MAC Data Collection Spring 2014 March 3rd to March 14th is the window period for giving the SVMIMAC 2014 Mathematics Performance Exam. As in the past, it is the responsibility of the member district to hand-score the exams and then electronically enter the student data. Once again Educational Data Systems (EDS) will provide support for data collection and perform data analysis for our MAC reports. It is important that each district identify a Data Collection Designee who will be the person to receive and send data files. Attached is Data Collection Information Sheet. Each member district must complete and return the sheet to Linda Fisher (see contact information below) by Friday, February 7, 2014. Education Data Systems has revised the EDS Excel template for this year’s data collection. The EDS Excel template will be emailed to the district’s Data Collection Designee along with directions for use by Friday March 14, 2014. The template is designed for each district to enter the students’ STAR identification number and MAC ID#, along with each student’s MARS test grade level and the five task scores from the student’s scored exam. To use the individual student reports, you might also want to enter student demographic data: first name, last name, address, teacher, and school. In the summer after your district has received the Field Test Results CD, the template is programmed to identify the selected demographic fields from the CD and merge them into the template. This process provides all the data necessary for MAC to write its annual Final Report to the districts. We are asking you to enter the MARS data into the template as soon as it becomes available from your scoring sessions. Please forward this file via email to EDS at and cc . Please do this no later than Wednesday April 23, 2014 so that we may begin to analyze the data, prepare software to produce individual student reports and write the MAC Final Report. A template will be made available by EDS to produce Individual Student Reports. Districts will be emailed the software (to the District’s Designee) no later than May 16, 2014. Districts are encouraged to produce individual student reports and modify letters going home to parents to fit their needs. Between June and the end of July, EDS will re-send to the District’s Designee an updated EDS Excel Template complete with your MARS data included. The Template will include a program to merge the 2014 Field Test demographic data with the MAC/MARS information. At the end of July or early August, after you received the STAR Results CD, please run the merge function and then send us the file a second time with all the demographic information included. We will process the data as quickly as possible to produce a timely report. Please send this completed file no later that August 25, 2014. We have asked EDS to be of assistance for technical support, if you have questions entering the data. It is important that each district identify a Data Collection Designee who will be the person to receive templates and send data files. They will be contacting the Designee, if the files are not sent by the deadline and/or if there is a problem with the data. Feel free to contact them if you have problems or questions. The contact for EDS is: Sonya Montelongo, email phone (408) 776-7696 or (800) 532-4424. In sending entered data please make sure you send the data to both of the following email addresses. Contact information for Linda Fisher is: Linda Fisher, MAC Assessment, 237 Navigator Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, (831) 430-0506 office phone,, Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative M.A.C. Data Collection Spring 2014 Data Collection Information Sheet Member District: _____________________________________________________ Contact Administrator for MAC Assessment: _________________________ Phone number:__________________ Email: _______________________________ Information about the Data Collection Designee, the person to whom the EDS Excel Templates should be sent and data should be requested by: Data Collection Designee:________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________ Phone number (1): _________________________ hours/times available ___________ Phone number (2): _________________________ hours/times available ___________ Dates in July & August when working:______________________________________ Computer platform and OS (needed for software compatibility questions): Alternate if Designee can’t be reached during summer: ___________________________ Email address:____________________________________________________________ M.A.C. and Eddata Timelines and Deadlines For SVMI/MAC Collection Process, Spring 2014 Day Friday Monday Friday Date 2/7/14 2/10/14 3/14/14 Tuesday 4/23/14 Monday 5/05/14 Wed. 5/16/14 Friday 5/31/14 Friday 5/31/14 Friday 8/22/14 Thursday 9/18/14 Description Complete Data Collection Sheets Send District Data Persons to Eddata Eddata sends Data Template to Districts Districts send Excel File of MARS data to Eddata Linda sends Eddata all written materials to create Individual Student Reports ISR software will be emailed to member districts Eddata produces and sends MARS only data and graphs to Linda Fisher Eddata sends member districts EDS Template that address STAR files Member Districts send Excel Files with merged MARS/STAR data to eddata Eddata produces balance of graphs, data, and tables for the MAC Final Report and all Individual District Reports to Linda Fisher Responsibilty Member Districts Linda Fisher Eddata Member Districts Linda Fisher Eddata Eddata Eddata Member Districts Eddata