
Saunders, Donald F.
Davidson, Martin J.
Articles and scientific papers on surface geochemical exploration for petroleum
This collection consists of historical materials bearing on the science of surface geochemistry as it is applied to the
exploration for oil and gas reserves. The documents in the collection were compiled and organized by two pioneers
in the field, Dr. Donald F. Saunders and Dr. Martin J. Davidson. In addition to offprints of journal articles, arranged
topically by Dr. Saunders, the collection includes a complete run of the Bulletin of the Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists, newsletters of the APGE, key monographs in the field, unpublished research reports,
and other materials. The collection is organized by topic into 28 series.
10 boxes (5 linear feet)
Material is in English
DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University
Biographical Note
Donald F. Saunders and Martin J. Davidson are both dedicated scientists who studied many facets of surface geochemical
exploration for petroleum.
Donald F. Saunders, born in 1924, received a B.S. in Chemistry in 1946 and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in physical
chemistry in 1950. He worked for Texas Instruments for 30 years working in projects as diverse as seismic events, lunar geologic
composition and measurements, remote sensing, serial gamma ray spectral and geochemical data, and the commercial utility of
satellite imagery.
Martin J. Davidson, born in 1924, received a B.S. from Alfred University in ceramic engineering and glass technology in 1948. He
received his MBA from New York University in 1950 and his PhD in economics from the University of Houston in 1967.
Davidson worked for Sylvania Electric Products, National Union Radio Tube Corporation, Crown Central Petroleum Corporation,
Davidson Geochemical Oil Company and NASA, but the majority of his career was spent in academia. He was an Instructor in
Economics at the University of Houston from 1963-1967. From 1967 to 1989, he was a Professor of Economics at the University
of North Texas and continues to be Emeritus Professor of Economics.
Scope and Contents of the Collection
This collection on Surface Geochemical Exploration (SGE) consists of historical materials bearing on the development of the
science of surface geochemistry as it is applied to the exploration for oil and gas reserves. The documents in the collection were
compiled and organized by two pioneers in the field, Dr. Donald F. Saunders and Dr. Martin J. Davidson. In addition to offprints
of journal articles, arranged topically by Dr. Saunders, the collection includes a complete run of the Bulletin of the Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists, newsletters of the APGE, key monographs in the field, unpublished research reports, and
other materials. The collection is organized by topic into 28 series.
Photocopies of all articles can be obtained from the DeGolyer Library. Please contact the library for more information.
Arrangement of the Collection
The collection is organized into 28 series:
Series 1: History of Geochemical Exploration, 1933-2006
Series 2: Short Courses, 1985, 1994
Series 3: Statistical Evaluation of Anomalies, 1940-2002
Series 4: Models for Microseepage and Related Anomalies, 1938-2002
Series 5: Multiple Methods Papers, 1939-2004
Series 6: Onshore Hydrocarbon Detection, 1935-2005
Series 7: Offshore Hydrocarbon Detection, 1959-2004
Series 8: Radiometric Methods, 1945-2002
Series 9: Shallow Magnetic Anomalies, 1960-2006
Series 10: Delta Carbonate Method, 1947-1988
Series 11: Carbonate Geomorphology, 1938-1994
Series 12: Air Photo Geomorphology, 1961-1992
Series 13: Satellite Imagery Interpretation, 1975-2004
Series 14: Radar Methods, 1972-1997
Series 15: Microbiological Methods, 1952-2004
Series 16: Botanical Methods, 1986-1999
Series 17: Botanical Indicator
Series 18: Fluorescence Methods, 1943-1993
Series 19: Iodine Methods, 1978-2002
Series 20: Helium Methods, 1981-2004
Series 21: Induced Polarization, 1938-1994
Series 22: Geothermal Gradient Methods, 1940-2001
Series 23: Geochemical Success and Costs, 1982-2004
Series 24: General Studies, 1938-2003
Series 25: Bibliographies, 1988-2004
Series 26: Books, Symposia, and Journals, 1954-2002
Series 27: Writings of Martin J. Davidson, 1957-2006
Series 28: Writings of Donald F. Saunders, 1953-2002
Access to Collection:
Collection is open for research use.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following terms in the Southern Methodist University Libraries' online catalog.
Researchers desiring related materials may search the catalog using these terms.
Saunders, Donald F.
Davidson, Martin J.
Geochemical prospecting.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Series 1:
History of Geochemical Exploration, 1933-2006
M. J. Davidson, Impediments to the Broader Acceptance of Surface Geochemical Exploration. Unpublished
paper. 2006.
D. F. Saunders, Magnetic iron minerals on hills with low-potassium and hydrocarbon-rich soils may indicate
petroleum in East Texas: Unpublished draft, Petrominex, Inc., 10 p. 2004
C. K. Thompson, K. R. Burson and D. F. Saunders, Surface geochemical petroleum exploration experience:
Unpublished draft, RECON Exploration, Inc and Petrominex, Inc., 21 p. 2004
M. J. Davidson, Evolution of scientific surface geochemical exploration, Oil & Gas Journal, June 21, p. 35-38.
M. J. Davidson, MJD and Surface Geochemical Exploration: Unpublished draft, 9 p. 2004
M. J. Davidson, Early history of surface geochemical exploration: Paper presented at AAPG Annual Meeting,
April 18-22, Dallas, Texas. 2004
M. J. Davidson, Interview with Dr. Richard C. Weart: Letter Report, 2 p. 2004
D. F. Saunders, Donald F. Saunders experience in geochemical prospecting for petroleum (1953-2003),
Unpublished draft. 13 p. 2004
M. J. Davidson, On the acceptance and rejection of surface geochemical exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, June 6,
p.79-76. 1994
P. Groth, A.P.G.E. Honorary Member, Martin J. Davidson: A leader in surface geochemical exploration:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists, Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. ii-iv. 1992
M. J. Davidson, Geochemistry and Leo Horvitz: Geophysics, The Leading Edge, p. 101-102. 1991
Anon., Leo Horvitz Memorial Research Laboratory Dedication: Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists, Association News, June-July, p. 3-5. 1991
M. Norton, The discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia: Geotimes, v. 35, n. 5, p.17-19. 1990
M. J. Davidson, Explorationists can benefit from vertical migrtion now: World Oil, November, p. 83-98. 1985
G. E. Sweet, Geochemistry, Chapter 80 in The history of geophysical prospecting: Los Angeles, Science Press
p. 290-292. 1978
M. J. Davidson, Geochemistry can help find oil if properly used: World Oil, July, 4 p. 1963
E. E. Rosaire, Letter to E. DeGolyer. 1942
E. E. Rosaire, A perspective of exploration for petroleum: Geophysics, v. 5, n. 3, p. 259-271. 1940
G. Laubmeyer, A new geophysical prospecting method, especially for deposits of hydrocarbons: Translated
from: Petroleum, v. 29, n. 18, 15 p. 1933
Series 2:
Short Courses, 1985, 1994
D. Schumacher, Surface exploration for oil and gas: Advances of the eighties, applications for the nineties: Short
Course Sponsored by the Abilene Geological Society, 132 p. 1994
R. Klusman, Coordinator, Surface and near-surface geochemical methods in petroleum exploration: Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists, Special Publication No. 1, 284 p. 1985
Series 3:
Statistical Evaluation of Anomalies, 1940-2002
R. W. Klusman, Interpretation and display of geochemical data, in D. Schumacher and L.A. LeSchack, eds., Surface
exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology
No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, p. 1-24. 2002
M. H. Ramsey, M. Thompson and M. Hale, Objective evaluation of precision requirements for geochemical analysis
using robust analysis of variance: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 44, p. 23-36. 1992
D. F. Saunders, Simplified evaluation of soil magnetic susceptibility and soil gas hydrocarbon anomalies:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5, n.1, p.30-48. (Draft copy enclosed). 1989
R. J. Smith, III, Use of empirical distribution function in the estimation of boundaries of anomalous populations:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n.1, p. 64-87. 1987
D. F. Saunders, Soil gas hydrocarbon special data processing program: RECON Exploration, Inc., Study Report, 4
p. 1987
S. A. Horvitz, Processing near-surface hydrocarbon data to yield improved interpretations - a case study: Oil & Gas
Journal, April 27, p.95-100. 1987
A. T. Miesch, Estimation of the geochemical threshold and its statistical significance: Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, v. 16, p. 49-76. 1981
M. J. Davidson and J. B. Spaulding, Application of decision science to petroleum exploration: Proceedings,
American Institute for Decision Sciences, Southwest Regional Meeting, San Antonio, March, p. 291-294. 1977
L. Malmqvist, An iterative regression analysis procedure for numerical interpretation of regional exploration
geochemical data: Mathematical geology, v. 10, n. 1, p. 23-41. 1978
I. Nichol, R. G. Garrett and J. S. Webb, The role of some statistical and mathematical methods in the interpretation
of regional geochemical data: Economic Geology, v. 64, p. 204-220. 1969
F. F. Langford, A method to evaluate the probability of success of a geochemical survey: Economic Geology, v. 60,
n. 2, p. 360-372. 1965
A. T. Miesch and J. J. Connor, Investigation of sampling error effects in geochemical prospecting: Article 137 in
USGS Prof. Paper 475-D , p. D84-D88. 1964
R. M. Tripp, Is it an anomaly?: Geophysics, v. 13, n. 3, p. 443-451. 1948
F. Romberg, Statistical approach to soil analysis: Geophysical Service Inc., Study Report, 11 p. 1948
T. A. Elkins, The reliability of geophysical anomalies on the basis of probability considerations: Geophysics, v. 5, n.
4, p. 321-336. 1940
Series 4:
Models for Microseepage and Related Anomalies, 1938-2002
D. B. Sikka and R. B. K. Shives, Radiometric surveys of the Redwater oil field, Alberta: Early surface exploration
case histories suggest mechanisms for the development on hydrocarbon related geochemical anomalies, in D.
Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface Exploration Case Histories: Applications of geochemistry,
magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11,
P. 243-297. 2002
H. Loseth, L. Wensaas and B. Arntsen, Gas chimneys - indicating a fractured cap rock (Abstract), AAPG Hedberg
Conference, September 16-19, 2001, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, 2 p. 2001
D. Schumacher, The duynamic nature of hydrocarbon microseepage: An overview (Abstract), AAPG Hedberg
Conference, Septmber 16-19, 2001, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, 3 p. 2001
D. Schumacher, Surface geochemical exploration for oil and gas: New life for an old technology: The Leading
Edge, March, p. 258-261. 2000
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson and C. K. Thompson, Model for hydrocarbon microseepage and related near-surface
alterations: AAPG Bulletin, v. 83, n.1, p. 170-185. 1999
B. M. Krooss and D. Leythaeuser, Diffusion of methane and ethane through the reservoir cap rock: Implications for
the timing and duration of catagenesis: Discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, n. 1, P. 155-161. 1997
D. F. Saunders, Estimated methane vertical diffusion rate: study report, RECON Exploration, Inc, 2 p. with
attached references. 1996
M. A. Abrams, Distribution of subsurface hydrocarbon seepage in near-surface marine sediments, in D.
Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds, Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66,
p.1-14. 1996
I. S. Guliev and A. A. Feizullayev, Geochemistry of hydrocarbon seepages in Azerbaijan, in D. Schumacher and M.
A. Abrams, eds, Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66, p. 63-70. 1996
D. Schumacher, Hydrocarbon-induced alteration of soils and sediments, in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds,
Hydrocarbon migration ant its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66, p.71-89. 1996
M. D. Matthews, Migration—a view from the top, in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds, Hydrocarbon
migration and its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66, p. 139-155. 1996
R. W. Klusman and M. A. Saeed, Comparison of light hydrocarbon microseepage mechanisms, in D. Schumacher
and M. A. Abrams, eds, Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66, p.157-168.
L. C. Price, Research-derived insights into surface geochemical hydrocarbon exploration, in D. Schumacher and M.
A., Abrams, eds, Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression, AAPG Memoir 66, p.285-307. 1996
W. A. Wescott and W. C,. Hood, Hydrocarbon generation and migration routes in the East Texas Basin: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 78, n. 2, p. 287-307. 1994
R. M. Capuano, Evidence of fluid flow in microfractures in geopressured shales :AAPG bulletin, v. 77, n. 8, p.
1303-1314. 1993
G. K. Arp, Effusive microseepage: A first approximation model for light hydrocarbon movement in the subsurface:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, p. 1-17. 1992
R. W. Klusman, Chemical and microbiological reactions of hydrocarbons: Surface and near surface geochemistry
in petroleum exploration, Short course sponsored by the APGE and RMAG, Denver Colo., July 26-27, 1989
M. D. Matthews, Effects of hydrocarbon leakage on earth surface materials in M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional
methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas IV: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern
Methodist University Press, p. 27-44. 1986
L. C. Price, A critical overview and proposed working model of surface geochemical exploration, in M. J.
Davidson, ed., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas IV: Institute for the Study of
Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 245-304. 1986
L. C. Price, A critical overview of and proposed working model for hydrocarbon microseepage: USGS Open-File
Report 85-271, 83 p. 1985
R. G. MacElvain, Mechanics of gaseous ascension through a sedimentary column, in W.B. Heroy, ed.,
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 15-28. 1969
S. J. Pirson, Geological, geophysical and chemical modifications of sediments in the environment of oil fields, in
W. B. Heroy, ed., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas: Institute for the Study of
Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 159-186. 1969
S. J. Pirson, How to make geochemical exploration succeed: World Oil, April, p. 93-96. 1960
E. E. Rosaire, Shallow stratigraphic variations over Gulf Coast structures: Geophysics, v. 3, n. 2, p. 96-115. 1938
Series 5:
Multiple Methods Papers, 1939-2004
D. F. Saunders, Magnetic iron minerals on hills with low-potassium and hydrocarbon-rich soils may indicate petroleum
in East Texas: Unpublished draft, Petrominex, Inc., 10 p. 2004
L. Le Schack, R. Wyman and J. Jackson, Surface exploration successful in finding Alberta Leduc pinnacle reefs:
Abstract, AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-24, Dallas, Texas, 3 p. 2004
O. S. Liu et al., Relationship between magnetic anomalies and hydrocarbon microseepage above the Jingbian gas field,
Ordos Basin, China: AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, n. 2, p. 241-251. 2004
D. F. Saunders, Successful use of surface geochemical/geophysical methods to find stratigraphic traps: (Draft copy),
Petrominex, Inc., 17 p., 4 figs. 2004
L. A. LeSchack and D. R. Van Alstine, High-resolution ground magnetic (HRGM) and radiometric surveys for
hydrocarbon exploration: Six case histories in western Canada, in D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface
exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No.
48, and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, p. 67-156. 2002
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. J. Brown and C. K. Thompson, Combined geologic and surface geochemical methods
used to discover Agaritta, Brady Creek, Selden and New Year ‘95 fields, Concho County, Texas, U.S.A., in D.
Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and
remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48, and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, p. 209-242. 2002
R. A. Cannon and G. K. Rice, How integrated modeling assisted with Navigator find, Midland Basin eastern shelf: Oil
& Gas Journal, July 9, 6 p. 2001
J. Q. Belt and G. K. Rice, Integrated reconnaissance model scores on Midland basin eastern shelf: Oil & Gas Journal,
March 13, 5 p. 2000
L. A. LeSchack, Results of magnetic HGI and radiometric surveys in W. Canada: Oil & Gas Journal, May 19, p. 8488. 1997
L. A. LeSchack, Magnetic HGI, radiometric surveys prove cost-effective in W. Canada: Oil & Gas Journal, May 26, p.
82-88. 1997
J. Q. Belt, Jr. and G. K. Rice, Offshore 3D seismic, geochemical data integration, Main Pas project, Gulf of Mexico:
Oil & Gas Journal, April 1, p. 76-81. 1996
J. Q. Belt, Jr. and G. K. Rice, Advantages seen in integrated offshore 3D seismic, geochem data: Oil & Gas Journal,
April 8, p. 100-102. 1996
L. C. Price, Research-derived insights into geochemical hydrocarbon exploration, in D. Schumacher and M.A. Abrams,
eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 285-307. 1996
M. R. Mello, F. T. Goncalves, N. A. Babinski and F. P. Miranda, Hydrocarbon prospecting in the Amazon rain forest:
Application of surface geochemical, microbiological and remote sensing methods, in D. Schumacher and M.A.
Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 401-412. 1996
J. P. Land, Nonseismic methods can provide many views of a drill site: Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 26, p. 69-73. 1996
J. Q. Belt, Jr., and G. K. Rice, Macro exploration modeling: A pragmatic miltidisciplinary team process: Oil & Gas
Journal, June 5, P. 43 1995
D. Boleneus, Guidelines for surface geochemical surveying: Oil & Gas Journal Special, June 6, p. 59-64. 1994
K. R. Sundberg, Surface geochemistry applications in oil and gas exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, June 6, p. 47-58.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson and J. R. Branch, Integrated surface methods profiles, Two East Texas fields: Association
of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 9, n.1, p. 32-50. 1993
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. J. Brown and C. K. Thompson, Combined geological and surface geochemical
methods discovered Agaritta and Brady Creek fields, Concho County, Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, n. 7, p. 1219-1240.
J. C. Reid, B. S. Campbell and S. D. Ulrich, Hydrocarbon-induced mineralogic and geochemical alteration, Turkey
Creek, Colorado: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. 64-95. 1992
X. Xuejing, Local and regional surface geochemical exploration for oil and gas: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v.
42, p. 25-42. 1992
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson and C. K. Thompson, Observed relatioin of soil magnetic susceptibility and soil gas
hydrocarbon analyses to subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, n. 3, p. 389-408. 1991
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson,, Integrated petroleum exploration program EP-20 under way in Australia’s N. T.
Amadeus basin, Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 19, p. 609-64. 1990
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Radiometric, magnetic and hydrocarbon anomalies Alabama Ferry field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas, in J. E. Flis, R. C. Price, and J. F. Sarg, eds., Search for the
subtle trap - Hydrocarbon exploration in mature basins: West Texas Geological Society, Publication No. 89-85. p. 139147. 1989
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson, Integrated petroleum exploration program - EP-20. Amadeus Basin, Northern
Territory: The APEA Journal, v. 29, Pt. 1, p. 259-267. 1989
G. K. Rice, Exploration enhancement by integrating near-surface geochemical and seismic methods: Oil & Gas Journal,
April 3, p. 66-71. 1989
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Looking for look-alikes: Oil and Gas Australia, 3 p.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Alabama Ferry field detectable by hydrocarbon
microseepages and related alterations: Oil & Gas Journal, Pt. 1, v. 87, n. 45, p. 53-55; Pt. 2, v. 87, n. 46, p. 108-110.
J. Sandy, Fracture control of surface geochemical anomaly patterns: Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n.1, p. 56-63. 1987
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson, Integrated exploration improves wildcat success: World Oil, v. 205, Pt. 1: n. 3, p
42-46; Pt. 2: n. 5, p. 50-54. 1987
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Geochemical survey off Norway, a comparison: Oil & Gas Journal, April 13, p. 70-72. 1987
N. Tillman, Surface geochemistry enigmas: Oil & Gas Journal, November 9, p. 87-89. 1987
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson, Integrated petroleum exploration using selected less conventional methods:
Unpublished Draft, 23 p. 1986
D. M. Richers et al., The 1983 LANDSAT soil gas geochemical survey of Patrick Draw area, Sweetwater County,
Wyoming: AAPG Bulletin, v. 70, n. 7, p. 869-887. 1986
V. T. Jones et al., Remote sensing and surface geochemical study of Railroad Valley, Nye County, Nevada:
Proceedings of the Fourth Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology, v. 1, p. 381-389. 1985
M. J. Gole and C. R. M. Butt, Biogenic-Thermogenic near-surface gas anomaly over Gingin and Bootine gas fields,
Western Australia: AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, n. 12, p. 2110-2119. 1985
D. F. Saunders and S. A. Terry, Onshore exploration using the new geochemistry and geomorphology: Oil & Gas
Journal, September 16, p. 126-130. 1985
C. K. Thompson, The use of LANDSAT and airborne geochemical reconnaissance in hydrocarbon exploration, in
Selected Case Histories of the Successful Application on Remote Sensing in Geology: The Geosat Committee, Inc., 21
p. 1985
G. K. Rice and V. N. Jackson, Geochemical techniques in exploration: Technical Papers, Semiannual Meeting of
American Society of Photogrammetry, September 9-14, San Antonio. 13 p. 1984
G. Heimberg and R. A. Leach, Results of an integrated unconventional exploration program in southeastern Colorado:
Proceedings of a remote sensing symposium: Nonrenewable resource exploration and development, American Society
of Photogrammetry, p. 587-604. 1984
M. R. Thomasson, Non-seismic methods: A key to integrated exploration, World Oil, December, Including: J. Sandy,
Micromagnetics, p. 59-60; R.G. Reeves and J.R. Lucas, Landsat Imagery, p. 60-62; B. Ehni, Magnetotellurics, p. 6263; B.F. Prokop, Gravity, p. 63-64. 1984
P. Bower, Geochemical prospecting and value to the oil finder: Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 22, p. 163-174. 1983
C. K. Thompson, Case studies on airborne hydrocarbon gas sensing and interstitial hydrocarbon gas validation
sampling surveys, and their use in the discovery of wildcat oil fields: Recon Exploration, Inc., Dallas, Texas, 30 p. 1982
D. M. Richers et al., LANDSAT and geochemical study of Patrick Draw oil field, Sweetwter County, Wyoming:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 66, n. 7, p. 903-922. 1982
