Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 1 A’ fàgail beannachd ‘S e Dihaoine an latha mu dheireadh aig Mrs Lisa Ralston anns an oifis. Tha Lisa air a bhith ag obair anns an sgoil o na chiad làithean aig Sràid Ashlaigh is bidh sinn ga h-ionndrainn gu mòr. Tha sinn a’ guidhe gach rud math dhut Lisa. Friday was Mrs Lisa Ralston’s last day in the Office. Lisa has been a fixture in the school since the early days in Ashley Street and we will miss her greatly. Every good wish for the future, Lisa. Farpais Fiosaigs Well done to William MacGregor, Heather Neill and Nina Stirling who won their heat in the West of Scotland Physics quiz on Tuesday. They will now go through to the semi final at the start of October. Nach math a rinn iad. Grèis-obrach – Work Experience A reminder that the majority of our S4 pupils will be on Work Experience this week. A big thank you to Ms MacNeil who faced many challenges when organising this. Our thanks in advance also to the employers who are supporting our young people with this despite the increasing paperwork and form filling required. Tha sinn fada nur comain. Tursan Eachdraidh - History Trips The Scottish Wars of Independence Date: Tuesday 24 September 2013 Venue: General Register House, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY Class: S2 Workshop: The Impact of the Great War, 1914-1915 Date: Thursday 26 September 2013 Venue: General Register House, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY Class: S4 Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 2 Early Education and Childcare We are delighted to welcome Etta Stewart, Lecturer at the Anniesland campus of Glasgow Clyde College. Etta will be in school on Wednesday afternoons delivering the Early Education and Childcare course to some of our young people, pupils from Notre Dame High School and students from Glasgow Clyde. Tha fàilte romhaibh is tha sinn a’ guidhe gach soirbheachadh dhuibh uile leis a’ chùrsa seo. Litir bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig – A letter from Bòrd na Gàidhlig A charaid chòir, Tha sinn airson cur nur cuimhne gu bheil Duaisean Gàidhlig 2013 a-nis fosgailte airson tagraidhean. Tha Duaisean Gàidhlig na h-Alba ag aithneachadh sàr oidhirpean is soirbheachadh ann an saoghal is cultar nan Gàidheal, agus iad a’ dèanamh follaiseach na h-obrach a thathar a’ dèanamh gus cor is dualchas a’ chànain a chumail suas. Tha 10 diofar sheòrsachan dhuaisean ann. Faodaidh daoine moladh a chur a-steach air an làrachlìn a chaidh a chruthachadh a dh’aona-ghnothach airson an sgeama. Thèid na duaisean a thoirt seachad air Diciadain 20 Samhain sna Lus-ghàrraidhean Rìoghail ann an Dùn Èideann. Bidh cuirm ann far an tèid ceòl is iomadh seòrsa ealain eile a thaisbeanadh, an dà chuid nuadh agus dualchasach, mar phàirt den oidhche. Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh is cothrom cur a-steach airson nan Duaisean aig www.scottishgaelicawards.co.uk. Dear friend, We would like to remind you that the 2013 Gaelic Awards are open for nominations. The Gaelic Awards will look to reward all aspects of Scotland’s Gaelic culture and language, highlighting the excellent work undertaken to maintain its growth and heritage. There are a total of 10 categories. Entries can be made through a dedicated website for the event. Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 3 The award ceremony itself will take place on the evening of Wednesday the 20th November in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. The celebrations will embrace a variety of traditional and modern entertainment. More information is available, and you can nominate for the Awards at www.scottishgaelicawards.co.uk. Leis gach deagh dhùrachd, Steven MacÌomhair Steven MacÌomhair Steven MacIver | Manaidsear Corporra & Conaltraidh | Corporate & Communications Manager Bòrd na Gàidhlig / Taigh a' Ghlinne Mhòir / Rathad na Leacainn / Inbhir Nis / IV3 8NW +44(0) 1463 225 454 / 07557 481 081 www.gaidhlig.org.uk Creative Leadership Programme I’d like to invite young people from your school to take part in a new pilot Creative Leadership programme at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. Its working title is the “KG Youth Collective”, working title, as young people will decide themselves what they want to be called. It will be running on Saturday afternoons from 1pm – 4pm beginning 14th September