Supplemental data (sup. data) Sup. data 1: Mono- and co-culture experiments with H2 cells: FDC-LCs or BMSCs were cultured in 6 well- plates until approximately 70% of confluency in IMDM containing 10% FCS, 2 mM sodium pyruvate, penicillin and streptomycin (100 U/ml each) (Life Technologies, CA). Cell monolayers were washed twice in PBS, and 2.5 ml/well of IMDM containing 1% BSA was added on adherent cell monocultures. In co-culture conditions, 2.5 ml of IMDM containing 1.5x106 H2 cells were added to cell monolayers. As a control, 2.5 ml of IMDM containing 1.5x106 H2 cells were incubated without FDC-LCs or BMSCs. Where indicated, TNF (10 ng/ml) was added to the cell culture. After 2 days, cell culture supernatants were harvested, clarified by centrifugation (200g, 5 min and 15,000 rpm, 15 min) and treated with NaOH/HCl to remove TGF from inactivating complexes (protocol R&D system, Minneapolis, MN). For each supernatant, 500 µl was kept for TGF ELISA determination (see below). The remaining volume (2ml) was divided in two and incubated with or without 1µg/ml of TGF blocking Ab (MAB2401, R&D Systems) for 60 min at 37 oC. This Ab neutralizes TGF (R&D system). Mono- or co-culture cell supernatants were then used as a source of TGF to stimulate H2 cells. Serum-starved H2 cells (30x106) were resuspended in 1 ml of undiluted culture cell supernatants prepared as described above. Negative and positive controls included H2 stimulated by recombinant TGF in fresh RPMI or IMDM alone or containing TNF (10 ng/ml). At indicated time H2 cells were lysed and Smad immunoprecipitations and Western-blots were performed as described below. Sup. data 2: Production of Wild-type (wt) and mutated (mut) Smad1 constructs. Wt-Smad1 and mut-Smad1 sequences were cloned into a murine leukemia virus-based retroviral vector pMMP-f2-IRES-GFP. To generate recombinant retroviruses, the Smad1 plasmids were co-transfected with expression plasmids encoding MLV gag-pol and VSV-G proteins into 293T by Calcium Phosphate method.51 The viruses were concentrated by ultracentrifugation and titrated on NIH3T3 cells by flow cytometric analysis. Sup. data 3: IHC tissue samples and procedure. Tissues were obtained after informed consent and IRB approval. All lymphoma cases had been classified according to the WHO classification for lymphoid neoplasms.[Harris, 1999 #468] The series included 20 cases of FL grades 1 or 2, and 7 biopsies of either FL with concomitant development of DLBCL in the same 1 biopsy or DLBCL with a confirmed antecedent diagnosis of FL, indicating histologic transformation. Slides were deparaffinized and antigen retrieval was performed by microwave heating in the antigen retrieval solution as per the manufacturer’s recommendations (Dako, Carpinteria, CA). After blocking with goat serum, slides were incubated with the primary antibody (dilution 1:50) overnight. Detection was performed with the Vectastain ABC kit anti-rabbit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Sup. data 4: no cross-reactivity between Smad1 and Smad2 antibodies (see figure). Panel a: protein immunoprecipitation was performed incubating H2 cell lysates with anti-Smad2 Ab (sc-6200), irrelevant goat IgG (negative control), or anti-Smad1 #06-053 (positive control). The membrane was probed with anti-Smad1 Ab (#06-053) and developed using protein A-HRP and ECL (upper gel). Membranes were stripped and reprobed with anti-Smad2 Ab (# 06-054) and protein A-HRP (lower gel). Conclusion: the anti-Smad2 Ab used in immunoprecipitation detected Smad2 but not Smad1, although Smad1 is present in H2 cell lysates. Panel B: Test of a potential cross-eactivity of anti-Smad1 Ab (#06-053) with Smad2. Cell lysates from Jurkat or DHL16 known to contain Smad2 but not Smad1 were incubated in the presence of anti-Smad1 Ab (# 06-053). Immunoprecipitated material has been separated by SDS-PAGE and western-blotted with anti-Smad2 Ab (#06-054). Immunoprecipitation of Smad2 in Jurkat cell lysates is shown as a positive control. No band appeared in the Smad1 immunoprecipitation, whereas Smad2 was clearely