T. J. Donovan and M. C. Dalziel, Late diagenetic indicators of buried oil and gas: USGS Open File Report 77-817, 44
p. 1977
S. Miodrag, Should we consider geochemistry an important exploratory technique?: Oil & Gas Journal, August 4, p.
106-110. 1975
J. F. Johnson, Are we substituting rebellion for reason in evaluating new exploration methods?: Oil & Gas Journal,
March 18, p. 97-99. 1963
D. F. Saunders and R. C. Dunlap, Geochemical Reconnaissance in petroleum exploration: Presented at the October,
1961 Meeting of the Arab Petroleum Congress, Alexandria, Egypt, 31 p. 1961
S. M. Soliman, Geochemical prospecting for petroleum and its possible application in the Middle East: Second Arab
Petroleum Congress, October 17-22, Beirut, 19 p. 1960
V. A. Sokolov et al., Investigations into direct oil detection methods: Proceedings of the Fifth World Petroleum
Congress, Section I, p. 667-687. 1959
J. C. Cook, Some unorthodox petroleum exploration methods: Geophysics, v. 24, n. 1, p. 142-154. 1959
Experience in the use of geochemical exploration methods on the territory ofthe Timan-Petchora gas and oil province:
(in Russian), p. 108-123. 1958
E. McDermott, Geochemical Exploration (soil Analysis): AAPG Bulletin, v. 24, n. 5, p. 859-881. 1940
E. McDermott, Concentrations of hydrocarbons in the Earth: Geophysics, v. 4, n. 3, p. 195-209. 1939
Series 6:
Onshore Hydrocarbon Detection, 1935-2005
E. Durkee, From megaseeps to microseeps - how geochem can support remote gas monetization in Asia, Oil & Gas
Journal, p. 33-38, April 11, 2005.
R. J. LeBlanc and V. T. Jones III, How to design an exploration surface soil gas geochemical survey: Illustrated by
application examples from the Hugoton Embayment of SE Colorado and Southwest Kansas: Presented at AAPG
Annual Conventuon, April 18-21, 2004, 23 p. 2004
V. T. Jones III and R. J. LeBlanc, Moore-Johnson (Morrow) oil field, Greeley County, Kansas: A successful
integration of surface soil gas geochemistry with geology and geophysics: AAPG Search and Discovery Electronic
Journal Site, 15 p. 2004
L. Zhang, Vacuum desorption of light hydrocarbons adsorbed on soil particles: A new method in geochemical
exploration for petroleum: AAPG Bulletin, v. 87, n. 1, p. 89-97. 2003
L. M. Pinsker, Raining hydrocarbons in the Gulf: Geotimes, June, p. 9-10. 2003
R. W. Klusman, A geochemical perspective and assessment of leakage potential for a mature carbon dioxideenhanced oil recovery project and as a prototype for carbon dioxide sequestration; Rangely field Colorado: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 87, n. 9, p. 1485-1507. 2003
G. K. Rice, J. Q. Belt, Jr., and G. E. Berg, Soil gas hydrocarbon pattern changes during a west-Texas waterflood: in D.
Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics
and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical references Series No. 11, p. 157-174.
H. H. Von der Dick, K. R. Barrett, and D. A. Bosman, Numerically reconstructed methane-seep signal in soil gases
over Devonian gas pools and prospects (Northeastern British Columbia): Surface microseeps and postsurvey
discovery: in D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of
geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical references
Series No. 11, p.193-207. 2002
P. N. Agostino, R. J. LeBlanc, Jr., and V. T. Jones, III, Assessment of subsurface hydrocarbon contamination resulting
from multiple releases at six former bulk-fuel storage and distribution terminals, Austin, Texas, in D. Schumacher and
L.A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing:
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical references Series No. 11, p.299-325. 2002
A. F. Callejon and H. H. von der Dick, Numerical identification of microseeps in surface soil gases of western
Venezuela, and its significance for hydrocarbon exploration, in D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface
exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology
No. 48 and SEG Geophysical references Series No. 11, p.381-392. 2002
A. J. Pyron, J. H. Vielenave and J. Fontana, Integrated exploration technologies model Trenton in western New York:
Oil & Gas Journal, September 9, p. 44-49. 2002
M. Bjoray and I. L. Ferriday, Surface geochemistry as an exploration tool: a comparison of results using different
analytical techniques: (Abstract) AAPG Hedberg Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2 p. 2001
M. A. Abrams, Near-surface hydrocarbon migration: Mechanisms and seepage rates: (Abstract) AAPG Hedberg
Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2 p. 2001
F. Amizadeh, et al., Determining migration path from seismically derived gas chimney: (Abstract) AAPG Hedberg
Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2 p. 2001
R. H. Fillon, Seabed slopes and bathymetric waveform residuals as quantitative indices of vertical fluid migration at
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L. Lovborg and E. Mose, Counting statistics in radioelement assaying with a portable spectrometer: Geophysics, v. 52,
n. 4, p. 555-563. 1987
D. F. Saunders, S. A. Terry and C. K. Thompson, Test of National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) gamma-ray
spectral data in petroleum reconnaissance: Geophysics, v. 52, n. 11, p. 1547-1556. 1987
J. L. Fisher, Hydrocarbon distribution patterns over uranium deposits: Implications for surface petroleum geochemical
prospecting techniques: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 2, n. 1, p. 21-36. 1986
C. Kilmer, Developments in exploration radiometrics, in R. M. McCoy, ed., Radiometric surveys in petroleum
exploration: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Special Publication No. 3, p. 44-51. ( Also see: Oil
& Gas Journal, June 16, p. 124-131). 1986
J. Fisher, The genesis of radiometric anomalies above petroleum accumulations, Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists Bulletin, v. 1, n. 1, p. 27-42. 1985
W. H. Curry III, Evaluation of surface gamma radiation surveys for petroleum exploration in the deep Powder River
Basin, Wyoming, in R. M. McCoy, ed., Radiometric surveys in petroleum exploration: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Special Publication No. 3, p. 28-37. 1984
A. K. Chamberlain, Surface gamma-ray logs: A correlation tool for frontier areas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, n. 8, p. 10401043. 1984
J. H. Galbraith and D. F. Saunders, Rock classification by characteristics of aerial gamma-ray measurements, Journal of
Geochemical Exploration, v. 18, p. 49-73. 1983
C. Kilmer, Radiation lows over productive areas seen as soil geochemical phenomenon: Oil & Gas Journal, July 25, p.
179-182. 1983
J. G. Morse and M. H. Rana, Radiometrics - an effective exploration tool: Western Oil Reporter, v. 35, n. 9, p. 84-86.
J. G. Morse, M. H. Rana and L. Morse, Radon mapping as indicators of subsurface oil and gas: Oil & Gs Journal, May
10, p. 227-246. 1982
R. C. Weart and G. Heimberg, Exploration radiometrics: Postsurvey drilling results, in B. M. Gottlieb, ed.,
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and Natural gas II: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 116-123. 1981
J. E. Conel and P. L. Niesen, Remote sensing and uranium exploration at Lisbon Valley, Utah, in K. R. Carver, ed.,
1981 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Digest: Piscataway, New Jersey, The institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. p. 318-324. 1981
R. S. Foote, Methods for locating subteranean petroleum-bearing deposits: U.S. Patent No. 3,919,547. 1975
C. H. Johnson, and R. S. Foote, Method and apparatus for aerial radioactivity surveying for surface mineral deposits
which compensates for the radioactive decay products in the atmosphere of the earth: U.S. Patent No. 3,825,751. 1974
F. E. Armstrong and R. J. Heemstra, Radiation halos and hydrocarbon reservoirs: a review: U.S. Bureau of Mines
Information Circular 8579, 52 p. and list of references. 1973
F. E. Armstrong and R. J. Heemstra, Radiometrics proposed for exploration, Parts 1 and 2, in R. M. McCoy, ed.,
Radiometric surveys in petroleum exploration: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Special
Publication No. 3, p. 16-27. 1972
W. L. Fisher et al., Depositional systems in the Jackson Group of Texas – Their relationship to oil, gas and uranium:
Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular No. 70-4, 8 p. 1970
R. S. Foote, Review of radiometric techniques in petroleum exploration, in R. M. McCoy, ed., Radiometric surveys in
petroleum exploration: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Special Publication No. 3, p. 52-63. 1969
S. J. Pirson, N. Alparone and A. Avadisian, Implications of log-derived radioactivity anomalies associated with oil and
gas fields: Preprint of paper presented at the 7th Annual Symposium, Professional Well Log Analysts, Tulsa,
