УДК: 378.1(045): 504+373:033
O.I.Bondar, O.A.Mashkov
State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management,
35, Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky St, 03035, Kyiv, dei2005@ukr.net
Ррозглянуто сучасні аспекти створення наукових шкіл у галузі екології та
природокористування. Визначено проблеми удосконалення системи підготовки
фахівців в галузі екології та природокористування в умовах інтеграції вітчизняної
системи вищої освіти у європейський освітній простір. Визначено напрями
удосконалення наукових екологічних шкіл в навчально-наукових закладах.
Запропоновано формалізацію наукових знань, що можуть бути результатами
фундаментальних та прикладних досліджень у галузі екологічних наук. Надано форми
можливих наукових результатів у галузі екологічних наук. Розглянуто проблемні
питання публікацій наукових екологічних досліджень та результатів. Сформульовано
напрями системного удосконалення наукових екологічних шкіл. Ключові слова:
наукова школа, екологія, природокористування, наукові знання та результати.
Современные проблемы создания та усовершенствования научных школ в
области экологии и природопользования. А.Н..Щукин, А.И.Бондарь, О.А.Машков.
Рассмотрены современные аспекты создания научных школ в области экологии и
природопользования. Определены проблемы совершенствования системы подготовки
специалистов в области экологии и природопользования в условиях интеграции
отечественной системы высшего образования в европейское образовательное
пространство. Выделены направления совершенствования научных экологических
школ в учебно-научных заведениях. Предложена формализация научных знаний,
которые могут быть результатами фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в
области экологических наук. Приведены формы возможных научных результатов в
области экологических наук. Рассмотрены проблемные вопросы публикаций научных
экологических исследований и результатов. Сформулированы направления системного
совершенствования научных экологических школ. Ключевые слова: научная школа,
экология, природопользование, научные знания и результаты.
Curent problems in establishment and improvement of scientific schools in the
field of ecology and natural resources management. A.N. Schukyn, O.I.Bondar,
O.A.Mashkov. Article examines the modern aspects of the schools in the field of ecology and
environmental management. Identify problems improving training of specialists in the field of
ecology and environmental integration in the national higher education system in the
European educational space. We offer directions for improvement of environmental science
schools in educational and research institutions. A formalization of scientific knowledge,
which may be the results of basic and applied research in the field of environmental sciences.
Courtesy of possible forms of scientific results in the field of environmental sciences.
Consider issues of publications of scientific research and environmental outcomes.
Formulated directions systematic improvement of environmental science schools. Keywords:
scientific school, the environment, natural resources management, scientific knowledge and
Making scientific schools in the field of ecology and natural resources management
Concern for the land, its subsoil, air, water and other natural resources,
including natural resources of the continental shelf, excluding marine economic zone
necessitates the establishment of scientific schools in the field of environment and
natural resources of Ukraine.
Today in Ukraine there are signs of a global ecological crisis: a high level of
cultivated land (about 60 percent compared to 30 in Europe), low levels of forest
cover (about 15 and 27 in Europe), very low proportion of protected areas (about 5
percent and 15). Industrial emissions of Ukraine amount to almost 11 million tones,
representing a 20-25 percent of total emissions in the CIS.
The state of natural landscape is only partially meets the criteria of the PanEuropean Ecological Network. Pollution of the atmosphere in Ukraine is three times
higher than the average for European countries. In terms of waste per 1 km 2 area
Ukraine 6 times higher than in the U.S. and three times - EU states. Of clean water
per capita is 10 times lower than the European average performance (in terms of
water supply to Ukraine is one of the last places among European countries, and in
water-holding capacity of gross domestic product than the European average several
In general, the natural resources of Ukraine are large-scale anthropogenic
pressure and acquire the status of non-renewable. However, a mineral primary
resource of Ukraine has a high economic potential and significant mineral resource.
About 60 percent of the arable land represent a unique source of black soil, 35
percent of European biodiversity falls on the territory of Ukraine (while Ukraine is
less than 6 percent of the area of Europe). Ukraine in Europe with unique powerful
water systems the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Danube, the Pivdenny Bug, is capable of
providing a high level of socio-economic development, the competitiveness of
domestic producers, the material and spiritual enrichment of every citizen.
Under the Constitution of Ukraine human life and health is recognized as the highest
social value. In the implementation of social programs at society the following aims are
• development of human potential;
• effective measures for the protection of the environment;
• rational and efficient use of resources;
• providing of consistently high levels of the economy and increase employment;
• development of educational networks and systems of scientific knowledge;
• integration of Ukraine into the European society.
In terms of society sustainable development it is required the changing of social
awareness, education and upbringing of people.
