125 Project no. FP6-018505 Project Acronym FIRE PARADOX Project Title FIRE PARADOX: An Innovative Approach of Integrated Wildland Fire Management Regulating the Wildfire Problem by the Wise Use of Fire: Solving the Fire Paradox Instrument Integrated Project (IP) Thematic Priority Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Deliverable D6.1-5 Fire Paradox Fuel Manager: User’s manual Due date of deliverable: Month 27 Start date of project: 1st March 2006 Duration: 48months Organization name of lead contractor for this deliverable: INRA Revision (0001) Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) X Authors and contribution partners: P02-INRA-URFM, Avignon, France: Isabelle Lecomte, François Pimont, Eric Rigolot, Oana Vigy INRA-AMAP, Montpellier, France: François de Coligny, Sébastien Griffon ARMINES, Sophia Antipolis, France: Eric Rigaud Reference Lecomte, I., de Coligny, F., Griffon, S., Pimont, F., Rigaud, E., Rigolot, E., Vigy, O. 2008. Fire Paradox Fuel Manager: User’s manual Deliverable D6.1-5 of the Integrated project “Fire Paradox”, Project no. FP6-018505, European Commission, 83 p. Executive summary The FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER is a computer software integrated in the data processing chain between the European data and knowledge base on fuels ( EUROFORESTFUELS database) and the 3D physical-based fire propagation models. The scientific objective is the representation of vegetation scenes and their transformation into fuel complexes including all the necessary parameters to run a fire behaviour model. The technological objectives are to implement a user friendly platform to generate fuel complexes in 3D, to provide tools for managing the EUROFORESTFUELS database, to visualize fire effects on trees and simulate post fire vegetation successions. A survey of available simulation platform technologies has led us to join the CAPSIS project, dedicated to hosting a wide range of models for forest dynamics and stand growth. A new CAPSIS module – “FireParadox” – has been developed which implements data structure and functionalities of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. A 3D vegetation scenes’ editor has been implemented allowing interactive manipulative functionalities on vegetation scenes (e.g. zoom, rotation, etc) as well as on vegetation objects (selecting, adding, updating) through a graphical user interface. Several renderers are available to display 3D vegetation objects. Fire damage on vegetation objects have been mainly focused on fire-induced tree mortality. Several fire impacts on trees crown and trunk have been defined and can be visualized at the scene scale. Moreover, several tools are available to display information (descriptive statistics, indicators) on the vegetation scene content or on the current selection. Several creation modes of vegetation scenes are available including loading of a pre-existing inventory file or the automatic generation of a new scene respecting a set of constraints on species distribution. The application is connected through the Internet to the EUROFORESTFUELS database and manages the users rights. EUROFORESTFUELS database is currently hosted by P13-WLS servers in Switzerland and will be located in a near future on P05-EFI server in Finland becoming a facility of the FIREINTUITION platform. An export module has been developed to prepare the set of files necessary to run the fire propagation model. Export files describe the composition and the structure of the fuel complexes taking into account the physical properties of various components of the different vegetation layers (trees, shrubs, herbs and litter) composing the vegetation scene. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 2 CONTENTS LIST FIGURES 6 ACRONYMS 8 GLOSSARY 8 1 2 3 4 5 INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Application Platform 10 1.2 The Fuel Database 10 1.3 Available Functionalities 1.3.1 Manipulative Functionalities on Vegetation Scene 1.3.2 Analysis of a Vegetation Scene (chapter 8) 1.3.3 Effects of Fire Visualisation Functionalities (chapter 8.4) 1.3.4 Fire Models Exportation (chapter 9) 1.3.5 Shape Patterns’ Editor (chapter 10) 1.3.6 EUROFORESTFUELS Database Management (chapter 11) 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 TERMINOLOGY AND CONCEPTS 13 2.1 Session, project, module, scenario 13 2.2 Extensions 13 2.3 Objects 13 2.4 Taxonomic Levels 13 2.5 Shape Pattern 14 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION 16 3.1 Extract Archive Installation Package 3.1.1 D6.1-4a-18-0100-2.zip Archive File 3.1.2 D6.1-4a-18-0100-3.zip Archive File 16 16 16 3.2 How to Install the Java Runtime Environment, Version 1.5? 3.2.1 Check the Active Java Version 3.2.2 Download and Install Java 1.5 3.2.3 Test Java 1.5 Installation 16 16 17 18 3.3 How to Install the JOGL Library? 3.3.1 Download and Install the JOGL Library 3.3.2 Configure your Working Environment 18 18 18 3.4 How to Install the CAPSIS Platform? 3.4.1 Download and Install the CAPSIS Platform 3.4.2 Launch the CAPSIS Platform 20 20 21 USE OF THE FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER – OVERVIEW 22 4.1 Screen Layouts 4.1.1 CAPSIS Screen Layout 4.1.2 Module FireParadox Screen Layout 22 22 22 4.2 Keyboard Shortcuts 24 4.3 Program Help 25 VEGETATION SCENE CREATION 26 5.1 CAPSIS project creation 26 5.2 Vegetation scene creation 26 5.3 From a database inventory 27 5.4 From a detailed Inventory File 5.4.1 For Viewing Only 5.4.2 For Matching with Database 27 27 28 D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 3 6 7 8 9 5.5 From Field Parameters 28 5.6 From Scratch 28 VEGETATION SCENE MODIFICATION 29 6.1 Selection 6.1.1 Individual or Multiple Selection 6.1.2 Selection with the Scene Inspector 6.1.3 Unselection 29 29 29 30 6.2 Adding 6.2.1 Vegetation Objects Selection 6.2.2 Planting Process 6.2.3 Adding a Polygon or a Polyline 30 31 31 33 6.3 Updating 6.3.1 Moving Functionality 6.3.2 Deleting Functionality 33 33 34 VEGETATION SCENE VISUALISATION 35 7.1 Viewpoint Motions 7.1.1 Orbit Functionality 7.1.2 Zoom Functionality 7.1.3 Pan Functionality 35 35 35 36 7.2 Object Renderers 7.2.1 Renderers Dialog Windows 7.2.2 Object Render Compatibility 7.2.3 Bounding Boxes Render 7.2.4 Grid Render 7.2.5 Lollypops Render 7.2.6 Pattern Sketcher Render 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 VEGETATION SCENE ANALYSIS 41 8.1 Descriptive Analysis on the whole set of Vegetation Objects 41 8.2 Descriptive Analysis on Selected Vegetation Objects 41 8.3 Visual Analysis 43 8.4 Effects of Fire Visualisation 8.4.1 Crown Damages 8.4.2 Bole Damages 43 43 44 8.5 Visualisation Options 44 FIRE MODELS EXPORTATION 45 9.1 FireTec Model 45 9.2 Exportation procedure 46 10 PATTERNS’ EDITOR 49 10.1 Screen Layout 49 10.2 Association: Shape Pattern linked to a Group of Vegetation Objects 10.2.1 Create an Association 10.2.2 Update an Association 10.2.3 Remove an Association 50 51 51 51 10.3 Shape Patterns 10.3.1 Shape Patterns Dialog Windows 10.3.2 Create a Shape Pattern 10.3.3 Update a Shape Pattern 10.3.4 Delete a Shape Pattern 52 52 53 53 53 11 EUROFORESTFUELS DATABASE MANAGER 54 11.1 Database Connection and User Rights 54 D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 4 11.2 Available functionalities: main menu 54 11.3 Teams’ Editor 11.3.1 Teams’ List 11.3.2 Create or Update a Team 11.3.3 Delete a Team 11.3.4 Undelete a Team 56 56 56 57 57 11.4 Sites’ Editor 11.4.1 Sites’ List 11.4.2 Create or Update a Site 11.4.3 Delete a Site 11.4.4 Undelete a Site 11.4.5 Municipalities’ List 11.4.6 Create or Update a Municipality 11.4.7 Delete a Municipality 11.4.8 Undelete a Municipality 58 58 58 61 61 61 62 63 63 11.5 Fuel Editor (Fuel samples) 11.5.1 Fuel Samples’ list 11.5.2 Create or Update a Fuel Sample 11.5.3 Create or Update a Fuel Sample Crown Description 11.5.4 Create or Update a Fuel Sample Particles Description 11.5.5 Delete a Fuel Sample 11.5.6 Undelete a Fuel Sample 63 63 64 67 69 70 70 11.6 Fuels’ Editor (Fuel Plants) 11.6.1 Fuel Plants’ List 11.6.2 Create or Update a Fuel Plant 11.6.3 Create or Update a Fuel Plant Crown Description 11.6.4 Create or Update a Particles Description of a Fuel Plant 11.6.5 Delete a Fuel Plant 11.6.6 Undelete a Fuel Plant 71 71 72 73 75 75 75 11.7 Fuel Editor (Fuel Layers) 11.7.1 Fuel Layers’ List 11.7.2 Create or Update a Fuel Layer 11.7.3 Create or Update a Fuel Layer Crown Description 11.7.4 Create or Update a Fuel Layer Particles Description 11.7.5 Delete a Fuel Layer 11.7.6 Undelete a Fuel Layer 75 75 76 77 78 78 78 12 REFERENCES 79 13 ANNEX 80 13.1 Annex – Inventory Files 80 13.2 Annex – Chain between Patterns’ Editor GUIs 82 QUALITY EVALUATION REPORT (QER) D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version 83 Page 5 FIGURES Figure 1: Shape Pattern with its dimensions Figure 2: (1) Crown height - (2) Max diameter height - (3) Crown base height - (4) Crown diameter Figure 3: Command window screenshot - java version 1.5 installed Figure 4: Command line to install CAPSIS in a Windows environment Figure 5: CAPSIS install dialog window Figure 6: Command line to install CAPSIS in a Linux environment Figure 7: Command line to launch CAPSIS in a Windows environment Figure 8: Command line to launch CAPSIS in a Linux environment Figure 9: CAPSIS main window Figure 10: Main window of the FPFM Figure 11: Example of CAPSIS help screen: inspector panel Figure 12: New project window Figure 13: Scene generation window Figure 14: Scene creation from an inventory file Figure 15: Scene creation from scratch Figure 16: Vegetation objects selection Figure 17: Terrain object selection Figure 18: Grid object selection Figure 19: List of objects in the scene inspector Figure 20: Multi-selection of trees with scene inspector Figure 21: Dialog window for adding a vegetation object in the scene Figure 22: Dialog window for interactive planting process Figure 23: Dialog window for planting following a pattern Figure 24: Adding objects within a polygon randomly Figure 25: Adding objects within the terrain randomly Figure 26: Adding objects within the terrain with a square pattern Figure 27: Dialog window for planting along a line Figure 28: Figure 29: Figure 30: Figure 31: Figure 32: Figure 33: Figure 34: Figure 35: Figure 36: Figure 37: Figure 38: Figure 39: Figure 40: Figure 41: Figure 42: Figure 43: Figure 44: Figure 45: Figure 46: Figure 47: Figure 48: Figure 49: Figure 50: Figure 51: Figure 52: Figure 53: Planting object along a line (polygon) Planting object along a line (polyline) Drawing a polyline Drawing a polygon Movement of a pre-selected vegetation object Removal of pre-selected vegetation objects Angular, side and bird’s eye views obtained by orbit view motion Zoom in Pan movement Object renders panel Bounding boxes render applied to the whole set of objects Grid render settings Grid size (10) x cell size (10), centred on the origin Grid size (10) x cell size (5), centred on a tree Lollypops Outline Lollypops Settings Magnified trunks Invisible trunks Pattern Sketcher Render options Descriptive analysis, State panel Tree inspector State of the selected objects Tree side viewer By height threshold By species D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version 14 15 17 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 41 42 42 42 43 43 Page 6 Figures 54: Fire impact windows by fire damage level Figure 55: Various visualisations options Figure 56: EXPORT choice on CAPSIS main interface Figure 57: Export format and folder name choice Figure 58: FireTec Export Interface 43 44 46 47 47 Figure 59: FireTec Export Interface (Progress status bar) 48 Figure 60: Main window of the Patterns’ Editor 49 Figure 61: Add and update association window 51 Figure 62: Shape patterns edition window 52 Figure 63: List of available shape patterns 52 Figure 64: EUROFORESTFUELS database connection 54 Figure 65: A measured or virtual vegetation object built with 3 types of fuel samples 55 Figure 66: EUROFORESTFUELS database manager main menu 55 Figure 67: Database teams’ list 56 Figure 68: Team creation or modification screen 56 Figure 69: Team delete screen 57 Figure 70: Team undelete screen 57 Figure 71: Database sites’ list 58 Figure 72: Site creation or modification screen 59 Figure 73: Database municipalities’ list 62 Figure 74: Municipality creation or modification screen 62 Figure 75: Fuel samples’ list 64 Figure 76: Fuel samples’ editor, team screen 65 Figure 77: Fuel samples’ editor, site selection screen 65 Figure 78: Fuel samples’ editor, individual screen 66 Figure 79: Fuel samples’ editor, comment screen 67 Figure 80: Concepts of shape and volume fractions, representation in a (x, z) plan 67 Figure 81: Fuel samples’ editor, crown description screen 68 Figure 82: Fuel particles parameters description 69 Figure 83: Fuel plants’ list 71 Figure 84: Fuel plants’ editor, individual screen 72 Figure 85: Fuel plant crown description screen in 2D 73 Figure 86: Illustrations of the rotation function to obtain 3D physical information based on a 2D one. 74 Figure 87: Fuel plant crown description screen in 3D 74 Figure 88: Fuel layers’ list 76 Figure 89: Fuel layers’ editor, individual screen 77 Figure 90: Elements of a crown layer shape and types of shape. 78 Figure 91: Fuel layer crown description screen 78 Figure 92: Inventory file dataBaseFile_fc.scene 80 Figure 93: Inventory file “Lamanon_Mixed.scene” 81 D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 7 ACRONYMS 2D 3D AMAP DLL DTM FPFM GUI INRA JAR JOGL JRE WSL Two dimensions Three dimensions botAnique et bioInforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes Dynamic Link Library Digital Terrain Model Fire Paradox Fuel Manager Graphical User Interface Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Fire Paradox partner 02) Java Archive Java OpenGL Java Runtime Environment Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (Fire Paradox partner 13) GLOSSARY Cube method: fuel description method designed by the Fire Star European project and consolidated by the Fire Paradox project to model the spatial distribution of fuel particles as required by physically based fire models [1]. Grid: set of lines dividing the ground surface in squares. Grid can be useful to locate vegetation objects in the vegetation scene. Fuel family: a fuel family represents all the solid particles of vegetation, which have the same properties concerning physical, chemical and thermal processes involved in a wildland fire propagation. Typical fuel families are needles, leaves or twigs of several diameters. Height Fuel sample: sample of fuel of a lower level than a vegetation object (individual plant). One or several fuel samples are necessary to build a vegetation object ( Error! Reference source not found. 