Tutorial Assignment feedback sheet


GEG4000/4206 Tutorial Assignment Feedback Sheet

Login ID:_________________________ Student ID:___________________________



adequately and correctly referenced structure and organisation, style, presentation, spelling and grammar use of images, figures, illustrations and visual aids

(where relevant) background reading


Your tutor will tick/circle/highlight where your assignment/draft essay falls in regard to the criteria below.

Excellent Good Average Passable evidence of understanding, relevance of material to the question/topic set evidence and relevance of

Almost complete answer clearly demonstrating an excellent understanding of the subject.

Perceptive and focused.

Some evidence of originality.

Wide range and depth of wider reading, including relevant and well chosen background reading not on the given reading lists.

Good answer which shows a clear understanding of the issues. Efficient use of data/literature showing some critical insight. No serious misunderstandings, but occasional minor errors of interpretation.

A good selection of relevant reading some of which may be outside set texts or reading lists.

A correct answer, but with little depth, detail or originality and superficial analysis of data or literature.


Adequate analysis but a limited and incomplete range of data or literature.

Based largely on lecture notes and a few key readings.

A basic understanding of a few key issues.

Little evidence of thought or understanding.

Narrow or misguided selection of material, which is poorly chosen and not always relevant to the question set.


Serious errors of fact or interpretation of data.

Only loosely related to the question set or misses the point entirely. Answers may be relevant but very short, or longer but containing a large amount of irrelevant material.

Based almost entirely on lecture notes with little or no evidence of wider reading.

Complete, consistent and accurate referencing.

Sound referencing. Reference list given but with some errors or inconsistencies.

Reasonable attempt at referencing.

Little or no referencing.

Possibility of plagiarism. audibility, clarity and style of vocal presentation

(where relevant)

Very well structured and organised essay, poster or talk with a polished and fluent writing/presentation style. Excellent presentation grammar and spelling.

Excellent choice of presentation of images and figures, which are clearly integrated into the arguments of the essay/presentation.

Images/figures of high quality. Sources are acknowledged.

A well timed, clear and confident presentation, which inspires and holds the attention of the audience.

Questions are handled thoughtfully and competently.

Essay/presentation has a clear and logical structure. Good use of


Images and figures and well chosen, of good quality and clearly labelled and referenced in the text/presentation.

Sources are acknowledged.

Clear and audible presentation, which makes good use of the available time. Good attempt to engage the audience’s interest.

Good attempt made to address any questions

Some attempt to organise the essay into a logical structure, but uneven.

Good attempt to make use of images/figures and link these to the text/presentation.

Sources are acknowledged.

Good attempt made to present but some problems with the speed and/or clarity of delivery. May have problems with filling and or/keeping to time.

Some attempt to respond to questions.

Issues are discussed in isolation, but no attempt to tie these together or relate them to a broader framework. Lacking in conclusions or conclusions incorrect.

Images/figures are of poor quality, and not always linked to the text. Images/figures are not always directly relevant to subject of the essay/presentation.

Some attempt to acknowledge the source.

Talk may be either too short or to long. Failure to hold the audience’s attention. Problems with the speed and/or audibility of delivery.

Response to questions suggests possible weaknesses in preparation.

Incoherent and poorly organised. Poor presentation, spelling and grammar.

Images and figures are poorly chosen or irrelevant, with no attempt to link these too the text. Sources are not given. The quality of reproduction of images is poor.

Very poor attempt at presentation with serious problems with the speed and/or audibility of delivery.

Suggests little or no preparation. Failure to properly answer questions.

Login ID:_________________________ Student ID:___________________________



For draft essays:

Tutor’s comments on draft essay. Three key things which need to be addressed before final submission:




Additional comments/issues to be addressed:

Student’s response to feedback (to be completed by the student and handed back with final submission of the essay). Please describe here (in no more than 50 words) the revisions you have made to your essay in light of the feedback above:

For all assignments/presentations:

Grade for final submission:

Late submission penalty 20%

Original mark:

Staff comments on final submission:

Final mark (minus penalty):


All comments/grades included in this sheet remain PROVISIONAL until ratified by the Sub-Board of Examiners in Geography.