Education for sustainable development aims at the formation of ideology, based on the
principles of sustainable development, systematization and assimilation of information on
sustainable development.
The educational component of human development involves the coordination of
economic, environmental and social factors emphasized by the World Conference "Planet
Earth" (1992) and Rio de Janeiro (2012).
One of the important tasks of the executive power of Ukraine, scientific and educational
institutions are substantiation and coordination of regulations on issues of preservation and
protection of the environment, relevant research and training of scientific and pedagogical
staff professional profile that can be described only by the term "Environment".
The current list of specialties, which protected the thesis for a candidate degree and
doctorate, conferred degrees and academic titles, this group of specialties is absent.
Specialties environmental issues include natural sciences, management and
administration, construction and architecture, biotechnology and others. This leads to a
dispersion of efforts, reducing the efficiency of research and education about environmental
issues. Studies have shown that the current standards of the Bologna process in the field of
ecological training are not always respected in the world (U.S., Germany, France, Britain,
In our opinion, needs to change the current "List of specialties, which made defense of
the thesis for academic degree of Candidate and Ph.D., awarding of academic degrees and
awarding of academic status", the possible introduction of new specialties in environmental
course. We consider that in addition to the existing specialties such as 03.00.16 - ecology
(biological, agricultural and medical sciences) and 21.06.01 and environmental safety
(chemical, geological, engineering science) it should be introduced new scientific specialties:
- Ecological monitoring, natural resource protection (chemical, biological , geological,
technical, geographical, military science);
- Wildness protection (chemical, biological, economic, geographic, veterinary science);
- Nature and environment (geographical, economic sciences);
- Ecopolitology (philosophy, law, sociology, political science, public administration);
- Nanoecology (physical, mathematical, biological and engineering sciences);
- History of the Environment and Natural Resources (historical, philosophical,
geographical science.
Of course, this requires the development of new passports of relevant environmental
science specialties and involvement of different professionals to adjustment range of scientific
specialties to meet modern environmental challenges of universe.
These specialties can be reduced to one group of specialties, such as "Environment" and
"Environmental Science" in the "List of specialties, which made defense of the thesis for
academic degree and Ph.D. of Candidate, awarding of academic degrees and conferring
academic status". Coordination with the previous revision of passport of the specialty of this
group can be put on the State Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management of the
Ministry of Environment of Ukraine, and the final decision - the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports of Ukraine.
As the conducted analysis showed, with the resolution of environmental education are
practically concerned by other central bodies of executive power of Ukraine and can count on
their support.
The term "scientific school", which has existed since ancient times, now can be seen as
integrating general term that brings together experts from basic and applied scientific and
technical research. Practice shows that the age of specialization and specialized expertise
ends, it's time system knowledge and changing attitudes on the formation and existence of
scientific schools. Such schools grant specific conditions for researchers, competitors degrees,
constantly self-control certification of researchers.
Problems of improving the system of training in the field of ecology and
environmental management in the integration of the national higher education system in
the European educational space
The current stage of development of Ukraine has identified new approaches to solving
problems of Euro-Atlantic integration and sustainable development of society.
A significant transformation of subject of environmental education in the areas of its
optimization, improving the form and content of training in the field of ecology and natural
resources management, gain practical orientation, improving the ecosystemic training. The
system of environmental education in Ukraine is integrated into the education system and is
an integral component. Therefore, the problem of integration of national systems of higher
education in the European educational space is a problem, and environmental education.
There are three main factors that determine the need for adaptation of environmental
education to the fundamental changes taking place in higher education in Ukraine.
1. Factors associated with the integration of Ukraine into the European educational
space and appropriate modernization of the state system of higher education.
The main problems of adaptation of environmental education system:
- transition from a four-level higher education system to a two-level (excluding in the
context of the third level - Doctorate);
- development of new standards for higher education, which in terms of a two-tier
higher education system would ensure the fulfillment of the necessary qualification
requirements for graduates;
- introduction and improvement of credit-modular system (credits ECTS),
corresponding to the adaptation of curricula training in the field ecology and environmental
- development of quality assurance and control of higher education.
2. Factors associated with the implementation of the Strategy of the State
Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the period till 2020 and optimization of environmental
The main problems of adaptation of environmental education are:
maintaining and increasing scientific schools, improving teaching and laboratory
facilities for training in the field ecology and environmental management in the
relevant areas (specialties and specializations);
- harmonize the types of specialties (specializations) training in environmental
and natural resources management, environmental specialties, their combination
and reducing the possible introduction of new ones that more fully meet the
requirements of the State Environmental Policy Strategy of Ukraine till 2020;
- integration of environmental activities of educational institutions, research
institutions and training centers and focus them training and retraining in the
field of ecology and environmental management at various levels, training of
scientific and pedagogical staff, conducting applied research and more.
