
Now Open at (Name of Museum)
City (Date) LOST EGYPT: ANCIENT SECRETS, MODERN SCIENCE is a new traveling exhibition now open
at (museum). Lost Egypt is an immersive quest for knowledge that reveals how archaeologists use
modern science and technology to uncover and understand the ancient civilization of Egypt. Through
hands-on challenges, authentic artifacts and guidance from real archaeologists, visitors will unearth the
mysteries of Egypt, its culture and its people. The exhibit is created and produced by COSI, the Center of
Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio and built by the Science Museum of Minnesota.
This interactive exhibit features a real human mummy and animal mummies, as well as scans, forensic
facial reconstructions and for the first time ever, a life-size rapid prototype of a mummy in a stage of
"unwrapping". Visitors explore a re-creation of an Egyptian tomb, and authentic art and artifacts from
the daily life and funerary culture of ancient Egypt. COSI traveled to Cairo and Luxor to work with and
learn from some of the worlds’ foremost authorities on Egypt who are featured in the exhibition. Visitors
will be able to connect with them through video interviews and photographs from the field.
“Lost Egypt makes an unforgettable connection between past and present customs, cultures and
sciences. This exhibit is particularly inspiring for young people, illuminating the roles they can play as
future archaeologists, scientists, engineers, technicians and life-long learners,” said (Museum
Lost Egypt explores how modern archaeologists use science and technology to uncover and understand
the people and culture of ancient Egypt. The exhibit is divided into four content areas: Orientation
Entrance, a modern Egyptian street scene transports visitors to Egypt where they learn about some of
the archeologists working in Egypt today. Field Site, where visitors explore the tools, techniques, science
and technologies used at the Lost City of the Pyramid Builders on the Giza Plateau. In Ancient Egyptian
Culture visitors see a human mummy, funerary artifacts and exhibits about the art and language of
ancient Egypt. In the Laboratory, visitors discover animal mummies, X-rays and CT scans of human and
animal mummies, facial reconstructions and rapid prototypes of ancient Egyptians.
Exhibit Highlights:
A real human mummy and a life-size rapid prototype, displaying the mummy in a stage of
"unwrapping", plus scans and forensic facial reconstructions of mummies
Animal mummies, plus scans and information about animals in ancient Egypt
Art and artifacts from the daily life and funerary culture of ancient Egypt
Exhibit Highlights Cont:
Connections to real scientists working on projects in Egypt, including video interviews, written
graphics, objects and photographs from the field
Connections to the scientific process used by archaeologists and other scientists, including handson challenges, interactive exhibits and technology
Connections to how ancient Egyptian people and culture relate to us today
Lost Egypt will allow visitors to learn about archaeology and the work of archaeologists, including how
science changes over time as new techniques are developed and new information is uncovered. Explore
how mummies, artifacts and other material remains contribute to our scientific understanding of past
Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science was produced by COSI in cooperation with the Science
Museum Exhibit Collaborative, and was designed and built by the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Artifacts are on loan from the Brooklyn Museum and The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.
Photography © 2008 Brad Feinknopf. Mummy scans © 2005 Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium.
Exhibit is still in development; content subject to change.