Ministerio de Obras Públicas, PIARC C3/C20 y Transportes de Costa Rica Committees HDM-4, ROAD MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AND PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR C3 AND C20 TECHNICAL COMMITTEES MEETINGS 11 NOVEMBER 2002 (PRELIMINARY MEETING, 10 NOVEMBER) SEMINAR 12 - 14 NOVEMBER 2002 SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS The PIARC Programme of International Seminars on Roads, Transport and Development 1 HDM-4, ROAD MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AND PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR PRELIMINARY PROGRAM NOVEMBER 12-14, 2002 The C3 Technology Transfer and Development and the C20 Appropiate Development Technical Committees are pleased to invite you to participate in the HDM-4, ROAD MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AND PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR The seminar will focus on how the HDM-4 has contributed to improve road management and to set investement priorities, how road maintenance management is done and what kind of pavement maintenance technology is applied in developing countries in an appropiate development context. A series of case studies will highlight how these issues are being addressed around the world. There will be opportunities for group discussion and feedback. HDM-4, road maintenance management and pavement maintenance technology experts are invited to attend the seminar and present their papers, opinions, views and experiences. We owe very much to the Costa Rican Local Organizing Committee for preparing this seminar program and providing the place of meeting within a very limited time. Hereby I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them for their highly efficient preparation work for the seminar. We look forward to see you in San Jose, Costa Rica. Oscar de Buen C3 Technical Committee Chairman Kesogukewele Msita C20 Technical Committee Chairman 2 SPECIAL FUND The Special Fund of the World Road Association (PIARC) is designed to facilitate participation of members from developing countries and countries in transition in PIARC activities, especially Technical Committee activities. It aims at covering part of travel and/or accommodation expenses for participation in meetings and/or Congresses. The General Secretariat manages the Special Fund. The Strategic Theme Coordinator on Appropriate Levels of Road and Road Transport Development designates beneficiaries with the help of the Chair of C3 when demands presented by First Delegates and/or Chairs of Technical Committees have been examined. Beneficiaries must sign an agreement with the First Delegate of their country and PIARC clarifying their responsibilities such as periodical reports to both of them. Technical Committees are recommended to use the Special Fund to strengthen the participation of members from developing countries and countries in transition. 3 HDM-4 Highway Development and Management System The Highway Development and Management System - HDM-4 - is a software system for investigating choices in investing in road transport infrastructure. The World Road Association (PIARC) coordinates the availability, support and training opportunities for HDM-4 users, and future research and development activities. These choices may include: Developing new roads, Improving existing roads, Maintaining existing roads, Introducing new vehicle technology, Introducing new ways for funding and managing road assets. It will enable managers of road network assets to investigate the possibilities for providing costeffective development and upkeep of their road system, which brings benefits to the communities that they serve. HDM-4 will: Provide assessments of the economic and environmental impact of investment choices; Consider new development works, maintenance works and improvement works as possible investment choices; allow you to consider investments on a single section of road, or a large network of road links (many sections), or any combination of road sections in a sub-network; predict future changes in the critical aspects of road system performance, which affect the performance of an investment: traffic volume and composition, - deterioration of the road condition, - the effect of works on road condition, - the effect of condition and road works on road users, in terms of vehicle operating performance and costs, road user and cargo time delay and costs, accident rates and costs, and - the effect of the investment on vehicle emissions; Allow an analyst to refine the accuracy of predictions relating to a particular country, geographic region or locality by calibrating the predictive models to local experience. Road Management Functions The new HDM-4 provides a powerful system for the analysis of road management and investment alternatives. The system can be applied to: road management programming road works estimating funding requirements budget allocations 4 predicting road network performance project appraisal policy impact studies a wide range of special applications HDM-4 will be available in English, French, Russian and Spanish editions. The HDM-4 System The HDM-4 is intended to cater for the wide ranging needs of road agencies, international funding institutions, consultants and research organisations through separate application tools