Oklahoma,25 p. 1966
D. B. Sikka, Aero-gamma ray spectrometer aids in the detection of faults: Research Bulletin (N.S.) Of the Punjab
University, v. 13, Parts I-II, p. 91-102. 1962
D. B. Sikka, Radiometric survey of the Ten Section oil field, California, U.S.A.: Research Bulletin (N.S.) Of the Punjab
University, v. 13, Parts I-II, p. 149-161. 1962
D. B. Sikka, Areoradiometric survey of Redwater oil field, Alberta, Canada: Metals and Minerals Review, June, p. 5-51.
G. T. Langford, Radiation surveys and oil search: World Oil, v. 154, n. 5, p. 114-119. 1962
D. H. Eargle and A.D. Weeks, Possible relation between hydrogen sulfide-bearing hydrocarbons in fault-line oil fields
and uranium deposits in the southeast Texas Coastal Plain: USGS Short Papers in the Geologic and Hydrologic
Sciences, Article 295, p. D-7 - D-9. 1961
W. D. Crews, Radioactivity surveying: Oil & Gas Journal, May 8, p. 132-137. 1961
G. H. Miller, Radiation surveys can find oil: Oil & gas Journal, Feb. 13, p. 124-127. 1961
W. D. Crews, Radioactivity in exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, May 18, 4 p. 1959
W. D. Crews, Radioactivity surveys - here’s how they could uncover oil: Oil & Gas Journal, August 3, 4 p. 1959
J. W. Merritt, Geochemistry and radiation surveying for oil and gas: Proc. 20th International Geological Congress, p.
283-302. 1959
J. A. Miller, What causes variations in radioactivity over oil pools?: Oil & gas Journal, March 10, p. 245-246. 1958
W. J. Williams and P. J. Lorenz, Detecting subsurface faults by radioactivity measurements: World Oil, April, 4 p. 1957
H. Lundberg, What causes low radiation intensities over oil fields?: Oil & Gas Journal, April 30, 2 p. 1956
A. F. Gregory, Analysis of radioactive sources in aeroradiometric surveys over oil firlds: AAPG Bulletin, v. 40, n. 10, p.
2457-2474. 1956
G. N. Flerov and F. A. Alexeyev, The use of radioactive radiations in prospeting and developing oil deposits in the
USSR: Fourth World Petroleum Congress, Proceedings: Geology, Geophysics, Section I, p. 737-746. 1955
D. S. Lobdell, E. F. Buckley and J. W. Merritt, Gamma ray exploration comes of age: World Oil, August 1, 7 p. 1954
D. F. Saunders, Radiometric prospecting for oil (A discussion of the possibilities): Study Report, Texas Instruments,
Inc., 11 p. 1953
Anon., Radioactivity surveys at Research, Inc., in New and unorthodox methods of petroleum exploration, Part 1,
Geochemical studies: Southwest Research Institute, Special Bulletin No. S-1, October, p. 3-16. 1952
H. Lundberg, An attempt to interpret radioactive patterns obtained from airborne recordings: Proceedings of the
Geological Association of Canada, p. 117-125. 1952
R. M. Tripp, Measurement of oil-air ions over the Fort Collins Anticline: Geophysics, v. 10, p. 238-247. 1945
Series 9:
Shallow Magnetic Anomalies, 1960-2006
L. A. LeSchack and J. R. Jackson, Airborne measurement of transient pulses locates hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Unpublished manuscript, p. 1-6, 2006.
R. S. Foote, Professional History, 1948-2006. 2006
R. S. Foote, Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements of Conecuh County Oil / Gas Drill Cuttings, SW Alabama.
Unpublished manuscript, p. 1-5 with appendices. 2005
L. S. Durham, Micro-seeps tell reservoir tales: AAPG Explorer, October, p. 20-23. 2003
M. Aldana et al., Magnetic and mineralogical studies to characterize oil reservoirs in Venezuela: The Leading Edge,
June, p. 526-529. 2003
J. A. Wolleben and D. W. Greenlee, Successful application of micromagnetic data to focus hydrocarbon exploration,
in D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry,
magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, p.
175-191. 2002
J. L. Gevirtz and J. M. Vargo, Mitigation of drilling risk with near-surface hydrocarbon detection, a case study: Gulf
of Suez, Egypt, in D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of
geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References
Series No. 11, p. 361-380. 2002
B. B. Ellwood, R. E. Crickk and A. El Hassani, The magneto-susceptibility event and cyclostratigraphy (MSEC)
method used in geological correlation of Devonian rocks from Anti-Atlas Morocco: AAPG Bulletin v. 83, n. 7, p.
1119-1134. 1999
R. S. Foote, R. Nowak and J. Sobehrad, Aeromagnetic near-surface profiling as an exploration tool, in Application of
emerging technologies: Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas V: Institute for the
Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 183-189. 1997
B. B. Ellwood and B. Burkart, Test of hydrocarbon-induced magnetic patterns in soils: The sanitary landfill as
laboratory: in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG
Memoir 66, p. 91-98. 1996
H. G. Machel, Magnetic contrasts as a result of hydrocarbon seepage and migration, in D. Schumacher and M. A.
Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 99-110. 1996
R. S. Foote, Relationship of near-surface magnetic anomalies to oil and gas-producing regions, in D. Schumacher and
M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 111-126. 1996
Z. Al-Shaieb, J. Cairns and J. Pucket, Hydrocarbon-induced aureoles (HIDA); indicators of deeper leaky reservoirs:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 10, n. 1, p. 24-48. 1994
J. L. Gevirtz, and J. M. Vargo, Mitigation of drilling risk with near-surface hydrocarbon detection, A case study: Gulf
of Suez, Egypt: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-31. 1993
R. S. Foote, "Fossil" magnetic rock mineral bodies as indicator of oil & gas reservoirs: Geoscience & Technology,
Inc., 38 p. 1993
R. Tomkins, Redox identification technology- A direct location technique: Oil & Gas Journal, July 26, p. 95-98. 1993
D. J. Fruit and R. D. Elmore, Effects of hydrocarbon microseepage on the magnetic susceptibility of soils: Manuscript
submitted to AAPG, 22 p. 1993??
M. Sarbudak, Significance of near-surface magneric anomalies over Clarita prospect, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. 43-54. 1992
S. P. Gay, Jr., Epigenetic versus syngenetic magnetite as a cause of magnetic anomalies: Geophysics, v. 57, n. 1, p. 6068. 1992
R. S. Foote, Use of magnetic field aids oil search: Oil & Gas Journal, May 4, p. 137-142. 1992
R. S. Foote, Magnetic properties of the Silma Chalk, southwest Alabama: Geoscience & Technology, Inc., 36 p. 1992
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, and C.K. Thompson, Observed relation of soil magnetic susceptibility and soil gas
hydrocarbon analyses to subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, n. 3, p. 389-408. 1991
J. P. Land, Sr., A comparison of micromagnetic and surface geochemical survey results: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 7, n. 1, p. 12-35. 1991
J. A. Andrew et al., Empirical observations relating near-surface magnetic anomalies to high frequency seismic data
and Landsat data in eastern Sheridan County, Montana: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 10, p. 1553-1570. 1991
M. B. Goldhaber and R. L. Reynolds, Relations among hydrocarbon reservoirs, epigenetic sulfidization, and rock
magnetization: Examples from the south Texas coastal plain: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 6, p. 748-757. 1991
R. L. Reynolds, N. S. Fishman and M. R. Hudson, Sources of aeromagnetic anomalies over Cement oil field
(Oklahoma), Simpson oil field, Alaska, and the Wyoming-Idaho thrust belt: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 5, p. 606-617. 1991
H. G. Machel and E. A. Burton, Chemical and microbial processes causing anomalous magnetization in environments
affected by hydrocarbon seepage: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 5, p. 598-605. 1991
H. G. Machel and E. A. Burton, Causes and spatial distribution of anomalous magnetization in hydrocarbon seepage
environments: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, n. 12, p. 1864-1876. 1991
S. P. Gay, Jr., and B. W. Hawley, Syngenetic magnetic anomaly sources: Three examples: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 7, p.
902-913. 1991
R. H. Barton, Relationship of surface magnetic susceptibility variations to hydrocarbons and subsurface structure:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-11. 1990
R. L. Reynolds, M. Webring, V. J. S. Grauch and M. Tuttle, Magnetic forward models of Cement oil field, Oklahoma,
based on rock magnetic, geochemical and petrologic constraints: Geophysics, v. 55, n. 3, p. 244-235. 1990
R. S. Foote, Identification of oil and gas producing areas: A multi-area study of the magnetic properties of nearsurface rocks: Geoscience & Technology, Inc., 22 p. 1990 ?
R. D. Elmore, R. McCollum and M. H. Engel, Evidence of a relationship between hydrocarbon migration and
diagenetic magnetic minerals: Implications for petroleum exploration: Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-17. 1989
W. E. Henry, Magnetic detection of hydrocarbon microseepage in a frontier exploration region: Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5 , n. 1, p. 18-29. 1989
N. S. Fishman, R. L. Reynolds, M. R. Hudson and V. E. Nuccio, Source of anomalous magnetization in area of
hydrocarbon potential: Petrologic evidence from Jurassic Preuss sandstone, Wyoming-Idaho thrust belt: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 73, n. 2, p. 182-194, 1989
M. Pilkington, Variable depth magnetization mapping: Application to the Athabasca Basin, northern Alberta and
Saskatchewan, Canada: Geophysics, v. 54, n. 9, p. 1164-1173. 1989
R. S. Foote, and G. J. Long, Correlations of oil and gas producing areas with magnetic properties of the upper rock
column, Eastern Colorado: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 4, n. 1, p. 47-61. (See
attached letter for corrections). 1988
R. H. Barton, W. D. Tomlinson and G. W. Bartington, Use of seabottom magnetic susceptibility measurements in
hydrocarbon exploration: Presented at the Sixth Thematic Conference: "Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology,"
Houston, Texas, May 16-19,9 p. 1988
H. R. Beaver, Aeromagnetic map gradient filters and oil and gas pools in east Tennessee: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n. 1, p. 88-113. 1987
R. S. Foote, Correlations of borehole rock properties with oil and gas producing areas: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3 , n. 1, p.114-134. 1987
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson and S. A. Terry, Soil magnetic susceptibility - a new petroleum prospecting tool: Recon
Exploration, Inc , Dallas,12 p. 1987
J. W. Boardman, Modeling of oilfield equipment effects on low-altitude magnetic surveys, in Proceedings of the Fifth
Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology,: Ann Arbor, ERIM, p. 249-261. 1987
R. S. Foote, Integrating airborne and surface magnetic data: in Proceedings of the Fifth Thematic Conference on
Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology,: Ann Arbor, ERIM, p.233-247. 1987
T. J. Donovan et al., Near-surface magnetic indicators of buried hydrocarbons: aeromagnetic detection and separation
of spurious signals: in Proceedings of the Fifth Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology,:
Ann Arbor, ERIM, p.219-232. 1987
R. S. Foote, Integrating airborne and subsurface magnetic data: Geoscience and Technology, Inc., 46 p. 1986
R. S. Foote, Horizontal gradient interpretation of low-altitude cesium vapor magnetometer data compared with
measurement of rock magnetic susceptibility of drill cuttings, in M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional methods in
exploration for petroleum and natural gas IV: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist
