Wednesday, MAY 2 – Saturday, MAY 5, 2012
Deadline April 1, 2012
Augusta Marriott & Suites
Two Tenth St, Augusta, GA 30901
706-722-8900 (Mention DAR) 1-866-316-5958 Fax 706-823-6513
Rate: $125.00 plus tax, double queen occupancy
Check-In and Checkout and Parking
 Check-in: 4:00 PM
On-Site parking, fee:
$7 daily
 Check-out: 12:00 PM
Note: There is on street parking near the hotel
Express Check in and Check out
Valet parking, fee:
$15 daily
The State Conference Programs are printed based on the completed received 2012 State
Meal Reservation form. If you are planning to attend the State Conference, and not register
for a meal, please complete the form to be counted in the Program count. On the form,
write in your information, otherwise you may not receive a Conference Program.
Tentative Schedule:
WEDNESDAY, May 2, 2012
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Credentials & Registration
11:00 – 12:00 Noon
Bylaws Committee Meeting
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Lunch on your own
1:00 – 1:45 PM
Finance Committee Meeting
2:00 - 2:45 PM
Resolutions Committee Meeting
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Executive Board Meeting
6:00 PM
Executive Board Dinner - State Officers, President
General, State Regent’s Out of State Guests
8:00 PM
Cameo Society Ice Cream Social & Meeting
8:00 AM
Honorary State Regents Breakfast
8:00 – 5:00 PM
Credentials & Registration
8:00 – 4:00 PM
Sales, Exhibits & Chapter Bazaar
(All Sales, Exhibits, Bazaar, Credentials & Registration:
closed for Memorial Service from 10:45 - 11:45 am)
9:30 – 10:30 AM
Executive Board Breakfast to include
Out of State Guests, President General
9:00 – 9:45 AM
Pages Meeting
11:00 AM
Memorial Service
12 Noon – 1:30 PM
State Officers' Club Luncheon
12 Noon – 1:30 PM
Chapter Regents' Club Luncheon
2:00 – 3:45 PM
Opening Business Session
Nominations for State Office
3:45 - 4:45 PM
DAR Chorus Rehearsal
5:30 - 6:15 PM
Reception and Cash Bar
Please assemble five minutes before your scheduled time for Pictures.
All pictures will be taken at the Front Stairway.
5:45 PM
5:50 PM
6:00 PM
6:05 PM
6:10 PM
6:30 PM
Pictures: Reunion Pages
Pictures: State Chairmen by Category
Pictures: Honorary State Regents
Pictures: State Officers
Pictures: Chapter Regents by District
Chapter Appreciation Night and Page Reunion
FRIDAY, MAY 4, 2012
7:30 AM
8:00 – 4:00 PM
8:00 – 9:00 AM
8:00 – 12:00 Noon
9:30 – 11:15 AM
11:30 – 1:30 PM
2:00 – 3:45 PM
5:30 – 6:15 PM
5:45 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
State Chairman’s Breakfast
Sales and Exhibits
Credentials & Registration (closes at Noon)
Morning Business Session
DAR School/Youth Luncheon
Afternoon Business Session including
President General's Q&A
Reception: Cash Bar
Pictures: Pages
Receiving Line: State Officers & President General
Junior Appreciation Night
Immediately following a 20 minute break,
the assembly will reconvene for the Guest Speaker in the Hamilton Room
8:30 AM
Breakfast – NSDAR Heritage Club members: Invitation only
10:00 AM
Closing Business Session
Installation of Officers
12:00 Noon
Adjournment of 114th State Conference
Receiving Line for newly elected State Officers following
adjournment of 114th State Conference
*Note: All Processionals form 15 minutes before each meeting.
Your promptness is greatly appreciated.
Please see Conference Meal Reservation Form with Deadlines Attached.
Note: Each Daughter will complete a Meal Reservation Form.
Please follow directions on Form.
Any past regent who has not applied to be Outstanding Chapter Regent previously is
eligible to submit an Outstanding Chapter Regent Application. For more information and
the application, please check the state website. The winner will be announced at the annual
club luncheon which will be held during the State Conference. Being chosen Outstanding
Chapter Regent is not only an honor for that Regent, but also for your chapter. All
applications should be mailed to Chapter Regents’ Club Vice President, MG Whittle. They
must be received no later than March 1, 2012. The application has been revised to take the
size of chapters into account during the judging process. You may send electronically to
mgwhittl@bellsouth.net – but they must be received by March 1, 2012.
Late breaking news: The Sword is Home!
On January 27, 2012, the Lt. Col. Daniel Appling Sword came home to Georgia. After 25
months of fundraising by the Coalition To Bring The Sword Home under the leadership of
Susan Lemesis, the Sword was purchased for $100,000 and lovingly carried back onto
Georgia soil by Susan and Dianne Cannestra. The sword was delivered to the Georgia
Archived for safe keeping until it could be formally presented to the Governor in March.
Thanks to all who made contributions to make this possible.