0). Fuel sampling is generally carried out with the so called “cube” method, collecting fuel in elementary volumes of 25 cm side. Consequently a typical fuel sample is a 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm cube, although it may have other dimensions. A fuel sample may be collected by field destructive measurements (measured), or calculated. Top VF VF VF Centre VF VF VF Base VF VF VF Diameter Vegetation object Distribution of fuel samples in a vegetation object Three fuel samples types used to build the vegetation object Figure 0: Vegetation object built with 3 types of fuel samples D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 8 Layer: Vegetation layer: layer composed of all the plants occupying the same vegetation stratum: trees, shrubs and grasses layers are the main layers considered in this document. Litter can be considered as a layer as well, but it is composed of downed and dead woody debris. Fuel layer: collection of individual plants, closely grouped and difficult to describe separately, forming a layer generally much more wide than high. A fuel layer is described as a single vegetation object and has almost the same properties than an individual plant. Quercus coccifera shrubland is a typical fuel layer. Object: (Sensus CAPSIS) elements composing a scene such as a terrain, a grid, polygons, polylines or vegetation objects (in other word item). Plant: vegetation object Measured plant: vegetation object corresponding to a real plant measured in the field. Virtual plant: vegetation object not corresponding to real plant measured in the field. It may differ either by its shape, by the distribution of cubes within its shape, by the values of one or several fuel parameters (e.g. mean of several samples). Renderer: (Computer science term) graphical way to represent a 3D object. FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER proposes several renderers to visualise Objects (terrain, grid and vegetation objects). Terrain: ground surface of a vegetation stand. It may be flat or may follow the ground surface topography through a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This object is necessary to display vegetation objects. Shape pattern: characterization of the crown envelope of a vegetation object by defining the ratios between the different horizontal stratifications of the crown. Site: location where destructive fuel sampling has been carried out to characterize individual plant or particle fuel properties. Taxon: a taxon (plural taxa), is a name applied for an organism or a group of organisms. In biological nomenclature according to Carl Linnaeus, a taxon is assigned to a taxonomic rank and can be placed at a particular level in a systematic hierarchy reflecting evolutionary relationships. Team: Fire Paradox partner involved in fuel description field and laboratory works. Vegetation object: individual plant (tree, shrub, grass) or fuel layer represented on the vegetation scene and fully described as a fuel in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. Vegetation scene: collection of vegetation objects organized on a landscape including possibly different vegetation layers (trees, shrubs, grasses and litter). D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 9 1 INTRODUCTION This document presents the functionalities of the application identified as an Integrated Product under the name “FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER (FPFM)”. This application results of the activities of WP6.1 “Design, development, test and deployment of a fuel editor ” within the Fire Paradox project. The main goal of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER is to generate – with a user friendly manner – fuel complexes in 2D and 3D in order to be used as input data for fire behaviour models. These input files describe the composition and the structure of the fuel complex taking into account the physical properties of various components of the different vegetation layers (trees, shrubs, herbs and litter) composing the vegetation scene. Vegetation scene: collection of vegetation objects organized on a landscape including possibly different vegetation layers (trees, shrubs, grasses and litter). The FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER also provides tools for managing a fuel database: adding, updating and deleting fuels descriptions (location and dimension of vegetation objects and fuel parameters for fire simulations). The FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER will also enable to visualise effects of fire on trees and to simulate vegetation succession after fire occurrence. 1.1 Application Platform The FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER aims to be, on one hand, a management tool for manipulating fuel complexes and on the other hand, an application that enables fire simulations and the generation of vegetation post fire succession steps. A survey of available technologies has identified a simulation platform, CAPSIS [2][3], dedicated to hosting a wide range of models for forest dynamics and stand growth. In a few words, CAPSIS is designed around a kernel which provides an organizational data structure (session, project, scenario steps) and also generic data descriptions (stand, tree, etc.). These descriptions can be completed in modules – one for each model – which implement a proper data structure and a specific evolution function (growth, mortality, regeneration, etc.) with a chosen simulation step. Designed within a joint research unit INRA-AMAP (Montpellier, France), we decided to join the CAPSIS project to benefit from this practical, scalable and free platform which is adapted to forestry modellers, forestry managers and education. Thus, we co-developed a new CAPSIS module – “FireParadox” – which implements data structure and functionalities of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. CAPSIS and FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER are both written in JAVA language [4]. 1.2 The Fuel Database Data related to fuel descriptions are stored in a database with the purpose of designing a European data and knowledge base on fuels ( EUROFORESTFUELS database). WSL is the partner in charge of this implementing database within WP3.3.4 “Design a database for fuel and plant architecture”. The data structure has been designed on the basis of an inventory of both available fuel data (INRA cube’s method) as well as expected fuel data (in three dimensions). The complete database structure will be described in D3.3-6 “Database of fuel characteristics ” (Due date month 48). D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 10 1.3 Available Functionalities This chapter briefly presents available functionalities which will be further detailed in the following chapters of this manual. 1.3.1 Manipulative Functionalities on Vegetation Scene The manipulative functionalities represent management actions that can be applied on data describing a vegetation scene and vegetation objects. Vegetation object: individual plant (tree, shrub, grass) or fuel layer represented on the vegetation scene and fully described as a fuel in the EUROFORESTFUELS database . a) Creation of a vegetation scene (chapter 5) Two creation modes are currently available. An inventory file can be loaded: it describes each vegetation object present on the vegetation scene throughout its species, crown dimensions and location. An empty scene can be generated by specifying the dimensions of the forest stand. b) Modification of a vegetation scene Following sub-functionalities are released: Selection (chapter 0): single and multi selection are possible with the mouse directly on the vegetation scene. Adding (chapter 6.2): vegetation objects can be extracted from the EUROFORESTFUELS database and displayed on the scene. An interactive mode is proposed to select vegetation objects in the database and add/place them on a vegetation scene (empty or not). Updating (chapter 6.3): vegetation objects can be moved with the mouse from one point to another on the scene. The user can also delete from the scene a pre-selected vegetation object or group of vegetation objects. c) Visualization of a vegetation scene Viewpoint motions (chapter 7.1): the vegetation scene can be visualized in different perspectives using the zoom, translation and rotation functions. Renderers (chapter 7.2): there are currently three ways to simply represent and distinguish vegetation objects. One of them uses specific shapes that can be defined with the vegetation pattern designer. This tool permits to create shapes by defining their parameters and then, to assign a shape to one or several vegetation objects (e.g. a given shape for a given species). Renderer: (Computer science term) graphical way to represent a 3D object. FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER proposes several renderers to visualise Objects (terrain, grid and vegetation objects). Object: (Sensus CAPSIS) elements composing a scene such as a terrain, a grid, polygons, polylines or vegetation objects (in other word item). 1.3.2 Analysis of a Vegetation Scene (chapter 8) Several tools are available to display information on the vegetation scene content or on the current selection (part of the vegetation scene). An area is dedicated to display in real time some descriptive statistics of the whole vegetation scene or on the current selection. An “inspector” permits to display lots of information on a pre selected vegetation object. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 11 1.3.3 Effects of Fire Visualisation Functionalities (chapter 8.4) Fire impacts on bole or foliage of vegetation objects (shrubs or trees) can be visualized. The way to extract these information from expert rules or from fire simulation results is not implemented yet. 1.3.4 Fire Models Exportation (chapter 9) One of the main objectives of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER is to automatically build input files for both 2D and 3D fire behaviour models. The application must enable to create and visualize input files based on the selected scene for fire behaviour models and simulations. 1.3.5 Shape Patterns’ Editor (chapter 10) Criteria have been identified – taxon, height dimensions and environment – to constitute groups of vegetation objects. The Patterns’ Editor permits to create shape patterns and to assign typical crown profiles to these groups of fuels. A shape pattern characterizes the crown envelope of a vegetation object by defining the ratios between the different horizontal stratifications of the crown. 1.3.6 EUROFORESTFUELS Database Management (chapter 11) The main functionalities include: Creation, modification and suppression of teams. Creation, modification and suppression of sites. Creation, modification and suppression of data related to fuels descriptions. general information (team, site, fuel species and dimension) 2D and 3D crown descriptions using the cube method list of particle parameters useful as fire simulation entries. Cube method: Fuel description method designed by the Fire Star European project and consolidated by the Fire Paradox project to model the spatial distribution of fuel particles as required by physically based fire models [1] Site: location where destructive fuel sampling has been carried out to characterize individual plant or particle fuel properties. Team: Fire Paradox partner involved in fuel description field and laboratory works. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 12 2 TERMINOLOGY AND CONCEPTS This chapter gives a list of terms used in this manual. A few concepts were already explained in deliverable D6.1-2 “Detailed definition of the data structure and functionalities of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER”. 2.1 Session, project, module, scenario Session, project, module and scenario are CAPSIS concepts. A session can contain several projects; so the user can open several projects in parallel. Each project is associated to a specific module chosen at the beginning. A project always contains a root step, supporting the initial stand of the simulation, either loaded from file or virtually generated. The user can create different scenarios by alternating growth sequences calculated by the model and silvicultural treatments. 2.2 Extensions The simulated data can then be checked by using specific extensions (plug-ins) of the module or others that are compatible with: viewers, graphics, intervention methods (including thinning, pruning, fertilization, plantation, etc.) and export tools in various formats for closer analysis. 2.3 Objects A scene can be composed of several objects such as a terrain, a grid and several vegetation objects. A Terrain corresponds to the ground of a vegetation stand. It may be flat or may follow the ground surface topography through a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This object is necessary to display vegetation objects. A Grid is a set of lines dividing the ground surface in squares. Grid can be useful to locate vegetation objects in the vegetation scene. 2.4 Vegetation objects can be trees, shrubs and grasses which properties can be extracted from the EUROFORESTFUELS database or described in files. Taxonomic Levels Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms. The system used in the EUROFORESTFUELS database is the Linnaean one, which breaks down organisms into seven major divisions, called taxa (singular: taxon). Divisions are as follow: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. The classification levels become more specific towards the bottom and we will focus on the genus and species one. As example, Quercus ilex and Quercus coccifera species belong to the same genus Quercus. Taxon: a taxon (plural taxa), is a name applied for an organism or a group of organisms. In biological nomenclature according to Carl Linnaeus, a taxon is assigned to a taxonomic rank and can be placed at a particular level in a systematic hierarchy reflecting evolutionary relationships. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 13 2.5 Shape Pattern A shape pattern characterizes the crown envelope of a vegetation object by defining the ratios between the different horizontal stratifications of the crown ( Figure 1). The following dimensions are expressed in percentage of the crown height: Top of the crown = 100% Base of the crown = 0% Level of the maximum crown diameter is set by the user. This dimension is used as an indicator and will be readjusted by the effective height (of the max. diameter) of the vegetation object. The maximum crown diameter is also defined as a percentage of the crown length. Levels can be defined in order to adjust the form of the envelope in both horizontal and vertical directions. In that respect, the crown is divided into two parts, the upper portion (over the max. diameter level) and the lower portion (under the max. diameter level). Intermediate diameters can be added in these two portions. Each of these new diameters is described by two parameters: Horizontal direction: percentage of the max. diameter length Vertical direction: percentage of crown portion height The Figure 1 illustrates a shape pattern which dimensions are: Level of the max diameter is set at 33% of the crown height. Two intermediate crown diameters are defined: one at 33% of the height of the upper part of the crown and the other at 50% of the height of the lower part of the crown. Intermediate diameters are respectively 80% and 60% of the value of the maximum diameter. 