water for us

for the
2007 QSA syllabus
The textbook referenced in this sample work program is
Queensland Chemistry: Context to concept
by Mark Ash and Mary Hill, John Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd,
Milton, 2008
Course Organisation and Assessment Plan ...............
Outline of Intended Student Learning:
Unit 5 Fuels forever? (Year 12)……………………………..
Unit 3 Water for Us (Year 11) ……………………………….
Student Profile …………………………………………………
Statement regarding the method for making decisions within
each criterion for interim and exit LOAs…………..
Sem 1 55hrs
Course Organisation and Assessment Plan
Unit titles and descriptions
Key concepts and key ideas
Unit 1: Our Chemical Universe (28 hrs)
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 1, Chapters 1 and 2
We will learn about the very beginning of matter. An overview of
the chemistry of the Big Bang will help us understand how many
scientists think atoms came into being and introduce us to nuclear
reactions and the equations used to represent them. We will then
take a quick trip down through the ages to see how humankind
interpreted the world around us. The history of science is filled
with questions and answers — attempts by scientists to use their
observations of the visible world to explain what could be
happening on a sub-microscopic scale. In chapter 2, we look at
ways of classifying matter. While particle theory can explain the
behaviour of the different states of matter, it is the combination
and arrangement of atoms in a material that enable us to classify
a given material as a mixture or pure substance, an element or a
compound. The language of chemistry is both international and
unique. Scientists from around the world understand the meaning
of formulas like H2O, CO2 and CH4, but they can only do this
because of the strict rules associated with chemical symbols,
formulas and nomenclature — the rules for naming substances.
Although the language may seem strange to you at first, you
should soon find that it is a useful and logical shorthand method
that allows clear communication between both experienced and
budding chemists. The development of our modern theory of the
structure of the atom is one of the great achievements of science
in the past 100 years. Just as radiation from outer space helped
us develop our theories about the beginning of the universe and
its composition, studies of the emission of radiation from gaseous
elements has helped us build workable models of atoms and the
arrangement of electrons outside their nuclei. This, in turn,
enables us to explain the properties we observe for different
materials and the atoms, elements and compounds around us.
S1 All matter is composed of atoms.
S1.1 Matter is composed of atoms which, in turn, contain protons and neutrons in a nucleus, and
electrons outside the nucleus.
S1.2 The number of positively charged protons is equal to the number of negatively charged
electrons in a neutral atom, and determines all the chemical properties of an atom.
S1.3 An element is a substance in which all atoms have the same number of protons.
S1.4 Atoms of an element may contain different numbers of neutrons, and are known as isotopes.
S1.5 Every element is assigned a unique chemical symbol.
S1.7 In modern theories of atomic structure, electrons are viewed as occupying orbitals which are
grouped in electron shells.
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically and their macroscopic properties
can be explained and predicted from understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
S2.1 From theory of electronic structure it is predicted that elements will display periodic variations
in their chemical and physical properties.
R2 Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
R2.1 All chemical reactions involve energy transformations.
R2.2 The spontaneous directions of chemical reactions are towards lower energy and greater
R4 Specialised qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to determine the quantity,
composition and type.
R4.2 Specialised techniques and instrumentation are used in chemical analysis.
R4.3 Qualitative and quantitative testing may be used to determine the composition or type of
General Objectives:
Task Type: ERT
Extended response
task. Nonexperimental research
(teachers will decide
from year to year the
type of written
response -report,
assignment or article)
Teacher monitored
Four weeks, individual
Two weeks’ class time
allocated for research
Sem 1 55hrs
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 2: The Air We Breathe (27 hours)
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 2, Chapters 3, 4 and 5
Although the atmosphere is a relatively thin layer of gas extending about 150
km above Earth’s surface, it is crucial to the existence of all life on Earth. It
exerts an enormous influence on Earth and the organisms that inhabit it. The
atmosphere consists of several layers, each with different properties. The
troposphere and the stratosphere are the layers most significant to humans.
We will learn about the major gases that make up the air we breathe — why
they exist as molecules and their separation, properties and preparation. Since
they are intimately involved in the changes occurring on Earth, we find ways to
represent these changes with balanced chemical equations. We find that a
range of processes, which includes nitrification, denitrification, photosynthesis,
respiration and combustion, drive the movement of the atmosphere’s main
components into, out of and through the atmosphere. The combined effects of
the Sun’s radiant energy and Earth’s atmosphere act to provide an
environment that can sustain life on our planet. Along with its vital role as a
reservoir for nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, we find that the atmosphere
provides protection from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays. We begin by building an
understanding of the types of radiant energy from the Sun that illuminate and
warm our planet and how they interact with the atmosphere. We find that
naturally occurring ozone in the stratosphere protects life on Earth from the
damaging effects of ultraviolet light. We learn about the chemistry of the ozone
layer’s formation and its destruction by human activities. The ‘protective
blanket’ analogy helps us understand the role of the atmosphere in regulating
global temperatures by balancing the quantities of energy retained and emitted
from Earth. We find out about the greenhouse properties of atmospheric gases
and the potential impact of changing the concentrations of these gases on
global climate. We examine how the blanket is being dirtied by environmental
pollutants and understand the chemistry associated with acid rain, smog and
photochemical smog. We review our understanding of the properties of gases
and how the kinetic particle theory explains them. Their properties are
explained by the weakness of their intermolecular forces and factors such as
molecular mass, size and shape, which affect the strength of these forces.
Particles in gases move quite independently of each other, and their
movement is dependent on temperature, pressure and volume. These are key
properties that describe the behaviour of gases and each requires a clear
definition and its own standard units.
Key concepts and key ideas
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically and their
macroscopic properties can be explained and predicted from
understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
Objectives: KCU,
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic
Task Type: SA
S2.3 Pairs of atoms may be bound together by the sharing of electrons
between them in a covalent bond.
S2.4 Two or more atoms bound together by one or more covalent bonds
form a molecule, with definite size, shape and arrangement of bonds.
11/2 hour written
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed
between different elements, a chemical compound is obtained. This
compound can be represented by a chemical formula.
items and
S2.8 Forces weaker than covalent bonding exist between molecules.
S2.10 Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
R3 The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the determination of
quantities in chemical processes.
R3.2 Every chemical reaction can be represented by a balanced equation,
whose coefficients indicate both the number of reacting particles and the
reacting quantities in moles.
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 3: Water for Life (28 hours)
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 3, Chapters 6,7 and 8
Sem 2 55hrs
Water is both a common and a unique material. In developed countries we
tend to take it for granted. We expect to have water not only available, but also
available in a form that is suitable for human consumption. Many countries do
not have this luxury. According to Sir William Deane, writing as Chairman of
CARE Australia in a November 2003 fund raising letter, ‘contaminated water is
killing more than five million men, women and children every year. Often, the
contamination is caused by something as simple as an uncapped well, or the
lack of adequate toilet facilities.’
