Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Goal 1: The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Objective 1.01 Apply phonics and structural analysis to decode words (e.g., roots, suffixes, prefixes, less common vowel patterns, syllable breaks). - Objective 1.02 Apply meanings of common prefixes and suffixes to decode words in text to assist comprehension. - - Objective 1.03 Integrate prior experiences and all sources of information in the text (graphophonic, syntactic, and semantic) when reading orally and silently. Objective 1.04 Increase sight vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) *Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal *Accelerated Reader How do you use phonics to -word part decode words? -compound word *Making Words -consonants *Mountain Language -syllables (Th) *Root Word Jeopardy *SRA (Sh) How do you apply meanings of common prefixes and suffixes to decode words? - ReUnMisPre-ed -ing -ment -ness Root word How do you use your own experiences to help you understand the passage or story you are reading? - How do you use what you already know to understand what you read? - What strategies can be used -Synonym increase sight, reading, and writing -Antnonym *Mountain Language (Th) *Prefix/Suffix Families - *Literature Circles *Book Talks *Cloze Activities *Word Banks *Word Wall Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective writing vocabulary through: vocabulary? wide reading. word study. listening. discussion. book talks. book clubs. seminars. viewing. role play. studying author's craft. Objective 1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., dictionary, glossary) to confirm decoding skills, verify spelling, and extend meanings of words. Objective 1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student's independent reading level) to: Essential Questions increase fluency Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) *Personal Dictionary *Readers Theater *Literature Circles - How do you use reference materials correctly? - How can you explain to a partner what you are reading independently? - guided words -multi-meaning words -Theasaurs -Glossary -Wikipedia -encyclopedia -definition -atlas *Dictionary Races *Glossary Races *Reading Logs *Classroom Reading Library *Library Books *Supplemental Reading *Star Test Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) build background knowledge extend vocabulary. Goal 2: The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. Objective 2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text (e.g., reread, read ahead, ask for help, adjust reading speed, question, paraphrase, retell). Objective 2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing by: setting a purpose. previewing the text. making predictions. asking questions. locating information for specific purposes. making connections. using story structure and text organization to comprehend. - What strategies do you use to comprehend text? -How do you interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening or viewing the text? -How does this remind you of something that happened to you before? -Based on this selection what do you believe will most likely happen next? -context clues -foreshadowing -purpose -selection -text -predict -title -subtitle -subheading -italics -bold print -footnote -introduction -section -phrase *Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal *Accelerated Reader *Kathy Bumgarner Literacy Strategies *Graphic Organizer *Story maps *NC Thinking Skills *Written Responses *Oral Retellings *Journal responses *KWL *Story maps *Activities for any Novel (AIG Lending Library) Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Objective 2.03 Read a variety of texts, including: fiction (short stories, novels, fantasies, fairy tales, fables). nonfiction (biographies, letters, articles, procedures and instructions, charts, maps). poetry (proverbs, riddles, limericks, simple poems). drama (skits, plays). Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) -selection -passage -caption -foreshadowing -paragraph -category -summarize -timeline -compare -contrast -genre-various types of genre -How do you compare and contrast -autobiography different genres? -category -poet -folk tale -tall tale -dialogue -legend -instruction -consumer -recipe -scene -setting -myth -science fiction -realistic fiction -ingredient -What are some characteristics of various genre? *Leveled Books *Content Area Reading *Genre Bingo *I have, who has *Genre Bulletin Board Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Objective 2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the: author's purpose. plot. conflict. sequence. resolution. lesson and/or message. main idea and supporting details. cause and effect. fact and opinion. point of view (author and character). author's use of figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, imagery). Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) -stanza -verse -rhyme -dialogue -How can you use reading strategies to identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction? - -entertain -inform -persuade -climax -moral -theme -mood -topic -narrator -personification -simile -metaphor -onomatopeia -alliteration -idiom -summarize -author -narrator -illustrator -reader -analogy -speaker -context clues -chronological order *Kathy Bumgarner Literacy Stations and Strategies *Oral Discussions *Thinking Maps *Graphic Organizers *Learning Well Reading Comprehension Games (Th) Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Objective 2.05 Draw conclusions, make generalizations, and gather support by referencing the text. Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) -characteristics -What conclusions can you draw from the text and what do you base these conclusions on? Objective 2.06 Summarize main idea(s) from written or spoken texts using succinct language. -How can you explain and discuss the main idea of a selection? Objective 2.07 Explain choice of reading materials congruent with purposes (e.g., solving problems, making decisions). -What is the purpose of reading this particular text at this time? Objective 2.08 Listen actively by: facing the speaker. making eye contact. asking questions to clarify the message. asking questions to gain additional information and ideas. -context clues -infer -theme -topic -supporting details -main purpose -mostly about *Written or spoken responses *Thinking Maps *Graphic Organizers *Response Journals *Explore internet *Thinking Maps -dialogue -What strategies can you implement to be an active listener? *Story Tapes *Guest Speakers *P.A. Announcements *Response Journal *Retelling/Summarizing Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) *Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal Goal 3: The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Objective 3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by: considering the differences among genres. relating plot, setting, and characters to own experiences and ideas. considering main character's point of view. participating in creative interpretations. making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters and events. reflecting on learning, gaining new insights, and identifying areas for further study. -How can you compare and contrast the different genres? -inference -reflect -interpret -How is the main character (s) in this selection like you or someone you know? *Literature Circles *Reading Contracts *Tic-Tac-Toe Boards *Kathy Bumgarner Literacy Strategies *Venn Diagram *Thinking Maps *Graphic Organizers -How can you creatively interpret the selection or text? -What can you infer about the characters and the events in the selection? -How can you support your conclusion about the selection? -How do you reflect on your learning from the selection or text? Objective 3.02 Identify and discuss similarities and differences in events, characters, concepts and ideas within and -How are characters, concepts, events, and ideas similar and -similar -different -compare *Venn Diagram *Thinking Maps Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective across selections and support them by referencing the text. Objective 3.03 Use text and own experiences to verify facts, concepts, and ideas. Objective 3.04 Make informed judgments about television productions. Objective 3.05 Compare and contrast printed and visual information (e.g., graphs, charts, maps). Objective 3.06 Conduct research for assigned and self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks). Essential Questions different? Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) -contrast *Reflections *Learning Logs *Response Journals -How can your personal experiences and the text help you understand this passage? *T.V. -What is the author’s purpose in the television production? -How do you use graphs, maps, and charts to compare and contrast printed information? -scale -compass rose -legend -longitude -latitude *Create a graph/chart *Venn Diagram *Thinking Maps Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. *Wax Museum *Publish Books *Perform Plays *Graphic Organizers *Christmas Around the World *Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal Objective 4.01 *Reader’s Theater -How do you use a variety of sources to conduct a research product? Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, comprehension, and expression. Objective 4.02 Use oral and written language to: present information in a sequenced, logical manner. discuss. sustain conversation on a topic. share information and ideas. recount or narrate. answer open-ended questions. report information on a topic. explain own learning. Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) -How can you demonstrate *Peer Reading effective presentation skills when *Coral Reading reading aloud to an audience? *Timed Readings *Participation Readings *Tape Recording *KWLH Charts -What strategies can you use to *Literacy explain what you have learned? Stations/Centers *Response Journals Objective 4.03 Share written and oral products in a variety of ways (e.g., author's chair, book making, publications, discussions, presentations). -What are some ways you can share your writing and oral products with others? Objective 4.04 Use planning strategies (with assistance) to generate -What planning strategies can you *Bare Books (to create books) *Author’s Chair *Perform literacy works *Peer Readings *Display Writings *Publish Books *Thinking Maps *Empowering Writers Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective topics and to organize ideas (e.g., drawing, mapping, discussing, listing). Objective 4.05 Identify (with assistance) the purpose, the audience, and the appropriate form for the oral or written task. Objective 4.06 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans. Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) use to generate topics and organize ideas? - How do you compose a well written story? Objective 4.07 Compose a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and -How do you write: fiction, drama selections using self-selected topics and forms nonfiction, poetry, and drama? (e.g., poems, simple narratives, short reports, learning logs, letters, notes, directions, instructions). Objective 4.08 Focus reflection and revision (with assistance) on target elements by: clarifying ideas. adding descriptive words and phrases. sequencing events and ideas. combining short, related sentences. *Write a letter for a specific purpose *Wee Deliver (Th) -How can you identify the purpose, the audience, and the appropriate form for oral and written task? -How do you analyze and revise your writing to improve the quality of writing? -brainstorm -plan -circle map -tree map -indent -indent *Empowering Writers *Writing Diamond *Thinking Maps *Empowering Writers *Writing Centers *Empowering Writers *Caught Grammar with a Giggle *Peer Editing *Editor’s Checklist *Conferencing Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) strengthening word choice. Objective 4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of particular genres (e.g., personal narrative, short report, friendly letter, directions and instructions). Objective 4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written product. *Empowering Writers *Conferencing - How do you write: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama? *Computers *Story Board Program -How do you use technology to create a written product? Goal 5: The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively. Objective 5.01 Use correct capitalization (e.g., geographical place names, holidays, special events, titles) and punctuation (e.g., commas in greetings, dates, city and state; underlining book titles; periods after initials and abbreviated titles; apostrophes in contractions). Objective 5.02 Use correct subject/verb agreement. -What capitalization and punctuation do you need to use in your paper? -indent -colon -quotation marks -parenthesis -Why is it important to use correct -subject -verb *Scott Foresman Reading Street Basal *Mountain Language (Th) *Caught Grammar with a Giggle *Mountain Language (Th) *Caught Grammar with a Giggle *Conferencing Daily Oral Language *Skill Focus *Caught Grammar with a Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Objective 5.03 Demonstrate understanding by using a variety of complete sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) in writing and speaking. Objective 5.04 Compose two or more paragraphs with: Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) subject/verb agreement? -agreement Giggle -adjective *Mountain Language -noun (Th) -subject -predicate -declarative *Skill Focus -How can you demonstrate a -imperative *Caught Grammar with a variety of complete sentences in -interrogative Giggle your writing and speaking? -exclamatory *Daily Oral Language *Mountain Language (Th) -elaborate *Compose paragraphs -How do you present information *Color code paragraphs in a detailed, organized way? *Empowering Writers topic sentences. supporting details. appropriate, logical sequence. sufficient elaboration. Objective 5.05 Use a number of strategies for spelling (e.g., sound patterns, visual patterns, silent letters, less common letter groupings). Objective 5.06 Proofread own writing for spelling and correct most misspellings independently with reference to -What strategies can you use to spell words? -Why is it important to proofread your own writing? *Word wall *Sound out Syllables *Spelling Instruction *Sparkle *Spelling Dictionaries *Word Wall Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) resources (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, word walls). Objective 5.07 Edit (with assistance) to use conventions of written language and format. Objective 5.08 Create readable documents with legible handwriting (manuscript and cursive). Websites: (some websites to use) -How do you edit your own writings? -How do you use good handwriting to create a readable document? *Empowering Writers *Conferencing *Caught Grammar with a Giggle *Mountain Language (Th) *Writer’s Workshop *Empowering Writers *1970s Cursive Video (Th) *Publishing/Writing Center *Learning Logs Interactive Whiteboard Sites Notes Newton Conover City Schools Instructional Guide 2008-2009 3rd Grade Language Arts Objective Essential Questions Key Vocabulary Resources (not a complete list of vocabulary words) Notes