PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme title: MA Egyptian Archaeology Final award (BSc, MA etc): MA (where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document) UCAS code: N/A (where applicable) Intake cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable: from session 2007-08 onwards (e.g. from 2015 intake onwards) Awarding institution/body: University College London Teaching institution: University College London Faculty: Social and Historical Sciences Parent Department: Institute of Archaeology (the department responsible for the administration of the programme) Departmental Web page address: (if applicable) Method of study: The programme can be taken either full-time or part-time Full-time/Part-time/Other Criteria for admission to the programme: Length of the programme: One calendar year full-time, two calendar years part-time (please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry) Level on Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) (see Guidance notes) Relevant subject benchmark statement (SBS) Level 7 N/A (see Guidance notes) Brief outline of the structure of the programme / its assessment: (see guidance notes) Board of Examiners: Name of Board of Examiners: Institute of Archaeology Masters Board Professional body accreditation (if applicable): N/A Date of next scheduled accreditation visit: 1 EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME: 1. To provide a broad and in-depth introduction to theoretical issues in archaeology, particularly of ancient Egypt. 2. To encourage critically aware perspectives on archaeological practice and research in Egyptian archaeology. 3. To consider the potential contribution of current developments in archaeological theory and method and what such applications may add to our understanding of archaeology relevant to Egypt. 4. To encourage the ability to develop and explore original research questions in Egyptian archaeology. 5. To enable students to embark on future research and professional careers in Egyptian archaeology. 6. To identify the key problems facing archaeology in Egypt and to consider future directions which may positively contribute to the appropriate development of Egyptian archaeology. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: A: Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding of: 1.Recent Egyptian archaeology in relation to general trends in archaeological theory. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: Acquisition of 1 through participation in the Themes, Thought and Theory in World Archaeology and the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt core courses. 2.Issues that currently dominate Egyptian archaeology – their origin, nature and relevance. Acquisition of 2 through the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt course, which features presentations and seminars. 3.An aspect of current archaeological theory, method, or practice. Acquisition of 3 through the optional courses available. 4.Specific research themes concerning Egypt. Acquisition of 4 through the dissertation which must address an aspect of or issue relating to Egyptian archaeology. Work undertaken in 1, 2 and 3 may inform (but not replicate) that of the Dissertation. Assessment: Students will be assessed in 1, 2 and 3 through the preparation of critical essays and an oral examination. 3 may also include other forms of assessment, such as practical reports and tests, depending on the particular course chosen. 4 is assessed by means of a 15,000 word Dissertation. B: Skills and other attributes Intellectual (thinking) skills: Critical perspectives. Analysis and interpretation. Organisation and presentation. Planning and design. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: All courses feature regular assessment of student’s performance and abilities, principally through the preparation of essays. These are designed to encourage students to access new information, collate potentially large sources of information and to select those sources which best represent the view which they wish to propose. Students are also encouraged to construct and test arguments through the regular seminars that are held. The Dissertation encourages the student to search for new data, either through primary analysis of material or through reviews of publications, including work in disciplines associated with archaeology (particularly anthropology and history). 2 Assessment: Through critical essays and through the Dissertation. C: Skills and other attributes Practical skills (able to): Identify and access a wide range of resources (library and otherwise). Teaching/learning methods and strategies: Through tackling essay questions which require a breadth of reading, critical analysis, and review, students will develop their own skills in processing raw information and producing coherent assessments of that data. Preparation for seminars will also require the development of skills associated with organisation and presentation. These skills will all be enhanced by the 15,000 word Dissertation. Apply new ideas and methods to Egyptian material. Develop skills in a particular area of analysis, presentation or study. Communicate effectively in verbal and written presentations. Assessment: Essays assessing critical skills, presentations, oral examination, and the Dissertation. D: Skills and other attributes Transferable skills (able to): Identify, transfer, and apply ideas and practice from one context to another. Teaching/learning methods and strategies: These skills will be developed through the operation of the core and optional courses, and through presentations, seminars, and supervisions. In order to succeed in essay and dissertation production and preparation for group seminars, the student must develop and harness this range of skills. Critically evaluate source material. Identify and access rare or remote sources of information. Effectively create and communicate ideas. Organise and produce work to a defined schedule. Collaborate with other students to enable more effective processing of resources. Use computers and other practical skills developed from personal research schemes. Assessment: Assessed critical essays, individual project-work and the Dissertations, oral examination. Peer interaction and assessments in seminar contexts. The following reference points were used in designing the programme: the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications: (; the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements: (; the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable); UCL teaching and learning policies; staff research. Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the 3 departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed by the College and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency. Programme Organiser(s) Name(s): Date of production: Date of review: Date approved by Chair of Departmental Teaching Committee: Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee Dr Richard Bussmann 08.04.03 October 2015 October 2015 October 2015 4