till December 14th 2013. There are 16 places being offered to young people 14+ in schools from across the city but I’m particularly targeting young people from the North of the city as the project is being financially supported by Glasgow C.A.N, Glasgow Connected Arts Network, formerly www.ngarn.net As it’s leadership based we are encouraging young people to do this in their own time, and therefore we want it to be fun and they find it worthwhile. For some young people access to high Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 4 quality work experience in this area is hard to access and can make the difference in University and Art School applications so were hoping to be able to help with that. There is no cost to pupils for the course or registration for the qualification for an Explore level Arts Award but pupils will have to provide any specialist materials they require for their projects and provide their own travel expenses to Kelvingrove. There will be basic art and design materials provided by Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Education team and we will provide light refreshments. This project is open to young people aged 14+ who are interested in Art and Design or Art History, and have leadership potential. We will be supporting young people to run and develop the project as it goes forward. It will be challenging, fun and a valuable experience for young people who are considering a career and life in arts. They’ll meet like-minded friends from across the North of the city and gain a nationally recognised qualification too. We will have access to the Glasgow Creative Arts Network (formally NGARN) to access artists and resources. Louise Nolan Works 0/2, 21 Amisfield Street Glasgow. G20 8LD T: +44 (0) 0141 562 6993 M: +44 (0) 0775 220 8034 hello@louisenolanworks.co.uk STEM Roadshow We look forward to a visit from BAE and the RAF to encourage pupils' interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects. This event in the hall on Friday 20th September. Performance from 9:10 to 10:00 to which all of P6, 7, S1, 2 are invited (approx. 160 pupils). Thereafter, 30 S1 pupils remain behind to take part in a workshop delivered by roadshow people. (10:00 to 10:50). Bùithean Eachdraidheil Ghlaschu Well done to Frances Driscoll and Rowan Wilson whose photographs of Glasgow’s Historic Shops Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 5 were included in an exhibition at the Glasgow City Heritage Trust. A particular well done to Mia Paton whose photograph was amongst the finalists. Tha an taisbeanadh de dhealbhan o Sgoil Ghìadhlig Ghlaschu ri fhaicinn ann an trannsa na sgoile air an staidhre eadar a’ chiad is an dàrna làr is tha iad tarraingeach dha rìreabh. MacBheatha Taing mhòr gu Catrìona Lexy Chaimbeul, sgrìobhadair is neach-dràma, a stiùir buidheann de sgoilearan air an treas bliadhna ann am bùth-obrach co-cheangailte ris an dealbh-chluich MacBheatha. Chòrd e ris na sgoilearan is ‘s e deagh ullachadh a bh’ ann mus tèid iad a choimhead na deilbh-chluich fhèin. We look forward very much to the Gaelic version of Macbeth later in the month following the questions raised at this week’s workshop. Our thanks to Catrìona Lexy for presenting this to the S3 pupils. Loch Iall – Lochiel A reminder to our S3 pupils that payments for the Outward Bound experience are due in by the end of the month. Please let us know of any fundraising activities to help support the trip. A’ togail airgid is a’ cumail fiot Bu mhath leinn meal a naidheachd a chur air Adam Smith agus Angus Jenkins a chaidh air turas baidhsagal o Ghlaschu gu Dùn Èideann aig an deireadh-sheachdain seo chaidh. Meal a naidheachd shònraichte air Mgr Shand a rinn an turas cuideachd agus a thog suim de £300 a tha e a’ cur ris an turas gu Loch Iall. Trì ceud taing Maighistir Shand – siuthadaibh sgoilearan – dè nì sibhse? Well done to Adam, Angus and Mr Shand who took part in the cycle ride from Glasgow to Edinburgh. A particular well done to Mr Shand who also raised £300 which he is putting towards Lochiel costs. Tha sinn air leth taingeil airson do thaic Mgr Shand. Oileanaich à Oilthigh Shrath Chluaidh Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air triùir oileanach irson Grèis Teagaisg. Tha sinn an dòchas gun soirbhich leotha. Fàilte air ais gu Coinneach Combe airson Compiutaireachd is Colm MacCuinn airson Fraingis is fàilte às ùr air Ann Desseyn airson Eachdraidh. Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 6 We welcome three post-graduate students who will be with us on placement this term and next. O2 – The Big Event Bidh na sgoilearan a leanas a’ gabhail pàirt anns an tachartas seo a bhios a’ toirt fiosrachadh dhaibh mu obair ann an gnìomhachais is cothroman obrach - Rebekah Boyle, Nicola Campbell, Rory Connelly, Samuel Dow, Eoghann Gibson, Chris O’Connor, Eilidh Thomson, Rosie Urquhart, Alix Wardrope and Fraser Watt. Tha sinn an dòchas gun còrd e ribh is gum bi e feumail Fios mu Dhreuchdan – Careers Information Thanks to Caroline Smith, Employment and Skills Improvement Officer, Ms MacNeil and Mr Smith for organising a speaker from Glasgow University to speak to S5 and S6 pupils about careers in Medicine, Veterinary medicine, Law and Dentistry. Fadalachd – Latecoming We would like to ask for your support to ensure that pupils arrive in school on time every day. Valuable teaching time is lost if a pupil arrives late in addition to disrupting the learning of other pupils. Punctuality will be something we will continue to focus on and would encourage you to support us with this. BBC Bitesize It's in beta form but the new BBC Knowledge and Learning website for National 4 and National 5 is now live. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zxyb4wx Deitichean son an Leabhar-latha Macbheatha - Deireadh Sultain, buidheann sgoilearan S5/6 dol dhan Citizens air an oidhche. Senior pupils to attend an evening performance of MacBheatha at the end of September. Bidh sgoilearan S3 a’ dol dhan dealbh-chluich feasgar 26mh. S3 pupils will go to the matinee of MacBheatha on 26 September. Cruinneachaidhean – Assemblies Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 7 Fòcas na seachdain – Focus for the week School policy on mobile phones Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain – Grèis-obrach AS4 – S4 Work Experience Diluain 16 Sultain Julie Matthews, Head Teacher, Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, St Johns, ISLE OF MAN and group to visit school 9.30 Music supported study Monday Lunch-time. Taic airson Àrd Ìre Matamataig Diluain bho 3.05 gu 4.00 pm - Higher Maths supported study Supported Study airson S4 Eachdraidh Added Value Unit Samuel Dow (S3) and Rory Connelly will be out of school Monday at a football coaching session hosted by Valencia FC from Spain. Two pupils and one teacher from each school in Glasgow have been invited to attend the Roadshow. Dimàirt 17 Diciadain 18 Orchestra rehearsal 3.15 - 4.15. S6 pupils who hope to go to University will be visiting an UCAS Convention at the Science Centre in the afternoon. Supported Study S4 Eachdraidh Added Value Unit 3.05 – 4.05 Primary Meet the Teacher Session 6.45 Diardaoin 19 Every Thursday and Friday, up until September weekend, S6 will go to either 1A or 1B at Tutor time to get to know the 1st years. The S1-3 boys will have football training on a Thursday from 4:15 - 5:15 on the astro pitch and it will run every week. Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 Dihaoine 20 S6 will go to either 1A or 1B at Tutor time to get to know the 1st years. Music is offering supported study on Friday, after school 3.15 - 4.15. 8 Dè tha dol? - Àrd-sgoil Seachdain a’ tòiseachadh 16 Sultain 2013 Tiogaidean: £6/£10 Tiogaidean rim faighinn bho 0141 429 0022 neo http://citz.co.uk/whatson/info/macbheatha/ Macbeth: "Yet who would have thought the old man to have such blood in him" Ian MacDonald's ground-breaking Gaelic translation of Shakespeare's Macbeth weaves the original text with new and original fast-paced dialogue. This brew of witches, ghosts and bloody murder after bloody murder is played out by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The high stakes of the Scottish crown have catapulted this ambitious couple into the downward spiral of treachery and betrayal, leading to their eventual undoing. As lady Macbeth texts her web of destruction, Macbeth has a Facebook frenzy calling his armies to battle, whilst losing both his political influence and his mobile phone signal. Tickets: £6/£10 BOX OFFICE 0141 429 0022 or http://citz.co.uk/whatson/info/macbheatha/ Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu thachartasan, bheiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn againn: www.anlochran.com Le taic bho: 9