3. Factors associated with intentions regarding Ukraine's European integration, problem
solving, achieving interoperability between Ukraine and other countries and, therefore, the
approach of training in the field ecology and environmental management.
The main problems of adaptation of environmental education.
studying and implementation of the learning process of new financial, economic
and regulatory mechanisms for the implementation of environmental policy and
a new system of environmental monitoring;
improvement of the environmental audit, environmental certification and
environmental insurance, environmental standardization, certification and
study of organization and implementation of "green" procurement;
studying and implementation of methods, techniques and procedures
biodiversity, development of protected areas, "green" tourism;
priority development of training for integrated systems of remote sensing,
electronic surveillance, communications and automatic control systems in
solving environmental monitoring, environmental monitoring;
active implementation of the learning process complex simulation modeling of
the environment (air, land, water, real economic, technological facilities, parks,
etc.) and decision-making at all levels - national, regional, industry, local.
It is advisable to continuously improve qualifications of teaching staff with new forms
of educational process. Thus it is necessary to ensure the strengthening the role of independent
work, including through the development of e-courses, and technology elements of distance
learning, advanced diagnostics and measure achievements of students a wide use of the
Internet in the learning process and so on.
The following educational and scientific problem in ecology and environmental
management - activation introduction of information and communication technologies and the
formation of information culture through new forms of training sessions, build a network of
computer hardware and software , development and implementation of a new generation of
textbooks , teaching aids and learning tools in including in electronic form, enabling the
individualization of the learning process and effective self-study students have to create and
use in higher education telecommunication networks.
It is advisable to regularly hold contests for the best electronic environmental education,
interactive teaching systems, electronic textbooks, websites of educational institutions and
more. It is important to provide psychological and didactic adaptation of scientific and
pedagogical staff in the process of restructuring of environmental education in the context of
harmonization with the model proposed as a Europe-wide, including through the training of
scientific and pedagogical staff of the newest forms of organization and the educational
process. For this purpose the organization should provide training of scientific and
pedagogical staff courses in a special program in the State Ecological Academy of Post
Graduate Education and Management and possibly directly in higher education.
The main thing today simultaneously change the philosophy of environmental education
and teaching, that is to move from technology to teach technology education and the use of
educational technologies designed to encourage students to independent acquisition of
environmental knowledge and ecological lifestyle.
Problems of improving the environmental science schools in educational and
research institutions
The main work of the applicant academic degree in the department are lectures, practical
and laboratory work, but, unlike fellow research laboratories, it may not always find the time
to work on his thesis. Because no graduate school and prepare doctoral thesis too hard.
However, if three years of graduate school (now the possibility to increase the term to 4 years)
can still be considered a sufficient period to write a thesis, then three years of doctoral studies
- is nonsense. Therefore, to meet the current requirements of a doctoral need to type at least
seven articles in professional journals, where it is practically very difficult. To prevent this
should be changed approaches to research schools on the model and the similarity of the most
successful in science and education and innovation regarding schools in the leading countries.
Today it is U.S. , UK. Incidentally, the UK last year surpassed the U.S. in the number of
reported discoveries and inventions per researcher. It is clear that they are very different from
the Ukraine on the organization of science and education. However, in our country, which
joined the Bologna process, in our view , it is advisable to play the Anglo -American scheme
of scientific schools, and based on the credibility of the scientific community and its ability to
self-organize . By the improvement of scientific schools advisable to involve experts from the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (Department personnel certification).
Components in the system of certification combined into a single line, performance of
which requires coordination between the units. That is, in such cases should follow the same
for all spheres of nature and society, global laws. Other emerging contradictions (discomfort)
of society or any parts of it could be implemented. Therefore, the laws that operate separate
scientific school should not counteract the laws of functioning (research areas) educational
and research institution.
These laws can learn by the example of the interaction between the cells of living
organisms: viability and functional stability of a living organism are determined by each cell is
not in ourselves, but the entire body, it is maintaining its unity. Therefore, from the body it
gets adequate support. If a cell or a group of cells refuse to work for entire body, cancer will
form. In other cases (such as inflammation of organs or cells) protection (immune) system
removes these cells from the body or treats them. And if the protection circuit stops working,
there is a deficiency of immunity, which is AIDS. Thus, the laws of scientific schools should
ensure their protection, unity and vitality.