The severe droughts of the late twentieth century and early twentyfirst century
have made Australians more aware of the importance of this special resource
to our quality of life and more appreciative of its abundance. So what exactly
is this material we call water? and why is it so important to so many aspects of
Chapter 6 investigates the sources of water, the roles that it plays in life on
Earth, its structure and its properties. We learn about a special form of intermolecular bonding called hydrogen bonding. It is this force, combined with
water’s intra-molecular polar covalent bonding, which gives us a truly unique
Chapter 7 begins with a discussion on water quality and the treatment
necessary to produce potable (drinkable) water. Much of our water comes
from river systems throughout Australia. However, increasing salt levels in
many of those rivers is becoming such an important problem that salinity and
its effects can no longer be ignored. A critical analysis of salinity requires a
knowledge of the chemicals involved: salts. Chapter 7 focuses on the
chemistry of salts (ionic compounds) — their formation and their properties.
Since it is important that every chemist speaks the same chemical language,
this chapter also provides rules for unambiguously naming various types of
ionic compounds.
Chapter 8 looks at some methods used to measure how much of a substance
is dissolved in an aqueous solution, and how to report that concentration. It
also investigates the solubility of salts in water. These solubility concepts can
be used in qualitative analysis schemes to help us find out what elements are
present in a particular water sample and to help us predict the location of
possible mineral deposits.
Key concepts and key ideas
S1 All matter is composed of atoms.
S1.1 Matter is composed of atoms which, in turn, contain protons and neutrons in a
nucleus, and electrons outside the nucleus.
S1.2 The number of positively charged protons is equal to the number of negatively
charged electrons in a neutral atom, and this determines all the chemical properties
of an atom.
S1.3 An element is a substance in which all atoms have the same number of protons.
S1.4 Atoms of an element may contain different numbers of neutrons, and are known
as isotopes.
S1.5 Every element is assigned a unique chemical symbol.
S1.7 In modern theories of atomic structure, electrons are viewed as occupying
orbitals, which are grouped in electron shells.
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their macroscopic
properties can be explained and predicted from understandings about electronic
structure and bonding.
S2.1 From theory of electronic structure it is predicted that elements will display
periodic variations in their chemical and physical properties.
S2.5 An atom or group of atoms covalently bound together may gain or lose one or
more electrons to form ions.
S2.6 Ionic bonding occurs when positive and negative ions are held together in a
crystal lattice by electrostatic forces.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed between different
elements, a chemical compound is obtained which can be represented by a chemical
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
R1.2 Precipitation reactions result in the appearance of a solid from reactants in
aqueous solution.
R2 Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
R2.1 All chemical reactions involve energy transformations.
R2.2 The spontaneous directions of chemical reactions are towards lower energy and
greater randomness.
R4 Specialised qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to determine the
quantity, composition and type.
R4.2 Specialised techniques and instrumentation are used in chemical analysis.
R4.3 Qualitative and quantitative testing may be used to determine the composition or
type of material.
General Objectives:
Task Type: EEI
Five weeks’ class
time; teachermonitored
Group practical work
Individual write-up of
scientific report
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 4: Our Mineral Resources (27 hours)
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 4, Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12
Sem 2 55hrs
Metals are a group of materials that have played an important part in the history of humankind, so much so
that some periods of time have been named according to the discovery and use of a particular metal. We
find that metals possess a range of physical and chemical properties, from strength to lightness, lustre to
reactivity, that make them of unique value to our society.
Chapter 9 begins by looking at how metals have been used over the centuries and at the physical and
chemical properties behind those uses. Over time, chemists have drawn inferences from those properties,
from which they developed a model of metallic structure and bonding. The current model not only accounts
for the observed properties of metals, but also is consistent with what we already know about the
arrangement of electrons in metal atoms.
Although platinum, gold and silver are sufficiently unreactive to be found in their elemental state, all other
metals need to be extracted from mineral deposits found in ore bodies. In chapter 10, we examine some of
the ways in which metals are extracted from their ores. All of these extractions involve the decomposition
of metal-containing compounds to produce the elemental form of the metal. Early chemists called this type
of process reduction because the compound was being ‘reduced’ to something simpler. Scientists now
know that these and many other chemical changes involve the transfer of electrons between reactants. We
will learn to how to interpret these oxidation–reduction (redox) reactions to identify what has been oxidised
and reduced and to balance the sometimes complex equations.
For mining an ore body to be profitable, it must contain a certain minimum concentration of the desired
metal. To determine the proportion of metal in a mineral (its per cent composition), we need to know the
mass of an atom of the metal in relation to the masses of the other elements in the compound. This leads
us to a study of atomic mass. The mass of an atom is extremely small and is therefore measured in an
extremely small unit — the atomic mass unit. However, in the laboratory and in industry, reagents and
products are measured in grams, kilograms and tonnes and not in atomic mass units. We therefore need
to find a way to convert from the tiny atomic mass unit to the more common unit of mass, the gram. In turn,
this leads us to the extremely useful measure of the amount of a substance — the mole.
Chemists in the mining industry analyse ore samples to determine if the desired elements are present in
sufficient concentration to make the expense of the extraction process worthwhile. They also need to
analyse the finished product to ensure that it is of the required purity. These analyses are based on
equations that relate amounts of reactants to amounts of products. In chapter 11 we learn how the power
of knowing the relationships between the coefficients in an equation, and the masses, molar masses and
numbers of particles involved, enables us to calculate the masses of reactants needed, consumed and left
over and the masses of products made. This calculation of quantities involved in chemical reactions is
called stoichiometry. To close the chapter, we investigate gravimetric analysis, which is an analytical
method based on mass, that is used by chemists in the mining industry to determine both the composition
of an ore body and the purity of a metal at various stages in the extraction process.
Key concepts and key ideas
S1 All matter is composed of atoms.
S1.1 Matter is composed of atoms which, in turn, contain protons and
neutrons in a nucleus, and electrons outside the nucleus.
S1.6 The atomic mass of an atom is arbitrarily defined relative to the mass
of the isotope carbon-12.
S1.7 In modern theories of atomic structure, electrons are viewed as
occupying orbitals which are grouped in electron shells.
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their
macroscopic properties can be explained and predicted from
understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
S2.1 From theory of electronic structure it is predicted that elements will
display periodic variations in their chemical and physical properties.
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic properties.
S2.9 The structure of a metal involves positive ions embedded in a sea of
S2.10 Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
R1.1 Redox reactions involve a transfer of electrons and a change in
oxidation number.
