Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats 16-20 June 2008 Lake Tovel Limnological Station of the MTSN From the 16th to the 20th of June 2008 Course title: Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats General description: The diatom microflora of oligotrophic freshwater habitats is of special interest. Springs, mires, high mountain streams and lakes host many rare, Red List species, and even taxa new for science. This diatom microflora is often very rich, and high proportions of the whole diatom flora of wide regions can be found in these habitats. Oligotrophic habitats are often included in National Park and do deserve special protection. They are, however, threatened by many direct and indirect impacts (e.g. airborne pollution). The diatom assemblages are highly interesting and indicative, but also difficult to deal with. Thanks to the contributions of a group of several of the best international experts, this workshop aims at a brief introduction of the ecology of these habitats, and, above all, at a practical (slide-based) discussion of representative genera and species, and of problematic taxa. The course will take place at the Limnological Station of the Trentino Nature & Science Museum at Lake Tovel. Tovel is a beautiful valley in the Brenta Dolomites, where a variety of highly interesting carbonate oligotrophic habitats are available: different types of springs, the famous mountain lake, streams, wet rock-walls etc. Moreover, Lake Tovel is located in a Natural Park that includes also a large siliceous mountain group (Adamello), where typical siliceous freshwater habitats can be found (bogs, high mountain lakes etc.). Workshop organizer: Marco CANTONATI, Trentino Nature & Science Museum, Limnology and Phycology Section, Italy Instructors: – – – – – – – – – – Horst LANGE-BERTALOT, University of Frankfurt & Senckenberg Museum, Germany Krisztina BUCZKÒ, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Botany, Budapest, Hungary Marco CANTONATI, Trentino Nature & Science Museum, Limnology and Phycology Section, Italy Ingrid JÜTTNER, National Museum Wales, Department of Biodiversity and Systematic Biology, Cardiff, UK Ditmar METZELTIN, Frankfurt, Germany Reinhard PIENITZ, Université Laval, Centre d'études nordiques, Paleolimn.-Paleoec. Lab., Québec, Canada Erwin REICHARDT, Bubenheim, Treuchtlingen, Germany Eugen ROTT, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Botany, Working Group Hydrobotany, Austria Bart VAN DE VIJVER, National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Dept. of Cryptogamy, Meise Belgium Agata WOJTAL, Polish Academy of Sciences, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Phycology Dept., Cracow, Poland 1 Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats 16-20 June 2008 Lake Tovel Limnological Station of the MTSN Preliminary program: WORKSHOP (16-20 June 2008) Ecology and Taxonomy of Diatoms in Oligotrophic Benthic Freshwater Habitats Location: Limnological Station at Lake Tovel (1178 m a.s.l.) SPRINGS Lange-Bertalot H., Cantonati M. & Reichardt E. Metzeltin D., Wojtal A. THUR LAKE LITTORAL Cantonati M. FRI SEM (in Trento) morning Metzeltin D. Cantonati M., Lange-Bertalot TUE WED NORTHERN ECOTONES EXCURSION (ARCTIC) Pienitz R. HYMALAYA Jüttner I. SUBANTARCTIC Van de Vijver B. MIRES Buczkò K. & Wojtal. A. EXCURSION mires, high mountain lake, springs in the Adamello (crystalline subst.) STREAMS Rott E. afternoon MON Indicators of OLIGOTROPHY Jüttner I. departure Lange-Bertalot H., Metzeltin D. Cantonati M. .16th June .17th June .18th June .19th June .20th June Participants: The Workshop / Course is open to 15 students (M.Sc., Ph.D.) and interested diatomists. Interested people are invited to send an application stating why they need / are interested in attending the Workshop and a short CV within the 4th of April. The result of the assessment of the participation applications will be sent by the end of April. Cost The overall cost requested, including tutoring, use of the facilities of the Limnological Station of the Museum and location, is € 500,00. This participation fee includes all expenses: lodging in the mountain Hotel Albergo Lago Rosso at Lake Tovel in double rooms, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) at Albergo Lago Rosso. Accommodation in single rooms may be obtained contacting in advance the Albergo Lago Rosso with the assistance of the organizers and by paying the difference cash directly in the Hotel. One possible alternative is to pay only for the workshop / course registration (including tutoring and use of the facilities of the Limnological Station of the Museum). In this case, the price is € 340,00. In this case, an alternative accommodation must be found, and this may be done with the assistance of dr. Massimiliano Tardio ( These alternative accommodations can all provide single rooms with own WC – shower, but are located far form the Workshop venue, and transportation problems must be solved. 2 Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats 16-20 June 2008 Lake Tovel Limnological Station of the MTSN Transfers Transfers from Trento to Tovel and back will be organized with the assistance of the Museum staff. There is the possibility to go from Trento to Cles (small town in the vicinity of Lake Tovel) by train ( Questions? Please send an e-mail to Dr Massimiliano Tardio (, Research Fellow Responsible for the Limnological Station of the Museum at Lake Tovel. 3 Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats 16-20 June 2008 Lake Tovel Limnological Station of the MTSN REGISTRATION SCHEDULE Massimiliano Tardio, Sezione di Limnologia e Algologia, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Via Calepina 14, 38100 Trento e-mail: - Fax +39.0461/270376 - Tel. +39.0461/270383 Surname: _______________________ Name: __________________________ Institution: _______________________________________________________ Title: __________________________ Address: __________________________ CAP: ____________________ Town: ________________ Tel.: Fax: _________________ _____________ Prov.: ____________ e-mail: ______________ Short curriculum indicating the knowledge level on the topic of the course: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Please choose: course inscription + accomodation at the Hotel Lago Rosso; price: € 500,00 course inscription only; price: € 340,00 Special requirements: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature: _________________________________________ 4