CAMEO SOCIETY: The Georgia Cameo Society will hold its annual meeting at the 114 th
GSSDAR State Conference. An Ice Cream Social for all Georgia Daughters and their
guests is being planned for Wednesday, May 2, 2012 from 8:00-9:00 PM. The cost will be
$22.00 per person. Checks are to be mailed to the State Conference Treasurer, Mrs.
Helen R. Powell (3734 Timber Walk Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506-3667) and must
arrive no later than Sunday, April 1, 2012. Following refreshments and a special
program, a business meeting will be conducted along with our annual Memorial Service.
Membership dues for 2012-2013 in the amount of $4.00 must be received prior to, or
no later than the May 2nd meeting. If you have not paid your $4.00 annual dues for 20112012, they are due now. Please check with Mrs. Martha Knight, Treasurer (770-992-7663
or marthaknight@bellsouth.net) if you are not sure. If you are interested in joining the
Georgia Cameo Society, please contact Becky Rostron, jrostron@bellsouth.net, for a
membership application form or if you have questions. Also, membership forms are located
on the GSSDAR website.
When paying your dues please write on the For Line of your check “Cameo Dues.” If you
are paying for more than one member (like daughters or mothers) please provide the
name(s) of each member.
Please make Cameo Society Dues checks payable to GSSDAR. Send dues checks
only to Mrs. Martha M. Knight, 1010 Laurian Park Drive, Roswell, GA 30075-7304. We
look forward to seeing you and your guests at our Ice Cream Social.
CHAPTER APPRECIATION NIGHT will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2012. This is a
change from the previously announced date. At the 2012 Georgia State
Conference, our President General, Merry Ann T. Wright will be our honored guest. With
Mrs. Wright in attendance, each chapter will want to publicly boast of their most significant
accomplishments and share with her their love of DAR. Chapter Regents are strongly urged
to attend and participate in this most prestigious evening of celebration and recognition of
their chapter’s accomplishments. If a Chapter Regent is unable to attend, chapter
representation should be extended to first, to a chapter officer, if they are not able to attend,
then extend the honor to a chapter member who will be present at the event.
Georgia wants our President General to learn of the hard work, dedication and many
outstanding achievements of all 113 chapters. There will also be an element of surprise to
the evening which you will not want to miss. Please work with your District Director in
providing her with the name of your representative should you be unable to attend.
CHAPTER REGENTS’ CLUB LUNCHEON: Open to all Daughters. Cost is $30.00 per
(Please note this is NOT the Chapter Appreciation Night Banquet.)
Reservation Form attached.
Any current or former regent may join the Chapter Regents Club by sending $10 for Life
Membership to CRC Treasurer Betty Harrah, 190 Newhaven Drive, Fayetteville 30215-2390
CREDENTIALS REMINDER: State Conference is coming and voting will be taking place. All
Chapters must send in a Credentials form identifying those representatives eligible to vote
for their chapter. The Credentials form can be found on the State's DAR web site and in the
Chapter Regent's packet previously distributed. Credentials are due no later than March
15, 2012 to Credentials Chair, Audrey Litts.
You may email your form to
DAR CHORUS: We will be singing on Thursday night, so it’s imperative that you come to
practice on Thursday. We will be performing the same selections as last year, so please
familiarize yourself with the selections. Don’t forget to bring your props. New members are
always welcome! Please contact Director Ann Ragan, 478-452-1674.
GEORGIA STATE PAGES: Juniors wishing to serve at State Conference and/or
Continental Congress, OR C.A.R. members, daughters and granddaughters of DAR
members (age 12+) wishing to serve at State Conference, write or email the State Page
Chairman Nancy Tims. Include your name, address, national number (Juniors only) and
service preferences (if any). The form is located on our state web site. Please get
information to Nancy by February 10th. Nancy Collins Tims, 114 Bonnie Lane, Cumming,
GA 30040 teachtims@gmail.com
Remember the fun you had as a Page? All the great friends you made?
You can relive that fun at the 114th State Conference in Augusta
We will be having a Page Reunion for all past Pages during the Thursday Evening Session
of the upcoming State Conference of the Georgia State Society NSDAR. All members who
have served as a page in the Past are invited to join in “putting on the white” again! We will
even have a short “review” for those who want to brush up on the Page techniques.
So, if you want to join us - you know you do! – contact Nancy Tims by email
(teachtims@gmail.com) or by phone 770-889-0150 by February 10, 2012.
Looking forward to seeing you in WHITE!!
Melodye Brown and Charlotte Christian, Page Reunion Co-Chairs
The Registration Committee needs volunteers for the 114th GSSDAR State Conference to
assist during Registration. We need your assistance on Thursday and/or Friday. We have
a great time meeting and greeting the Daughters!
If you are able to join us, please contact Anna Thompson, Registration Chair.
darmusicgirl@gmail.com or 404-805-7699.
We would love to see your smiling  faces!
Beth DeLorme Tree Fund
This State Regent is pleased to inform the members of the Georgia State Society that the
Suwanee Creek Chapter has established a fund to honor the late Beth DeLorme, an
organizing member of the chapter, State Chairman of the State Regent’s Project, and
graduate of Berry College. All contributions will go to the Berry College Tree Restoration
Project to purchase a tree in Beth’s memory. Contributions will be collected at State
Conference or you may send to Janette Derucki, Treasurer, Suwanee Creek Chapter, 357
Brookcliff Terrace, Sugar Hill, GA 30518. Please make checks payable to Suwanee Creek
Chapter DAR.