R1.2 Precipitation reactions result in the appearance of a solid from
reactants in aqueous solution.
R3 The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the determination of
quantities in chemical processes.
R3.1 The mole, defined arbitrarily using the isotope carbon-12, is the basic
quantity in stoichiometric calculations.
R3.2 Every chemical reaction can be represented by a balanced equation,
whose coefficients indicate both the number of reacting particles and the
reacting quantities in moles.
R3.3 A balanced equation can be used when determining whether reagents
are limiting or in excess.
R4 Specialised qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to
determine the quantity, composition and type.
R4.1 Techniques such as volumetric and gravimetric analysis are used to
determine amounts of reactants and products.
R4.2 Specialised techniques and instrumentation are used in chemical
R4.3 Qualitative and quantitative testing may be used to determine the
composition or type of material.
Task Type: SA
11/2 hour written
items and
Sem 3 55hrs
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 5 Fuels Forever? (28 hours
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 5, Chapters 13, 14 and 15
What are fuels? Why is our society so dependent on them? Over time, people discovered that
different fuels were available in their environment. A range of factors determines which fuel is the
best choice for a given purpose. These factors include the energy content, combustion properties,
effects on the environment, costs, availability and safety factors. As our world’s reliance on petroleum
grows, we have become increasingly concerned because these fuels are not renewable. Is it
wasteful to burn petroleum in light of it being a starting material for many other products of the
petrochemical industry? Does the uneven distribution of petroleum around the countries of the world
present political and economic problems?
We’ll discover in chapter 13 how petroleum was formed and the complex nature of its composition.
Petroleum is a mixture of diverse hydro carbons whose molecules vary greatly in size. Patterns exist
in the hydrocarbons’ formulas and physical and chemical properties, and these enable us to
understand their structure and behaviour. Although there are thousands of different hydrocarbons, a
system for naming them has been developed to help make sense of the diversity. Hydrocarbons are
classified as alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
In chapter 14 we find out how the fractions (such as petrol and diesel) are separated from petroleum
(crude oil). The size of the molecules in petroleum determines the strength of forces of attraction
between them and, therefore, each compound’s boiling point. The difference in boiling points enables
petroleum to be separated into fractions by fractional distillation.
Petrol has several properties that make it highly suitable as a fuel for the internal combustion engine.
Problems, such as its tendency to auto-ignite, can be overcome with additives, refining and blending.
New compounds for blending with petrol are made by processes of isomerisation and cracking. The
wide-scale use of petrol presents environmental problems, such as the emission of pollutants. The
low efficiency of the internal combustion engine results in a lot of energy being wasted as heat.
The power in petrol comes from energy stored in the bonds between atoms in the molecules. This
energy is released as new bonds, particularly those between carbon and oxygen, are formed during
combustion. We find out why some reactions release heat but others absorb heat, and we measure
the energy released by fuels. Finally, we learn how energy changes in chemical reactions are
represented by chemical equations.
In chapter 15 we examine why concerns over the level and type of emissions from vehicles have
driven a desire to improve engine performance. The use of catalysts and catalytic converters has
helped to reduce emissions. We find out why some reactions are slow and how catalysts increase
the rate of reactions. Changing and blending fuels with oxygenated compounds also improves
performance. To compare energy content of fuels, we use calorimetry to measure the amount of heat
released from the different fuels.
Key concepts and key ideas
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented
symbolically, and their macroscopic properties can be
explained and predicted from understandings about
electronic structure and bonding.
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their
microscopic properties.
S2.3 Pairs of atoms may be bound together by the sharing of
electrons between them in a covalent bond.
S2.4 Two or more atoms bound together by one or more
covalent bonds form a molecule, with definite size, shape
and arrangement of bonds.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are
formed between different elements, a chemical compound is
obtained, which can be represented by a chemical formula.
S2.8 Forces weaker than covalent bonding exist between
S2.10 Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
S2.11 In compounds containing carbon–hydrogen bonds
(known as organic compounds), the carbon atoms bind to
one another through single, double or triple covalent bonds to
form chains or rings.
R2 Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
R2.1 All chemical reactions involve energy transformations.
R3 The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the
determination of quantities in chemical processes.
R3.2 Every chemical reaction can be represented by a
balanced equation, whose coefficients indicate both the
number of reacting particles and the reacting quantities in
R5 Chemical reactions are influenced by the conditions
under which they take place and, being reversible, may reach
a state of equilibrium.
R5.1 Chemical reactions occur at different rates and
changing the nature of the reactants, temperature or
concentration, or introducing a catalyst, may alter these.
R5.3 Chemical reactions may be reversible.
General Objectives:
Task Type: ERT
Extended response
task. Nonexperimental
research (teachers
will decide from year
to year the type of
written response report, assignment or
Teacher monitored
Four weeks,
individual work.
Two weeks’ class
time allocated for
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 6 The materials ( r )evolution
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 6, Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19
Sem 3 55hrs
This context focuses on some materials that play immensely important roles in our lives. These
materials are the result of a long process of discovery involving trial and error, serendipity, an open
mind, and a readiness to observe, to interpret and to improve. In many ways, this closely
resembles your learning of chemistry — although your discovery process will be much faster
because you can benefit from the past experiences of others. The types of materials studied in this
context are divided into two types: ceramics (pottery and glass) and polymers (many of which are
also called ‘plastics’). These materials are different from the others we have discussed because
they are made up of many atoms, and sometimes ions. To appreciate the large molecules that
make up these materials we need to understand the intra-molecular forces of covalent and ionic
bonding and the inter-molecular attractions of van der Waals forces (both covered in previous
contexts). Also, we need to learn about another type of bonding called network covalent bonding.
Because this bonding is basic to understanding ceramics and polymers, in chapter 16 we start by
looking at what network covalent bonds involve and investigate the structures and properties of
simple elements and compounds that have this type of bond.
In chapter 17 we trace the history and chemistry of pottery and glass, from their earliest
beginnings to some of their most recent advanced applications. As we will see, gradual
developmental changes in technology brought about improvements in the properties of pottery and
glass. Another dimension is added as art blends with chemistry to produce coloured glazes and
glasses. The development of ceramics over a long period of time has had a significant impact on
society as we know it. Imagine a world without ceramics. There would be no bricks, no floor or wall
tiles, no sewer pipes, no glass windows, no light bulbs, no optical fibres, no space shuttles, no
ceramic fillings or implants for teeth, to mention just a few. We can only introduce you to this broad
field of chemistry, but further research into specific areas can be a fascinating study of the
interaction between people, chemistry, technology and materials.