An example of a systematic approach is the solution of national problems. Today,
virtually all spheres of human activity are exposed to space technology and astronautics was
not only a powerful tool to know the mystery of nature, but also brings a great practical
benefit to mankind. It is appropriate to recall the possibility of remote sensing (meteorological
and environmental monitoring), satellite navigation systems, space communications and
television and so on. Overall, we can conclude: Ukraine's achievements in space good, but
problems still further. Space infrastructure requires modernization and research (creative)
teams, unfortunately, fall. Only a systematic approach allows to solve the issue of space
science and technology and economic efficiency of the use of space assets for the benefit of
the economy and, finally, to acquire new knowledge about nature and man's place in the
Recovery of scientific schools and, in particular, the level of scientific creativity
professionals depend on power structures and understanding the priority of culture and
science. Without such a revival and development of scientific schools in developed country
has no future. A renewal research schools is only possible with the right attitude to those sites
which provide the future. These areas in educational and scientific institution is a scientific
society, undergraduate work, graduation projects (work of Specialist and Magister) and each
region shall receive due attention. With regard to academic institutions, the development of
science is possible only in case of destruction leveling wage scholars. However, different
people have different abilities. And since the future of the country depends on exactly talented
and brilliant people, then justice requires attention to them was appropriate. And since we are
all human beings and we need financial incentives to creativity could be opened fully.
As the scientific school as a living organism can not function without an immune
system, it is logical to have this actor system and the structure of its certification activities.
Another aspect: the state needs invention and discovery for its scientific and
technological growth. Inventions that contain new scientific information classified as
professional publications, which are published thesis material. But the demand for payment of
patenting becomes obstacle to many important inventions. It should be paid along with the
patenting open and free to the transfer of partial ownership to the state. This will significantly
increase the influx of applications for scientific and technical progress.
The system of training highly qualified scientific personnel is an integral part of science
and scientific work, because it sums up the scientific achievements and a certificate issued by
a scholar as recognition of the scientific school. It should introduce a system of ratings for
researchers just as they are introduced to officials or scientists in developed countries. These
ratings should include all the scientific achievements of the scientist, his organizational
talents, his part in the system of training and certification and so on. The value of this rating
should be fundamental to academic careers and influence the financing of projects
implemented under his leadership. These incentives can be powerful enough to raise the
prestige of the scientific and organizational work of the scientist, and the presence of such
incentives will significantly increase the level of training and certification as a scientist will be
responsible for the level of objectivity and scientific expertise.
Ukraine has the ability to create academic schools like in developed countries, but not
earlier than recover and stabilize high culture, which leads to professionals responsible for the
quality of planning, management, organization, control expertise.
So, for the creation and improvement of environmental science schools, in our opinion,
it should be:
1) at the level of scientific and educational institutions provided comprehensive support
to accelerated development of science and technology on priority areas for the purpose of
development and implementation of high technology, the use of a globally competitive highquality research output;
2) teaching and research units created an efficient system of knowledge management
(knowledge management) in the desired or required scientific and practical direction;
3) expanded the research sector of the integration of academic and research units;
4) implemented a system of measures to significantly increase the competence of
personnel at all levels of implementation and management of research and innovation in
selected areas according to the needs of society.
Scientific knowledge, which may be a result of fundamental and applied research
in environmental sciences (possible forms of scientific results in the field of
environmental science)
The isolation of science from everyday life is a phenomenon which got used in Ukraine.
Today, few young scientists who hope the study at the university and graduate school can help
them not only to gain the necessary knowledge for a future profession, but also "train" mind,
improve the quality of their thinking. The motivation of this study question is obvious society needs active researchers in scientific and technological progress.
It is therefore advisable to state evaluation of success of scientists (at the doctor's degree
or Ph.D., academic status of professor or associate professor, senior researcher) to examine
not only the knowledge, but also the ability to think critically, to formulate and justify their
opinions, solve problems, using information provided. The quality of thinking is an important
criterion for assessing the intellectual part of the scientist.
If thesis research are performed in the field of ecology, nature (the following areas:
biological, technical, legal , medical , agricultural science , public administration) it should be
noted that the only specific treatment of the concepts of "scientific position" or "scientific
result" does not exist , not only in these fields of science , but also within the same specialty.
This is due to the fact that theses topics associated usually with areas of scientific research
institutions of higher education or research institutions. In this case, there are different
approaches to the definition of relevance, novelty, practical relevance of research results.
In the field of ecology and environmental research, are mainly focused on obtaining and
theoretical systematization of scientific knowledge about the current state of the environment
and natural resources, and the creation of new scientific knowledge about the applicability of
the theory to perform new tasks.
Fundamental and applied research can be determined. The results of basic research in
the field of environmental sciences can be empirical, linguistic, model-representational,
problem, heuristic, methodological, scientific theories, the results of applied research in the
field of military science - modeling-representational, problem, heuristic, methodological.