developed to perform the following management functions: Strategic planning Roadwork programming Project preparation Research and policy studies Global Interests in HDM-4 The PIARC register of people who have an interest in keeping abreast with, and using the HDM-4 technology has provided interesting perspectives on the nature of HDM-4 interests across the world. Currently, in January 2000, there are 566 interest registrations, from 98 countries. Registrants from PIARC member countries number 531, or 94% of the total registrations, and these represent 69 member countries, or 70% of all countries represented. We have 152 registrations (27% of all registrations) from 51 developing countries or countries with economies in transition (DC/EIT) (52% of all represented countries). The three most represented geographic regions are Western Europe, Latin America and North America, while the three least represented regions are Central/North Asia, the Middle East and South Asia . 5 DRAFT AGENDA PIARC COMMITTEE ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND DEVELOPMENT (C-3) Heredia, Costa Rica November 11 12002 The C3 meeting seminar language will be Spanish and English. Sessions held on November 11 will be opened only for PIARC Technical Committees members Time Topics & Sub-Topics 8:00 Opening of the C3 & C20 Technical Committee Meeting Welcome from the Host Greeting and Introductory Comments C3 Greeting and Introductory Comments C20 9:00 Responsible Person Oscar de Buen K. Msita Committee meetings separate Meeting Objectives Oscar de Buen Progress of work by the various Working Groups Reorganisation and development of the World Interchange Network (WIN) Project P3-PIARC Seminars and creation of Technology Transfer Centers Approval of Minutes of Siem Reap Meeting Secretaries Report on the PIARC Exec. Committee meeting on 4-5 July 2002, Berne Resolutions of Berne, Vancouver and Rome regarding C3 matters Oscar de Buen 9:30 Working Group Reports Working Group No. 1: Questionnaire answers and review of the report based on answers Andre Dumont Gilles Working Group No. 2: Questionnaire answers and review of the report based on answers Bertrand Guelton Working Group No. 3: Terms of reference to evaluate PIARC products and evaluation of PIARC performance in Technology Transfer activities. S. Gaj 10:15 Refreshment Break 10:30 World Interchange Network -WINC. Monette Review of the Executive Committee Resolutions of Vancouver and Siem Reap C3 Technical Committee Resolutions WIN Progress Report and WIN Following Activities 6 11:00 Project P3 on Technology Transfer Centers and Seminars C. Ellis Review of the Executive Committee Resolutions of Berne and Vancouver Technology Transfer Centers PIARC Seminars 11:30 C3 participation in the different sessions organized in the XXII World Road Congress Date Session Responsible Products Person Oct 19 TC´s Chairs and Secretaries Chairman and Secretaries Oct 20 Ministers Session Sustainable Development Oct 21 C3 (Preparatory) All Technical Committee Progress Reports, Introductory Reports, Oct 22 & 23 2nd African TT Conference Colin Ellis PIARC TT experiences in Africa Oct 23 ST5 Chairman and Secretaries Coordination with ST5 Oct 24 C3 Technical Committee All Technical Committee Progress Reports, Introductory Reports, Future Directions of Oct 24 WIN Claire Monnette WIN integration to PIARC website 12:00 Luncheon 14:00 C3 participation in the different sessions organized in the XXII World Road Congress 14:30 C3 Participation at the XXII World Road Congress Durban, South Africa 19-25 October 2003 Oscar de Buen Plans for the International Congress in Durban 1. Discussion of ST5 session on appropriate levels of Road and Transport Development Oscar de Buen Access to Mobility: A Basic Social Service 2. Discussion of Future Directions of the Strategic Themes and Technical Committees Oscar de Buen 3. Capacity Building in developing countries Sustainable Development in developing countries ST5/C3 Transformation into a Developing Countries Commission National Committees and Seminars in developing countries Introduction of New Languages to PIARC: Spanish Case of Study Project Quality and Decision Making. Relation between Transport and Poverty Alleviaton Road Financing. The C-3 Committee Presentation, Organisation of the session and presentation of the draft of the program of this session Oscar de Buen 7 17:00 Refreshment Break 17:30 C3 Technical Committee Business Matters Oscar de Buen Operating liaison with other technical committees and draft of terms of reference for corresponding members Presentation by C3 Members nominated as correspondents with other committees Last meeting of C3 before DURBAN (April-may 2003) Members Announcements Others Conclusions & proposals for further work 18:00 Meeting Adjourns 8 DRAFT AGENDA PIARC COMMITTEE ON APPROPIATE DEVELOPMENT (C-20) Heredia, Costa Rica November 11 2002 Sessions held on 11 November will be opened only for PIARC Technical Committees members Time Topics & Sub-Topics 8:00 Opening of the C3 & C20 Technical Committee Meeting Welcome from the Host Greeting and Introductory Comments C3 Greeting and Introductory Comments C20 9.00 Responsible Person Oscar de Buen K. Msita Committee C20 Meeting 1. Introductory Remarks 2. Introduction of Participants 3. Approval of Minutes of the Siem Reap Meeting 4. Report on