Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne 3

Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne
3rd Year Lettorato Listening Exam September 4th 2015
Surname _____________________ Name________________ Mat. No. ____________
I certify that I passed Lingua 2 with Prof. ……………………………in (month) ………………………………..
(year) ………………….. Result: ……………/ 30 signature …………………………………………………….
You are going to see part of a BBC World News Horizons documentary about eco-cities. You will
see the video twice. First you will have 5 minutes to study the questions, then after the first viewing
you will have further 5 minutes and at the end you will have 1 hour 15 minutes to complete your
answers and write the summary.
Glossary : the grid - the main electricity network belonging to the Electricity
Board (Energy company)
1. Fill in the gaps (one word or number/gap):
“In 2000 there were ……..................... city or town ……...................... in the Asia/Pacific region. By 2030
that’s expected to ……........................To overcome these problems architects and planners are creating
……....................... for sustainable ……....................... development on a ……....................... scale… ”
2. According to the grey-haired man interviewed by the presenter Adam Shaw, an “ecologically healthy city”
is a city that... (one word or number/gap):
a. “....runs on …....... of the energy”
b. “.....produces a wonderful ………..............… for people.”
3. Fill in the gaps (one word /gap): According to Adam Shaw, an eco-city is designed “to provide socially and
……........….....…….. harmonious, energy efficient and ……….....…......….-friendly living.”
4. List 3 of the things that the plan for Tianjin eco-city will bring together by 2020:
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................................................
5. According to the Chinese city planner, the project
a) will cover an area of …….....… square kms
b) support a population of ……......…. people
c) …...…… companies will be involved
d) with capital of …..…….. U.S. dollars.
6. . According to the Chinese city planner, what is one of the main aims of this project?
7.What benefits do “ passive design features” such as building orientation give?
(i) ………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………
8. TRUE or FALSE (Write T or F in the space)
The planners are taking a very idealistic approach.
The planners see Tianjin as an example to be copied
One goal is to have 90% green transport
Residents will not be allowed to use private vehicles
Tianjin is seen as the solution to problems of sustainable development
9. Give 2 reasons why Zhang Xi, the resident interviewed, has decided to move to Tianjin
a) ...........................................................................................................................................
b) ............................................................................................................................................
10. What is a frequent problem in India?
11. What percentage of energy mentioned by the resident, Mr. Murkerjee, is.....
a. wind-powered
b. supplied by the Electricity Board
12. What do the percentages mentioned by the Indian architect refer to?
a. 30% ...............................................................................................................................
b. 20% ...............................................................................................................................
c. 50% ...............................................................................................................................
13. TRUE or FALSE (Write T or F in the space)
Eco-living is now accessible to everyone, according to the female presenter.
14. According to Adam Shaw, a) why are more people moving to cities and b) what is his conclusion.
a) ...........................................................................................................................................
b) ............................................................................................................................................
15.Write a correctly laid out summary of 200 - 250 words on developments in eco-cities and eco-living.
1. Fill in the gaps (one word or number/gap):
“In 2000 there were 1.3blln city or towndwellers.. in the Asia/Pacific region. By 2030 that’s expected to
…....double .To overcome these problems architects and planners are creating models. for sustainable
urban… development on a huge. scale… ”
[3 points]
2. According to the grey-haired man interviewed by the presenter Adam Shaw, an “ecologically healthy city”
is a city that:
a. runs on 1/10... of the energy
b. produces a wonderful environment.… for people.
[2 points]
3. Fill in the gaps (one word /gap): According to Adam Shaw, an eco-city is designed “to provide socially and
…economically.. harmonious, energy.. efficient and …environmentally….-friendly living.
[2 points]
4. List 3 of the things that the plan for Tianjin eco-city will bring together by 2020:
1. ..........residential areas....
2. ...........commercial centres......
[3 points]
3. ..........green areas and recreational facilities.....
5. According to the Chinese city planner, the project
a) will cover an area of ……..30… square kms
b) supporting a population of 350,000…. people
c) 600… companies will be involved
d) with capital of …7 bn .. U.S. dollars.
[4 points]
6. . According to the Chinese city planner, what is one of the main aims of this project?
.....To make it environmentally friendly by providing jobs near living areas thus avoiding use of cars so it’s an
environment where you can live and work easily and cleanly...
[2 points]
7.What benefits do “ passive design features” such as building orientation give?
(i) natural lighting
(ii) …natural ventilation…
[2 points]
8. TRUE or FALSE (Write T or F in the space)
The planners are taking a very idealistic approach.
The planners see Tianjin as an example to be copied
One goal is to have 90% green transport
Residents will not be allowed to use private vehicles
Tianjin is seen as the solution to problems of sustainable development
[5 points]
9. Give 2 reasons why Zhang Xi, the resident interviewed, has decided to move to Tianjin
a) ........Liked idea of less congestion and pollution – cycling etc
b) ........Liked that her flat is central and will be convenient for shops, schools, job etc...
Also – not an expensive solution
[4 points]
10. What is a frequent problem in India?
[1 point – possible bonus point]
.......power cuts and blackouts....
11. What percentage of energy mentioned by the resident, Mr. Murkerjee, is.....
a. wind-powered
b. supplied by the Electricity Board
[2 points]
12. What do the percentages mentioned by the Indian architect refer to?
a. 30% .......reduction in user energy (post occupancy is a difficult concept)....
b. 20% ........reduction in energy during construction of building c. 50% .........reduction in demand for fresh water.
[6 points]
13. TRUE or FALSE (Write T or F in the space)
Eco-living is now accessible to everyone, according to the female presenter.
[2 points]
14. According to Adam Shaw why are more people moving to cities and what is his conclusion.
a) .....As people get richer they move to the cities.
b) .....There will be innovations to reduce environmental damage, but above all we need to think differently
and realise we mush ‘tread more lightly on the earth that supports us’...We must change our attitude/become
more environmentally friendly
[2 points]