The results of basic research are to obtain the first (design, creation, formation, etc.) or
improvement (specification, additions, justification, verification, synthesis, etc.) scientific
knowledge about the surrounding reality with a specific focus on practical application of this
knowledge that can act in different ways.
Forms of possible empirical results of basic research in the field of environmental
information of experiments, observations of practice are evidence of individual
senses, readings or settings that directly reflect aspects of reality. Mandatory feature of these
forms is the presence of a number of individual statistical data. In addition, these experiments
and observations obtained as a result of purposeful study or experiment with special methods
and data practice - through the accumulation of experience (e.g., organizational performance
scientific evidence is compiled and interpreted theoretically experimental data,
observations of practice. Scientific knowledge in the field of military sciences can be
attributed to this form, if prepared by special statistical methods, concerning certain scientific
problems, supported by a number obtained independently from each data series, expressed
through terms of a theory;
empirical laws are links between the phenomena of reality, which is directly
detected by the analysis of these experiments, observations of practice. The characteristic
features of this form of knowledge are rather limited group coverage and description of events
using concepts that reflect the sensory experience.
Forms of possible linguistic results of basic research in the field of environmental
scientific terms of word or phrase that are designed to accurately (preferably clear)
denote concepts about the properties of objects and their relationships through specific
definitions within certain scientific theories. Thus, when creating or developing a particular
scientific theory in the field of environmental science can relate the task to work out exactly
scientific terms;
language of scientific theories is expression that is built from a set of scientific terms and
symbols of the alphabet with some specific rules.
Scientific terms can be presented in the form of four levels of generality:
- empirical terms indicate specific effects of domain theory, which is directly recorded in
the sensory experience;
- partial theoretical terms in the abstract and generalized form designate certain groups
of phenomena from the domain theory;
- general theoretical terms in the average level of abstraction that is the link between the
partial and the fundamental terms of scientific theory;
- fundamental theoretical terms in the most abstract and general terms denoting basic,
important properties , relations and communications phenomena from the domain theory.
Forms of possible model-representative results of basic research in the environmental
- descriptions of the objects of research are theoretical descriptions of reality fragments
(range of phenomena, objects, etc.) those are marked as relatively autonomous integrity and
are subject to scientific research;
- abstract objects are objects that reflect some significant scientific theory for certain real
properties or put objects within it. Each object in an abstract scientific theory is indicated by
the appropriate academic term;
- theoretical laws are statements that reflect the laws that are needed , stable relationship
and linkages repeated between objects of reality. Theoretical law must comply with the
following formal characteristics: its truth is scientifically proven, it displays a set of relations
and connections between objects of a certain type of reality in general form, a display by using
scientific terms. Theoretical laws similar theoretical terms, divided into three levels of
generality which are fundamental, general, partial;
- principles are the most common statement that is the basis of specific scientific
knowledge. In scientific theories, principles often call their fundamental laws;
- axioms are the weekend, the most general statements of certain scientific theories that
are accepted within as true without proof, and the proof is the basis of other claims;
- theorems are derived allegations of scientific theory derived from axioms by rules,
principles opinion;
- empirical statements are statements that are derived as a consequence of theoretical
statements and include specific aspects of reality, which can be verified by observation,
experiment, practice;
- typology of scientific facts is a system in which scientific facts without theoretical
justification and explanation are grouped into some general types, as well asked the
relationship between them;
- models are objects in a given way to display the selected properties, relations and
communications facilities with a fragment of reality under study. From this perspective,
models are systems that combine abstract objects and theoretical assertion primarily
theoretical laws.
Forms of possible problem results of basic research in the field of environmental
- fundamental scientific problem is discovered and articulated the need to obtain and
perfection (specification, additions, justification, etc.) scientific knowledge about the object of
study. Each formulation of research objectives should meet the requirements of correctness:
- existence of the object of study;
- possibility of scientific knowledge, anticipated or improved;
- existence and validity of scientific knowledge on which formulated a scientific task, a
decision in principle the possibility of a scientific task at this stage of scientific development.
The fundamental scientific problems can be subdivided according to their capacity
solution for internal tasks and scientific problems:
- internal problem is a need to obtain and perfection of scientific knowledge that are part
of a particular system, in particular scientific theory;
- scientific problem is a need for a new scientific theory or a radical change in the
existing theories, in fact, that also means the creation of a new theory.
Forms of possible heuristic results of basic research in the field of environmental
sciences on:
- scientific assumptions are expression that captures the previous conjecture about the
possible basic, most general properties, relations or relations of a fragment of reality and
serves as a starting point for building a scientific theory;
- scientific hypothesis is an educated assumption about the likely properties , relations or
connections of some fragment of reality that requires confirmation. The necessary formal
features of scientific hypotheses are: explanation given set of phenomena, logical consistency,
consistency with existing scientific theories and fundamental laws, possibility of experimental
verification. Scientific hypotheses are the basis of the development of theoretical laws.