100 Top 100 Upper part 33 Max Diameter Level 100 33 0 Lower part 50 Base 0 0 Diameter dimensions 0 60 80 100 Figure 1: Shape Pattern with its dimensions Shape pattern description vs. vegetation object dimensions A vegetation object shape is succinctly described by its crown height, crown base height, max crown diameter height and crown diameter length. Figure 2 shows three different vegetation objects displayed by using the same shape pattern, the one previously described in Figure 1. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 14 14,7m (1) 14,1m (1) 12,3m (2) 11,3m (1) 11,1m (2) 8,9m (2) 6,5m (3) 6,5m (3) 9,7m (4) 5,8m (4) 6,1m (3) 4,4m (4) Figure 2: (1) Crown height - (2) Max diameter height - (3) Crown base height - (4) Crown diameter As shown in Figure 2, the first shape looks like its associated shape pattern ( Figure 1), but the two others have quite different aspects. It is due to one single property – the maximum crown diameter height – which differs from one vegetation object to the other. Indeed, in the three illustrations, the max. diameter level is respectively 29%, 76% and 99% of the crown height, more or less closed to the 33% set in the shape pattern. To date, the max. crown diameter height is randomly generated because this property is still missing in vegetation objects description in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. This property is planned to be filled in at the same time as other vegetation object shape properties thanks to the vegetation object manipulation functionalities. The coherence between those different inputs should be then guaranteed. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 15 3 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION The installation and configuration of three components are necessary to fully use the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER: Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 1.5. [5] JOGL library [10] Module FireParadox of the CAPSIS platform. Detailed instructions are given in the following chapters. The FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER works on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and anything else which accepts Java. Steps dedicated to the Windows operating system are stressed in this chapter as it is the most common operating system. 3.1 Extract Archive Installation Package Two archive files D6.1-4b-0100-1.zip and D6.1-4b-0100-2.zip are available on the Fire Paradox web site: www.fireparadox.org in “Module > 6. Technological development > WP6.1”. Both archive files contain directories dedicated to the components installation. 3.1.1 3.1.2 D6.1-4b-0100-1.zip Archive File The “java 1.5” directory contains the executive file for the JRE installation on Windows operating system: jre-1_5_0_11-windows-i586-p.exe The “jogl library” directory contains the archive file of the JOGL library fit to Windows operating system: jogl-1.1.1-pre-20070727-windows-i586.zip D6.1-4b-0100-2.zip Archive File This file contains the archive file of the CAPSIS platform with the fireparadox module: capsis4_fireparadox.zip 3.2 How to Install the Java Runtime Environment, Version 1.5? A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is needed for simple use of the CAPSIS platform and precisely the version 1.5. Note: Any java version has an update version number indicated in this chapter with the following notation <#> (e.g.: JRE 1.5.0_12 equals to JRE 1.5.0_<#>). Any update of the 1.5 version fits with the use of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. 3.2.1 Check the Active Java Version If a JRE is already installed on your computer, a checkout will indicate the running version number. Depending on the result, the required version will be installed. Open a command window: o “Start > Programs > Accessories > Prompt)” or “Start > Programs > Command Windows operating system: select Command prompt (MS-Dos prompt (MS-Dos Prompt)” depending on your Windows version. Enter “java –version” at the prompt (make sure that there is a space between “java” and “-version”). D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 16 Have a look at the output: o In case of “Command not found”: proceed to chapter § 0. o In case of the java version is unlike 1.5: proceed to chapter § 0. o In case of the java version is 1.5 as below: proceed to chapter § 3.2.3. Figure 3: Command window screenshot - java version 1.5 installed 3.2.2 Download and Install Java 1.5 An executable file that includes all the files needed for the complete installation is required. The procedure to download and install depends on your operating system: Windows: proceed to chapter § 0 a) Linux, Solaris, Macintosh: proceed to chapter § 0 b) Following instructions are based on an installation guide [5] available on the Java Sun official website. a) Windows You can download the executable file from (1) the Java Sun website or use (2) the D6.1-4b100-1.zip archive file. More detailed instructions [6] are available on the Java Sun website. Download the executable file: j2re-1_5_0_<#>-windows-i586-p.exe (15,7Mo) o (1) From the Java download page http://java.sun.com/products/archive/: Select a “JDK/JRE - 5.0” update version under “Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE)”. Click on the “Download JRE” link to access to the download manager. Accept the license agreement and select the “Windows Offline Installation” link to download the executable file. o (2) From the archive “D6.1-4b-100-1.zip”, directory “java 1.5”. Double-click on the executable file j2re-1_5_0_<#>-windows-i586-p.exe to start the installation process which is more or less automatic: Accepting the license agreement and choosing the typical setup option. Choosing a target directory which will be per default the “…/Program Files/Java” directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_<#>\). Note: Keep in mind this Java 1.5 install directory which will be used during the JOGL library installation: Director y: b) Other Operating Systems Installation instructions dedicated to Linux [7] and to Solaris [8] are available on the Java Sun website. Support for downloading Java for Macintosh [9] is available on Apple official website. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 17 3.2.3 Test Java 1.5 Installation Redo the few instructions detailed in chapter 3.2.1 to check the running Java version and be sure to use the 1.5 version. 3.3 How to Install the JOGL Library? The JOGL library provides Java bindings to OpenGL standard specification: in other words, it provides interactive 2D and 3D graphics features to the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. Note: The JOGL has an update version number indicated with the following notation <#>. Whatever the update version number you choose, it is compatible with the use of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. 3.3.1 Download and Install the JOGL Library To get JOGL up and running, you need to download and unzip the JOGL archive for your operating system. The archive file contains a “lib” directory, several text files and a user guide in an html format. The “lib” directory contains two “.jar” files and four further files. The JOGL library is the jogl.jar file which makes use of platform-specific libraries known as native libraries. The four other files represent the native libraries that are different from one operating system to the other. Table 1: Content of the “lib” directory of each zip archives according to each operating system Windows Linux º jogl.jar º gluegen-rt.jar .jar files º º º º Natives libraries Macintosh jogl.dll jogl_awt.dll jogl_cg.dll gluegen-rt.dll º º º º libjogl.so libjogl_awt.so libjogl_cg.so libgluegen-rt.so º º º º libjogl.jnilib libjogl_awt.jnilib libjogl_cg.jnilib libgluegen-rt.jnilib Download the zip file from https://jogl.dev.java.net/#NIGHTLY by clicking the link which corresponds to your operating system: o Windows: x86 or AMD64 o Linux: x86 or AMD64 o Mac 06 10.4+ o Etc. Extract the zip file onto your computer – where your normal user account will have read access (e.g. “C:\Program Files\JOGL\” for Windows). Note: You can also use the requested zip file (Windows i586) from the given D6.1-4b100-1.zip archive file, directory “jogl library”. 3.3.2 Configure your Working Environment In order to compile and run java code written to use the JOGL library, two environment variables – PATH and CLASSPATH – have to be configured. After unzipping the file: The “CLASSPATH” environment variable will be modified to include the full paths to the jogl.jar file. The “PATH” environment variable (Windows), LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux), or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (OS X) will be set to point to the entirety of the lib folder (extracted from the zip file). D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 18 Note: Close and reopen running programs so that the new settings could take effect. a) Windows NT, 2000, XP – The “CLASSPATH” variable Start your system panel (“Start > Control Panel > System”). Click on the “Advanced” tab and then on the “Environment variables” button. Look at the CLASSPATH variable in the “System variables”: o If the CLASSPATH variable exists: edit its value by selecting it and click on the “Set” button. o If the CLASSPATH variable does not exist yet: click on the “New” button and type “CLASSPATH” in the variable field. In o o o the “Value” field, type at the beginning the following: the “ . ” symbol the “ ; ” symbol the complete path to the “jogl.jar” file (e.g. “C:\Program Files\JOGL\lib\jogl.jar”) o the “ ; ” symbol o the complete path to the “gluegen-rt.jar” file (e.g. “C:\Program Files\JOGL\lib\gluegen-rt.jar”) For example: “.;C:\Program Files\JOGL\lib\jogl.jar;C:\Program Files\JOGL\lib\gluegen-rt.jar” Click OK to complete that variable. Click “Apply Changes”. b) Windows NT, 2000, XP – The “PATH” variable Start your system panel (“Start > Control Panel > System”). Click on the “Advanced” tab and then on the “Environment variables” button. Look at the “PATH” variable in the “System variables”: o If the PATH variable exists: edit its value by selecting it and click on the “Set” button. o If the PATH variable does not exist yet: click on the “New” button and type “PATH” in the variable field. In o o o o o the “Value” field, type at the beginning the following: the “ . ” symbol the “ ; ” symbol the complete path to the “…/jre1.5.0_<#>/bin/” directory the “ ; ” symbol the complete path to the “…/JOGL/lib” directory. For example: “.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_<#>\bin;C:\Program Files\JOGL\lib” Click “OK” to complete that variable. Click “Apply Changes”. c) Other Operating Systems The setting up procedure for environment variables depends on the running operating systems. Please refer to the following documentations for Linux or Solaris [11] and Macintosh [12]. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 19 3.4 How to Install the CAPSIS Platform? CAPSIS is an open software platform which hosts a wide range of forests growth and dynamics models. The “FireParadox” module, which has been developed within CAPSIS, corresponds to the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. Many other CAPSIS modules are existing but they are not released here. For further information, consult the CAPSIS website. Note: CAPSIS is available in French and English. To install CAPSIS in French, use the “-lfr” option instead of “-len”, which stands for opening in English. 3.4.1 Download and Install the CAPSIS Platform The “D6.1-4b-100-2.zip” archive file contains the “capsis4_fireparadox.zip” file. Extract the archive file somewhere in your computer. Note: The install directory will be noted <install_directory> in this chapter (e.g. “C:\Program Files” is the <install_directory> for Windows). a) Windows Open a command window: select “Start > Programs > Accessories > Command prompt (MS-Dos Prompt)” or “Start > Programs > Command prompt (MS-Dos Prompt)” depending on your Windows version. Type in the terminal: cd <install_directory>\capsis4_fireparadox\bin install.bat -len Figure 4: Command line to install CAPSIS in a Windows environment e.g.: type “cd “Program Files”\capsis4_fireparadox\bin”. Figure 5: CAPSIS install dialog window Click “OK” to install the FireParadox module. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 20 b) Linux Type the following instructions in a terminal: cd <install_directory>/capsis4_fireparadox/bin chmod +x *.sh ./install.sh -len chmod +x capsis.sh Figure 6: Command line to install CAPSIS in a Linux environment 3.4.2 Launch the CAPSIS Platform Note: CAPSIS can be run in interactive mode with a multi-language user interface: use the “-lfr” option for French and “-len” one for English. a) Windows Open a command window: select “Start > Programs > Accessories > Command prompt (MS-Dos Prompt)” or “Start > Programs > Command prompt (MS-Dos Prompt)” depending on your Windows version. Type in the terminal: cd <install_directory>\capsis4_fireparadox\bin capsis.bat -len Figure 7: Command line to launch CAPSIS in a Windows environment e.g.: type “cd “Program Files”\capsis4_fireparadox\bin”. b) Linux Type the following instructions in a terminal: cd <install_directory>/capsis4_fireparadox/bin ./capsis.sh -len Figure 8: Command line to launch CAPSIS in a Linux environment D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 21 4 USE OF THE FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER – OVERVIEW In this chapter, an overview of the CAPSIS platform is first presented. Then, the way to use available functionalities of the FireParadox module is described. 4.1 4.1.1 Screen Layouts CAPSIS Screen Layout Menu bar Project name (‘Demo’) and Module name (‘FireParadox’) Steps: root (0a) and treatment (*0a) Stand Viewer, Data displayer View Panel Figure 9: CAPSIS main window General conventions are used in the CAPSIS user windows. The screen layout is composed of several areas: 4.1.2 The menu bar allows access to the CAPSIS functionalities: new project creation, etc. An area gives a general overview of the current project: project name and its associated module are indicated. The simulation history memorizes the root step and others which result from growth evolutions or silvicultural treatments. Each step has a date and holds a snapshot of the stand at this date, calculated by the red model. The left area presents all extensions of the platform that are compatible with the module: charts, graphs, maps, etc. The bottom-right space displays data according to the selected extension. Module FireParadox Screen Layout The main window of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER is divided into several functionally independent regions. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 22 Menu Bar Camera Toolbar Real Time Panel 3D View Panel Scene Modification Functionalities User right profile Pattern Designer Command Buttons Figure 10: Main window of the FPFM a) Menu Bar This area composed of graphical icons, is dedicated to vegetation scene functionalities: Camera toolbar buttons perform a number of viewpoint motions interactively “Orbit” “Pan” to to change move the the orbit scene point vertically of and view horizontally “Zoom” to increase or decrease the focus Scene modification “Select” to “Move” “Add” to to object an add object an object to “Polygon” “Undo” an move “Polyline” “Remove” select functionalities: draw to to to draw remove cancel an object the on on on the scene the scene the scene a polyline a polygon on the last scene action “Redo” to redo the last action D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 23 Note: All buttons, except “Polyline”, “Polygon”, “Add” and “Remove” are “sticky” buttons for continuous selecting, panning, zooming, etc. The function of a sticky button you have clicked on is remembered until you select another sticky button. If you select a non sticky button such as the “remove” one after having selected an object; the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER will still remember the previous sticky button function (the selected object is removed and you can select other objects without having to click on “select” again). b) 3D View Panel In the middle of the window, the scene in 3D is displayed according to the current visualization parameters. c) Real Time Panel The panel on the right is composed of several tabs which interact in real time with the 3D view panel. The “State” and “Selection” tabs display in real time information according to the current scene. The “Scene” tab permit to list and see all objects displayed on the screen (terrain, grid, polygons, trees). The “Renderering” tab permits to modify visualization settings: the scene representation changes automatically. d) Bottom Toolbar At the bottom, various functionalities are available: On the bottom left, a user right space permits to access to some functionalities according to the user profile (EUROFORESTFUELS database management). A “Patterns’ Editor” button allows access to the vegetation pattern designer. On the bottom right, a few command buttons are available. o “Previous”/ “Next”: scene generation browsing. o “OK”: validation of the vegetation scene; the FireParadox module is initialized. o “Cancel”: the process is cancelled. o “Help”: a user guide dedicated to the current window appears. 4.2 Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts are indicated in square brackets: press simultaneously the combination of keys to perform some tasks. This is a list of the most common keyboard shortcuts in the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. Please note that the [Escape] key close any CAPSIS window quickly; pay attention not to close an important window by accident. [Ctrl + N] new CAPSIS project [Escape] close the window quickly [Enter] validate the window [Shift + Mouse click] multi-selection in selection mode [Shift + Mouse hold down] pan function in orbit mode [Ctrl + Z] cancel last action [Ctrl + Y] redo last action [Alt + R] orbit [Alt + T] pan [Alt + Z] zoom D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 24 [Alt + S] selection [Alt + E] move [Alt + A] add [Alt + L] polyline [Alt + P] polygon [Alt + Del] remove 4.3 Program Help Help buttons are available in the different dialog boxes in order to assist the user while working. Figure 11: Example of CAPSIS help screen: inspector panel D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 25 5 5.1 VEGETATION SCENE CREATION CAPSIS project creation A project creation consists in initializing the root step of the FireParadox module under CAPSIS platform; in other words in creating the initial planting set. All manipulative functionalities, which are already available, will be loaded with this stage. Click in the menu bar of the CAPSIS interface “Project > New” or [Ctrl + N]. The following dialog window will appear. Figure 12: New project window Type a project name. Select the model to be linked: “FireParadox” Hit the “Initialize” button. Please refer to the chapter 5.2 for specific instructions. Note: Please wait a few seconds until obtaining the following instruction “******* getSpeciesList () is over ********” in your terminal, which is behind the CAPSIS interface: the list of species contained in the database has been downloaded in CAPSIS for further use. Confirm by clicking “OK”. 5.2 Vegetation scene creation Several creation modes for generating a vegetation scene are currently available throughout the user interface (Figure 13): From vegetation inventories: load an input file (database or detailed). From field parameters: create a scene based on stand level characteristics. From scratch: create an empty scene. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 26 Figure 13: Scene generation window The scene generation resulting from these different options, are detailed in the next chapters. 5.3 From a database inventory This option enables to generate a vegetation scene by loading an inventory file which contains only vegetation objects known in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. The inventory file describes each vegetation object throughout its “ID” in the EUROFORESTFUELS database, and location. This option requires a connection with the remote database since species, height and crown dimensions are read for each fuel in the database before generating the scene. The inventory file contains also a line describing the dimensions of the terrain. Using this option to generate a vegetation scene will make possible the creation of export files necessary to run the fire propagation model. As example, an inventory file “dataBaseFile_fc.scene” (cf. Annex 13.1) is available in the given CAPSIS archive and precisely in the “capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox” directory. The file describes 48 trees. Select the “Database inventory” option of the scene generation window. Click on the “Browse” button and select the “dataBaseFile_fc.scene” file in the “<install_directory>\capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox” directory (e.g. “C:\Program Files\capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox”). Click on the “Generate the scene” to display the resulting scene. 5.4 From a detailed Inventory File A detailed inventory file can be loaded: it describes each vegetation object in details throughout its species, crown dimensions and location. It doesn’t require an access to the EUROFORESTFUELS database because it doesn’t contain vegetation object “ID” of the database. 5.4.1 For Viewing Only This sub option is planned when user doesn’t need to run an export of the vegetation scene to be able to run the fire behaviour model. It enables to display on the vegetation scene a wider range of vegetation objects than those stored in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. As example, an inventory file “Lamanon_Mixed.scene” (cf. Annex 13.1) is available in the given CAPSIS archive and precisely in the “capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox” directory. The file describes 48 trees. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 27 Select the “From an Inventory” and “For viewing only” options of the scene generation window. Click on the “Browse” button and select the “Lamanon_Mixed.scene” file in the “<install_directory>\capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox” directory (e.g. “C:\Program Files\capsis4_fireparadox\data\fireparadox”). Click on the “Generate the scene” to display the resulting scene. Figure 14: Scene creation from an inventory file 5.4.2 For Matching with Database This sub option is not available yet. It will be necessary when user will finally need to create an export of the vegetation scene to be able to run the fire behaviour model. As the inventory file doesn’t contain vegetation object “ID” of the EUROFORESTFUELS database, the loading procedure will match each vegetation object with the most similar object present in the database. 5.5 From Field Parameters This option is not available yet. It will be useful to generate automatically a vegetation scene, given some indications describing its structure and composition ( e.g. list of dominant species with specific heights and covers). 5.6 From Scratch An empty scene can be generated by giving the dimensions of the terrain. Select the “From scratch” option of the scene generation window. Type the required dimensions (m) of the terrain in the “Length” and “Width” fields. Click on the “Next” button (next to the dimension fields) to display the empty scene. Figure 15: Scene creation from scratch D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 28 6 VEGETATION SCENE MODIFICATION Vegetation scene modification includes the selection, add and remove functionalities. 6.1 Selection Individual and group selection techniques of vegetation objects are possible throughout the 3D view panel in clicking with the mouse. Selected vegetation objects appear with a red bounding box; selected terrain object is displayed in rose and the selected grid object in red. Figure 16: Vegetation objects selection Figure 17: Terrain object selection Figure 18: Grid object selection Note: While a selection is active, functionalities are effective only inside the selection. 6.1.1 Individual or Multiple Selection All type of objects visible on the scene can be selected: vegetation objects (tree, shrub, grass), polygons, polylines, grid and terrain. Click on the “Select” button of the Menu Bar. For simple selection, click with the left-mouse button on desired vegetation objects. This action deselects all previously selected objects. For a multi-selection, hold down the [Ctrl] key while clicking with the left-mouse button on objects. For a selection of objects within a drawn area on the scene: move your mouse while clicking with the left-mouse button and draw a rectangle including the group of objects that you want to select. 6.1.2 Selection with the Scene Inspector Click on the “Scene” tab of the “Real Time Panel”. All object visible on the scene will appears in the inspector. For simple selection, click with the left-mouse button on desired vegetation objects. This action deselects all previously selected objects. For a multi-selection, hold down the [Ctrl] key while clicking with the left-mouse button on objects. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 29 Figure 19: List of objects in the scene inspector Figure 20: Multi-selection of trees with scene inspector 6.1.3 Unselection Hold down the [Ctrl] key while clicking with the left-mouse button on vegetation objects that you want to unselect. At any time the undo button, permit to cancel last actions, even selections. 6.2 Adding An interactive mode permits to add objects on the scene. This chapter focuses on the way to display vegetation objects on the vegetation scene, and on the way to add figures as polygons or polylines. Layers cannot be displayed on the vegetation scene so far. Figure 21: Dialog window for adding a vegetation object in the scene D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 30 The interface is divided into two areas dedicated to the selection of “what to add” (“items choice” frame) and the definition of “how to add” (“spatialisation” frame). 6.2.1 Vegetation Objects Selection Two drop-down lists permit to indicate the object item to add: a Fire Paradox vegetation object. Three criteria – species, crown height and crown diameter – are displayed to help the user in its research. A table displays available vegetation objects according to the criteria. The table contains four columns dedicated to the species, crown height, crown base height and crown diameter. Select the “FireParadox tree” item in the first drop-down list. Select “FireFuel” in the second drop-down list. Select a value in desired drop-down lists, the fuels’ list will be automatically refreshed. Click on a fuel for selection. 6.2.2 Planting Process The planting process is the way to display vegetation objects on the vegetation scene. After having selected a vegetation object, it is necessary to specify its location, its clone number and its planting structure. Three modes for spatial display of vegetation objects on the scene are currently available – “Interactive planting”, “Planting Patterns” and “Along a line” – to obtain different vegetation scene structures. a) Interactive Planting This option enables to locate trees directly on the scene, with the mouse. When this option is activate, one vegetation object will be planted for each click on the scene. It is possible to deactivate this option, for selecting functionality or any other object on the scene. Figure 22: Dialog window for interactive planting process D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 31 b) Planting Patterns This function permits to display a set of vegetation objects following a given pattern (the entire terrain or a selected polygon). A set of items (“Number of items”), representing the vegetation objects, can be displayed on the scene. In a further version, indicating a cover percentage to be reached for each vegetation object will be a considered option. Two vegetation structures can be simulated: randomly or regular (“in squares”). The options using triangle or rectangle pattern to locate vegetation objects are not available yet. Figure 23: Dialog following a pattern window Figure 24: Adding objects within a polygon randomly for planting Figure 25: Adding objects within the terrain randomly Figure 26: Adding objects within the terrain with a square pattern c) Along a Line This function permits to plant vegetation objects along a line according to spatial parameters. A line can be a polyline or the contour of a polygon. A “number of items” or a “density” per meter can be displayed on the scene. “Absence probability” enables to specify a rate of exceptions in the planting process. “Alea” is the maximum distance that is permitted between the selected line and the effective location of the planted object. Figure 27: Dialog window for planting along a line D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 32 Figure 28: Planting object along a line (polygon) 6.2.3 Figure 29: Planting object along a line (polyline) Adding a Polygon or a Polyline It is possible to add vegetation objects (individual plants) within or along a polyline or a polygone. The application offers tools to add polylines or polygones on the scene. “Polyline” to draw a polyline “Polygon” to draw a polygon Click on the right icon and draw the figure with you mouse. A double click enables to end the drawing. For a polygon, the figure will be closed automatically. Figure 30: Drawing a polyline 6.3 Figure 31: Drawing a polygon Updating The scene structure can be modified by moving vegetation objects on the scene. Several vegetation objects can be moved simultaneously thanks to a multi-selection process. Silvicultural treatments, in other word the modification of the vegetation structure on a predefined scheme (trees thinning, brush clearing, etc.), are not available yet. 6.3.1 Moving Functionality Select vegetation object(s) to be moved. Click on the “Move” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the left-mouse button while moving the cursor to the target location. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 33 Figure 32: Movement of a pre-selected vegetation object 6.3.2 Deleting Functionality The suppression is available on pre-selected vegetation objects. Select vegetation object(s) you want to delete. Click on the “Remove” button of the Menu Bar or press the [Del] key. Figure 33: Removal of pre-selected vegetation objects Note: Use the [Ctrl + Z] shortcut to cancel an accidental suppression. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 34 7 7.1 VEGETATION SCENE VISUALISATION Viewpoint Motions View motion functions allow the user to interactively rotate, zoom and pan the vegetation scene. Note: x-axis (horizontal) as direction of fire propagation, z-axis as vertical direction and yaxis as the depth of the scene. 7.1.1 Orbit Functionality 3D orbit motion permits to change the user viewpoint while keeping the target scene fixed. Click on the “Orbit” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the left-mouse button and drag in the 3D view panel: Drag up/down to rotate the scene around the x-axis. Drag left/right to rotate around the z-axis. Figure 34: Angular, side and bird’s eye views obtained by orbit view motion 7.1.2 Zoom Functionality The zoom function moves the viewpoint either further from (zoom out) or closer to (zoom in) the vegetation scene. Two ways are available: Click on the “Zoom” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the left-mouse button and drag in the 3D view panel: Drag up to zoom out Drag down to zoom in. or Click on the “Orbit” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and drag up or down. Figure 35: Zoom in D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 35 7.1.3 Pan Functionality The pan functionality is useful to crop the view as it moves the scene while keeping the viewpoint fixed. Two ways are available: Click on the “Pan” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the left-mouse button and drag the cursor in the desired direction. or Click on the “Orbit” button of the Menu Bar. Hold down the [Shift] key and drag the cursor in the desired direction. Figure 36: Pan movement 7.2 Object Renderers Objects (terrain, grid and vegetation objects) of the vegetation scene can be visualized in different ways thanks to several renderers. As any renderers are in fact CAPSIS extensions, the FireParadox module needs only to match an extension to be able to use it. So, “Bounding Boxes”, “Lollypops” and “Grid” renderers are used as they were released in CAPSIS; it implies to adapt some functionalities to the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER requirements. On the contrary, the “Pattern Sketcher” renderer was especially developed for the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER purposes. 7.2.1 Renderers Dialog Windows Renderers can be user-configured in the “Rendering” tab of the “Real Time Panel”. The tab is composed of two frames: The “Renderers list” at the top displays all objects (terrain, grid and vegetation objects) which are contained in the scene with an associated render. The “Settings pane” permits to edit settings which are specific to each kind of render. For instance, if vegetation objects are displayed with the lollypop render, the user can change the settings for the crown representation. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 36 Renders List Settings Pane Figure 37: Object renders panel Right-click on an object item of the “Renders’ list” to change its current render with one of the available ones. In the corresponding “Settings pane”, you can modify its parameters. 7.2.2 Object Render Compatibility Four different renders are available and compatible with one or several objects of the scene. The first three are available to give a virtual representation of vegetation objects in 3D. Vegetation objects are displayed in a symbolic way which ranges from simple shapes to advanced representations. Note: The so-called “DTM” render corresponds in fact to the “Bounding Boxes” one. The creation of an extension dedicated to load and display a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is planned at long term; it won’t be released in the final version. As soon as a “DTM” extension will be created and compatible with the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER, it will be possible to display a DTM on the scene. Table 2: Compatibility between scene objects and available renders Objects Renders Bounding Boxes Grid Lollypops Fuel Pattern Sketcher 7.2.3 Vegetation Terrain Grid X “DTM” X X X X Bounding Boxes Render A bounding box is a rectangular graphics volume used to improve the efficiency of geometrical operations. This simple render can be applied to all objects (vegetation, grid and terrain) of a vegetation scene. Applied to vegetation objects, a bounding box is the tightest rectangle containing it. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 37 Figure 38: Bounding boxes render applied to the whole set of objects 7.2.4 Grid Render The “Grid” render is a CAPSIS extension which is useful as benchmark. Figure 39: Grid render settings The “Settings panel” contains different options: “Centered on”: to modify the centre of the grid “Grid color”: set a colour to the grid. “Grid size”: the value corresponds to a number of cell ranks from the grid origin. “Cell size”: in meter. Figure 40: Grid size (10) x cell size (10), centred on the origin Figure 41: Grid size (10) x cell size (5), centred on a tree D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 38 7.2.5 Lollypops Render The “settings pane” dedicated to the “Lollypops” render is a CAPSIS extension and is not fully adapted to the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER yet. That’s why, just pay attention to the following frames in order to modify the rendering scene: a) “Trunk” frame Tick/untick the “Visible” check box to respectively let the crowns visible or invisible. A colour can be set. Fill in a size in the “Magnify” field and validate by pressing the [Enter] key to enlarge more or less trunks. b) “Crown” frame Tick/untick the “Visible” check box to respectively let the trunks visible or invisible. A colour can be set in the same way as for trunks. c) “Rendering” frame Choose the “Filled” option to display a solid object which looks like opaque with shading effects. Choose the “Outline” option to see a wire frame object: the object structure is drawn and it looks transparent. Figure 42: Lollypops Figure 43: Outline Figure 45: Magnified trunks Figure 46: Invisible trunks 7.2.6 Figure 44: Lollypops Settings Pattern Sketcher Render A “Pattern Sketcher” render has been created especially for the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. Dedicated to vegetation objects, this render permits to visually differentiate categories of vegetation objects using geometric forms and colours. Please refer to the specific “Patterns’ Editor” (chapter 10) to know more about editable functions. Various geometric shapes of the tree crowns may be used to display various tree species or different height classes of the same species. A colour setting enables further details in vegetation classification display. The “Settings pane” dedicated to the “Pattern Sketcher” render is divided into two main panels. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 39 a) “Colours” frame This frame contains four options and a table. According to each option, the table content differs and the user can set colours to different targets. Setting colours in function of criteria permits to visually analyse the scene (chapter 8). “One colour” option: set a unique colour to all vegetation objects of the scene “By taxon” option: set different colours for each taxon of the scene. “By height threshold (m)” option: set a colour to shape patterns according to a height threshold. Fill in a value in the corresponding field and validate by pressing the [Enter] key. “By fire damage level” option: set a colour to each identified fire damage level. b) “Rendering” frame This frame reused similar functionalities – visible/invisible and filled/outline options – as for the lollypop render. Two additional options are proposed: Untick the “Flat” option to display shading effects. The “Light” option permits to switch on/off the light which illuminates the scene. The use of this parameter is dedicated to the fire damage visualisation; please refer to chapter 8.4 for further details. Color panel Rendering panel Figure 47: Pattern Sketcher Render options D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 40 8 VEGETATION SCENE ANALYSIS Descriptive analysis is available in the “Real Time Panel” on the right side of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER main window (Figure 10). Analysis can be made on the whole set of vegetation objects or limited to a subset. In addition, visual analysis refers to different displays of the vegetation objects in the 3D panel. In addition to relevant statistics, vegetation scene screenshots will give a visual overview of the vegetation scene. 8.1 Descriptive Analysis on the whole set of Vegetation Objects The “State” tab of the “Real Time Panel” is dedicated to the analysis of the whole set of vegetation objects. The aim is to display in real time indicators relative to the vegetation scene composition and structure. It aims at helping user to follow-up the construction of the scene and to compare its current state to initial objectives: cover, presence of dominant species, etc. Figure 48: Descriptive analysis, State panel Figure 48 shows four zones in “State” tab dedicated respectively to the whole set of vegetation objects (“General”), and the various vegetation strata – “Tree strata”, “Shrub strata” and “Herbaceous strata”. The indicators implementation has still to be finished: 8.2 “Total cover (%)” and “Cover (%)”: not available yet. “Maximum height (m)” e.g. the highest vegetation object reaches 15 m. “Number” of vegetation objects e.g. 48 vegetation objects are present in the scene. “Dominant species”: list of dominant species; not available yet. “Phytovolume”: not available yet. Descriptive Analysis on Selected Vegetation Objects Under the “Selection” tab in the “Real Time Panel”, two options permit to display information on selected vegetation objects. The first one “State of selection” gives summary data while the tool called “Inspector” displays detailed data on the selected object. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 41 Depending on the type of selected object, different viewers are available (for example Figure 51, shows a tree side viewer) Figure 50: State of the selected objects Figure 51: Tree side viewer Figure 49: Tree inspector D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 42 8.3 Visual Analysis During the Pattern render development, some options were develop in addition such as setting colours to shape patterns according to criteria species or height threshold. 11m Figure 52: By height threshold Figure 53: By species Figures 49 and 50 show perspective and side views to display the vegetation scene in using: two different colours for vegetation objects over and underneath 11 m. two different colours according to the species criterion, Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex . 8.4 Effects of Fire Visualisation Fire damage on vegetation objects has been mainly focused on fire-induced tree mortality. Several fire impacts on trees crown and trunk have been defined and can be visualized at the scene scale. The process of extracting information related to fires impacts on trees from expert rules or from fire simulation results has not been implemented so far. To date, height impacts on vegetation objects are randomly assigned. Figures 54: Fire impact windows by fire damage level According to fire severity, several levels of heat impact can be visualized on tree crown and trunk. 8.4.1 Crown Damages Three levels of crown damages are classified: “Crown”: green per default. “Crown scorched height”: yellow per default. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 43 8.4.2 “Crown killed height”: grey per default. The best display of this impact would be transparent in order to represent the dead fuel but it is too much resource consuming. Bole Damages Bark charring is shown on tree trunk with min. and max. heights. 8.5 “Trunk”: brown per default. “Max trunk charred height”: dark per default. “Min trunk charred height”: dark per default. Visualisation Options For pattern sketcher render, several visualisation options are available: Trunk visible (Yes/No) Crown visible (Yes/No) Crown filled or outlined Crown flat (Yes/No) Light (Yes/No) Figure 55: Various visualisations options D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 44 9 FIRE MODELS EXPORTATION One of the main objectives of the application is to automatically build input files for both 2D and 3D fire behaviour models. The software must enable to create and visualise input files based on the selected scene for fire behaviour models and simulations. The expected models are: Firestar 2D Firestar 3D Firetec At the moment, only the FIRETEC exportation is available under the CAPSIS interface. 9.1 FireTec Model FIRETEC is a coupled atmospheric transport/wildfire behaviour model being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and is based on the principals of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. FIRETEC is a transport formulation that uses a compressible-gas formulation to couple its physics based wildfire model with the motions of the local atmosphere. This model is written in FORTRAN 77. Linn RR (1997) ‘Transport model for Prediction of Wildfire Behaviour’. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Scientific Report LA13334 FIRETEC model is using 4 input binary files: treesrhof.dat: containing bulk densities (ρ) treesss.dat: containing fuels thickness (2/σ) treesmoist.dat: wet mass / dry mass treesfueldepth.dat: fuels height in the mesh SVR (Surface-to-Volume Ratio) = σ MVR (Mass-to-Volume Ratio) = ρ VF (Volume Fraction) = Where The FIRETEC scene is defined by its dimensions and it’s cells size (generally 2m * 2m * 2m). Under CAPSIS, each fuel on the FireParadox scene have a crown description with a cells size (25 cm * 25 cm * 25 cm). FIRETEC cell (2m * 2m * 2m) D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version FIRE PARADOX cell (0.25m * 0.25m * 0.25m) Page 45 9.2 Exportation procedure When a vegetation scene is ready to be exported, click on “OK” on the main interface of the Fire Paradox Fuel Manager (Figure 10). You are back to the project creation screen of FireParadox model under CAPSIS. Click on “OK” again. On the main CAPSIS interface, you can see the initial root step of your project, containing your initial scene. Left click on this root step Select “Export”. Figure 56: EXPORT choice on CAPSIS main interface Choose the “FireTec MonoFuel Export” format in the list. Choose a target folder name to store the exportation files results. “Browse” button enables to explore your computer hard disk. Click on “OK”. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 46 Figure 57: Export format and folder name choice Enter FireTec mesh and voxels sizes for X and Y axes. Enter FireTec number of voxels on Z axe. Click on “1 Mesh calculation”. Results of the step 1 Figure 58: FireTec Export Interface When the STEP 1 is finish, enter default values for MVR, SVR and MC parameters Click on “2. Execute” D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 47 Progress status bar for step 2 Figure 59: FireTec Export Interface (Progress status bar) When the STEP 2 is finish, the progress status bar reaches 100%. Click on “3. File generation”. A “Control including” check box permits to have a visual control on the FireTec mesh merging with crown description grids. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 48 10 PATTERNS’ EDITOR The crown Patterns Editor enables to create shape patterns and to assign those typical crown profiles to groups of vegetation objects. Three criteria are taken into account – taxon, height and environment (openness: open/closed environment) – to constitute groups of vegetation objects. Crown overall structure depends strongly on these three criteria. Click on the “Patterns’ Editor” button in the “bottom toolbar” to access the Patterns’ Editor and its functionalities (please note that it takes a few seconds to open the Patterns’ Editor for the first time). 10.1 Screen Layout The Patterns’ Editor main interface gives an overview of available associations between criteria and shape patterns. Advanced functionalities can be accessed throughout the different areas of this dialog window. Note: Several interfaces deals with shape patterns; an overview of links is displayed in Annex 13.2. Association Criteria Function Buttons Associations Criteria – Shape Pattern Administrator owner Client owner Selection User Profile Information Previewer Pattern List Display Function Reset Function Figure 60: Main window of the Patterns’ Editor a) Frame “Filter” This frame permits to sort all available associations with the three criteria: taxon, height interval and environment. Check a box in front of a criterion to filter the associations. The “Taxa” drop down list contains all taxa stored in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. o Select a genus or species to sort associations which mentioned it. o Check the “Strict” box to make a search on association with the right taxon. o Unchecking it lets the search performed on the right taxon and less taxonomic level (e.g. criteria = Quercus; associations with Quercus and related species are searched – Quercus ilex, etc.). The “Height interval (m)” contains two fields dedicated to the inferior and superior limits of an interval, respectively inclusive and rejected values. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 49 o o o Fill in a value as inferior limit to search all associations which is higher. Fill in a value as superior limit to search all associations which is lower. Fill in values as inferior and superior limits to search all associations which height is included in the specified interval. Note that associations with no specified height interval display all the possible results. The “Environment” drop down list contains two values: open and closed. b) Frame “Criteria/Pattern links” Table This frame displays available associations between criteria and shape patterns. Each line of the table is an association: the first three columns correspond to the criteria and the last one indicates the associated shape pattern name. Colours are used in the table to represent the associations and shape patterns owner: grey for “administrator” and white for “client”. The blue corresponds to the default colour system to show the current selection. Associations of the table can be sorted by column entitled by clicking on. Buttons Manipulative functionalities are available throughout the “Add”, “Remove” and “Modify” buttons. o o o Create an association: refer to chapter 10.2.1. Update an association: refer to chapter 10.2.2. Delete an association: refer to chapter 10.2.3. c) Frame “Preview” A preview of the selected shape pattern is displayed at the right side of the interface. Inferior and superior areas are displayed as well as the dimensions of each crown diameter. A problem subsists in the shape pattern proportions: as the crown is expressed in percentage; it should be a cube and remain a cube when the window is re-size computer. d) User Profile Information At the bottom left of the window the “Client” or “Admin” terms are displayed to inform on the current user profile mode. e) Reset function Please refer to chapter for further explanations on the “Reset” button at the bottom left of the window. f) Patterns’ List At the bottom right of the window, a “Patterns’ List” button permits to have access to a dialog window dedicated to available shape patterns; refer to chapter 10.3.1. 10.2 Association: Shape Pattern linked to a Group of Vegetation Objects A shape pattern is supposed to be created in the purpose of being used by a group of vegetation objects. That’s why criteria are specified in a first time to identify a collection of vegetation objects for which a shape pattern is then assigned. According to the taxon, height and environment criteria, each vegetation object should have a reference shape pattern. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 50 The dialog window designed to associate criteria to a shape pattern is composed of three areas: The “Criteria” area displays the three criteria which can be filled in. The “Patterns” area offers three options to choose a shape pattern. The “Preview” area is the same as described in the previous dialog box. Figure 61: Add and update association window 10.2.1 Create an Association It is forbidden to create similar associations using the same taxon, height intervals and openness. Click on the “Add” button of the Patterns’ Editor main window. Fill in the right criteria. The “Taxon” one is mandatory. Associate a shape pattern to the criteria: An existing one: select an available shape pattern in the drop down list. A new one: click on the “Create” button to create a new shape pattern; A clone one: select an available shape pattern in the drop down list and click the “Clone and edit” button. This option is useful to create a new shape pattern based on an existing one. Validate by clicking “Confirm”; the new association is added to the table. 10.2.2 Update an Association Updating an association consists in updating the criteria and/or updating the associated shape pattern. Those modifications imply to take into account the same coherence rules as for a new association. Select an association in the table. Click on the “Modify” button of the Patterns’ Editor main interface to open the same window as for adding an association. The parameters of the selected association are already filled in and can be modified. Validate your changes by clicking the “Confirm” button. 10.2.3 Remove an Association Associations can be removed by two ways: a) “Remove” button Select an association in the table. Click on the “Remove” button of the Patterns’ Editor main interface to delete the current association. A confirmation is asked to the user before really removing the association. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 51 b) “Reset” button At the bottom left of the interface, the “Reset” button permits to delete all “client” associations. 10.3 Shape Patterns 10.3.1 Shape Patterns Dialog Windows Two dialog windows enable to manage shape patterns. The first one permits to describe a shape pattern and the second one lists all available shape patterns. Figure 62: Shape patterns edition window Figure 63: List of available shape patterns a) Shape Patterns’ List Window: “Patterns’ List” frame o A list of available shape patterns is displayed. In grey are displayed shape patterns managed by administrator (“Admin”) profile; in white are those created during a “Client” mode session. o The “Remove patterns” button permits to delete a pre-selected shape pattern. o The “Edit patterns” button permits to modify the shape pattern description. The “Preview” frame, displayed on the right side of the window, gives an overview of the selected shape pattern. The “Reset” button permits to delete all “Client” associations both in a “Client” and in an “Admin” modes. b) Shape Pattern Edition Window: The “Information” frame contains several data to identify clearly each shape pattern: o A “Key” as a single identifying. o A “Name” composed of an alias – if any, a shape pattern number and some information on crown diameters (e.g. “JUNI-15-30-s80” means that the alias is JUNI; the pattern number is 15; the max diameter height is at 30% of the crown height and an intermediate diameter is set at 80% of the superior area). o An optional “Alias” can be given to each shape pattern for a better readability. The “Max diameter height” field contains the max diameter height. Per default, it is set at 50% of the crown height. “Superior diameters” and “Inferior diameters” frames are structured in the same way: o Two fields are dedicated to set the intermediate diameter parameters: the diameter height position in the crown (%) and its length proportionately to the max diameter. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 52 o o o The “Add” button permits to create the new diameter according to its parameters. A table summarizes all intermediate diameters. The “Remove” button permits to delete a pre-selected intermediate diameter. A “Preview” frame is displayed on the right side of the window to give an overview of the shape pattern during its construction. The “Reset” button permits to reset the parameters as it was at the beginning (without warning). 10.3.2 Create a Shape Pattern A shape pattern can only be created during the creation process of an association. Click on the “Create” button. Give an alias (optional) to the shape pattern. The key and name data are automatically generated. Modify the max diameter height and press the [Enter] key to validate. Add intermediate diameter in the superior and/or inferior areas of the crown by filling in the corresponding parameters. Click on the “Add” button or press the [Enter] key to validate. The table is automatically refreshed. Columns of the table are editable in double-clicking values; press the [Enter] key to validate. Press the “Ok” button to validate the shape pattern description. 10.3.3 Update a Shape Pattern Knowing first the shape pattern to update, go to the right interface throughout the one displaying all shape patterns. Click on the “Edit patterns” button to open the same interface as for a shape pattern creation. Modify all the necessary parameters (alias, intermediate diameter dimensions, etc.) and validate by clicking the “Ok” button. 10.3.4 Delete a Shape Pattern A pattern shape can’t be suppressed if it is used in an association. From the “Patterns’ list” window, shape patterns can be removed by two ways: a) “Remove Pattern” button Select a shape pattern in the list. Click on the “Remove Patterns” button to delete the selected shape pattern. Validate the confirmation dialog box.. b) “Reset” button At the bottom left of the interface, the “Reset” button permits to delete all “client” shape patterns both in a “Client” and in an “Admin” modes. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 53 11 EUROFORESTFUELS DATABASE MANAGER Data related to fuel descriptions are stored in the EUROFORESTFUELS database currently implemented by P13-WSL partner. This database is currently located on WLS servers in Switzerland, and will be located in a near future on P05-EFI server in Finland. EUROFORESTFUELS database will be a facility of the FIREINTUITION platform. Wherever the location of the database is, FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER needs a remote access to it through out an Internet connection. A set of dialog windows have been implemented to manage the interactions between the EUROFORESTFUELS Database and the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. 11.1 Database Connection and User Rights For security reasons, the database manager access is protected by login and password. Three different right levels have been created: Super administrator: creation and suppression rights. Administrator: modification rights. Visitor: consultation rights only. Figure 64: EUROFORESTFUELS database connection To access the database manager menu, enter your login and password at the bottom on the main FireParadox “Scenes’ editor” interface. Click on the “Connection” button. 11.2 Available functionalities: main menu EUROFORESTFUELS database aims at storing different categories of fuels that can be displayed in FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER for building vegetation scenes. Three fuel categories are considered: Fuel samples Fuel plants Fuel layers. Note that these fuel categories may be either virtual or measured. Fuels descriptions are provided by teams (mostly Fire Paradox partners) and are carried out in the field on sites that can be geographically located. “Team” and “Site” are two levels of fuel data organization stored in the database. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 54 Fuel plant: vegetation object Measured plant: vegetation object corresponding to a real plant measured in the field. Virtual plant: vegetation object not corresponding to real plant measured in the field. It may differ either by its shape, by the distribution of cubes within its shape, by the values of one or several fuel parameters (e.g. mean of several samples). Fuel layer: collection of individual plants, closely grouped and difficult to describe separately, forming a layer generally much more wide than high. A fuel layer is described as a single vegetation object and has almost the same properties than an individual plant. Quercus coccifera shrubland is a typical fuel layer. Height Fuel sample: sample of fuel of a lower level than a vegetation object (individual plant). One or several fuel samples are necessary to build a vegetation object (Figure 65). Fuel sampling is generally carried out with the so called “cube” method, collecting fuel in elementary volumes of 25 cm side. Consequently a typical fuel sample is a 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm cube, although it may have other dimensions. A fuel sample may be collected by field destructive measurements (measured), or calculated. Top VF VF VF Centre VF VF VF Base VF VF VF Diameter Vegetation object Distribution of fuel samples in a vegetation object Three fuel samples types used to build the vegetation object Figure 65: A measured or virtual vegetation object built with 3 types of fuel samples Figure 66: EUROFORESTFUELS database manager main menu D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 55 11.3 Teams’ Editor A Team is a Fire Paradox partner involved in fuel description field and laboratory works. 