University Press, p. 107-124. 1986
J. F. Stolz, S. R. Chang and J. L. Kirshvink, Magnetotactic bacteria and single-domain magnetite in hemipelagic
sediments: Nature, v. 321, n. 6073, p. 849-951. 1986
S. Fletcher, Micromagnetics seen as most efficient way to discover petroleum: The Houston Post, Sunday, Feb. 3.
S. R. Chang and J. L. Kirschvink, Possible biogenic magnetite fossils from the Late Miocene Potamida clays of Crete:
in J. L. Kirschvink, D.S. Jones and B. J. Macfadden, eds., Magnetite biomineralization and magnetoreception in
organisms: Plenum Publishing Corporation, Chapter 36, p. 647-669. 1985
M. C. Dalziel and T. J. Donovan, Correlations of suspected petroleum-generated biogeochemical and aeromagnetic
anomalies, Bell Creek oil field, Montana: in M. J. Dacidson and B. M. Gottlieb, eds., Unconventional methods in
exploration for petroleum and natural gas III: institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist
University Press, p. 59-69. 1984
R. S. Foote, Significance of near-surface magnetic anomalies: in M. J. Dacidson and B. M. Gottlieb, eds.,
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas III: institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 12-24. 1984
J. L. Kirschvink and S. R. Chang, Ultrafine-grained magnetite in deep sea sediments: Possible bacterial
magnetofossils: Geology, v. 12, p. 559-562. 1984
W. P. Jenny, Aerial micromgnetic profiles pinpoint local structure: Oil & Gas Journal, July 23, p. 79-81. 1984
T. J. Donovan, J. D. Hendricks, A. A. Roberts and P. T. Eliason, Low-altitude aeromagnetic reconnaissance for
petroleum in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska: Geophysics, v. 49, n. 8, p. 1338-1353. 1984
J. D. Ferguson, The subsurface alteration and mineralization of Permian red beds overlying several oil fields in
southern Oklahoma: Shale Shaker, v. 29, Pt. 1, p. 172-178, Pt. 2, p. 200-208. 1979
T. J. Donovan, R. L. Forgey and A. A. Roberts, Aeromagnetic detection of diagenetic magnetite over oil fields: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 63, n. 2, p. 245-248; Discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 63, n. 9, p. 1538-1539. 1979
P. D. Shandley and L. O. Bacon, Analysis for magnetite utilizing magnetic susceptibility: Geophysics, v. 31, n. 2, p.
398-409. 1966
L. G. Howell, J. D. Martinez, A. Frosch and E. H. Statham, A note on chemical magnetization of rocks: Geophysics, v.
25, n. 5, p. 1094-1099. 1960
Series 10:
Delta Carbonate Method, 1947-1988
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Organic carbon contamination and the Delta C method of geochemical hydrocarbon prospecting:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-29. 1988
B. B. Ellwood et al., Siderite formation in anoxic deep-sea sediments: A synergetic bacterially controlled process with
important implications in paleomagnetism: Geology, v. 16, p. 980-982. 1988
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Application of the Delta C method to Caledonia and Wallbanger fields, Elbert County, Colorado:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n. 1, p. 15-39. 1987
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Delta carbonate geochemical hydrocarbon prospecting: in M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional
methods in prospecting for petroleum and natural gas IV: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern
Methodist University Press, p. 173-182. 1986
W. Duchscherer, Geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbons: Oil & Gas Journal, November 10, p. 107-112. 1986
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Bell Creek oil field, Montana: A further geochemical confirmation: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 1, n. 1, p. 57-84. 1985
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Geochemical hydrocarbon prospecting with case histories: Tulsa, Penn Well Books, 196 p. (Uses
Delta Carbonate method with carbon isotope and trace metal analyses). 1984
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Geochemical exploration for hydrocarbons–no new tricks–but and old dog: Oil & Gas Journal,
July 5, p. 163-176. 1982
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Carbonates and isotope ratios from surface rocks: a geochemical guide to underlying petroleum
accumulations: in B. M. Gottlieb, ed., Unconventional methods in prospecting for petroleum and natural gas II:
Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p.201-218. 1981
W. Duchscherer, Nongasometric geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbons with case histories: Oil & Gas Journal,
October 19, p. 312-327. 1981
T. J. Donova, I. Friedman, and J. D. Gleason (USGS), Recognition of Petroleum-bearing Traps by Unusual Isotopic
Compositions of Carbonate-cemented Surface Rocks: Geology v. 2, p. 351-354, 1974.
W. R. Ransone, Case history of the Sixto oil field, Starr County, Texas, A geochemical discovery: in W. B. Heroy, ed.,
Unconventional methods in prospecting for petroleum and natural gas: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 187-196. 1969
W. R. Ransone, Case history of the Sojourner oil field, Haskell County, Texas, A geochemical confirmation:
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D. F. Saunders, Geochemical Surveys, Inc. method of prospecting for petroleum (by Delta C measurements): GSI
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W. R. Ransone, Geochemical history of the Hardy oil field, Jones County, Texas: Geophysics, v. 12, n. 3, p. 384-392.
Series 11:
Carbonate Geomorphology, 1938-1994
Z. Al-Shaieb, A. Cairns and J. Pucket, Hydrocarbon-induced aureoles (HIDA) indicators of deeper leaky reservoirs :
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 10, n.. 1, p. 24-48. 1994
Anon., Coral reef formation theory may apply to oil, gas exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, December 10, p. 53-54.
E. W. Behrens, Geology of a continental slope oil seep, Northern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 72, n. 2, p.
105-114. 1988
M. D. Matthews, Effects of hydrocarbon leakage on earth surface materials, in M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional
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R. Sassen, Biodegradation of crude oil and mineral deposition in a shallow Gulf Coast salt dome: Organic
Geochemistry, v. 2, p. 153-166. 1980
T. J. Donovan, Petroleum microseepage at Cement, Oklahoma: Evidence and mechanism: AAPG Bulletin, v. 58, n.
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E. E. Rosaire, Shallow stratigraphic variations over Gulf Coast structures: Geophysics, v. 3, n. 2, p. 96-115. 1938
Series 12:
Air Photo Geomorphology, 1961-1992
N. H. Foster and E. A. Beaumont, Photogeology and photogeomorphology: Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint
series, No. 18, 555 p. 1992
D. F. Saunders, Use of surface linears and lineaments to predict subsurface permeability: Study Report, 4 p. 1992
L. F. Scott, R. M. McCoy and L. H. Wullstein, Anomaly may not reflect hydrocarbon seepage: Patrick Draw field,
Wyoming, Revisited: Geologic note, AAPG Bulletin, v. 73, n. 7, p. 925-934. 1989
P. O. Banks and D.T. Ghahremani, Fracture control of radon leakage, Moreland Hills, Ohio: Implications for shale
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R. M. McCoy, K. Clem, and M. J. Havertz, Lineaments, fractures and surface geochemical surveys applied to well
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D. B. Segal, MD. Ruth, I. S. Merin, Remote detection of anomalous mineralogy associated with hydrocarbon
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R. A. Hodgson, Regional study of jointing in Comb Ridge-Navajo Mountain area, Arizona and Utah: AAPG
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Series 13:
Satellite Imagery Interpretation, 1975-2004
J. R. Everett and R. J. Staskowski, Geochemical indicators of fractured carbonate reservoirs in New York from
ASTER data: Abstract, AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-21, Dallas Texas, 2 p. 2004
R. J. Staskowski, C. Jengo and J. R. Everett, Utility of ASTER fo detecting hydrocarbon: Abstract, AAPG Annual
Meeting, April 18-21, Dallas Texas, 6 p. 2004
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E. A. Beaumont and N. H. Foster, Remote sensing: Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series, No. 19, 607 p.
K. R. Sundberg, Multispectral Imagery (LANDSAT) hydrocarbon alteration signature: Definition of the signature
based on studies of probable hydrocarbon microseepage in the United States Mid-Continent: Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 6, n. 1, p.12-29. 1990
K. R. Sundberg and H. A. Tiedeman, Multispectral imagery (LANDSAT) hydrocarbon alteration signature: Prospect
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D. M. Cole, The discrimination of limonitic anomalies in Southeastern Colorado: Association of Petroleum
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R. W. Marrs and E. D. Paylor, II, Investigation of a surface spectral anomaly at Table Rock gas field, Wyoming:
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K. M. Morgan, D. Kroger and D. Dees, Landsat image enhancement for tonal anomalies: Association of Petroleum
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D. F. Saunders, Use of LANDSAT geomorphic and tonal anomalies in petroleum exploration, in B. M. Gottlieb, ed.,
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D. F. Saunders and D. E. Hicks, Regional geomorphic lineaments on satellite imagery - Their origin and
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D. F. Saunders, LANDSAT data interpretation in petroleum exploration: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Science