Therefore, according to the hierarchy of the latter, it is advisable to use a classification of
hypotheses on the degree of generality of the fundamental, general and partial;
- theoretical concept is the most common system looks for a piece of reality that defines
its particular way of understanding. Theoretical concepts are the basis for the development of
fundamental theoretical statements, including scientific theories.
Forms of possible methodological results of basic research in the field of environmental
Methodological research results can be described as philosophical, general, specific
Philosophical and methodological tools of research:
- philosophical categories are concepts that capture properties, relations and connections
of objective reality and all knowledge;
- philosophical cognitive principles based on the laws and philosophical categories;
- philosophical cognitive approaches are the most common system of rules and principles
of scientific research.
General scientific methodological tools of research:
- general concepts that fix properties, relations, relations of certain broad classes of
objects and their knowledge and can be applied in many fields of science;
- general rules of investigation are regulations that govern its implementation;
- methodological principles of scientific thinking, reflecting the conditions, rules and
requirements which should be the development of scientific knowledge;
- general approaches to research, examples of which are algorithmic, systems, cyber,
information, activity approaches;
- general procedures for research is procedure the cognitive operations that apply
general scientific rules, methods and principles of scientific research;
- general algebra and calculus logic that is often associated basic elements of scientific
- general methods of investigation is a system of general rules, techniques and
procedures of scientific research methods are divided into philosophical and unphilosophical
Concrete scientific methodological tools of scientific research:
- concrete scientific concepts that capture properties, relations, connections of individual
classes of objects and their knowledge within specific fields of science and science teaching;
- special rules, methods of research;
- special approaches to the study of certain classes of objects;
- special procedures and algorithms research;
- special algebra and logic calculus are tailored solutions to specific problems;
- specific selection criteria, such as criteria for decision-making;
- special methods of investigation in certain fields of science;
- special techniques are procedures for the use of general and special methods of
scientific research to address specific cognitive tasks.
Forms of scientific theories as the results of basic research in the environmental sciences:
- the actual scientific theory is a system of scientific knowledge, the truth of what is
currently scientifically proven as a set of interrelated models reflect patterns of functioning
and development of a specific fragment of reality (object theory);
- hypothetical theory is the system of scientific knowledge differs from proven scientific
theory that hypothetical system theory is not scientifically proven and just somehow
reasonable probability scientific knowledge.
The result of applied research is to obtain the first (design, creation, formation, etc.) or
improvement (specification, additions, justification, verification, synthesis, etc.) scientific
knowledge about the applicability of the results of basic research to solve specific problems in
any areas. The results of applied research can act in two ways.
Form of possible model-representative results of applied research in environmental
- practice schemes are schemes that define how the organization should be some
practical activities, building appropriate systems and implementation processes in them.
Form of possible problem results of applied research in the field of environmental
- applied research tasks, each of which is identified and formulated the necessity of
obtaining or improving (specification, additions, justification, etc.) scientific knowledge about
the object of study, which focused on the solution of specific practical problems.
Form of possible heuristic results of applied research in the field of environmental
- concept of practice, each of which is a system of the most common views on the
possible development of a particular field of social activity as its basic principles and future
Forms of possible methodological results of applied research:
- method is a system of techniques and rules of a particular practice;
- method is the specification of one or more methods based on procedures that can solve
concrete tasks of practice;
- rules by which to understand the procedures governing to implement specific practice;
- methodological principles are general provisions on the basis of which the particular
practical activity;
- approaches are general methodological orientations, allowing thus reflect the specific
object that this mapping is acceptable , convenient to solve practical problems;
- procedures are to proceed to the solution of practical problems;
- algorithms is a system of formal rules that guarantee a finite number of steps of solving
the practical problems of their particular class;
- recommendations are tips, comments and suggestions for the implementation of
- criteria are signs on which to value certain objects;
- norms and standards are meaning that should meet certain performance practice used to
control the accuracy of the flow of processes and the quality of its results.
Criteria for improvement of scientific results in the field of Military Sciences
In consideration of scientific results as criteria of improvement is worthwhile to consider
the following:
1. Criterion contradiction.
It should be determined how to combine with each other:
- simple explanations and complexity of the object in question;
- efficiency in mass produce results and "wealth" content results;
- logical consistency, novelty or boldness of ideas;
- originality of concepts and logic in their construction.
2. Mathematical rigor.
It is necessary to determine to what extent reasonably chosen initial or baseline data
made assumptions selected mathematical tools of research, the accuracy of the results.