11.3.1 Teams’ List All team objects stored in the database appear in a list. This list contains the team name and the mention if the team is deleted or not. Control buttons are: “Modify”: to modify an existing team “Add”: to add a new team (only available for super administrators) “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing team (only available for super administrators) Figure 67: Database teams’ list “Close”: to close the window “Help”: to get help about this screen 11.3.2 Create or Update a Team ► To create a new team, click on the “Add” button. ► To modify a team, select the team in the list and click on the “Modify” button. Control buttons are: “Save in the database”: to modifications and close the window save “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window “Help”: to get help about this screen Note that “Team code” field is compulsory. Figure 68: Team creation or modification screen D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 56 11.3.3 Delete a Team ► To delete a team, select it in the team list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. ► When the team data appears on the teams’ editor screen, click on “Delete in the database”. The team object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be only logically deactivated. Figure 69: Team delete screen 11.3.4 Undelete a Team ► To undelete a team, select it in the teams’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. ► When the team data appears on the teams’ editor screen, click on “Undelete in the database”. Figure 70: Team undelete screen D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 57 11.4 Sites’ Editor A Site is the location where destructive fuel sampling has been carried out to characterize individual plant or particle fuel properties. 11.4.1 Sites’ List All site objects stored in the database appear in a list. This list contains the country, the municipality, the site code and the mention if the site is deleted or not. Figure 71: Database sites’ list For research purposes, the sites’ list can be restricted with a country or a municipality selection in the “Research criteria” frame. Control buttons are: “Modify”: to modify an existing site. “Add”: to add a new site (only available for super administrators). “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing site (only available for super administrators). “Close”: to close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.4.2 Create or Update a Site ► To create a new site, click on the “Add” button. ► To modify a site, select it in the sites’ list and click on the “Modify” button. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 58 Figure 72: Site creation or modification screen Data verifications before validation are: “Site code” is compulsory. “Municipality” is compulsory. “Latitude” has to be numerical and between 0 and 360 degrees. “Longitude” has to be numerical and between 0 and 90 degrees. “Altitude” has to be numerical. “Slope value” has to be numerical and between 0 and 360 degrees. “Aspect value” has to be numerical and between 0 and 360 degrees. Available values for “Topographic position” are: Summit HighSlope MidSlope LowSlope ValleyBottom Plateau Available values for “Slope type” are: Flat Weak Steep Variable D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 59 Available values for “Aspect class” are: N NE E SE S SW W NW PLAIN Available values for “Last perturbation” are: Fire Wildfire WildfireCrown WildfireGround WildfireSurface Avalanche Chipping Clearcut Ditching_Draining FireExclusion Flood Grazing IceStorm Insects_and_Disease Introduction_Exotic Landslide LoggingMethods Lop_and_Scatter Mastication Paving PileBurn PrescribedFire Pruning Residual_Fertilizer RestorationWork SalvageLogging SelectionCut StumpWooding Thinning D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 60 Turpenting Windthrow MechanicalTreatment OpeningUp BushClearing Reseeding Fertilization Maintainance Sylviculture UndefinedTreatment None Control buttons are: “Municipality” editor: to add or to modify a municipality. “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.4.3 Delete a Site ► To delete a site, select it in the sites list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. ► When the site data appears on the “Sites’ editor” screen, click on the “Delete in the database” button. The object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be only logically deactivated. 11.4.4 Undelete a Site ► To undelete a site, select it in the sites’ list and click on the “Delete/Undelete” button. ► When the site data appears on the “Sites’ editor” screen, click on the “Undelete in the database” button. 11.4.5 Municipalities’ List The municipality is a parameter included in the site description. In most countries, a municipality is the smallest administrative subdivision to have its own democratically elected representative leadership. All municipality objects stored in the database appear in a list. This list contains the country, the municipality name and the mention if the municipality is deleted or not. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 61 Figure 73: Database municipalities’ list For research purposes, the municipalities’ list can be restricted with a country selection in the “Searching criteria” frame. Control buttons are: “Modify”: to modify an existing municipality. “Add”: to add a new municipality (only available for super administrators). “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing municipality (only available for super administrators). “Close”: to close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.4.6 Create or Update a Municipality ► To create a new municipality, click on the “Add” button. ► To modify a municipality, select it in the municipalities’ list and click on the “Modify” button. Figure 74: Municipality creation or modification screen Data verifications before validation are: “Municipality name” is compulsory. “Country” is compulsory. Control buttons are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 62 11.4.7 Delete a Municipality ► To delete a municipality, select the municipality in the list and click on the “Delete/Undelete” button. ► When the municipality data appears on the municipalities’ editor screen, click on the “Delete in the database” button. The object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be only logically deactivated. 11.4.8 Undelete a Municipality To undelete a municipality, select the municipality in the municipalities’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. When the municipality data appears on the municipalities’ editor screen, click on “Undelete in the database”. 11.5 Fuel Editor (Fuel samples) The Fuel Editor is a functionality of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER implemented to manipulate three fuel categories: fuel samples, fuel plants and fuel layers. Fuel samples are sample of fuel of a lower level than a vegetation object (individual plant). Fuel sampling is generally carried out with the so called “cube” method, collecting fuel in elementary volumes of 25 cm side. Consequently a typical fuel sample is a 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm cube, although it may have other dimensions. A fuel sample may be collected by field destructive measurements (measured), or calculated. 11.5.1 Fuel Samples’ list All vegetation objects stored in the database are listed in a list which contains the following headlines: “Team” “Site” “Species” name Fuel “Height” in meters Sample “Type” (unique, core or edge) “Origin” (measure or virtual) Mention if the fuel is “Deleted” or not. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 63 Figure 75: Fuel samples’ list For research purposes, the fuel samples’ list can be restricted with a “Team”, a “Site”, a “Species” or a “Height” selection in the “Research criteria”. Control buttons are: “Modify”: to modify an existing fuel sample. “Blocks description”: to describe the crown description with the cubes method. “Particles parameters”: to enter parameters for each fuel particle. “Add”: to add a new fuel sample (only available for super administrators). “Copy”: to copy an existing fuel sample in a new one (only available for super administrators). “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing fuel sample (only available for super administrators). “Close”: to close the windows. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.5.2 Create or Update a Fuel Sample To create a new fuel, click on “Add”. To modify a fuel, select the fuel in the fuels’ list and click on “Modify”. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 64 Figure 76: Fuel samples’ editor, team screen Data verifications before validation are: “Team” is compulsory. “Sampling date” has to be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. Control buttons are: “Teams’ editor”: to access the teams’ editor. “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. Figure 77: Fuel samples’ editor, site selection screen Data verifications before validation are: “Site” is compulsory. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 65 Control buttons are: “Sites’ editor”: to access the sites’ editor. “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. Figure 78: Fuel samples’ editor, individual screen Data verifications before validation are: “Species” is compulsory. “Height” is compulsory. “Height” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. If unique, “diameter” is compulsory. “Diameter” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. If unique, “perpendicular diameter” is compulsory. “Perpendicular diameter” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. “Tree cover” has to be numerical and between 0 and 100 %. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 66 Available values for openness are: “Open” “Closed” Control button are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. Figure 79: Fuel samples’ editor, comment screen Control buttons are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.5.3 Create or Update a Fuel Sample Crown Description Height A crown shape is assigned to each individual plant and the physic design aims to represent the distribution of the volume fraction or biomass inside the crown shape. The spatial distribution of fuel particles within the crown is modeled by three types of cubes called top “T”, centre “C” and bottom “B”. Zones composed of the same type of cube have similar volume fractions or biomass for the particles. Top VF VF VF Centre VF VF VF Base VF VF VF Diameter Fuel with specific dimensions Shape designed by three types of cube Volume fractions of each fuel family summarised in three cubes Figure 80: Concepts of shape and volume fractions, representation in a (x, z) plan D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 67 For a sample, the crown diameter is initialized to 25 cm, corresponding to the width of the grid used for measurements in the fields. The height is usually between 25 cm and 1m50. To assign a colour in a cube, select the colour in the legend panel on the right and click on the cube. The colour will change. To select several cubes, keep the right click on and move the mouse to draw a rectangle. All cubes inside this rectangle will be selected and coloured when the right click will be off. The left click of the mouse can be used for zooming: keep the left click on and move the mouse to draw a rectangle. Only one right click for zooming forward. Figure 81: Fuel samples’ editor, crown description screen Control buttons are: “X++”: increase the grid width with one empty column of cubes. “X--”: decrease the grid width with one column (cubes colour will be lost). “Z++”: increase the grid height with one empty line of cubes. “Z--”: decrease the grid height with one line (cubes colour will be lost). “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 68 11.5.4 Create or Update a Fuel Sample Particles Description Click on one cube for selection, its border will be coloured in red. Cube parameters will appear on the bottom left panel. Only one cube can be selected. The left click of the mouse can be used for zooming: keep the left click on and move the mouse to draw a rectangle. Only one right click for zooming forward. Parameters for the entire plant appear in the left panel in the middle. Figure 82: Fuel particles parameters description Available particles are: Leaves__Needles_INRA Leaves_INRA Needles_INRA Leaves__Twigs_0_2_INRA Leaves__Twigs_0_6_INRA Twigs_0_2_INRA Twigs_0_6_INRA Twigs_2_6_INRA Twigs_6_25_INRA Twigs_25_75_INRA Bark_INRA Cones_INRA Fruits_INRA ETC_INRA HR_1 HR_10 HR_100 HR_1000 D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 69 Twigs_0_3 Twigs_2_5 Twigs_3_5 Twigs_5_x Twigs_25_x Twigs_75_x Available parameters for the plant are: MVR: Mass-to-Volume Ratio which correspond to the density () SVR: Surface-to-Volume Ratio used to evaluate the thickness of the particle () AC: Ash content () MC: Moisture Content at a given time () HCV: () SH () Size: Size of the particle such as the length of needles () Volume : () Available parameters for the cubes are: Biomass VF: Volume fraction in % Data verifications before validation are: Parameter values have to be numerical. Value = 0 means that the data has been measured equal to zero. Value = -9 means that the data doesn’t exist or has not been measured. Control buttons are: “Add a particle”: add a new particle for the plant or all cubes. “Add a parameter”: add a new parameter for a particle for a plant or all cubes. “Save in the database”: to save modifications and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.5.5 Delete a Fuel Sample To delete a fuel, select the fuel in the list and click on “Delete/Undelete” When the fuel data appears on the fuel editor screen, click on “ Delete in the database”. The object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be only logically deactivated. 11.5.6 Undelete a Fuel Sample To undelete a fuel, select the fuel in the list and click on “Delete/Undelete” When the fuel data appears on the fuels’ editor screen, click on “Undelete in the database”. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 70 11.6 Fuels’ Editor (Fuel Plants) The Fuel Editor is a functionality of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER implemented to manipulate three fuel categories: fuel samples, fuel plants and fuel layers. An individual Fuel Plant is a vegetation object which may be either a tree, a shrub, or a grass represented on the vegetation scene and fully described as a fuel in the EUROFORESTFUELS database. It may be either a measured plant corresponding to a real plant measured in the field, or a virtual plant, created with the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. A virtual plant may differ from a real one either by its shape, by the distribution of cubes (fuel samples) within its shape, by the values of one or several fuel parameters (e.g. mean of several samples). 