Services Division, 41 p. (Includes example map). 1978
M. T. Halbouty, Application of LANDSAT imagery to petroleum and mineral exploration: AAPG Bulletin, v. 6, n.
5, p. 745-793. 1976
P. J. Haman, A lineament analysis of the United States: West Canadian Research Publications of Geology and
Related Sciences, Series 4, No. 1, 27 p. 1975
Series 14:
Radar Methods, 1972-1997
M. Skolnik, A review of radar for the detection of gas seepage associated with underground oil and gas deposits, in
Applications of emerging technologies: Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas V:
Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 207-228. 1997
T. C. Bailey and M. I. Skolnik, Science behind sensing hydrocarbon seepage using X-band radar: Oil & Gas Journal,
December 2, p. 85-88. 1996
M. I. Skolnik, Radar detection of hydrocarbon gas seepage associated with underground oil and gas deposits: Naval
Research Laboratory Memorandum Report 6245, 45 p. 1988
J. Sandy and L. S. Gournay, Overview of gas-sensing radar surveys theory, instrumentation, surveying and
interpretation: Oil & Gas Journal, February 1, p. 69-71. 1988
C. K. Thompson, The airborne gas sensor and its role in exploration reconnaissance, in B. M. Gottlieb, ed.,
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas II, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 240-248. 1981
L. S. Gournay, J. W. Harrell, and C. L. Dennis, Remote sensing of hydrocarbon gas seeps utilizing microwave energy:
U.S. Patent No. 4,132,943. 1979
R. L. Owen and J. M. Busby, Method for exploring the surface of the Earth with electromagnetic energy including
comparing reradiation characteristics of gases to locate escaping hydrocarbon gases at the surface emitted by deposits of
petroleum and/or natural gas at depth: U.S. Patent No. 3,651,395. 1972
Series 15:
Microbiological Methods, 1952-2004
M. J. Davidson, Interview with Dr. Donald O. Hitzman, May 20, Ochelata, OK, 4 p. 2004
L. S. Durham, Microseeps tell reservoir tales: AAPG Explorer, October, p. 20-23. 2003
D. C. Hitzman, B. A. Roundtree, J. D. Tucker and S. Smith, Integrated microbial and 3-D seismic surveys discover
Park Springs (conglomerate) field and track microseismic reduction, in D. Schumacher and L.A. LeSchack, eds.,
Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in
Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, p. 59-66. 2002
M. Wagner, M. Wagner, J. Piske and R. Smit, Case histories of microbial prospection for oil and gas onshore and
offshore in northwest Europe, in D. Schumacher and L.A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories:
Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical
References Series No. 11, p. 453-480. 2002
D. C. Hitzman, J. D. Tucker and B. A. Roundtree, Microbial reservoir characterization of Hobart field, Kiowa County,
Oklahoma: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 101, p. 129-130. 2000
D. C. Hitzman, C. B. Roundtree and D. Schumacher, Microseepage survey successfully high-grades Jurassic Cotton
Valley pinnacle reefs on basis of hydrocarbon charge, East Texas: Abstract, Paper presented at AAPG Annual
Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April, 4 p. 1999
D. C. Hitzman, C. B. Roundtree and K. Cunningham, Integrated microbial and 3-D seismic survey: Hydrocarbon
microseepage in Osage County, Oklahoma: Abstract, Paper presented at AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio,
Texas, April, 7 p. 1999
D. Schumacher, Surface exploration for oil and gas: Applications for field development and production: Houston
Geological Society Bulletin, June, P. 19-21. 1998
D. Schumacher, Petroleum exploration in environmentally sensitive areas: Applications for noninvasive geochemical
and remote sensing methods, in L. M. Hill, ed., Proc. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument science
conference, Nov. 3-5, 1997, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, p. 321-333. 1998
J. D. Tucker, D. C. Hitzman and B. A. Roundtree, Production and structural features identified by surface geochemical
techniques, Ames Impact Structure, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 100, p. 326-329. 1997
D. C. Hitzman, B. A. Roundtree and J. D. Tucker, Integrated microbial and 3-D seismic surveys discover new reserves
and track microseepage reduction in Park Springs Conglomerate field, Fort Worth Basin, Texas: Paper presented at
1997 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Conference, Dallas Texas, 7 p. 1997
D. Schumacher, D. C. Hitzman, J. Tucker and B. Roundtree, Applying high-resolution surface geochemistry to assess
reservoir compartmentalization and monitor hydrocarbon drainage, in R. J. Kruizenga and M. W. Downey, eds.,
Unconventional Methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas V: Dallas, Texas, Southern Methodist
University Press, p. 309-322. 1997
D Schumacher, D. C. Hitzman, J. Tucker and B. Roundtree, Applying high-resolution surface geochemistry to assess
reservoir compartmentalization and monitor hydrocarbon drainage, in Applications of emerging technologies:
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and Natural gas V: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 309-322. 1997
J. Tucker and D. Hitzman, Long-term and seasonal trends in responses of hydrocarbon-utilizing microbes, in D.
Schumacher and M.A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p.
353-358. 1996
D. C. Hitzman, J. D. Tucker and B. A. Roundtree, Surface geochemical hydrocarbon signatures of the Eastern
Colorado and Western Kansas Morrow Group: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 98, p. 255-262. 1996
D. C. Hitzman, J. D. Tucker and P. D. Heppard, Offshore Trinidad survey identifies hydrocarbon microseepage: 26th
Annual Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5, OTC 7378, p. 65-72. 1994
G. P. Lopez, D. Hitzman and J. Tucker, Combined microbial, Seismic surveys predict oil and gas occurrences in
Bolivia: Oil & Gas Journal, October 24, p. 68-70. 1994
J. Tucker and D. Hitzman, Detailed microbial surveys help improve reservoir characterization: Oil & Gas Journal,
June 6, p. 65-68. 1994
P. B. Trost, A limited data set comparison of headspace soil gas and the "MOST" biogeochemical technique to
evaluate drill site potential: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin v. 9, n. 1, p. 63-80. 1993
L. C. Price, Microbial-soil surveying: Preliminary results and implications for surface geochemical oil exploration:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin v. 9, n. 1, p. 81-129. 1993
K. H. Patton, Letter concerning "MOST" microbial surveys. 1991
F. W. Beghtel, D. Hitzman and K. R. Sundberg, Microbial oil Survey Technique (MOST) evaluation of new field
wildcat wells in Kansas: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin v. 3, n. 1, p. 1-14. 1987
J. B. Davis, The role of microbiology in petroleum exploration, in W. B. Heroy, ed., Unconventional methods in
exploration for petroleum and natural gas: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist
University Press, p. 139-158. 1969
D. O. Hitzman, Comparison of geomicrobiological prospecting methods used by various investigators: Phillips
Petroleum Company, ???, p. 33-42. 1960 ?
R. J. Strawinski, and W. B. Cox, Microbes locate gas production in field test: World Oil, July, p. 93. 1959
G. Soli, Microorganisms and geochemical methods of oil prospecting: AAPG Bulletin, v. 41, p. 134-140. 1957
R. J. Strawinski, A microbiological method of prospecting for oil, World Oil, November, p. 104-115. 1955
G. Soli, Geomicrobiological prospecting: AAPG Bulletin, v. 38, p. 2555-2558. 1954
J. B. Davis, Studies of soil samples from "paraffine dirt" bed: AAPG Bulletin, v. 36, p. 2186-2188. 1952
Series 16:
Botanical Methods, 1986-1999
R. W. Kusman, M. A. Saeed and M. A. Abu-Ali, The potential use of biogeochemistry in the detection of petroleum
microseepage: AAPG Bulletin, v. 76, n. 6, p. 852-863. 1992
G. K. Arp, An integrated interpretation for the origin of the Patrick Draw oil field sage anomaly: AAPG Bulletin, v. 76,
n. 3, p. 301-306. 1992
L. F. Scott and R. M. McCoy, Near-surface soil and plant chemical properties over a deep structurally complex
reservoir (Lodgepole oil field, Summit County, Utah): Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin,
v. 8, n. 1, p. 18-42. 1992
B. N. Rock et al., Remote Detection and Correlation of Distribution of Natural Tree Species and Soil Concentration of
Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons. in M. J. Davidson, (ed.), Unconventional Methods in Petroleum and Natural
Gas IV, p. 163-171. 1986
Series 17:
Botanical Indicator
Baccharis - Introduction
Baccharis - Wm. A. Roman's letters
Baccharis - Photographs
Baccharis - Delzee Demaree, Botanist
Baccharis - Articles
Baccharis - Herbaria [missing]
Baccharis - Leads [missing]
Baccharis - Correspondence
Series 18:
Fluorescence Methods, 1943-1993
J. L. Gevirtz and J. M. Vargo, Mitigation of drilling risk with near-surface hydrocarbon detection: A case study: Gulf
of Suez, Egypt: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-31. 1993
G. G. Calhoun, Surface fluorescence method can identify potential oil pay zones in Permian Basin: Oil & Gas Journal,
September 28, p. 96-100. 1992
C. F. Hebert, Ballina Plantation prospect, Louisiana: A case study in fluorescence geochemical exploration:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 4, n. 1, p. 102-119. 1988
M. C. Kennicutt, II and J. M. Brooks, Surface geochemical studies predict API gravity off California: Oil & Gas
Journal, September 12, p. 101-106. 1988
J. M. Brooks, M. C. Kennicutt II, and B. D. Carey, Jr., Offshore surface geochemical exploration: Oil & Gas Journal,
October 20, p. 66-72. 1986
C. F. Hebert, Geochemical prospecting for oil and gas using hydrocarbon fluorescence techniques, in M. J. Davidson
and B. M. Gottlieb, eds., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas III: Institute for the
Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 40-58. 1984
J. De Ment, Fluorescent techniques in petroleum exploration: Geophysics, v. 12, n. 1, p. 72-98. 1947
L. W. Blau, Process for locating valuable subterranean deposits: U. S. Patent 2,337,443. 1943
Series 19:
Iodine Methods, 1978-2002
J. S. Leaver and M. R. Thomasson, Case studies relating soil iodine geochemistry to subsequent drilling results: in D.
Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: Applications of geochemistry, magnetics and
remote sensing: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 and SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, P. 41-58. 2002
S. A. Tedesco and C. K. Goudge, Application of iodine surface geochemistry in the Denver-Julesberg Basin:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5, n. 1, p. 49-72. 1989
S. A. Tedesco, C. Goudge, J. Fausnaugh and S. Alexson: Oil & Gas Journal, June 29, p. 74-77. 1987
S. Allexan, J. Fausnaugh, C. Goudge and S. Tedesco, The use of iodine in geochemical exploration for hydrocarbons:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 2, n. 1, p. 71-83. 1986
A. V. Gallagher, Iodine: A pathfinder for petroleum deposits, in M. J. Davidson and B. M. Gottlieb, eds.,
Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and Natural gas III: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist Univeraity Press, P. 148-159. 1984
Kudel’skiy, A. V., Forecasting petroleum prospects on the basis of amount of iodine in subsurface waters: International
Geology Review, v. 20, n. 3, p. 362-366. 1978
Series 20:
Helium Methods, 1981-2004
G. Ciotoli, S. Lombardi, S. Morandi and F. Zarlenga, A multidisciplinary sttistical approach to study the relationships
between helium leakage and neotectonic activity in a gas province: The Vasto basin, Abruzzo-Molise (central Italy):
AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, n. 3, p. 355-372. 2004
J. P. Walters and K. R. Sundberg, Soil-gas helium surveys for petroleum exploration in Kansas: Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. 55-63. 1992
R. W. Klusman and J. A. Jaacks, Environmental influences upon mercury, radon and helium concentrations in soil
gases at a site near Denver, Colorado: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 27, p. 259-280. 1987
G. M. Reimer and A. A. Roberts, Correcting soil gas helium concentrations for diurnal variations, Association of
Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-17. 1985
L. A. Pogorski, and G. S. Quirt, Helium emanometry in exploring for hydrocarbons: Part I, in B. M. Gottlieb, ed.,
Unconventional methods in explorations for petroleum and natural gas II: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man,
Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 124-135. 1981
A. A. Roberts, Helium emanometry in exploring for hydrocarbons: Part II, in B. M. Gottlieb, ed., Unconventional
methods in explorations for petroleum and natural gas II: Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern
Methodist University Press, p. 136-149. 1981
Series 21:
Induced Polarization, 1938-1994
B. S. Campbell, Induced-polarization anomalies associated with hydrocarbon reservoirs: Three case studies:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 10, n. 1, p. 49-60. 1994
J. C. Reid, B. S. Campbell and S. D. Ulrich, Hydrocarbon-induced mineralogic and geochemical alteration, Turkey
Creek, Colorado: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. 64-95. 1992
B. K. Sternberg, A review of some experience with the induced-polarization/resistivity method for hydrocarbon
surveys: Successes and limitations: Geophysics, v. 56, n. 10, p.1522-1532. 1991
G. J. Indelicato and G. A. Tipton, Identifying potential petroleum accumulations: Oil & Gas Journal, March 28, p. 7376. 1988
Phoenix Geophysics, Brochure on electrical methods of prospecting in petroleum and mining exploration, 18 p. 1985 ?
D. Z. Oehler and B. K. Sternberg, Seepage-induced anomalies, "false" anomalies and implications for electrical
prospecting: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, n. 9, p. 1121-1145. 1984
B. R. Spies, Recent developments in the use of surface electrical methods for oil and gas exploration in the Soviet
Union: Geophysics, v. 48, n. 8, p. 1102-1112. 1983
B. K. Sternberg and D. Z. Oehler, Electrical methods for hydrocarbon exploration: I. Induced polarization (INDEPTH)
method, in M. J. Davidson and B. M. Gottlieb, eds., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural
gas III, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 188-201. 1982
Zonge Engineering and Research Organization, Inc., Hydrocarbon detection using REM data: Brochure, 11 p. 1982
N. R. Carlson, L. J. Hughes and K. L. Zonge, Hydrocarbon exploration using induced polarization, apparent resistivity
and electromagnetic scattering: Presented at the 51st Annual International SEG Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles,
October 11-15, 1981 (Updated February, 1982). 1982
S. J. Pirson, Progress in magneto-electric exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 11, p. 216-228. 1982
S. J. Pirson, Pirson: Oil is confined in the earth by Redox potential barriers: Oil & Gas Journal, July 7, p. 153-158. 1980
S. J. Pirson, Track record in ME exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, September 20, p. 241-249. 1976
S. J. Pirson, Prediction of hydrocarbons in place by magnetoelectrotelluric exploration: Oil & Gas Journal, May 31, p.
83-86. 1976
S. J. Pirson, Exploration by surface electrical measurement: Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 27, p. 108-111. 1969
R. L. Caldwell, Visitor to Russia reports U.S.S.R. sparking new oil probe: Oil & Gas Journal, December 26, p. 222-226.
L. Cagniard, Basic theory of the magneto-telluric method of geophysical prospecting: Geophysics, v. 18, n. 3, p. 605635. 1953
E. E. Rosaire, Shallow stratigraphic variations over Gulf Coast structures: Geophysics, v. 3, n. 2, p. 96-115. 1938
Series 22:
Geothermal Gradient Methods, 1940-2001
L. Fons, Finding, mapping temperature anomalies: Oil & Gas Journal, June 4, p. 39-48. 2001
H. W. McGee, H. J. Meyer and T. R. Pringle, Shallow geothermal anomalies overlying deeper oil and gas deposits in
Rocky Mountain region: AAPG Bulletin, v. 73, n. 5, p. 576-597. 1989
David D. Blackwell, Use of heat flow / temperature measurements, including shallow measurements, in hydrocarbon
exploration, In M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional Methods in Exploration for Petroleum and Natural Gas IV,
Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Southern Methodist University Press, p. 321-350, 1986.
H. J. Meyer and H. W. McGee, Oil and gas fields accompanied by geothermal anomalies in Rocky Mountain region:
AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, n. 6, p.933-945. 1985
C. E. Van Orstrand, Additional evidence on the relation of temperature to structure in the Salt Creek oil field,
Natrona County, Wyoming: Geophysics, v. 5,n.1, p. 47-56. 1940
Series 23:
Geochemical Success and Costs, 1982-2004
D. F. Saunders, Performance of surface geochemical methods: Unpublished Draft, 6 p. 2004
B. Fairhurst, Why U.S. energy policy and Wall Street: Oil & Gas Journal, July 30, p. 42-46. 2001
T. R. Stauffer, Trends in oil production costs in the Middle East, elsewhere: Oil & Gas Journal: March 21, p.
105-107. 1994
R. J. Beck, Finding costs reflect industry improved efficiency: Oil & Gas Journal, July 26, p. 36-40. 1993
B. F. Towler, Statistical, economic analysis given for surface exploration projects: Oil & Gas Journal, May 10,
p. 69-72. 1993
P. K. H., Groth, Geochemical Contracts: Focal Points for Project Success: Association of Petroleum
Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, p. 96-111. 1992
Anon., Shareholder: Phillips Quarterly Report to Shareholders, 1 p. 1990
P. R. Rose, Dealing with risk and uncertainty in exploration: How can we improve? AAPG Bulletin, v. 71, n. 1,
p. 1-16. 1987
R. G. Behrman, Jr., Time for improving exploration economics: Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n. 1, p. 135-140. 1987
Anon., Estimated finding costs show rise for 1985: Oil & Gas Journal, October 27, p. 34. 1986
D. F. Saunders, Quotes on geochemical success rates: Unpublished Draft, 2 p. 1982
Series 24:
General Studies, 1938-2003
L. A. LeSchack, Kinder, Gentler, Better and Cheaper Exploration Methods Ready for Their Turn: Oilweek, April 7, p.
22-24. 2003
D. Schumacher, D. Malizia y G. Prestia, Exploracion geoquimica de superficie para petroleo y gas: Petrotecnia, June,
p. 48-59. 2003
D. Schumacher, Surface geochemical exploration for oil and gas: New life for an old technology: The Leading Edge,
March, p. 258-261, with Spanish translation. 2000
D. Schumacher, Surface geochemical exploration for petroleum, in T. Beaumont and N. Foster, eds., Exploring for oil
and gas traps: AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology Handbook, p. 18-1 to 18-27. 1999
Leo Horvitz, Geochemical Exploration for Petroleum Science, p. 821-827, 1985.
R. P. Philp and P. T. Crisp, Surface geochemical methods used for oil and gas prospecting - A review: Journal of
Geochemical Exploration, v. 17, p. 1-34. 1982
A. A. Levinson, Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry (second edition): Wilmette, IL, Applied Publishing
Company, p. 858-861. 1980.
R. J. Heemstra et al., A critical laboratory and field evaluation of selected surface prospecting techniques for locating
oil and natural gas: BETC/RI-78/18, Bartlesville Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, 84 p. 1979
F. R. Siegel, Geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbons, in F. R. Siegel, Applied Geochemistry, New York, John
Wiley and Sons, Chapter 9, p. 228-255. 1974
B. Hitchon, Application of geochemistry to the search for crude oil and natural gas, in A. A. Levinson, Introduction to
exploration geochemistry: Maywood, Ill., Applied Publishing Company, P. 537-543. 1974
M. J. Davidson, Petroleum geochemical exploration from space: A radical new technology: National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 78 p. 1967
H. Bloom, Geochemical Prospecting, in J. D. Haun and L. W. LeRoy, eds., Subsurface Geology in Petroleum
Exploration: Chapter 28, Golden, Colorado School of Mines, Chapter 28, p. 621-633. 1958
D. F. Saunders, Geochemical prospecting for petroleum: Report No. E. O. No. 1-99000, Research and Engineering
Division, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas, 22 p. 1954
Anon., The status of geochemistry, in New and unorthodox methods of petroleum exploration: Southwest Research