3. Criterion prognostic features.
It should be determined what is used with the knowledge and opportunities that exist for
predicting the implementation of scientific results.
4. Criterion imperfection results.
It should be defined the direction in which it is not done and where appropriate to focus
on the future.
Criteria for evaluating research results in the field of Military Sciences.
In order to assess the overall scientific papers in the field of environmental sciences can
use the following criteria.
1. Problematicity.
Target of research has displayed something unknown, which has a practical orientation.
Selection must be made real and imaginary problems of correctness of the problem.
2. Empiricalness of conditions.
For theoretical considerations it is advisable to determine whether the grounds that the
facts obtained, making theoretical generalizations.
3. Specific truth.
Results should be limited to circumstances in which carried out the study. Hypotheses as
to be fundamentally reviewed.
4. The novelty of the results.
5. The reproducibility of the results.
Other researchers can also obtain a similar result for eastern conditions. This is
determined by the degree of distinction between the assessment of the results obtained by the
author and other researchers.
The application of the proposed forms of possible research results in the field of
environmental sciences, improving the criteria of scientific results, evaluation criteria of
scientific papers will help eliminate the constant growth lag limited in scope and too old
knowledge of our contemporaries not only on the total information resources of all mankind,
but also on their level which is necessary for successful and error free daily household and
professional activities.
Problematic issues of scientific publications and the results of environmental
Science is not only socially significant accumulation of knowledge, but also the system
of professional "creation" of people able to effectively carry out research and search engine
activities. So no postgraduate and doctoral, and most importantly ordinary, content rich,
business communication different generations of scientists can not exist Relay fundamental
knowledge interdelegacy models of mental activity and creative experience finally actional
standards dedication to scientific truth.
From the second half of the XX century must attribute the scientific school is not only
books, but also specialized periodicals (mostly journal or collection of papers), regularly
highlight the achievements of members of the school in the development of theoretical,
practical and purely experimental problems.
Decisions of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine 22 May
1997 № 1a/5 was first approved list of scientific publications, which can publish the main
results of theses. This list consisted of three hundred to five hundred journals and thirty-six
collections of scientific papers.
Further improvement of results publicizing of dissertation research, testing them,
ensuring uniformity requirements and awareness of the scientific community contribute to the
Ukraine by MES Youth and Sports of Ukraine "On Approval of the List of forming academic
editions of Ukraine" dated 17.10.2012 , № 1111; decree "On the publication of the results of
theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences "from 17.10.2012, № 1112, where
the approved requirements for specialized academic journals and other periodicals of
professional publications, subject to which these publications may be included in the lists of
academic editions.
Increase in volumes obtained and stored information requires drastic measures to greatly
expand the knowledge of communication scholars, as well as objective evaluation and
promotion of intellectual potential of domestic science.
Modern information systems along with traditional publications must include also
reports work in progress, scientific ideas, thoughts. Scientists dream of implementation in
practice of scientific communication of any event such as a permanent scientific seminar in
electronic form. Systematized in all areas of scientific information - data files - can be, in our
opinion, the subject to create a sort of encyclopedia of technological ideas.
In Ukraine, unfortunately, there is no systematic approach to scientific periodicals in the
field of environment and natural resources. Discussion of the problems of scientific magazines
of educational and academic research can be conducted only by analyzing the citation index
publications of national scientists in international journals and impact factors of scientific
journals included in the international databases. Only on the basis of parametric estimates of
sources of publications, their ranking and prioritization of science can develop specific
recommendations for state support of important national magazines. In turn, the statistical
analysis of published results of national scientists makes it possible not only to determine the
distribution of scientific potential, but also to identify trends in the development of science in
ecology and environmental management.
When misunderstandings and on issues to consider publishing in foreign journals that are
not usually listed in the Ukrainian list of professional publications? After all, they are also
different levels.
Quantitative traits of interest for publication or journal and its scientific significance is
the impact factor. American Institute of Informatics Thomson Scientific (ISI) is held as the
most developed summary - information institutions worldwide in the field of statistical
processing of data in the scientific literature. Methods for calculating the impact factor and
evaluation of scientific publications refined over a long period. The results of statistical
processing of data ISI sells on the international market and their customers are mostly
academic institutions, publishers and libraries. From this database they are guided when make
orders for periodical scientific publications. Coffee statistics are used to form a database of
citation index (Science Citation Index - SCI) journals, which is summarized in the report of
coffee ISI citation index (Journal Citation Report - JCR). Today the magazine is also working
in the social sciences (citation index in the social sciences -Social Sciences Citation IndexSSCI) and art and humanities (Arts and Humanities Citation Index- Annecy).