Key concepts and key ideas
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their
macroscopic properties can be explained and
predicted from understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic properties.
S2.3 Pairs of atoms may be bound together by the sharing of electrons between
them in a covalent bond.
S2.4 Two or more atoms bound together by one or more covalent bonds form a
molecule, with definite size, shape
and arrangement of bonds.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed between
different elements, a chemical compound is
obtained, which can be represented by a chemical formula.
S2.8 Forces weaker than covalent bonding exist between molecules.
S2.10 Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
S2.11 In compounds containing carbon–hydrogen bonds (known as organic
compounds) the carbon atoms bind to one
another through single, double or triple covalent bonds to form chains or rings.
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
R1.4 Polymerisation reactions produce large molecules with repeating units.
R5 Chemical reactions are influenced by the conditions under which they take
place and, being reversible, may reach a
state of equilibrium.
R5.1 Chemical reactions occur at different rates and changing the nature of the
reactants, temperature or
concentration, or introducing a catalyst, may alter these.
Thirty years ago, the ceramics industry in the US was worth US$20 million; today its value is over
US$35 billion. And enough glass is produced in the US each year to make the equivalent of a 5
m–wide highway stretching from New York on the east coast to Los Angeles on the west coast.
Chapter 18 introduces us to polymers, both natural and synthetic. Because most polymers have a
carbon backbone, we will look at organic chemistry and study the properties and some of the
reactions of alkenes, carboxylic acids, alcohols, amines and amides. Chapter 19 investigates the
rapidly developing field of polymer chemistry. An immense range of compounds can be produced
simply by varying constituents in the base unit (the monomer) or by mixing different monomers.
This field of ‘designer chemistry’ can produce everything from the thinnest film for food wrap to
heavy-duty car tyres, and from the water-retaining gel used in nappies to water-repellent
surfboards. After investigating the formation and properties of some of the most common
polymers, we turn to the difficult problem of the disposal of plastic waste and examine some of the
solutions made possible by chemistry.
General Objectives:
Task Type: ERT
11/2 hour written
Unseen questionsshort items and
practical exercises
Unit titles and descriptions
Key concepts and key ideas
Unit 7: Consumer Chemistry (28 hours)
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 7, Chapters 20, 21, 22 and 23
What in the world isn’t dependent on chemistry? Whether we like it or not, we
are products of chemistry. Our bodies are made up of chemicals, and the
many and varied functions of each human body depend upon a diverse range
of chemical reactions. We are also consumers of chemistry.
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their macroscopic
properties can be explained and predicted from understandings about electronic structure
and bonding.
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic properties.
S2.3 Pairs of atoms may be bound together by the sharing of electrons between them in a
covalent bond.
S2.5 An atom or group of atoms covalently bound together may gain or lose one or more
electrons to form ions.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed between different
elements, a chemical compound is obtained which can be represented by a chemical
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
R1.2 Precipitation reactions result in the appearance of a solid from reactants in aqueous
R1.3 Acid-base reactions involve a transfer of protons from donors to acceptors.
R2 Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
R2.1 All chemical reactions involve energy transformations.
R3 The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the determination of quantities in chemical
R3.2 Every chemical reaction can be represented by a balanced equation, whose coefficients
indicate both the number of reacting particles and the reacting quantities in moles.
R3.3 A balanced equation can be used when determining whether reagents are limiting or in
R3.4 The use of molarity for expressing concentration allows easy interconversions between
volume of solution and moles of solute.
R4 Specialised qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to determine the quantity,
composition and type.
R4.1 Techniques such as volumetric and gravimetric analysis are used to determine amounts
of reactants and products.
R4.2 Specialised techniques and instrumentation are used in chemical analysis.
R4.3 Qualitative and quantitative testing may be used to determine the composition or type of
R5 Chemical reactions are influenced by the conditions under which they take place and,
being reversible, may reach a state of equilibrium.
R5.1 Chemical reactions occur at different rates and changing the nature of the reactants,
temperature or concentration, or introducing a catalyst, may alter these.
R5.2 Life is maintained by chemical reactions, especially those catalysed by large molecules
called enzymes.
R5.3 Chemical reactions may be reversible.
R5.4 Reversible chemical reactions may reach a state of dynamic balance known as
equilibrium which, when disturbed, may be re-established.
Objectives: KCU,
Sem 4 55hrs
Not only do we eat and drink, physically consuming chemicals, but everything
we use — including the clothing we wear, the houses we live in, the books we
read and the computers we use — are made of chemicals. Some may be
natural while others are synthetically produced, and some may undergo one
or more steps in the production of the finished article while others may be
completely unprocessed. Before we use any of them, we need to know that
they are fit for human use.
Quality control is the key to safe consumer products. We depend on
manufacturers following approved industry guidelines during the
manufacturing process and labelling their products clearly and honestly. In
chapter 20 we investigate some cases where this has not been the case. We
also look at how volumetric chemical analysis can be used to determine how
much of a particular chemical is present in a product. Although industry uses
sophisticated analytical instrumentation, the examples used in this chapter
are simple ones that you can carry out in the laboratory using relatively
inexpensive equipment.
In chapter 21 we remind you that chemicals must not only be manufactured
properly, but must also be stored and used properly by sellers and
consumers. Water-treatment chemicals, such as those used in swimming
pools and fish tanks, are used as prime examples of materials that are in
relatively common use for quality control around the home but which can be
dangerous if treated or used improperly. The chemistry behind these
reactions is complex, so in chapter 22 we focus on the some of the chemical
principles behind water purification chemistry and quality control techniques.
Ways of influencing the rate of reaction are investigated, and equilibrium
principles and calculations are discussed and demonstrated.
In chapter 23 we apply some of the equilibrium concepts learned in chapter
22 to acids, bases and water. The study of pH, buffers, indicators and
titrations helps us understand what we are doing as we add chemicals to our
swimming pool or fish tank. This understanding should help make us
knowledgeable and responsible consumers of chemistry.
Task Type: EEI
Five weeks’ class
time; teachermonitored
Group practical work
Individual write-up of
scientific report
Unit titles and descriptions
Unit 8: The Oceans – Potential and Problems (27 hours)
Sem 4 55hrs
Reference: Queensland Chemistry, Context 8, Chapters 24 and 25
Key concepts and key ideas
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their macroscopic properties can be explained
and predicted from understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
The continental shelves that rim the ocean basins can be regarded as a new
continent with an area about the size of Africa. The potential of these ocean regions
to be a rich source of mineral deposits, similar to those under dry land, is one of the
primary reasons for the surge of activity directed toward living under the sea. The
development of diving techniques and methods of underwater salvage and
submarine rescue have also driven interest and investment in the oceans.
