Occupational Knowledge International 220 Montgomery street, Suite 1027 • San Francisco, CA 94104 Review of Environmental and Occupational Impacts of Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Perry Gottesfeld March 2003 Review of Environmental and Occupational Impacts of Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Introduction Lead poisoning is one of the most ubiquitous environmental health threats to children and a significant contributor to occupational disease. Lead causes a range of symptoms ranging from the loss of neurological function to death depending upon the extent and duration of exposure. In children, moderate lead exposure is responsible for a significant decrease in school performance, lower standardized test scores (including IQ test scores), and is linked with hyperactive and violent behavior. Both children and adults can suffer from a range of illnesses including effects on the central nervous system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, anemia, and the reproductive system in both men and women. Eliminating childhood lead poisoning would be both socially and economically beneficial. A study by Schwartz et al. estimates a reduction of one quarter IQ point for every additional 1 microgram per deciliter of blood lead, and Salkever has found that for every IQ point deficit, a child loses 2.39% of lifetime earnings.1 Lifetime reductions in earnings are based on calculations of decreased ability and earning power, as well as, a loss in hours worked, and a diminished labor force due to dropouts. One group of researchers considered the economic benefits of the reduction in blood lead levels observed in children in the US from the 1970s through the 1990s. Their study found that the present value of those gained earnings, resulting from a 12 microgram per deciliter blood lead level reduction, is an estimated $110 billion dollars. Another study had more general results; a one point increase in the average IQ for an age group (i.e. between 0-5 years) translates into a present value gain of $43.4 billion for the group.2 These results are significant especially since the true costs of lead exposure are likely to be greater than these estimates and thus more costly to society. The Lead Battery Industry Despite the potentially harmful effects of lead, it continues to be used in a wide variety of industries in the manufacture of thousands of products. These uses include plastics, TV and computer screens, soundproofing, ceramics, specialized chemicals, and crystal glasses, just to name a few. In the past, lead was used extensively as an additive to automotive fuel but now this use represents less than one percent of the total world consumption.3 As lead has been banned from gasoline in most large countries and is being phased out in many others, this use is likely to decline sharply over the next decade. Even in African and Middle Eastern countries where leaded gasoline is still widely used, the concentration of tetraethyl lead in fuels has been gradually reduced. 1 See Landrigan, Philip J, et.al.Environmental Pollutants and Disease in American Children: Estimates of Morbidity, Mortality, and Costs for Lead Poisoning, Asthma, Cancer, and Developmental Disabilities, Environmental Health Perspectives, July 2002. 2 Ibid. OK International 2 The battery industry is by far the principle consumer of lead, using an estimated 76% of annual primary and secondary lead (mined and recycled metallic lead) production.3 Leadacid batteries are primarily used in automobiles for starting, lighting and ignition purposes (SLI), but are also used as back-up power supplies. Battery composition by weight is composed as follows: 50% lead salts and oxides, 24% acid, 17% metallic lead, 5% plastics, and 4% ebonite and separators.4 In 1999 the worldwide market for lead automotive batteries was estimated as up to $10 billion, and batteries for other back-up power supplies represented an additional $2.85 billion. 5 Recent estimates by the lead industry are that between 60,000 and 70,000 people are employed in lead battery manufacturing, in addition to a similar number estimated to be working in mining, smelting and refining. 6 Thousands more are employed in industries using smaller amounts of lead and in lead-related construction. A slow but steady growth in the world car market, especially in Asia, is expected to underpin the growth in demand for lead-acid batteries. Ironically, as more electric vehicles and hybrid cars come on the market, there is an increase in demand for larger and more powerful lead batteries. The United States – the largest market for lead batteries – purchased 17,177,445 cars and light trucks containing lead-acid batteries in 2001. Furthermore, an estimated 216,682,936 vehicles are currently in use in the US, and from time-to- time7 require a replacement battery.8 It is estimated that replacement batteries will total in excess of 56.1 million units just for automobiles in the US.9 Along with lead batteries used for other purposes (i.e. forklifts, generators), the total demand in the United States alone exceeds 100 million lead-acid battery units per annum. The world wide automotive industry sold 57,509,117 cars and trucks in 2001.10 Although no definite figure exists, it is estimated that over 290 million batteries are produced each year to meet world demand.11 There are 500 manufacturers of lead-acid batteries with several multinational companies operating in many countries. 12 The volume of lead required to produce this growing demand for batteries is staggering, accounting for most of the 5.82 million tons of lead produced each year.13 Moreover, approximately 48% of the lead produced in the world is from recycled metal which 3 See U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, Jan. 2001. Basal Convention: Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Lead-Acid battery Wastes, 19th TWG Session Draft. 