In the JCR is quantitative comparative evaluation of ranking journals based on impact
factor. Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the magazine articles and self
magazine cited other publications over time, i.e. the ratio between the number of citations of
articles published in this journal, and the total number of articles published in it. Journal
impact factor is determined by dividing the number of citations to the articles in the current
year, the number of articles published in this journal over the past two years. The value of
impact factor depends on the performance of the industry and the level of citation in this
specialization. In addition, a high impact factor journal tends to have inspection.
Methodological articles may also raise the impact factor of the journal.
In Ukraine since independence, unfortunately, was not developed clear guidelines for
research. Probably because no one was interested in. In fact the whole scientific world lives on
long-established criteria that are or citation of the article in the scientific press, that is, as other
scientists assess the work or the author's publications cited publications. Publication cares
about its credibility and publishes only scholarly works that are truly noteworthy. At about 20
years of the last century libraries and publishers to navigate that publication or ordered
published, began to develop criteria based on the citation index. That is a scientific journal
that is cited by other authors, commissioned or published. This mechanism is borrowed from
commerce with the need to have information on the rating as scientific publications, and not
scientific. That all started with the economic conditions. In the 60’s of last century, American
Institute for Scientific Information has started processing of scientific publications per citation
index. Every year it offers the results to libraries , publishers and others. Citation index today
than economic value, gained weight and also in assessing the qualification of scientific and
teaching personnel. In developed countries, a scientist who is not published in reputable
scientific journals ever gets in scientific or teaching post. Today, scientists do not appreciate
the level of the index of citing only the most backward economically, ideologically restricted
countries. Unfortunately, the citation index is not used in Ukraine, besides Ukrainian scientists
often do not know what the citation index. In Soviet times, scientific publications have
installed citation index. These ordinary scientists do not even know. But somehow it did. The
materials were translated into English and published in the West out. When Ukraine became
independent, the editorial board did not think about this issue. But the world is based on this
assessment of scientific personnel and scientific schools. And we need to improve the
situation in the field of Environment and Natural Resources.
We believe that the role of any scientific publication is to mediate between contributors
and readers and how to bring scientific achievement as the fullest as possible. This system in
Ukraine no one does. In the well-known scientific journals strict review, ranging from formal
essence of things and finishing. Certainly, then read these magazines, subscribe to them
seeking, as they represented a serious science. They are printed in English. So the Japanese are
not less patriotic than we are Ukrainian. However, if the world would have learned about their
achievements, whether they be published only in Japanese? Therefore, the role of scientific
journals is very high. They contribute to the formation of national science.
An important issue to improve the quality of scientific papers is responsible review and
elimination of substandard works.
And in this real, complex situations need to take immediate, but cautious action. First,
one must know the real state of things, which is to introduce criteria for evaluating research. It
is therefore necessary to bring several scientific journals in each scientific field at the level of
citation, and hence a rigorous review to ensure that our scientists can publish not only foreign,
but also in their publications that are read abroad.
We believe that it is desirable to have a single list of scientific publications for
specialized areas of knowledge, including the environment, where the results can be published
as doctoral and master's theses. This will improve the quality of academic editions Ukraine,
spread dissemination and integration of Ukraine into the European scientific and educational
Directions of systemic improvement of environmental science schools
In summary, we can identify the main areas of improvement schools in environmental
science research and education.
1. Definition of goals. In addition to issues of national security, defense and militaryindustrial complex, you need to pay attention to the overall support rapid development of
science and technology in its priority areas for the purpose of development and
implementation of high technology, the use of a globally competitive high-quality scientific
products. This should be done at the level of scientific and educational institutions.
2. Creating a system. Creating a functioning system of knowledge management
(knowledge management) at the desired or required scientific and practical direction (at the
Education and Research Division: Department, laboratory).
3. Definition of operating conditions. Expanding of the research sector towards the
integration of teaching and research departments.
4. Consideration of management resources. Implementation of measures to
significantly increase the competence of personnel at all levels of implementation research,
management and innovation in selected areas according to the needs of society.
5. Definition of management system functions. Understanding authorities
prioritization of culture and science in the planning, management, organization, motivation
and control.
6. Formation of organizational decisions. The right attitude to those issues which
provide the future. In the educational and scientific institution is a scientific society, courses,
bachelor and master thesis. In academic institutions perform this contest works, works by
7. Resources of systemic management. Financial incentives (creativity should be
disclosed in full), financial support, payment of patents and publishing. Administrative
stimulus, incentives. You must create a rating system for scientists such as they are introduced
to officials or scientists in developed countries. These ratings should include all the scientific
achievements of the scientist, his organizational talents and participation in the system of
training and certification and so on.
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