S2.2 The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic properties.
However, it is one thing to glimpse a new world and quite another to establish
permanent outposts in it, to explore it and to work and live in it. Humans are
beginning to try to live, breathe and work underwater — to remain on the bottom
under the ocean’s pressure for long periods and to work there as divers. We begin by
learning of the elements of scuba science and the effects that pressure has on
breathing and moving at significant depth underwater.
S2.9 The structure of a metal involves positive ions embedded in a sea of electrons.
We explore, in turn, the relationships that exist between pressure and volume,
temperature and volume, temperature and pressure, and, finally, volume and
amount. We find that they are consistent with what we might expect intuitively. More
importantly, we find that each relationship can be explained by the kinetic particle
theory and that mathematics can be used to describe and represent the
relationships. Combining the individual relationships between gaseous quantities
enables us to calculate unknown quantities from given known quantities. As
expected from the kinetic particle theory, these relationships are independent of the
type of gas involved. Finally, we develop the General Gas Equation — a
comprehensive relationship between quantities of gases — and integrate our newly
found understandings into our knowledge and use of stoichiometry.
R3.2 Every chemical reaction can be represented by a balanced equation, whose coefficients indicate both the
number of reacting particles and the reacting quantities in moles.
S2.5 An atom or group of atoms covalently bound together may gain or lose one or more electrons to form ions.
S2.6 Ionic bonding occurs when positive and negative ions are held together in a crystal lattice by electrostatic forces.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed between different elements, a chemical compound
is obtained, which can be represented by a chemical formula.
General Objectives: KCU,
Task Type: SA
Supervised assessment
11/2 hour written test
S2.10 Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
Unseen questions-short
items and practical
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
Examination conditions
R1.1 Redox reactions involve a transfer of electrons and a change in oxidation number.
R3 The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the determination of quantities in chemical processes.
R3.5 The ideal gas equation may be used to relate the volume of a gas at defined temperature and pressure to its
quantity in moles.
R5 Chemical reactions are influenced by the conditions under which they take place and, being reversible, may reach
a state of equilibrium.
R5.1 Chemical reactions occur at different rates and changing the nature of the reactants, temperature or
concentration, or introducing a catalyst, may alter these.
R5.3 Chemical reactions may be reversible.
Aside from the difficulties with visibility, pressure and breathing, working beneath the
sea involves dealing with an environment that has a high concentration of salt. The
salinity of ocean water means that redox reactions, like corrosion, are always
present; there are associated structural dangers, due to rust not having the strength
of steel, with resultant high maintenance costs.
We learn that there are certain factors necessary for iron to corrode but that not all
metals are as susceptible to corrosion. We find that there are factors that slow and
accelerate corrosion of iron and that there is a range of methods to prevent and
minimise it. Findings from the RMS Titanic provide both a context and a challenge
because conditions in the deep sea were thought to prevent corrosion. However, the
conditions are such that it still occurs, though for reasons different from those on land
or in surface waters.
We close with using principles of electrolysis to restore corroded metal artifacts
retrieved from shipwrecks.
Outline of Intended Student Learning for sample units
Unit 5: Fuels Forever? – Contextualised unit from Year 12
Time: 28 hours
With the pressure on us to find an alternative to oil as a transport fuel, and to reduce greenhouse gases, we need to
understand what makes a material a fuel, where its energy comes from and the criteria that make one fuel preferred over
Fuels power our bodies and the machines we use. A study of rates of reactions and
thermochemistry provides a chemical perspective on various energy producing molecules – so
easily taken for granted. This unit deals with the energy content of food, alkanes (including
petrol) and alcohol – and what happens on a molecular level when a chemical reaction occurs.
The concepts of bond energy and activation energy enable us to calculate the energy changes
associated with combustion and factors affecting the rates of reactions. Alternative fuels are
researched by the students, and is assessed by an ERT written as under controlled conditions
in response to stimulus.
Key concept S1
All matter is composed of atoms.
Key ideas
Matter is composed of atoms which, in turn, contain protons and neutrons in a nucleus, and electrons outside the nucleus.
The number of positively charged protons is equal to the number of negatively charged electrons in a neutral atom, and determines all the chemical properties of an
An element is a substance in which all atoms have the same number of protons.
Atoms of an element may contain different numbers of neutrons, and are known as isotopes.
Every element is assigned a unique chemical symbol.
The atomic mass of an atom is arbitrarily defined relative to the mass of the isotope carbon-12.
Key concept S2
Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically and their macroscopic properties can be explained and predicted from understandings about electronic structure and
The macroscopic properties are related to their microscopic properties.
Materials may be elements, compounds or mixtures.
In compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds (known as organic compounds) the carbon atoms bind to one another through single, double or triple covalent
bonds to form chains or rings.
Key concept R2
Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
Key ideas
All chemical reactions involve energy transformations
Key concept R3
The mole concept and stoichiometry enable the determination of quantities in chemical processes.
Key ideas
The mole, defined arbitrarily using the isotope carbon-12, is the basic quantity in stoichiometric calculations.
Every chemical reaction can be represented by a balanced equation, whose coefficients indicate both the number of reacting particles and the reacting quantities in
Key concept R5
Chemical reactions are influenced by the conditions under which they take place and, being reversible, may reach a state of equilibrium.
Key ideas
Chemical reactions occur at different rates and changing the nature of the reactants, temperature, or concentration or introducing a catalyst may alter these.
Chemical reactions may be reversible.
1. Classification of matter as
solids/liquids/gases and
2. The meaning of, and
relationship between the
terms: atoms, molecules,
elements, compounds
3. Representation of elements
and compounds with symbols
and formulae
4. Representation of chemical
changes with word and
symbolic equations
5. The mole concept,
stoichiometry and quantities
in solution
Chapters 21, 25 &
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Q1. What is a fuel?, why are we so reliant on them, what are our common fuel materials & how can they be classified & named?
Crude oil – its
nature and our
reliance on it
Students view a presentation of images and are orientated to our reliance on fuels
a) Jammed freeway view from air, b) large truck, c) large container ships, d) airliner, e) battlefield scene of US soldiers in
Iraq, f) Space shuttle taking off g) person filling up a car with petrol h) coal stockpile, i) electric power station,
Students view program 1 of “Crude” to understand its origins, nature and our reliance on it
We already know,
think and believe
significant things
about the topic
What do we know, think and believe about fuels?
Students engage in 2 sets of a circuit of 6 stations.
A Fuels for what?
What forms of transport rely on fuels. Which rely on electricity?
What environmental problems do you believe are related to the use of petroleum based fuels?
B What is a fuel?
Students complete the KW of a KWL of what they know and they apply a 5Ws and How strategy to generate
questions they want to know about fuels.