5 IC Consultants Ltd, “Lead: the facts”, p. 49, December 2001. 6 Ibid, p. 49, December 2001. 7 It is worth noting that as the average battery life has increased, future growth in the battery sector will be tied to growth in the market for new automobiles. 8 Automotive News, 2002 Market Data Book 9 Battery Council International 10 Automotive News, 2002 Market Data Book 4 11 Basal Convention: Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Lead-Acid battery Wastes, 19th TWG Session Draft 12 IC Consultants Ltd, “Lead: the facts”, p. 65, December 2001. 13 Ibid. OK International 3 comes mostly from spent lead-acid batteries. 14 In the United States, 61% of the total lead used comes from recycled batteries.15 Lead Emission Controls In the United States, those who work in the lead manufacturing industry, including leadacid battery workers, are subject to comprehensive health and safety regulations. The U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has primary regulatory responsibility for addressing exposures in the industry. The Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) to airborne lead is 50 µg/m3, and the Action Level (when certain requirements come into effect) is 30 µg/m3 over an 8-hour time-weighted average.16 If necessary, employers must use engineering controls and assign respirators to minimize occupational exposures under these regulations which became effective in 1979. In addition, medical removal in the US is required when a worker’s blood lead level is above 50 µg/dl. Workers may not return to work involving lead exposures until their blood lead level drops below 40 µg/dl. 17 The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends a Biological Exposure Index (BEI) for lead of 30 µg/dl and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends 25 µg/dl as an occupational exposure goal. 18 Emissions to the environment are regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHPs). This standard of 1.5 µg/m3 applies to ambient outdoor air averaged over a calendar quarter. 19 Several state and local governments have imposed stricter ambient air standards. Exposures From Lead Battery Manufacturing and Recycling Plants We reviewed the published literature on exposures from lead-acid battery manufacturing and recycling plants in developing countries. Studies included in the review reported blood lead levels from exposed workers, and in some cases airborne lead levels inside and outside these plants. The review was limited to studies published since 1993 and excluded facilities in developed countries including the United States, Canada, European Union, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. A total of 22 studies were identified as meeting our criteria including reports of mean or median blood lead levels in workers at the study site. Table I lists the 14 studies representing data from 11 countries. Blood lead levels for a IC Consultants Ltd, “Lead: the facts”, p. 60, December 2001. See U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, Jan. 2001. 16 U.S. OSHA lead standard in 29 CFR 1910.1025. 17 U.S. OSHA lead standard in 29 CFR 1910.1025. 18 ACGIH, Documentation of the Biological Exposure Indicies, 7 th Edition, 2001 and NIOSH Alert “Preventing Lead Poisoning in Construction Workers”, 91-116a, 1992. 19 U.S. EPA, NESHAPs, 40 CFR 50.12. 14 15 OK International 4 total of 1,694 workers are reported in these studies. Average levels ranged from 23.9 to 98.5 µg/dl with an overall mean blood lead levels from the studies reviewed of 48.65 µg/dl. Two additional studies reported geometric mean blood lead levels. Table II summarizes these reports of 510 workers which have a geometric mean exposure of 36.0 µg/dl. Four studies reported blood lead levels among workers in lead acid battery recycling and repair plants. Table III shows the mean blood lead levels from a total of 234 workers in these facilities is 66.09 µg/dl. Table I: Mean Blood Levels from Workers in Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants Year 1994 1994 1997 1998 1999 1999 1998 2000 2002 1995 1993 2000 2000 2001 Author Country Ibiebele, DD, et.al. Barbados Makino, S, et.al. Philippines Lai, Jum-Shoung, et.al. Taiwan HO S.F., et.al. Singapore Chuang, Hung-Yi, et.al. Taiwan Froom, Paul, et.al. Isreal Ehrlich, R., et. al. South Africa Young-Man, Roh, et.al. Korea Hwang, Y., et.al. Taiwan Kim, Yangho, et.al. Korea Ho, S.F. et. al. Singapore Groot de Restrepo, H., et.al. Colombia Basaran, N., et.al. Turkey Duydu, Y. , et.al. Turkey Total/Average Blood Lead Level (µg/dl) 35.32 64.50 56.90 32.51 23.90 38.10 53.50 42.60 29.60 45.70 48.90 98.5 74.80 36.31 48.65 n 20 199 219 50 395 94 382 49 96 66 25 43 25 31 1694 Table II: Median Blood Levels from Workers in Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants Year 1997 1998 Author Chia,Sin-Eng, et.al. Jakubowski,M., et.al. Country Singapore Poland Total/Average n 50 460 510 Blood Lead Level (µg/dl) 37.10 34.91 36.01 Table III: Mean Blood Levels from Workers in Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Plants Year 1998 2000 2002 2001 Author Wang, Jung-Der, et.al. Suplido, M., et.al. Country Taiwan Philippines Kumar, P., et.al. India Cardenas-Bustamante, O. et.al. Colombia Total/Average n 64 40 36 94 234 Blood Lead Level (µg/dl) 66.48 54.23 55.63 88.00 66.09 Six of the studies discussed above provided data on average ambient lead levels in the factories. Average airborne lead levels ranged from 27.7 to 190.0 µg/ m3 with both the lowest and highest average levels reported from studies conducted in Taiwan as indicated in Table IV. The average of the reported mean levels is 108.4 µg/m3. OK International 5 Table IV: Average Airborne Lead Levels in Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants Average Airborne Year Author Country Lead Level (µg/m3) 1993 Ibiebele, D.D. Barbados 92.0 1996 Lai, Jum-Shoung, et.al. Taiwan 190.0 1998 Ehrlich, R., et. al. South Africa 145.0 1998 HO, S.F., et.al. Singapore 88.6 2000 Hwang, Yaw-Huci, et.al. Taiwan 107.0 2002 Hwang, Y., et.al. Taiwan 27.7 Total/Average 108.4 In addition, we reviewed the published literature on environmental exposures in and around lead-acid battery manufacturing and recycling plants in developing countries. The search criteria utilized the same search criteria as indicated for the exposure level studies and also excluded studies published before 1993. Table V summarizes four studies from four different countries with reported mean blood lead levels for children residing in proximity to these manufacturing and recycling plants. Average levels ranged from 17.21 to 71.0 µg/dl with the overall mean blood lead levels among 417 children (ranging up to age 15) reported in the studies reviewed being 39.3 µg/dl. Table V: Blood Lead Levels Reported in Children Residing in Proximity to Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing and Recycling Facilities Blood Lead Year Author Country N Level (µg/dl) Age Range 1998 Bonilla, C. M., et. al. Nicaragua 97 17.2 6 Mo. - 13 Years 1999 Kaul, B., et. al. Dominican Republic 116 71.0 6 Mo. - 10 years 1999 Saraci, M., et. al. Suplido, M., et. al. Albania 194 19.3 10 - 15 years Philippines 10 49.9 6 Mo. - 12 years Total/Average 417 39.3 2000 In contrast, occupational exposures to lead from lead battery manufacturing facilities are known to be significantly lower in the United States. Although no occupational lead registry exists, several states have compiled extensive data on blood lead levels from workers in these jobs through laboratory reporting requirements and other sources. In California blood lead levels above 25 µg/dl are required to be reported to the state and most blood lead test results (at all levels) are voluntarily reported from the industry. From 1995 through 1999 (the most recent data available) only one worker exceeded 60 µg/dl (in 1995) and less than one-half of one percent (40 workers) exceeded 50 µg/dl from a total of 8,285 reports from this industry. 20 Similarly, in Washington State, only five workers from the lead battery manufacturing industry exceeded 60 µg/dl from the 1993 through 2001 reporting period. 21 20 California Department of Health Services, Blood Lead Levels in California Workers 1995-1999, April, 2002. 21 Washington Department of Labor and Industries, Surveillance for Occupational Lead Poisoning, 19932001, December, 2001. OK International 6 Conclusion The lead-acid battery manufacturing industry is the largest consumer of lead – dwarfing all other uses. This trend is likely to increase as the demand for automobiles increases in developing countries and substitutes are found for many of the other uses. In addition, the demand for lead is expected to continue to grow as new automotive technologies, including hybrid vehicles, require larger lead batteries. Published studies conducted in developing countries during the past ten years show a consistent pattern of highly exposed lead battery workers and surrounding communities with elevated levels of exposure. Average exposure levels in children residing near battery plants in developing countries are four times the current level of concern established by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the average worker blood lead levels in these plants is twice the recommended level at which workers should be removed from working around lead according to the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Airborne exposures in these plants averages twice the Permissible Exposure Level established by US OSHA in 1979. The manufacture and recycling of lead batteries are responsible for the highest documented occupational exposures. As other uses of lead decline, these industries are also becoming the most significant contributor to environmental lead contamination. The burden of lead exposures is not evenly distributed, as significantly higher levels from these sources have been documented in developing countries than in the United States or Western Europe. OK International 7 Annotated Bibliography ACGIH, Documentation of the Biological Exposure Indicies, 7th Edition, 2001. Bararan Nursen, Undeger Ulku (2000): Effects of lead on immune parameters in Occupationally Exposed Workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 38: 349-354. Bonilla Carlos Morales, Mauss, Evelyn A. (1998): A community- Initiated study of Blood Lead Levels of Nicaraguan Children Living Near a Battery Factory. Am J Public Health 88:1843-1845. 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Bin (1998): Lead exposure in the lead-acid storage battery manufacturing and PVC compounding industries. Occup. Med. 48(6): 369-373. OK International 8 Hsiao Chun-Yin, Wu Hong-Dar Isaac, Lai Jim-Shoung, Kuo Hsien-Wen (2001): A longitudinal study of the effects of long-term exposure to lead among lead battery factory workers in Taiwan (1989-1999). The Science of the Total Environment 279(1-3): 151158. Hwan Yaw-Huei, Chang Ching-Wen, Chao Kun-Yu, Hsia Fu-Tsan, Chang Hui-Ling, Han Hsin-Zuo (2002): Using Structural equation model to explore occupational lead exposure pathways. The Science of the Total Environment 284(1-3): 95-108. Hwang Yaw-Huci, Chao kun-Yu, Chang Ching-Wen, Hsiao Fu-Tsan, Chang Hui-Ling, Han Hsin-Zuo (2000): Lip Lead as an Alternative Measure for Lead Exposure Assessment of Lead Battery Assembly Workers. AIHAJ 61: 825-831. Ibiebele Dagogo D. (1994): Air and Blood lead levels in a battery factory. The Science of the Total Environment 152(3): 269-273. 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