and pictorially communicate your analysis effectively. 5 Obtain industry certification in CPR and First Aid Links and Other Resources End-Of-Course Technical Skill Test Links and Other Resources Related Websites: Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/ U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/ Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org America's Job Bank www.ajb.org America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm 6 Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/ West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ Contacts: Contacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory Human Services Coordinator: Donna Wilkes dwilkes@access.k12.wv.us OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson 7