C What do you know already?
You probably have a lot of general knowledge about fuels. Can you answer the following?
Which is the more explosive when thrown on a fire: petrol, metho or kero?
What is the colour of unleaded petrol: grey-blue or red.
Do they use butane or metho in disposable cigarette lighters?
The chemical name for petrol is octane. True or false?
Does the Space Shuttle burn hydrogen or ‘aviation-gas’ with oxygen for fuel?
Racing cars often use ‘nitro’ for fuel. Is this most likely to be nitroglycerine, nitromethane or nitrogen?
D What do you predict?
Students suggest reasons for, and then justify, answers to the following novel questions:
(a) A lit candle is placed in a tin can that has one end removed. Then, it is then dropped from shoulder
height. Predict whether it will go out or not? Try it
(b) A candle is lit aboard a space station where things are weightless. Will it burn? Why? Why not?
E Differences in burning
Students place about 10 drops of metho, hexane, and cyclohexane in separate evaporating basins (on an
insulating mat) and light each. They note differences in the flames. Given their formulae, students suggest
reasons for the differences.
F What is a fuel anyway?
Students read a script and discuss a definition of “fuel”
Circuit of activities
 2 sets of 6 pens
of different
 2 sets of A3
 Gear guide
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Petroleum, its
and alcohols
Petroleum is a mixture of
hydrocarbons. The many
types of hydrocarbons
and alcohols can be
classified into groups and
Petrol is a mixture of
Alcohol fuels
Alcohols are a group of
compounds that can be
used as a fuel.
What makes a
good fuel
What makes a good fuel
depends on its use, the
criteria one believes to be
important and relative
value one puts on each
Students receive input to understand the nature of hydrocarbons, their types, structure and
nomenclature, they write the general formulae for alkanes give simple examples of each. They use
IUPAC rules to name alkanes and recall the combustion reactions for alkanes, they draw structures and
assemble 3-D models of alkanes
Practical – Building hydrocarbons
Students name hydrocarbons given their structure and vice versa. They build molecular models of
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and from molecular formula and names.
Students receive input to understand that petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbons from C5 to C12 and of
alkanes, alkenes and cyclics.
Practical – Building and naming isomers
Students build and name various isomers of octane. They know that 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane is isomer
whose combustion properties are assigned an octane rating of 100.
Alcohol fuels
Students receive input to understand that ethanol is a fuel derived from biomass and that it is often used
as a blend. Students receive input to understand the nature of alcohols, structure and nomenclature, and
give simple examples of each. They use IUPAC rules to name simple alcohols and their isomers,write
their combustion reactions, draw structures, and assemble 3-D models).
Practical – Building alcohols
Students name alcohols given their structure and vice versa. They build molecular models of alcohols
from molecular formula and names.
Students understand the fermentation processes and write an equation for it. Students understand that
the use of bio fuels returns CO2 to the atmosphere that has been recently removed by photosynthesis, as
opposed to adding new CO2 from hydrocarbons fossil fuels.
A fuel for a camping trip
Initial activity (to be revisited towards the end of the unit):
Given a list of fuels, students generate criteria for making a decision (stability, ease of ignition, energy per
g, fluid so it can be contained and poured, little waste). They use data provided to them and a decision
making matrix to determine the best fuel (from LPG, kerosene, petrol, wax, wood, methanol).
Problems with
There are problems with
Students understand the various problems with petroleum.
Molecular model
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Q2 What energy changes occur when a fuel burns, where does the energy come, how can we represent it, measure and explain it?
Heat changes
The temperature change of a
reaction vessel is used to
identify exo and endo
The origin of heat
of reaction
Energy is stored in
substances as KE and PE.
Changes to this as products
are formed gives rise to heat
of reaction
Heat can be built into
Heat content of
Why are some
reactions exo
whilst others are
The principle of calorimetry
involves measuring heat by
monitoring the temperature
through which a known mass
of a known substance rises
Calorimetry is used to assess
which of ethanol, methanol
and kerosene has the
greatest heat content.
Heat of reaction is the net
result of energy absorbed
and released from bond
breaking and bond forming
processes. Bond energies
can be used to predict
whether a reaction will be
endo or exo.
Energy Changes in reactions:
Students observe 4 demos and review the energy changes taking place (eg Chemical
potential energy -> Heat Energy)
Students undertake Experiment 25.1, write the equations, record observations and record
whether it is an exothermic or endothermic reaction
Heat of Reaction
Input: Students understand that the total energy content in a material is termed its Heat
Content (Enthalpy) (H) and that the heat of reaction (H) is the difference between the
Heat content of the reactants and products.
Check Up: Students check their understanding by responding to questions related to Exp
25.1 about which substance has the greatest Heat Content, whether the Hp or Hr is
greatest, whether H is positive or negative, and whether energy is released or absorbed
Thermochemical Equations
Input: Students understand the ways that energy can be represented in equations and
they use stoichiometric principles to solve quantitative problems
Demo and model Students understand how to measure the heat of combustion of ethanol by
heating 200mL of water in a tin can with a wick burner. They understand how to extrapolate
to deduce molar heat of combustion.
Heat content of fuels:
Practical: Pairs of students select two fuels to compare and they design and perform an
experiment to deduce which has the greater energy content. They decide on variables that
will be have to be controlled to ensure fair testing between pairs and perform the practical.
Why are some reactions exo whilst others are endo?
Input: Students are led to consider the bonds breaking and forming when hydrogen is
burned in chlorine and use the concepts that energy is required to break bonds and energy
is absorbed when bonds are formed to predict that it will be an exothermic reaction
H2 + Cl2 --> 2HCl
Bond energies: Students extend to use tables of BE and check their understanding with
Q8,9 p408
Ppt & Gear sheet
Gear sheet
Queensland Chemistry 25.6
Gear sheet
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Q 3. What factors affect the rate of a reaction and how can these effects be explained?
Fast and
the rate of
Good fuels for engines
need to react quickly.
Catalysts can speed the
reaction of dangerous
gases into less dangerous
Making sense of petrol
Making petrol work: Students understand that for a fuel to work, it has to be engineered so that it has
appropriate combustion properties. They understand octane number and the role of isomerisation and
lead additives to enable petrol to work.
Reducing emissions: Students understand that to reduce emissions the catalytic converter was
developed to speed the otherwise slow reaction between pollutant emissions and others.
Good fuels have to react
quickly. Chemical
changes range from being
so fast as to be termed
‘instantaneous’ thru to
very slow
Fast fuels
Teacher demonstration: Students observe demos of very fast changes and consider
examples of a very slow change.
