December 2008

University History Council meeting
December 12, 2008 1:30-3:00 Rare Book Collection Conference Room
Present: Janis Holder (chair), Bob Anthony, Susan Ballinger, Michele Fletcher, Stephen
Fletcher, Speed Hallman, Linda Jacobson, Tim McMillan, Peggy Myers, Gary Patillo,
Natasha Smith, Jason Tomberlin, Tim West. Absent: Eileen McGrath, Rich Szary, David
Janis called the meeting to order at 1:36. She announced that due to scheduling conflicts,
Sarah Michalak and Steve Weiss were opting out of the committee.
University History Web Portal
Janis reported that she had reviewed the minutes of previous meetings and had checked
with Jason to see if anyone sent suggestions for the portal. Janis then listed the possible
links for the portal:
University Archives
Researching University History (who has what)
University history bibliography (including articles in Alumni Review)
Virtual Museum
online exhibits (Library and University departments, maybe Ackland?)
“This Day in University History”
Doc South collections “First Century” and “True and Candid”
departmental and unit histories
FAs (Finding Aids, have historical overviews)
campus map – VM
early campus maps
architectural drawings
We will later revisit master’s papers on university history topics as part of this.
Tim W. suggested that someone do a subject guide in the SHC. Susan agreed and added
that the papers of faculty and trustees should be identified. Janis commented that these
are separate projects from those listed above and can be included at a later date.
Tim M. suggested that honors theses and University images be included in the links and/
or on the site. Stephen said that as for images, everything is not yet scanned, and it
would have to be finding aids to the collections dealing with the University for now. The
Photographic Archives, the SHC, and the Gallery could be included in a bibliography.
Janis brought up Gary’s previous suggestion that this site include search capabilities and
cataloged web sites. In fact, the whole portal should be cataloged.
Natasha mentioned that individual digital manuscripts are not in the catalog.
At the last meeting Tim M. had suggested adding aerial photos to the site. Janis
confirmed that the Virtual Museum (VM) site has these and we can include a link on our
own site.
Michele suggested that University Archives should have prominence on the web site.
Janis recommended that a working group of this Council plan the portal along with
members of the Research and Instructional Services (R&I) and the Exhibits and Public
Programs Group (EPPG).
The question was raised as to where this site will live. Jason said that it could be placed
on the VM site which is on the UNC home page. Perhaps it could even replace the VM
link. Stephen thought it may be best at the Library level instead of the University level
to have more control over it.
Tim M. mentioned that he watched the rave in the undergrad (recorded on YouTube) and
that it is important to keep it preserved. Janis reported that Cal Lee in SILS is working
with a software program called Context Miner which is used to collect videos from
YouTube. They are attempting to collect all the election videos. Eileen has played
around with this. There has been some discussion about it, but there are still questions
about how to handle it. Hopefully when the Digital Repository is finished there will be
some resolution.
Review of Projects already discussed in the Council:
Digitization Projects
Yearbooks (reunion classes to sponsor) copyright considerations? For example, the 1932
YY is copyrighted by the editors.
Commencement programs and addresses - copyright considerations? Videotaped?
Humor magazines
Black Ink
Cellar Door, etc.
University of NC Papers, one of the record groups in University Archives consisting of
the pre 1932 administrative records of the president’s office
NCC Gallery objects
UNC Photo Lab negatives and other UNC photos
Carolina Quarterly, Alumni Review
Daily Tar Heel, up through 1960s is online
Course catalogs. NC ECHO funded a project with numerous schools called Beyond
Books and Buildings and many schools digitized theirs at that time. NC State has theirs
Masters and honors theses
Playmakers programs and images
A subcommittee will deal with special projects – part of their charge might be to make
suggestions about priorities to the Council. May be years down the road before any
projects are actually complete.
Other Projects
UNC papers making dbs accessible
BOT minutes “
Continuation of indexing of both
So, how do we manage to do all of this? The larger group does not need to meet once a
month and will move to quarterly meetings next year. Most of the work of the Council
can be done in smaller task forces and subcommittees.
UHC Task Forces and Subcommittees (drafted by Janis, refined after discussion)
(For the purposes of this Council, a task force is composed of members from the larger
Council, responsible for completing its charge within a specified time frame. A
subcommittee is composed of members from the larger Council, responsible for activities
that may be ongoing. Task forces and subcommittees are not static, and may be formed
and disbanded when necessary according to the needs of the Council).
1. University History Web Portal Task Force
Charge: To gather links and topics to be included on a university history web
portal and formulate ideas for its design. The Web Portal task force will coordinate
with Wilson Library Research & Instructional Services, Wilson Library Exhibits and
Public Programs Group, and the Library Web Group as necessary to finalize
information to be included and determine implementation, best placement, and
maintenance of the web portal.
2. Collecting University History Task Force
Charge: To resolve collecting duplication issues and write policies and
procedures for collecting university history-related materials in all formats, excluding
university administrative records scheduled through University Archives and Records
Management Services. The task force may wish to create a blog or wiki for better
communication between collectors.
3. University History Project Management Subcommittee
Charge: To consider university history-related projects approved by the Council
(including Virtual Museum and other digitization projects), suggest priorities, and
formulate a plan for their completion. This subcommittee will work closely with the
University History Project Funding Subcommittee to identify available funding for
special projects.
4. University History Project Funding Subcommittee
Charge: To work with the University History Project Management
Subcommittee to identify funding necessary to accomplish university history-related
projects approved by the Council.
5. University History Events Subcommittee
Charge: To consider suggestions for and help with planning of the annual Coates
University History Lecture and Exhibit; to identify special programming
opportunities, such as anniversaries and celebrations that are university historyrelated; to work with the Exhibits and Public Programs Group and Friends of the
Library to schedule and coordinate such events.
After reviewing these groups and charges, the following comments were made by
Council members:
Michele and Peggy – As for fundraising, we need to think about how these things fit with
what we are already doing. They need to look at projects, and then possibilities for
Bob suggested getting funding for a second shift on the scribe which would possibly cost
$50,000. Natasha reminded everyone that using the scribe means that content will be
somewhere else. Michele said person looking for an item will not care where it lives.
Janis said these are questions that the Project Management Subcommittee will address.
The Project Management group will come up with suggestions for getting projects done
and report back to the Council. Stephen suggested that they come up with ideas or make
recommendations and the Council will decide on priorities.
Peggy said to leave the charge as is for now for the Funding Subcommittee. This is a
complicated issue, for example, where does the money go when they collect it for these
Tim M. suggested that for Project Management, members poll faculty who do research
on the University. Faculty can possibly include digitization requests in their own grant
funding and then give files to us. They also can provide information about events we
may not be aware of.
Janis will appoint people to convene the groups and will email these appointments soon.
Task Force Membership:
Gary, Jason, Peggy
Janis, Susan, Eileen, Stephen
Tim M., Natasha, Bob, Jason
Peggy, Speed
Tim W., Linda, Michele, Bob
The meeting adjourned at 3:06.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jacobson
December 15, 2008