11.6.1 Fuel Plants’ List All vegetation objects stored in the database appear in a list. This list contains: species name fuel height in meters fuel crown base height in meters fuel crown diameter in meters origin (measured or virtual) mention if the fuel is deleted or not. Figure 83: Fuel plants’ list Research criteria’s: The list can be restricted with a species, a height or a crown diameter selection in the research criteria’s. Control buttons are: “Modify”: to modify an existing fuel. “Cubes description”: to describe the crown description with the cubes method. “Particle parameters”: to enter parameters for each fuel particle. “Add”: to add a new fuel (only available for super administrators). “Copy”: to copy an existing fuel sample in a new one (only available for super administrators). D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 71 “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing fuel (only available for super administrators). “Close”: to close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.6.2 Create or Update a Fuel Plant To create a new fuel plant, click on “Add”. To modify a fuel plant, select the fuel in the list and click on “Modify”. Team, site and comment screens are the same as fuel sample (see page 65 and followings). Only individual screen is specific. Figure 84: Fuel plants’ editor, individual screen Data verifications before validation are: “Species” is compulsory. “Height” is compulsory. “Height” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. “Diameter” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. “Perpendicular diameter” has to be numerical and > 25 cm. “Tree cover” has to be numerical and between 0 and 100 %. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 72 Available values for openness are: Open Closed Control button are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications on the fuel. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.6.3 Create or Update a Fuel Plant Crown Description Depending on the dimensions of the fuel plant to be considered, two separate set of screens have been implemented. a) 2D Crown Description To assign a colour in a cube, select the colour in the legend panel on the right and then click on the cube. The colour will change. To select several cubes, keep the right click on and move the mouse to draw a rectangle. All cubes inside this rectangle will be selected and coloured when the right click will be off. Figure 85: Fuel plant crown description screen in 2D The left click of the mouse can be used for zooming: keep the left click on and move the mouse to draw a rectangle. Only one right click for zooming forward. Top icons are: “X++”: increase the grid width with one empty column of cubes. “X--”: decrease the grid width with one column (cubes colour will be lost). “Z++”: increase the grid height with one empty line of cubes. “Z--”: decrease the grid height with one line (cubes colour will be lost). : to copy cells from right to left, symmetrically. : to copy cells from left to right, symmetrically. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 73 Control buttons are: “Generate 2D to 3D”: to generate 3D cubes with rotation algorithm. “Copy 2D to 3D”: to generate 3D cubes by copying 2D cubes with y= perpendicular diameter / 2. “Edit 3D cubes”: access the 3D editor with no action before. “Save in the database”: to save modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. b) 3D Crown Description A rotation function based on the 2D crown shape can be used to quickly create 3D physical forms corresponding to the 2D physical shapes that are already described. 2D physical information Rotation of the 2D shape 3D physical information Figure 86: Illustrations of the rotation function to obtain 3D physical information based on a 2D one. This panel using guide is describe in chapter 11.5.3 Top icons are: : to copy cells from right to left, symmetrically : to copy cells from left to right, symmetrically : to move forward in the visible layer : to move backward in the visible layer : rotation (front, left, back, right, bottom, top) Figure 87: Fuel plant crown description screen in 3D D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 74 Control buttons are: “RAZ”: to erase the grid. “Save in the database”: to save modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.6.4 Create or Update a Particles Description of a Fuel Plant See Fuel sample particle description (chapter 11.5.4) 11.6.5 Delete a Fuel Plant To delete a fuel: select the fuel in the fuel plants’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete” button. When the fuel data appears on the fuels’ editor screen, click on “Delete in the database”. The object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be logically deactivated. 11.6.6 Undelete a Fuel Plant To undelete a fuel: select the fuel in the fuel plants’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. When the fuel data appears on the fuels’ editor screen, click on “Undelete in the database”. 11.7 Fuel Editor (Fuel Layers) The Fuel Editor is a functionality of the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER implemented to manipulate three fuel categories: fuel samples, fuel plants and fuel layers. The Fuel layer is a collection of individual plants, closely grouped and difficult to describe separately, forming a layer generally much more wide than high. A fuel layer is described as a single vegetation object and has almost the same properties than an individual plant. Quercus coccifera shrubland is a typical fuel layer. It may be either a measured fuel layer corresponding to a real fuel layer measured in the field, or a virtual fuel layer, created with the FIRE PARADOX FUEL MANAGER. A virtual fuel layer may differ from a real one either by its shape, by the distribution of cubes (fuel samples) within its shape, by the values of one or several fuel parameters (e.g. mean of several samples). 11.7.1 Fuel Layers’ List All vegetation objects stored in the database appear in a list. This list contains: species name fuel height in meters fuel crown base height in meters layer width min in meters layer width max in meters mention if the fuel is deleted or not. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 75 Figure 88: Fuel layers’ list Research criteria’s: The list can be restricted with a species, a height or a layer width min. or max. in the research criteria’s. Control button are: “Modify”: to modify an existing fuel. “Blocks description”: to describe the crown description with the blocks method. “Particle parameters”: to enter parameters for each fuel particle. “Add”: to add a new fuel (only available for super administrators). “Copy”: to copy an existing fuel sample in a new one (only available for super administrators). “Delete/Undelete”: to delete or undelete an existing fuel (only available for super administrators). “Close”: to close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.7.2 Create or Update a Fuel Layer To create a new fuel layer, click on “Add” To modify a fuel layer, select the fuel in the fuels’ list and click on “Modify” Team, site and comment screens are the same as for fuel samples (cf) Only individual screen is specific for layers. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 76 Figure 89: Fuel layers’ editor, individual screen Data verifications before validation are: “Species” is compulsory “Height” is compulsory “Height” has to be numerical and > 25 cm Control button are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Cancel”: to cancel modifications and close the window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. 11.7.3 Create or Update a Fuel Layer Crown Description In the 2D data processing, a crown shape is split up in “edge”, “centre” and “symmetric” elements. Three kinds of shapes can be deducted from the different combinations: Edge + symmetric Centre Edge + centre + symmetric D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 77 Three types of shapes Three elements Edge Centre Symmetric Edge + Symmetric Centre Edge + Centre + Symmetric Figure 90: Elements of a crown layer shape and types of shape. This panel using guide is describe in chapter 11.5.3 Control buttons are: “Save in the database”: to save modifications on the fuel and close the window. “Cancel”: modifications window. “Help”: to get help about this screen. to and cancel close the Figure 91: Fuel layer crown description screen 11.7.4 Create or Update a Fuel Layer Particles Description See Fuel sample particle description (chapter 11.5.4) 11.7.5 Delete a Fuel Layer To delete a fuel: select the fuel in the fuel layers’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. When the fuel data appears on the fuels’ editor screen, click on “Delete in the database”. The object won’t be physically deleted in the database, it will be logically deactivated. 11.7.6 Undelete a Fuel Layer ► To undelete a fuel: select the fuel in the fuel layers’ list and click on “Delete/Undelete”. ► When the fuel data appears on the fuels’ editor screen, click on “Undelete in the database”. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 78 12 REFERENCES [1]. Morsdorf, F. and Allgöwer, B. (Eds.) 2007. Review of fuel description methods. Deliverable D.3.4-2 of the Integrated project “Fire Paradox”, Project no. FP6-018505, European Commission, 55 p. [2]. de Coligny F., Ancelin P., Cornu G., Courbaud B., Dreyfus P., Goreaud F., Gourlet-Fleury S., Meredieu C., Orazio C., Saint-André L., 2004. CAPSIS: Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture: Open architecture for a shared forest-modelling platform. In Nepveu G. (Ed.): Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality: Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software. Nancy, France: LERFoB INRA-ENGREF, pp. 371380. Fourth workshop, IUFRO Working Party S5.01.04, 8-15/09/2002, Harrison Hot Springs Resort, British Columbia, Canada. [3]. de Coligny F., 2008. Efficient Building of Forestry Modelling Software with the Capsis Methodology. In: Fourcaud T, Zhang XP, eds. Plant Growth Modeling and Applications. Proceedings of PMA06. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 216-222. [4]. http://java.sun.com/ Java Sun official website. [5]. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010100.xml# Instructions guide to install the Java Runtime Environment 1.5., Java Sun official website. [6]. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010400.xml Instructions guide to install the Java Runtime Environment 1.5. for Windows, Java Sun official website. [7]. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml Instructions guide to install the Java Runtime Environment 1.5. for Linux, Java Sun official website. [8]. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010100.xml#solaris Instructions guide to install the Java Runtime Environment 1.5. for Solaris, Java Sun official website. [9]. http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/javaformacosx104release5.html Support to install Java for Mac OS X 10.4 (Release 5), Apple official website. [10]. https://jogl.dev.java.net/ JOGL project website. [11]. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/solaris/classpath.html Instructions guide to set environment variables for Solaris, Java Sun official website. [12]. http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1067.html Instructions guide to set environment variables for Macintosh, Apple Developer Connection website. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 79 13 ANNEX 13.1 Annex – Inventory Files #Scene file referring to fuelIds in the fuel data base #Terrain #name cellWidth(m) Terrain0 5 altitude(m) xMin yMin xMax 0 -30 60 30 -60 yMax #Polygons (optionnal) #fileId {(x1,y1);(x2,y2)...} 1 {(-55,-25);(-55,-12);(-30,-10);(-35,-27)} #Trees #fuelId x y z 1153663 -4 -4 0 1187063 -4 4 0 1191895 4 4 0 1221015 4 -4 0 Figure 92: Inventory file dataBaseFile_fc.scene #Scene file of the mixed plot at the Lamanon experimental study site #Terrain #name cellWidth(m) Terrain0 5 altitude(m) xMin yMin xMax 0 -60 60 60 -60 yMax #Polygons (optionnal) #fileId {(x1,y1);(x2,y2)...} 1 {(-55,-55);(-55,-42);(-30,-40);(-35,-57)} #Trees #fileId speciesName x y crownDiameter crownDiameterHeight z height crownBaseHeight openess 1 Pinus halepensis -4.55 2.55 0 13.5 7.1 4.78 10 true 2 Pinus halepensis -10.5 -3.6 0 15 7.3 8.15 10 true 3 Pinus halepensis -2.5 -4.6 0 14.2 9 8.35 10 true 4 Pinus halepensis 14.85 -14.85 0 5.8 4.6 1.28 5 true 5 Pinus halepensis 14.8 -13.35 0 8.1 5.15 1.68 7 true 6 Quercus ilex 6.75 -14.1 0 11.75 5.35 4 10 true 7 Pinus halepensis 4.85 -12.8 0 9.3 5.45 1.73 7 true 8 Pinus halepensis 2.8 -12.95 0 7.25 6.2 1.07 7 true 9 Pinus halepensis 3.25 -11.6 0 10.5 6.15 2.18 7 true 10 Pinus halepensis 0.95 -12.7 0 12.9 8.45 2.38 10 true 11 Pinus halepensis -1.25 -11.45 0 12.2 7.4 3.35 10 true 12 Pinus halepensis 1 -14.4 12.7 7.25 4.63 10 true D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version 0 Page 80 13 Quercus ilex -0.05 -12.2 14 Pinus halepensis -3.2 15 Pinus halepensis 16 17 0 8.2 6.6 1.1 7 true -10.45 0 8.45 6.05 1.6 7 true -9.75 -13.8 0 14.15 6.55 5.8 7 true Pinus halepensis 0.85 -3.85 0 11 6.5 2.5 10 true Pinus halepensis 2.9 -3.4 0 11.3 6.1 4.4 10 true 18 Pinus halepensis 1.05 -1.45 0 8.5 4.5 2.18 7 true 19 Pinus halepensis -1.7 3.2 0 9.6 4.7 2.9 7 true 20 Pinus halepensis -1.45 -2.75 0 8.6 6.7 1.65 8 true 21 Pinus halepensis -7.4 14.5 0 8.3 4.9 1.5 7 true 22 Pinus halepensis -3.2 12.1 0 5.7 3.8 1.38 5 true 23 Pinus halepensis 1.35 12.2 0 10.8 5.6 6.5 10 true 24 Quercus ilex 4.35 14.4 0 11.3 5.7 3.68 10 false 25 Pinus halepensis 14.85 12.9 0 10.7 5.1 5.15 10 false 26 Pinus halepensis 12 8.3 0 11.8 5.9 7.8 10 false 27 Pinus halepensis 12.35 7.7 0 6 4 1.7 5 false 28 Pinus halepensis 10 8 0 5.4 4.3 2.1 5 false 29 Pinus halepensis 11.95 6.15 0 11.7 6.2 2.43 10 false 30 Pinus halepensis 13.8 5.8 0 6.5 5 0.5 5 false 31 Quercus ilex 14.05 4.35 0 11.7 5 6.35 10 false 32 Pinus halepensis 14.15 0.15 0 10 4.5 5.05 7 false 33 Pinus halepensis 10.95 0.15 0 7.9 4.3 1.75 7 false 34 Pinus halepensis 9.75 2.25 0 11 5.5 3.45 7 false 35 Quercus ilex 7.55 2.8 0 9.5 5.2 2.7 7 false 36 Pinus halepensis 8.75 5.3 0 12.2 10.3 3.9 11 false 37 Pinus halepensis -3.05 -8.45 0 10.05 6.7 2.08 7 false 38 Quercus ilex -5.6 -7.1 0 9.8 6.55 2.18 7 false 39 Pinus halepensis -4.1 -11.2 0 10.75 5.8 3.23 7 false 40 Pinus halepensis 15.3 6.1 0 10.23 7 2.83 9 false 41 Pinus halepensis -18.15 12.4 0 14.75 6.5 9.7 9 false 42 Pinus halepensis -2.9 15.8 0 11.75 4.75 6.85 9 false 43 Quercus ilex -1.15 -15.15 0 13 5.7 5.53 9 false 44 Pinus halepensis 4.4 -16 0 11.55 5.95 4.73 9 false 45 Pinus halepensis 8.5 -17.1 0 10 4.4 3.95 9 false 46 Pinus halepensis 16.15 5 0 7.5 3.5 2.08 7 false 47 Pinus halepensis 15.85 -5.15 0 10.4 3.5 2.55 9 false 48 Pinus halepensis 16.25 -10.5 0 11 3.7 5.43 9 false Figure 93: Inventory file “Lamanon_Mixed.scene” D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 81 13.2 Annex – Chain between Patterns’ Editor GUIs Pattern Editor Create and Update an Association Create and Update a Shape Pattern Shape Patterns List QUALITY EVALUATION REPORT (QER) General comments Specific comments Issue # Page # Line # * Comments and suggested modifications 1 2 3 4 5 … * Use a for add, r for replace and d for delete. D6.1-4a-0001 Software – Initial Version Page 83