Mixing, dissolving,
subdivision, concentration
of reactants &
temperature can increase
How could you speed up the rate of reaction between…
Hot potato brainstorm is used to suggest factors that could be used to speed up the rate of reaction
between solid and gas, liquid and gas, 2 aqueous solutions, solid and aqueous solution, 2 gases. Ideas
are collated and a general listing of factors is compiled that reveals mixing, dissolving, subdivision,
concentration of reactants & temperature as likely ways of increasing rate. Teacher demos confirm these
Teacher input to build the central tenets of particle-collision theory and students 'Think, Write, Share' on
how collision theory could explain the effects of mixing, dissolving, subdivision, concentration of
reactants & temperature
Round Robin In groups of 4 armed with textbook, students try to list as many examples of fast and slow
reactions (2min per turn). The teacher leads compilation of these and demo some typical fast changes
seen over the past 18 months: Decomposition of touch powder, a ppt reaction. Students contrast these
with some slower changes such as setting of paint, rotting, decomposition of PVC etc
Chemistry 14.2 Q1-5
15.1 Improving engine
performance -
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Sudents understand Arrhenius' theory of activation energy and the significance of the Arrhenius
distribution. Students use the Ea concept to explain the effect of temperature.
Students are asked to consider why an activation energy should exist. They find that it can be explained
in terms of repulsion of electron clouds and the formation of the activated complex. They use PE vs
course of reaction diagrams to explain why some reactions are slow and others fast and relate these
plots to those of Arrhenius.
Students check their understanding by considering the Ea of forward and back reactions and the
relationship to H.
Teacher input shows examples of the need to control the rate of reactions. Teacher demos help students
see the effect of certain substances on rate. Teacher input reveals that catalysts alter the rate of reaction
by providing a reaction mechanism with a lower activation energy. Students show their understanding by
showing the effect of catalysts on PE vs Course of reaction and Arrhenius plots. They differentiate
between the effect of temperature and the effect of catalyst with reference to Arrhenius plots.
Why are
some slow
and some
Arrhenius’s theory of
activation energy can
explain why some are fast
and others are slow and
the effect of the factors
that affect rate.
The effect of catalysts can
be explained by the effect
on activation energy
Chem study Video:
Reaction kinetics
Catalysis demos
Chem study Video:
Unit 3: Water for us – Contextualised unit from Year 11
Time: 28 hours
YEAR 11 TIME: Approx 8 weeks (30 lessons in 2007)
To be an informed citizen, we should know about the factors that determine the quality of our waterways, how they are measured, why they matter, their cause and
how they can be minimised. Because it is both the presence and concentration of solutes that determine risk and the effects of the water, we need to know how to
detect the presence and concentration of solutes in solution. This unit and excursion aims to give students opportunities to develop attitudes and values
about the importance of the Brisbane River and bay and sensitise them to the need for management strategies.
S1 All matter is composed of atoms.
S1.1 Matter is composed of atoms which, in turn, contain protons and neutrons in a nucleus, and electrons outside the nucleus.
S1.2 The number of positively charged protons is equal to the number of negatively charged electrons in a neutral atom, and this
determines all the chemical properties of an atom.
S1.3 An element is a substance in which all atoms have the same number of protons.
S1.4 Atoms of an element may contain different numbers of neutrons, and are known as isotopes.
S1.5 Every element is assigned a unique chemical symbol.
S1.7 In modern theories of atomic structure, electrons are viewed as occupying orbitals, which are grouped in electron shells.
S2 Materials can be categorised and represented symbolically, and their macroscopic properties can be explained and predicted from
understandings about electronic structure and bonding.
S2.1 From theory of electronic structure it is predicted that elements will display periodic variations in their chemical and physical properties.
S2.5 An atom or group of atoms covalently bound together may gain or lose one or more electrons to form ions.
S2.6 Ionic bonding occurs when positive and negative ions are held together in a crystal lattice by electrostatic forces.
S2.7 When chemical bonds, whether ionic or covalent, are formed between different elements, a chemical compound is obtained which can
be represented by a chemical formula.
R1 Specific criteria can be used to classify chemical reactions.
R1.2 Precipitation reactions result in the appearance of a solid from reactants in aqueous solution.
R2 Chemical reactions involve energy changes.
R2.1 All chemical reactions involve energy transformations.
R2.2 The spontaneous directions of chemical reactions are towards lower energy and greater randomness.
R4 Specialised qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to determine the quantity, composition and type.
R4.2 Specialised techniques and instrumentation are used in chemical analysis.
R4.3 Qualitative and quantitative testing may be used to determine the composition or type of material.
The aspects of water quality are researched and practical
experiments are taught and practiced in the laboratory. Through an
excursion, an attempt to measure the chemical health of the
Brisbane River by taking samples of the water at selected sites and
measuring various chemical and physical parameters. The unit
encompasses the nature of ionic solutions and concentration of
solutions which leads to the qualitative and quantitative analyses of
solutions and, in particular, the water of the Brisbane River and
Moreton Bay.
1. Classification of matter as
solids/liquids/gases and
2. The meaning of, and relationship
between the terms: atoms,
molecules, elements, compounds
3. Representation of elements and
compounds with symbols and
4. Representation of chemical
changes with word and symbolic
5. The mole concept and
6. The composition and structure of
metallic, molecular and ionic
 Queensland
reactions p95,
Chapters 14 –
17 Quantities
in solution and
 Chemistry in
Unit 1
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
1. What are the indicators of water quality and for each, why does each matter, how is each measured, what causes it and what can be
done to reduce it?
We already know, think and
believe significant things about
the topic
To be an informed citizen, we
should know about the factors
that determine the quality of our
waterways, how they are
measured, why they matter,
their cause and how they can
be minimised.
A “Healthy river” – In and around - what would see, feel and hear?
Students view images and maps of the Brisbane River and receive general input on it.
They complete a Y-Chart on what they would see, feel and hear in and around a healthy
What do we know and want to know about river health and water quality?
Students complete a KWL (co-op version) of what they know, their group knows. They
apply a 5Ws and How strategy to generate questions they would like answers to about
river health and water quality.
Factors affecting water quality
Students complete a simple Semantic map to list the major factors affecting water quality
Water quality research
Students use the following sites to gather information on the following indicators of water
quality: ,Thermal pollution, Clarity / Turbidity, pH, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrates,
Phosphate, Oxygen demand. For each, they find out What it is, How it is measured, Why it
matters, What its cause/s is/are, What can be done to reduce it?
Students use a jigsaw strategy with Home groups of 4 (each collecting data on two
indicators) and Expert groups of 4. Expert groups research, share data and clarify with
other members and share it back to the Home group.