CERTIFICATES OF AWARD AND APPRECIATION are available for purchase from the
State Corresponding Secretary Brenda Jessel, at a cost of $0.20 or $0.25 each, plus
postage. Please order Certificates by April 15. Any certificates requiring the State
Regent’s signature need to be signed before State Conference. If you send Certificates
to the State Regent for her signature: Please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope
for ease in returning these to you.
CHAPTER BAZAAR: If your Chapter has a special fund-raising project, tote bags,
cookbook, tee shirts, etc., join the 4th Annual Chapter Bazaar to be held 1 day only,
Thursday, May 3, 2012, 8 AM - 4 PM (closed 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. for Memorial Service). Full
tables are available for a $30 fee; half-tables are $20. Your Chapter retains all proceeds to
benefit your DAR work. Complete and return the Chapter Bazaar form attached to this letter
or available on the State Members’ Only website.
CHAPTER SCRAPBOOKS: Scrapbooks must be brought to State Conference and picked
up before you leave. If you will not be attending, but want your scrapbook judged, you can
arrange to have someone bring it and pick it up for you. It will NOT be mailed back to you.
You must sign-in your scrapbook before 12 noon on Thursday, as they will be judged
prior to the opening session. Winners will be announced before the closing session and
certificates of award will be put in your Regent's packet. Ribbons will be placed on the
books so those wishing to view the scrapbooks after judging will see the winners.
GEORGIA STATE CHAIRMAN’S CLUB: Our annual breakfast will be held on Friday, May
4, 2012 at 7:30 AM with installation of new officers. The cost will be $21.00, and this year
you will mail your check to State Conference Treasurer, Mrs. Helen R. Powell (3734
Timber Walk Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506-3667) and must arrive no later than
Sunday, April 1, 2012.
Membership dues for 2012-2013 in the amount of $5.00 would be greatly appreciated
before our breakfast meeting or if you wish at the breakfast. If you would like to become a
lifetime member, membership is $50.00. If you have not paid your annual dues for 20112012, they are due now.
Please check with Dr. Louise Henry, Treasurer,
(loughenry@gmail.com or 912-230-1894) if you are not sure. Also, membership forms are
located on the GSSDAR website. Questions, please contact Becky Rostron, President, at
When paying your Georgia State Chairman's Club Dues, please write on the For Line of
your check “State Chairman’s Club”. Checks are payable to GSSDAR; please send to Dr.
Louise Henry, 1 Marina Drive, Riverwatch 307, St. Simons Island, GA 31522-2263. We
look forward to seeing you at our breakfast.
SEATING – Special Requests or Needs: Please let Ann Williams, Seating Chair, know
any Seating special needs for members or guests as soon as possible: Name, Title. Other
pertinent information. awilli1861@aol.com
attending any function during State Conference, please notify State Regent Sally Baldwin,
Conference Chairman Becky West, Conference Treasurer Helen Powell, and Seating
Chairman Ann Williams no later than April 10, 2012. List names of attendees and the
function they will be attending.
Prior to reporting at the State Conference, email or mail a written copy of your report to the
State Regent and State Recording Secretary, Mary Simonds, BEFORE attending these
CHAPTER QUORUM: All chapters should review their bylaws to make sure the number for
a quorum is up to date. This is extremely important for those chapters that are growing
rapidly or losing members. According to Robert’s Rules, a quorum should be as large a
number of members as can reasonably be depended on to be present at any regular
meeting except when there are exceptionally unfavorable conditions. Many chapters choose
20% of the total membership rounded up to the nearest whole number.
To amend a bylaw, the Article and Section must be identified with the proposed change, the
rationale for the change, the way the Article and Section currently reads and lastly how it
would then read. This format is sent in writing to all members and read at the previous
regular meeting before a vote is taken.
DAR MUSEUM FUND: To all Regents and Chapter Chairman for DAR Museum.
Remember that to be considered for the Museum Award you should contribute a minimum
of $l.00 per member to the State DAR Museum fund. Thank you to the many chapters who
have done interesting things which support our Peter Tondee Room in the DAR Museum in
Washington, D.C. Best, Therry N. Deal
Our Members' Site continues to be very popular with Georgia Daughters. Our hard working
VIS Committee strives to consistently meet the growing needs of our membership. If you
have any questions or would like to find out how your chapter can make use of the new site,
email gssvis@gmail.com. The User ID and Password remain the same: gadar/gadaughter.
The Members' Only Web Site is located at http://members.georgiastatedar.org.
Thank you to Amy Lawson, Jenny Jacoby, Teresa Floyd and the entire VIS committee for
keeping us informed and for so ably supporting our efforts to be totally electronic in
reporting. You are wonderful!
NATIONAL DEFENSE: JROTC/ROTC Medals awarded: Please include in your report (or
send to State Chairman) the name of the school(s), the county, the name of the award
recipient, and the name and address of the ROTC contact person. Thank you.