PCV = RBC’s/total (measured, vs. Hematology 2002 (use purple EDTA tubes) remember- %’s mean little without absoulte #’s HCT which is calculated Many factors to neutropenia: buffy coat (WBC’s, PLT) demand sequestration plasma pink RBC’s high dose endotoxins yellow icterus destruction wt lipemia production (viral, Erlichia, cancer tx, bute, brackenfern…) What happens? myeloblast (purple nuke) prolif pool (2-5 days) progranulocyte (pink granules) RBC Hb qty erythr per uL blood grams of Hg per dL blood MCV MCHC [Hb] inside RBC’s MCH RDW retic CRI Hb per RBC RBC size distr immature RBC’s corrected retic index PP fibr ratio WBC (NCC) corr WBC refractory index segs bands metam lymphs monos eos basos PLT PMN’s immature PMN’s very immature PMN’s So what does it mean? qty & size maturity of RBC’s RBC size normo or hypochromic maturity of RBC’s Hb production anisocytosis regen or nonregen anemia patientPCV retic % 45% dogsor 37% cats ~proteins lg animal inflammation inflammation < 13 < dehydration PMN line: myelocyte PMN line: metamyelocyte (2-5 days) PMN line: band PMN line: seg (mature PMN) excitement stress (steroid) nucl cell count obsWBC 100 nRBC infl or stress left shift left shift (a losing battle) many in bovine, Ab response phagic, Ag presenter parasites unknown LEUKOCYTES left shift = immature PMN’s released regen = immature < mature degen = mature < immature (can be from prolif pool) or neutropenia with bands rt shift = hyperseg (5+ lobes) Cushings or old sample leukemoid = severe left shift (inflamm) leukemia = neoplastic WBC’s released & total WBC’s leukoerythroblastosis = nRBC’s = immature PMN’s heterophils = rodent, avian, reptilian PMN’s (have eosin granulation) toxic PMN = foamy vacuolated w/ Dohle bodies (purple bleb) inflamm Barr body = drumstick on PMN (♀ only) D:\106743714.DOC maturation pool Stress+inflamm. genetic disorders LAD marginated PMN’s released lymphocytes released mature neutropenia, lymphocytosis, lasts 30 minutes, pronounced in young cats, horses stored PMN’s released - both bands & segs neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, eosinopenia LC, eos sequestered Neutrophilia with monocytosis Holsteins, Setters LC’s can’t leave vaculature Pelger Huet segmentation does not occur but fxn OK homozyg rabbits = dead Chediak Higashi cats, mice, orcas bad PMN’s Gray Collie Syndr cyclic neutropenia (11 days) storage dz usu granules or vacuoles acquired DM disorders vaccines Zn def in dogs Sel def in cattle drugs Leukemia = neoplastic hematopoetic cells & total WBC aleukemic = neoplastic cells in bone marrow but not released subleukemic = neoplastic hematopoetic cells preleukemic = atypical cells in marrow and/or blood but not yet neoplastic Suspect leukemia if WBC and cells are atypical, anemia Bone marrow biopsy marrow architecture aspirate cell morphology ( dysmyelopoiesis< 30% blasts < myeloprolif dz (with disorderly maturation) page 1 of 3 save date February 17, 2016 Hematology 2002 (use purple EDTA tubes) remember- %’s mean little without absoulte #’s lead and poryphrins inhibits heme synth LYMPHOCYTES Need iron, copper, pyroxidine (B6) for heme synthesis (or microcytosis) Helper T’s corol immunity Need B12 (cobalt), folic acid for maturation (or macrocytosis) Cytotoxic T’s are hit men Recycling: B’s turn into plasma cells, which producce Ab rodent --bird-Cat --dog --adult lg animal --turtle Natural killer cells are hitmen on crack 20 days -50 - 70 ----120 -------150----------700 days LSA - solid tumors involving lymphoid organs (usu not marrow) recycled usu in spleen Why do I see fewer lymphs? Why do I see more? internal bleeding components can be recycled, marked reg. anemia Stress (usu if sick) - LC’s not released acute lymphocytic leukemia - blasts virus Anemia, a syndrome not a dz chronic - small LC’s lymph loss Diagnosis= size + color + regen/non-regen excitement cancer tx CBC documents anemia (severity, regen/non, identifies etiology) immune resp (vacc, chr Immunodeficiency other tests: chem, urinalysis, fecal, Coombs, clotting… inflamm) SCID foals Blood loss ............... both cells & fluid lost (PCV, PP) infxn - Ehrlichiosis, genetic T deficiency Black-Pied cattle blood destruction ... dead cells float in fluid (PCV , PP may be ) Bov Leuk, FIV, BIV decrease production PCV , PP may be Typanosomes What if I see…with anemia? OK size + OK color ..................... nonregen anemia small size + hypochromic ........ iron deficiency, anemia of chronic dz MONOCYTES Why do I see more? big size + hypochromic ............ regen anemia not stored cleanup is needed (ie hemolysis) big size + OK color ..................... FeLV, B12/folate deficiency, toy poodle normal to see none steroids released from marrow and imm med disorders Retics circulates for 12 hours chronic dz Tell us if the marrow is responding to anemia regulate Ab response inflammation equines- don’t release retics, but RBC’s will be slightly larger (can’t tell by EOSINOPHILS with: observation) little storage Esoninophilic gasteroenterisits bovines - release few retics, but thre will be basophilic stippling I and III hypersensitivity puml eosin infiltrates cats - aggregate retics (stringy, circulate 1/2 week) then become punctuate retics parasites Eosin leukemia (dots, circ 2 weeks) bovines - pink PMN’s Eosin granuloma complezes Retic Prod Index (RPI) = CRI / lifespan and nonregen<1<Iffy<2 is OK normal to see none Mast Cell Neoplasia Hypereosinophilic syndrome Regen anemias BASOPHILS with: blood loss anemia hemolytic anemia little storage imm med eosinophilia PP may be inflammation lipoprotein problems/lipemia spleen Hb -nemia/uria if IV hemolysis MAST CELLS with: RBC shape OK strange acute inflammation (parvo, skin dz) Coombs either neoplasia ERYTHROCYTES hyper BIL emia/uria either synthesize Hb and move O2 serum haptoglobin OK IV hemolysis As they mature, they get anucleated, smaller (division) and redder (Hb) serum hemopexin OK IV hemolysis defects: PK deficiency - Westies, Beagles, Basenjis, severe, marked regen Neutrophilic leukocytosis with anemia= blood loss/hemolysis PFK deficiency - springers, anemia triggered by alkalosis Hemolytic anemia size: aniso-, micro (OK in Shiba, Akita), -macro ghost cells, sometimes agglutination color: polychromasia (blue; regen anemia), hypo- (cental pallor, Hb), hyperspherocytes= hallmark of IMHA shape: acanthocytes = abnormal vasculature poikilocytosis = overall abnormal shape schistocytes = fibrin = DIC acantho = dog anemia, cat liver dz, IMHA intravasc - etiologies: mach dmg, chemica toxins, oxidation, venom, compl crenated = smashed, left dry too long mediated, lepto, clostr, Babesia, PFK deficiency dacro = teardrop, myelofibrosis/myeloprolif. dz extravasc- gradual, common, hyperBIL deprano = sickled, normal deer idiopathic imm-med anemia - Cockersm sphep’s, sheepdogs, dachs, poodles, eccentro = Hb shifted over, ox. damage terrier, vizsla echino = dog bitten by snake, DIC, etc do Coombs test to confirm: (no good if already agglutinated) ellipto= normal llama, fish, bird washed RBC + Coombs serum (anti-Ig) = agglutination due to Ig’s on RBC’s kerato = iron deficiency, rupture point (baskets and apple stems) oxidative Hz body hemolytic anemia: Hz bodies, eccentrocytes, or pinched lepto = multiple membranes edges, no hemolysis but can’t hold O2 schizo/schisto = fragments, DIC Non regenerative anemias sphero = ballooned (destructive anemia), IMHA hyperprolif bone marrow from leukemia, or stomato = smiling contral pallor (malamutes, schnauzers) hypoprolif from: inclusions Iron def - myeloid/erythroid cells = nucleated ignore serum Fe levels, check Total Iron Binding Capacity (ferritin) Howell Jolly body - nuclear remnants (blue blob throughout) usu with thrombocytosis basoph stipple = bovine regen anemia, lead tox. in small animals chronic dz or inflam dz Heinz bodies = denatured Hb (hemobart), caused by oxidants, G6PD MP’s hoard Fe or gluthione deficiency, cats unstable Hb (ketoacidosis, hyper begins with normal RBC size & color, then microcytic + hypochromic thyr), few normal in cats marrow Fe Production: Hypoxia kidney stimulated to make erythropoietin D:\106743714.DOC page 2 of 3 save date February 17, 2016 Hematology 2002 (use purple EDTA tubes) remember- %’s mean little without absoulte #’s Lead poisoning nRBC’s, basoph stippling aplastic anemia all hematopoietic cells are low bute, chemo, estrogen other neoplasia, chr renal failure, endocrine dz (hypo-metabolisms, estrogen), FeLV, drugs/toxins Polycythemia Relative: PP, PCV in dehydration, only PCV in horse splenic contraction Absolute: 1: Due to myeloproliferative disorder, not responsive to EPO 2:Due to EPO from some source (renal, hypoxia, etc) Bone Marrow Look for strange cells, organisms, dysmaturation, overabundance/lack of cell type, iron stores, etc. Do it because don’t know cause/type of anemia, strange cells in circ., iron def., etc. Check M:E ratio, should be 1:1 to 2:1, if less or more=problem (either hypoplasia or hyperplasia of cell line- correlate with CBC data) Exam: glass slide stations NMB and WG stains Q’s : cause? regen? written - cases & data (see past exams, but more open-ended with SHORT ans) D:\106743714.DOC page 3 of 3 save date February 17, 2016