1. Qld Environmental Protection Agency:
2. Waterwatch Technical Manual at:
3. SEQWater - South East Queensland Water
4. Wikipedia – Water quality
Images of the river earlier this
century, map of catchment,
current surrounds and pressures
Y-Chart / KWL
Table for recording findings:
Q2. What are the key physical properties of ionic substances, how can we explain them, and how can we predict a substance will be
3 types of
& the
related to
Materials can be classified as
mixtures, ionic substances,
metallic substances or covalent
molecular substances
A theory of the structure of ionic
Ionic substances can be identified
as compounds of metals (left) and
non-metal elements (right) or ions
of non-metals
The crystallisation of ions onto a
lattice can be observed over time
The theory of their structure can
be used to explain their properties
Ionic solids can be formed by
M, I and C-M
Practical: Students classify the set of materials used in Practical 2.3 and reclassify them
as mixtures, ionic substances, metallic substances or covalent molecular substances
The structure of ionic substances
Question and answer: Students recall the composition, melting point and electrical
conductivity and make inferences about their structure.
Input: Students view and video and read about the theory of bonding in ionic
substances and they use electron structure to explain it.
Input: Students understand how the formulae for binary and ternary ionic
compounds can be deduced. They recall key ions and apply their knowledge to
write formulae.
Quiz: Spot the ionic substance using the principle that ionic substances can be
identified as compounds of metals (left) and non-metal elements (right) or ions of nonmetals
Practical: Students perform Experiment 4.1 to observe evidence of ions packing
progressively and upon seed crystal.
Explaining the properties
Input and text comprehension: Students use 4.4 to generate explanations the
properties of ionic compounds
Demonstration & Input: Students understand that ionic substances that dissolve in
water conduct electricity because they dissociate into ions. They understand that some
ionic substances dissociate to a great extent while others do so to a small extent. They
understand and write dissociation equations.
Demonstration & Input: Students observe a precipitation and a non-precipitation. They
understand that it can be represented by word, formula and balanced ionic equations.
They understand that whether an ionic substance is soluble can only be determined by
Practical: Students perform a practical to deduce the solubility of a range of ionic
substances. They write balanced equations for the formation of precipitates and
generate a mini-solubility table
Data interpretation: Students use a solubility table to predict whether a precipitate will
Classifying substances gear
Video 29 Chemical Bonding
(metallic , ionic, covalent
Text 19.8
Gear sheet. Modified to
take place in vials
Text 4.4
Gear sheet
Gear sheet
Balancing chemical equation
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Q3 Why do some substances dissolve, what happens when they do, how can we represent dissolving, what affects their solubility, and
how is the presence of certain ions in solution detected?
What’s in
Ionic and molecular
substances dissolve if the
forces between water
molecules and particles of
solute are stronger than those
between the particles in the
solute. Dissolving can be
represented by equations
To dissolve or not to dissolve
Some ions can be detected
through flame tests
Flame tests
Input/ Demo: Students view a flame test and understand the nature of the test in terms of
electronic structure.
Students perform a circuit of stations to certain cations present in a range of solutions.
Workbook page
Gear sheet
When some ions mix in
solution, they form insoluble
substances called precipitates.
Precipitation reactions
Gear sheet
Input: Students understand that the polar nature of water enables it to form electrostatic
forces with ions and with polar substances that are strong enough to pull the particles of
solute apart from each other. Students write dissociation equations for ionic substances
and molecular equations for dissolving of molecular substances.
Practical: Students attempt to dissolve salt, calcium, carbonate, hexane, ethanol in water
and find note that some substances dissolve in water while others do not. They explain the
results of hexane, calcium carbonate and ethanol with reference to terms such as:
electronegativity, polar molecules, dipole-dipole forces, ionic bonds, dispersion forces,
hydrogen bonding, dissociation, separation
Input/ Demo: Students understand that the presence of anions can be detected by how
they behave in the presence of other ions. They view some precipitations and their
molecular simulations and write molecular and ionic equations to represent them.
Solubility tables
Practical sheet
Gear sheet
Balancing Chemical
Equations CD, laptop &
They understand and interpret and solubility table.
Some ions can be detected
through the fact they form
insoluble substances
Practical – Tests for anions
a) view demonstrations and construct diagrammatic representations of tets for carbonate,
sulfate and chloride
b) perform a practical to identify anions in 3 white compounds and anions present in 3
c) check their understanding with questions 1-3 in the practical and interpret reaction
schemas (Q Chem p214/5) to identify unknown compounds (Q 15 p218)
Workbook Gear sheet
Key concepts
Learning Experiences
Q4 What is a factor affecting the health of the river that can be investigated, how could this be achieved, and how can I effectively
design, perform, record and communicate the research and experimental findings of my investigation?
Colorimetry is a technique of
quantitative analysis
A model investigation
Students understand the nature of the investigation as they receive input on a possible
factor, possible manipulated variables, techniques, research questions and key questions
to guide initial research
In groups, they apply the model to 4 other factors and then, in pairs, select their preferred
topic and generate a Research Proposal for feedback.
Library research
Students undertake library research into their key questions and develop their hypotheses
Teacher planning sheet
Student Planning sheet
Student Profile
Student’s Name
Year of Exit
Chemistry profile for Monitoring folio.
Assessment instrument
1. Our Chemical Universe – Analytical
Year 11
2. Air – written test
3. Water – EEI
4. Our Mineral Resources –Response to
Chemistry profile for Verification folio. Assessment below is summative .
Year 12
Assessment instrument
1. Fuels Forever
2. Consumer Chemistry
3. Materials ( r ) evolution
4 Oceans – Potential and problems
Verification (interim)
Method for making decisions within each criterion for interim and exit LOAs.
As shown in the Student Profile above, each assessment instrument assesses at least two of the three assessable exit criteria.
When teachers are determining a standard for each criterion, both for an individual assessment instrument or at exit, ‘it is not
necessary for the student to have met each descriptor for a particular standard’ (p 26, syllabus) but that ‘the standard awarded
should be informed by how the qualities of the work match the descriptors overall’ (p 26, syllabus). To that end, the exit standards
awarded to a student for each exit criterion will be based on the overall picture of that student’s achievement in her summative
assessment folio and judged against the descriptors in the standards matrix ( p28 & 29, syllabus).
Decision making within each criterion for interim and exit LOA is to be based on an on-balanced judgement as to the final position of
the majority of descriptors being met for each respective level of GO criteria. This is to be based on the teacher annotated criteria
sheet for each task and would allow for mapping of student performance on the standards matrix.
When standards have been determined in each of the assessable exit criteria, exit levels of achievement will be awarded based on
the minimum combination of standards across the criteria for each level, as outlined on page 26 of the syllabus.