the PIARC Meetings on 3 - 5 July 2002, in Berne, Switzerland 5.Participation of C20 at the Durban Congress 6 Working Group Reports Group 1 Group 2 Durban Congress Paper Review Committee 7. C20 Work Programme after Durban 8. To Consider Proposal for affiliation of the International Focus Group to C20 9. Venue, Dates and Host for the next meeting before the Durban Congress 10. Any Other Business 11. Closing of the Meeting 9 DRAFT AGENDA San José, Costa Rica November 12 - 14; 2002 12 Nov - Seminar on HDM-4, road maintenance management and pavement maintenance technology. Date & Time Topics & Sub-Topics Responsible 08:00 - 09:00 09:00 – 9:45 Registration Opening Session Welcome address by Minister of Transport, Costa Rica Mr. Javier Bolaños Chávez Introductory Comments Mr. Oscar de Buen Richkarday C3 Technical Committee Chairman The role of PIARC in Latin America Mr. Kesogukewele Msita C20 Technical Committee Chairman Cultural Evente 09:45 – 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 Coffee Break Plenary Session HDM-4 11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 12:30 Panel 1 HDM-4 Description y Capacities Moderator: Colin Ellis Speakers will be confirmed as soon as possible. 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 16:00 Panel 2 Developing Countries Applications Program Planning and Evaluation Maintenance Program Formulation Evaluation of options for road section maintenance Moderator: Mr. Oscar de Buen Richkarday Costa Rica To be defined México To be defined 10 Chile El Salvador 16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break 16:15 - 17:30 Conference Mr. Isidro Delgado 13 Nov - To be defined To be defined Seminar on HDM-4, road maintenance management and pavement maintenance technology. 8:00 - 9:45 Panel 3 Developing countries adaptation and calibration Activities and Procedures Information needs Moderator: Isidro Delgado Speakers to be confirmed: CHILE To be defined NICARAGUA To be defined 9:45 – 10:00 Coffee Break 10:45 - 12:00 Special Issues in HDM-4 Environmental effects Low Traffic Roads Evaluation of investment options for economic penetration road construction. Moderator: Kesogukewele Msita Speakers to be confirmed: Joaquin Caraballo 12:00 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 15:30 Special Issues for developing countriesTo be defined Moderator: Annia Beleida Alfaro Quesada Speakers: Costa Rican experience about Rural Road Maintenance Eduardo Barquero, Consultant MOPT/GTZ Project El Salvador experience about BOT contracts Jacinto Reyes, Contracts Director. Plenary Session 15:30 - 17:00 Where to know and learn more: Training options and information resources. Colin Ellis C3 Technical Committe member 11 17:00 Keso Msita C20 Technical Committee Chairman Oscar de Buen C3 Technical Committee Chairman Ministry of Transports Costa Rica (To be defined) Mario Arce Materials and Structures National Laboratory Meeting Adjourns 17:30 Cultural Event 14 Nov - 8:00 - 18:00 Seminar on HDM-4, road maintenance management and pavement maintenance technology. Technical Visit Participative Road Maintenance Program Location: San Isidro Del General 12 SEMINAR AND MEETINGS INFORMATION DATE C3 and C20 Technical Committees Meetings: November 11, 2002. Seminar: November 12-14, 2002. Tecnical Visit: November 14, 2002. SEMINAR VENUE La Condesa Hotel, Heredia Costa Rica LANGUAGES Seminar Spanish Simultaneous interpretation in English and French will be available. REGISTRATION Registration is at the Hotel on November 12,2002, from 8:00-9:00 Participants will receive an identification card and a portfolio containing a pen, notebook, the official program and seminar papers. Registration Costs: Delegates: $150.00USD One delegate from each country with GNP less than US$3,100 will be entitled to support from the PIARC Special Fund, up to 100% of travel expenses or up to 100% of accommodation expenses. For further information or application for the Special Fund please contact.... Gilbert Batac Oficina Central Piarc Registration must be done with: Ms. Rosa Ma. Morales R. e-mail: or Fax: (506) 257-8097 or 223-9384, ext. 2388 or 2762 13 REGISTRATION PAYMENT Registration payment will be done when you register to the seminar or can be made by nonAmerican credit card, bank draft, telegraphic transfer, cheque or US dollars in cash to the account that will be given in the next announcement. . All payment must be in US dollars. Please ensure that PIARC is added in parenthesis CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to the Organising Secretary either by email, fax or post. All refunds will be issued in the same format as payment was received. IMPORTANT INFORMATION RE CANCELLATIONS Cancellations received before 1 November 2002 will be refunded less an administration fee. Cancellations received after 1 November 2002 will not receive a refund. RIGHTS OF THE PARTICIPANTS The participants will have the right to: Attendance to the sessions Enjoy programmed coffee breaks, lunches and welcome-farewell cocktails ( these to be confirmed) Transport service to and from the hotel to the San José airport ACCOMMODATION The hotel selected is the La Condesa Hotel, in Heredia which is20 km. from San José. However, the organising committee provide information of two hotels in San José. To obtain these special seminar prices the participants and their