present in the Jurkat cell lysates. This excludes cross-reactivity of Smad1 Ab with Smad2. Sup. data 5: activation of Smad1 in lymphoma B cell (see figure). Panel a: purified primary FL cells were stimulated with TGF (10 ng/ml) for 15 and 30 min and lysed in 1% NP40 lysis buffer. Smad1 immunoprecipitation as well as Smad1-P or Smad1 Western blots were performed as in figure 1c. Panel b: H2 were incubated for 1h with increasing concentrations of TGFas indicated. Smad1 immunoprecipitations and anti-Smad1/Smad1-P Western-blots were performed as in figure 1c. Panel c: TAT-1 cells were incubated with TGF, BMP2 or BMP7 at indicated concentrations for 1h. Smad1 was immunoprecipitated from cell lysates, analyzed for phosphorylation and quantified as described in figure 1c. Note: IpC = negative control for Smad immunoprecipitation with isotype-match antibody. (*) = non-specific band. These results are representative of 3 different experiments. 2 Sup. data 6: Effect of Smad1-specific iRNA on TGF response (see figure). Panel a: H2 cells were transfected by nucleofection with eGFP and iRNA (random sequence or four different Smad1 specific iRNA labeled A, B, C or D). Random iRNA: Smad1 iRNA sequences: iRNA A: sense CCAAGAAUUUGCUCAGUUAUU, antisense 5’-P.UAACUGAGCAAAUUCUUGGUU; iRNA B: sense CAAAUGGGUUCACCUCAUAUU, antisense 5’-P.UAUGAGGUGAACCCAUUUGUU. iRNA C: sense AAACACUGGUGCUCUAUUGUU, antisense 5’P.CAAUAGAGCACCAGUGUUUUU; iRNA D: sense ACUAUGAGCUCAACAAUCGUU, antisense 5’P.CGAUUGUUGAGCUCAUAGUUU. After cell sorting of the cells by cytometry and overnight recovery, Smad1 expression was analyzed 48h later by western-blot of 75 µg of proteins from H2 cell lysates obtained as previously described (panel a and see legend of figure 1 for detailed protocol). Panel B: Smad1 material was quantified by densitoimetry of the upper gel and expressed as a percent of the control (random iRNA=100%). Panel c: Effect of Smad1 iRNA on TGF-induced inhibition of cell proliferation: H2 cells were transfected with random or Smad1 specific iRNA (A or B) and sorted as above. After overnight recovery, cells were treated with different concentrations of TGF for 48h as indicated in the plot. Overnight thymidine incorporation was measured and plotted as a percent of the total cpm in the control without TGF. This is representative of two independent experiments. Asterix mark the inhibitions. Sup. data 7: TNF increased TGF released by H2 cells but not by FDCs (see figure). H2 and FDCs were incubated with or without TNF. After 48, TGF concentration was measured by ELISA as in Figure 7 panel a. As can be seen, TNF increased TGF concentration in supernatants from H2 cells, but not from FDCs. Sup. data 8: expression of TGF family member receptors in lymphoma cells (see figure). cDNA were prepared from total RNA of indicated cell lines. HUVEC and placenta are used as a positive control, as well as amplification of actin. The expected size of each amplicon is indicated on the left. (S): endoglin short form; (L): endoglin long form. Primers are indicated in the table below. For ALK-1, a two-step PCR has been performed (labeled “out” and “in” in the table) to exclude low expression of the gene in lymphoma cells. Primer table: 3 GENE ActRIIA ActRIIB BMPRII TGFRII out TGFRII in ALK-1 out ALK-1 in ALK-2 (Ac tRI) ALK-3 (BMPR IA) ALK-5 (TGF RI) ALK-6 (BMPR IB) glycan (TGFR III) Endoglin, S and L (CD105) FORWARD ttggctggatgatatcaactg tgctggcctttggatgtacc cagtagaagcaactggacagca tgtggccgctgcagatcgt ctgtgagaagccacaggaa tctgatgctgctgatggcct aaccacaacgtgtccctggt tggatcattcgtgtacatcagg acctcggaggagaaact aattcctcgagataggccgt aagttacgcccctcattc ctcacacaggggagacagcagg ccaagaccgggtctcaagac REVERSE tccccggaattaacataagtg tctgccacgactgcttgtc agacaccatggttgtagcagtg aagatcttgactgatggcaca atccttccaggatgatggcaca ccacgatgccattcacgatg caggatgagactggactctc tcaatttgtcgagggaattatc ctgctgcgctcatttatc tgcggttgtggagatatag tgatgtcttttgctctgc gaattctagtgtggtacagaagccc ctggggtcgagtggaggactg annealing . Temp. 55 55 48 55 55 55 55 48 55 55 58 58 54 Mg2+ (mM) 1.5 2.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4