Institute, Bulletin No. 12, February, p. 1-10. 1952
J. J. Jakosky, Exploration Geophysics, Chapter VIII, Chemical methods, p. 938-965. 1950
W. B. Lewis, E. McDermott, and E. E. Rosaire, Geochemical methods, in J. J. Jakosky, Exploration Geophysics: Los
Angles, Times-Mirror Press, Chapter VIII, p. 639-656. 1940
E. E. Rosaire, A perspective on exploration for petroleum: Geophysics, v. 5, n. 3, p. 259-271. 1940
E. E. Rosaire, E. McDermott and R. H. Fash, Discussion of geochemical exploration soil analysis: AAPG Bulletin, v.
24, n. 8, p. 1434-1463. 1940
E. E. Rosaire, Symposium on geochemical exploration geochemical prospecting for petroleum: AAPG Bulletin, v. 24,
n. 8, p. 1400-1433. 1940
S. J. Pirson, Critical survey of recent developments in geochemical prospecting: AAPG Bulletin, v. 24, n. 8, p. 14641474. 1940
E. E. Rosaire, The handbook of geochemical prospecting: Available in the DeGolyer rare books section of the Fondren
Science Library of Southern Methodist University. 1939
S. E. Coomber, Surface indications of oil: Chapter I, Science of Petroleum, Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 3 p. 1938
V. C. Illing, The significance of surface indications of oil: Chapter II, Science of Petroleum, Vol. 1, Oxford University
Press, 3 p. 1938
Series 25:
Bibliographies, 1988-2004
Exploration Technologies, Inc, Bibliography of Surface Geochemical Methods, 9 p. 2004
P. K. Groth and L. W. Groth, Bibliography for surface and near-surface hydrocarbon prospecting methods: The
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists, 143 p. 1994
P. K. H. Groth, Bibliography for near-surface prospecting methods: The Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists, Special Publication No. 2, 232 p. 1988
Series 26:
Books, Symposia, and Journals 1954-2002
D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., Surface exploration case histories: AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48,
SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, 486 p. 2002
D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir
66, 446 p. 1996
S. A. Tedesco, Surface geochemistry in petroleum exploration: New York, Chapman & Hall, Inc., 256 p. 1995
R. W. Klusman, Soil gas and related methods for natural resource exploration: Chichester, England, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd., 483 p. 1993
W. Duchscherer, Jr., Geochemical hydrocarbon prospecting with case histories: PennWell Books, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, 196 p. 1984 [Currently shelved at DeGolyer Library, call number: Folio TN271.P4 D83 1984]
A. A. Kartsev, Z. A. Tabasaranskii, M. I. Subbota and G. A. Mogilevskii, Geochemical methods of prospecting and
exploration for petroleum and natural gas, English translation edited by P. A. Witherspoon and W. D. Romey,
1959, University of California Press, Berkeley, 349 p. 1954
R. J. Kruizenga, et al., eds., Applications of emerging technologies: Unconventional methods in exploration for
petroleum and natural gas V, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press,
367 p. 1997
M. J. Davidson, ed., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas IV, Institute for the
Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, 350 p. 1986
M. J. Davidson and B. M. Gottlieb, eds., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas III,
Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, 271 p. 1984
B. M. Gottlieb, ed., Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas II, Institute for the Study
of Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, 257 p. 1981
W. B. Heroy, ed. Unconventional methods in exploration for petroleum and natural gas, Institute for the Study of
Earth and Man, Dallas, Southern Methodist University Press, 241 p. 1969
R. M. McCoy, ed., Radiometric surveys in petroleum exploration: Association of Petroleum Geochemical
Explorationists, Special Publication No. 3. 121 p. 1995
R. M. McCoy, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 10, n. 1, 95 p. 1994
G. K. Rice, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 9, n. 1, 129 p. 1993
G. K. Rice, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 8, n. 1, 111 p. 1992
D. M. Richers, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 7, n. 1, 115 p. 1991
D. M. Richers, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 6, n. 1, 107 p. 1990
K. R. Sundberg, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5, n. 1, 176 p. 1989
K. R. Sundberg, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 4, n. 1, 119 p. 1988
D. M. Cole, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 3, n. 1, 144 p. 1987
D. M. Cole, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 2, n. 1, 97 p. 1986
R. E. Langen, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 1, n.1, 102 p. 1985
Series 27:
Writings of Martin J. Davidson, 1957-2006
M. J. Davidson, Impediments to the Broader Acceptance of Surface Geochemical Exploration. Unpublished
paper. 2006.
M. J. Davidson, Evolution of Scienctific Surface Geochemical Exploration, Oil & Gas Journal. p. 35-38, June
21, 2004.
M. J. Davidson, On the Acceptance and Rejection of Surface Geochemical Exploration. Oil & Gas Journal. June
6, 1994.
M. J. Davidson, Geochemistry and Leo Horvitz. Geophysics the Leading Edge of Exploration. December 1991.
M. J. Davidson, Preface. Unconventional Methods in Petroleum and Natural Gas Symposium IV. 1986.
M. J. Davidson, Explorationists Can Benefit from Vertical Migration Now. World Oil. November 1985.
M. J. Davidson, State of the Art and the Direction of Unconventional Oil & Gas Exploration. Unconventional
Methods in Petroleum and Natural Gas Symposium III. 1984.
M. J. Davidson, Toward a General Theory of Vertical Migration. Oil & Gas Journal. June 21, 1982.
M. J. Davidson, Petroleum Geochemical Exploration from Space: A Radical New Technology. NASA. August
M. J. Davidson, Geochemistry Can Help Find Oil if Properly Used. World Oil. July 1963.
M. J. Davidson, Letter from Leo Horvitz with 3 Maps of Texas Counties. April 1960.
M. J. Davidson, Geochemistry to Get Full-Fledged Test as Exploration Technique. Petroleum Week. December
2, 1960.
M. J. Davidson, Is Geochemistry Worth the Effort? Petroleum Week. January 23, 1959.
M. J. Davidson, Proof of Geochemistry. Unpublished paper. March 4, 1957.
M. J. Davidson, A History of Geochemistry. Undated paper.
M. J. Davidson and J. B. Spalding. Reversing a Condemnation of Surface Geochemical Prospecting for
Petroleum. Undated.
Two Exploration Technologies Made Available to the Industry. Oil & Gas Journal. January 17, 2000. (with
handwritten notes by Martin J. Davidson)
Series 28:
Writings of Donald F. Saunders, 1953-2002
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, and C. K. Thompson, Combined Geologic and Surface Geochemical Methods Used to
Discover Agaritta, Brady Creek, Selden and New Year ’95 Fields, Concho County, Texas in Surface Exploration Case
Histories, D. Schumacher and L. A. LeSchack, eds., AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48, and SEG Geophysical
References Series No. 11, p. 209-242. 2002.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, and C. K. Thompson, Model For Hydrocarbon Microseepage and Related Near-Surface
Alterations: AAPG Bulletin, v. 83, n. 1, p. 170-185. 1999.
D. F. Saunders, Overview of Radiometrics and Related Surface Methods for Petroleum Exploration, in Radiometric
Surveys in Petroleum Exploration, R. M. McCoy, ed., Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists, Special
Publication #3, p.1-15. 1995. [missing]
D. F. Saunders, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Tests of Aerial Radiometric Data for Use in Petroleum
Reconnaissance: Geophysics, v. 59, n. 3, p. 411-419. 1994
C. K. Thompson, D. F. Saunders and K. R. Burson, Model Advanced for Hydrocarbon Microseepage, Related
Alterations: Oil & Gas Journal, v. 92, n. 6, p. 95-99. 1994.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson and J. R. Branch, Integrated Surface Methods Profiles, Two East Texas Fields:
Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 9, n.1, p. 32-50. 1993.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, New Method of Aerial and Surface Radiometric
Prospecting for Oil and Gas: Oil & Gas Journal, v. 19, n. 38, p. 104-109. 1993
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Relation of Thorium-Normalized Surface and Aerial
Radiometric Data to Subsurface Petroleum Accumulations: Geophysics, v. 58, n. 10, p. 1417-1427. 1993.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. J. Brown and C. K. Thompson, Combined Geological and Surface Geochemical
Methods Discovered Agaritta and Brady Creek Fields, Concho County, Texas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, n. 7, p. 12191240. 1993.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, and C.K. Thompson, Observed Relation of Soil Magnetic Susceptibility and Soil Gas
Hydrocarbon Analyses to Subsurface Hydrocarbon Accumulations: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, n. 3, p. 389-408. 1991.
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson,, Integrated Petroleum Exploration Program EP-20 Under Way in Australia’s N.
T. Amadeus Basin, Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 19, p. 609-64. 1990.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Looking for Look-alikes: Oil and Gas Australia, 3 p.
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson, Integrated Petroleum Exploration Program - EP-20. Amadeus Basin, Northern
Territory: The APEA Journal, v. 29, Pt. 1, p. 259-267. 1989.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Alabama Ferry Field Detectable by Hydrocarbon
Microseepages and Related Alterations: Oil & Gas Journal, Pt. 1, v. 87, n. 45, p. 53-55; Pt. 2, v. 87, n. 46, p. 108-110.
D. F. Saunders, K. R. Burson, J. F. Branch and C. K. Thompson, Radiometric, Magnetic and Hydrocarbon Anomalies
– Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas: in Search for the Subtle Trap – Hydrocarbon Exploration
in Mature Basins: J. E. Flis, R. C. Price and J. F. Sarg, eds., West Texas Geological Society Publication No. 89-85, p.
139-147. 1989
D. F. Saunders, Simplified Evaluation of Soil Magnetic Susceptibility and Soil Gas Hydrocarbon Anomalies –
Alabama Ferry Field, Leon County, Texas: Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bulletin, v. 5, n. 1,
p. 30-48. 1989.
D. F. Saunders, S. A. Terry and C. K. Thompson, Test of National Uranium Resource Evaluation Gamma-ray Spectral
Data in Petroleum Reconnaissance: Geophysics, v. 52, n. 11, p. 1547-1556. 1987.
D. F. Saunders and C. K. Thompson, Integrated Exploration Improves Wildcat Success: World Oil, v. 205, Pt. 1: n. 3,
p. 42-46; Pt. 2: n. 5, p. 50-54. 1987.
D. F. Saunders and S. A. Terry, Onshore Exploration Using the New Geochemistry and Geomorphology: Oil & Gas
Journal, September 16, 1985.
D. F. Saunders, Airborne Sensing as an Oil Reconnaissance Tool, in Unconventional Methods in Exploration of
Petroleum and Natural Gas: W. B. Heroy, ed., Institute for the Study of Earth and Man, Southern Methodist Univ.,
Dallas, Texas, 1969.
D. F. Saunders and R. C. Dunlap, Jr., Geochemical Reconnaissance in Petroleum Exploration: Paper Presented at the
October 1961 Meeting of the Arab Petroleum Congress, Alexandria, Egypt, (privately reprinted by Texas Instruments,
Inc.) 1962.
D. F. Saunders, Further Interpretation of Central Texas Data: Engineering Report No. 99036-3-1957, Texas
Instruments, Inc., August 26, 1957.
D. F. Saunders, Further Evaluation of Geochemical Prospecting Method: Engineering Report No. 99036-2-1957,
Texas Instruments, Inc., August 12, 1957.
D. F. Saunders, (Geochemical Surveys, Inc.) Method of Prospecting for Petroleum: Engineering Report No. 99036-11957, Texas Instruments, Inc., May 20, 1957. (2 copies)
D. F. Saunders, Geochemical Prospecting for Petroleum: Report No. E. O. No. 2-99000, Texas Instruments, Inc.,
D. F. Saunders, Radiometric Prospecting for Oil – a Discussion of the Possibilities: Unpublished Study, Texas
Instruments, Inc., December 1953.