companions must book their accommodation directly with the hotel and provide this information to Rosa María Morales Directora de Gestión Tecnológica Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte Costa Rica Telephone: +506-223-9377 Fax: +506 - 2578098 E-mail: 14 They vary in cost to allow for different budgets: HOTEL RADISSON TEL:(506)-257-8220 FAX:(506)-257-8192 Contact: Yorleny Cano LA CONDESA TEL:(506)-208-22-22 FAX:(506)-289-89-90 Contact: Silvia Vargas TRYP COROBICI TEL:(506)-231-6512 FAX: (506)-231-6013 Contacto: Beliza Solís Marcela Miranda: HOTEL ADDRESS SINGLE ROOM San José, calle 3 avenida 15 Barrio Tournon $85 +16.39% tax Buffet breakfast included. (506) 267-6000 Heredia, San Rafael next to Club El Castillo $ 75 + 16.39% tax Buffet breakfast included DOUBLE ROOM LUNCH (Buffet) $95 +16.39% tax Buffet breakfast included $12 +10% tax $ 80 + 16.39% tax Buffet breakfast included $18.50 23% tax DINNER $12 + 10% tax Miramontes Restaurante $18.50 + 15% tax El Patio $15.00 + 15% tax San José, Autopista General Cañas, next to la Nissan $75.00 + 16.39% tax American breakfast included , transport airport-hotel-airport $5 per person for transport to the location of the event. Use of SPA $80.00 + 16.39% tax $15 minimum + 10% tax $15 minimum + 10% tax After booking your accommodation with the hotel contact person you may contact the C3/C20 contact persons or the organising committee. PROGRAM FOR COMPANIONS During the seminar there are several tours available for companions, including San José city, trips to beautiful, warm beaches, volcanos and places where one could admire the flora and the fauna. Tours are on air-conditioned buses, require a minimum of 7 persons and include excellent guides. 15 TOURS Enjoy Costa Rica’s beautiful tourist spots, history, beaches and scenery. Tourist packages and tours suitable for all budgets and possibilities are available before or after the seminar. TOUR Canopy San José de Montaña Teleferic of Rainforest Teleferic & Hike Tropical Forest Teleferic & Safari Sarapiquí River Poas Volcano Falls Gardens La Paz & Poás Volcano Falls Gardens La Paz Britt Coffee Butterfly Britt Coffee - Butterfly Highlights Tour 4 en 1 Typical Costarrican Nights Ram Luna San José City Tour Irazú- Orosi –Lánkaster Sarchí Arenal & Hot Springs Aiport Tranfer La Condesa / Tortuga Island White Water Rafting Pacuare Precio por Pax $59 $60 $ 99 $ 99 $ 59 $ 89 $ 83 $ 39 $ 30 $ 65 $ 84 $ 65 $ 35 $ 59 $ 35 $ 79 $ 10 $ 65 $ 80 More information about this tours, please contact Mr. Alejandro Villalobos, teléfonos: (506) 3990539 ó (506) 262-3424. 16 GENERAL INFORMATION Credits Cards The hotels, restaurants and stores accept credits cards Visa and Master Card. Currency American dollar circulates freely in the country. it is advisable to have some Colones.(Costa Rican currency) The hotels can change American dollars to Colones. Other foreign currencies must be exchanged at the banks or airport. Passport The participants need passport for their entrance in the country Rental Cars The principal agencies have counters at the airports and in the main hotels. Climate Sub-tropical climate. What to wear Informal clothes are recommended. Electricity The voltage of the electric system in Costa Rica is of 110 volts. You should foresee transformer for all electrical equipment that doesn't have these characteristics. 17 We look forward to seeing you in San José, Costa Rica. Please contact the Organising Committee for any other information: Ing. Oscar de Buen Richkarday C3 Technical Committee Chairman Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. Tel: (52) 55-55193013 Fax: (52) 55-55381724 E-mail: Ing. Bernardo José Ortiz Mantilla Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. Tel: (52) 55-55198689 Fax: (52) 55-55381724 E-mail: Keso Msita C20 Technical Committee Chairman Leslie Wright C20 Point or Contact for Costa Rica Event E-mail: Costa Rican Organising Committee Annia Beleida Alfaro Quesada Secretary Organising Committee Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA Tel: (506) 2239377 Fax: (506) 2578098 E-mail: Rosa María Morales Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte Telephone: (506) 2239377, ext. 2388 or 2762. Telephone: (506) 257-8097 Fax: (506) 2578098 E-mail: 18 HDM-4, ROAD MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AND PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR REGISTRATION Name:_________________________________________________________________ Passport No. ____________________________________________________________ Profession:______________________________________________________________ Country:_________________________________City:____________________________ Organization :____________________________________________________________ Postal Address:___________________________________________________________ e-mail:__________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________Fax:____________________________ Hotel : La Condesa_____ Technical Visit Corobicí____ Radisson____ Other: (Specify):__________________ YES_________________________NO_______________________ SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________________ Please send this paper to : Licda. Rosa Ma. Morales R., to the following address: E-Mail: ó Fax: (506)256-4560 Telephone: (506) 257-8097 ó 223- 9384, ext. 2388 ó 2762 19