Global Temperature Net Increase as a Function of Solar Rotation

Global Temperature Net Increase as a Function of Solar
Rotation Decrease and Storm Activity; Ultraviolet (UV)
Incidence Increase Since 1700
Although global temperatures, as a function of solar storm net increases, seem to
be decreasing, the total geo-temperature/solar temperature curve remains in a
net increase state. More importantly for biological systems on this planet, the
total ultraviolet (UV) solar intensity spectra has exponentially increased since 1700
(see the encosed Solanki and Fligge data from Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy).
Since the Martian polar caps are yearly decreasing in spatial extent, presumably
these gravitational and solar heating effects may be applicable to the entire solar
Planetary Physics: As the sun slows in its rotation, the earth commensurately
slows in its rotation, and the moon increases in its distance from the earth, in
accord with the conservation of angular momentum: integral mwxrdv. (This is
similar to a spinning skater decreasing her rotation rate, resulting in her arms
moving out as her body maintains a constant angular momentum.)
As the Earth's rotation through the sun's interplanetary magnetic field slows, the
electrically induced current generated by this rotation in the core of the planet,
also decreases. As a result the earth's electrically induced geomagnetic field
likewise decreases (changes). As the geomagnetic field changes (decreases) an
induced electrical current (with associated joule heat) is generated within the
earth's conducting core. Combined with internal tidal friction from the slowing of
the planet's rotation, and friction between the inner and outer core, the mantle
(aesthenosphere), crust (lithosphere), and the oceans (hydrosphere) and
atmosphere; all cumulatively result in outwardly directed thermal convection and
increased global temperatures. Additionally, as these charts indicate, the electromagneto-hydrodynamic (EMHD) solar storms which generate heat from the Sun, are
increasing in frequency and intensity, particularly in the UV spectral bandpass.
The temporal distance between solar storm (sunspot) cycles are decreasing.
Consequently the Earth is being heated internally through gravitational,
planetary tidal friction and electrically-generated joule heat; and externally
through solar storm-generated intensity increases since 1700, according to the
empirically derived data.
Calcium carbonates generated from the globally distributed biomass located all
continental shelves; plus melting tundras and effluxes from hydrothermal vents, all
contribute to CH4 (methane) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) greenhouse gases and
global temperature increase. Anthropogenic (mankind) contributions do not enter
significantly into these space-geophysics processes.
Mars's southern polar ice cap, seen here in true color, has decreased in spatial extent and thickness in
recent years due to planetary warming—similar to what's happening on Earth, and presumably throughout
the solar system.
Bright Sun, Warm Earth…Coincidence?
(BSM Research endorses the article below from the Canada Free Press):
Breaking: Warming On Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Neptune's Moon & Earth Linked to Increased Solar
Activity, Scientists Say
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
By Lorne Gunter, National Post
Mars's ice caps are melting, and Jupiter is developing a second giant red spot, an enormous hurricane-like
The existing Great Red Spot is 300 years old and twice the size of Earth. The new storm -- Red Spot Jr. -is thought to be the result of a sudden warming on our solar system's largest planet. Dr. Imke de Pater of
Berkeley University says some parts of Jupiter are now as much as six degrees Celsius warmer than just a
few years ago.
Neptune's moon, Triton, studied in 1989 after the unmanned Voyageur probe flew past, seems to have
heated up significantly since then. Parts of its frozen nitrogen surface have begun melting and turning to
gas, making Triton's atmosphere denser.
Even Pluto has warmed slightly in recent years, if you can call -230C instead of -233C "warmer."
And I swear, I haven't left my SUV idling on any of those planets or moons. Honest, I haven't.
Is there something all these heavenly bodies have in common? Some one thing they all share that could be
causing them to warm in unison?
Hmmm, is there some giant, self-luminous ball of burning gas with a mass more than 300,000 times that of
Earth and a core temperature of more than 20-million degrees Celsius, that for the past century or more has
been unusually active and powerful? Is there something like that around which they all revolve that could
be causing this multi-globe warming? Naw!
They must all have congested commuter highways, coal-fired power plants and oilsands developments that
are releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into their atmospheres, too.
A decade ago, when global warming and Kyoto was just beginning to capture public attention, I published
a quiz elsewhere that bears repeating in our current hyper-charged environmental debate: Quick, which is
usually warmer, day or night?
And what is typically the warmest part of the day? The warmest time of year?
Finally, which are generally warmer: cloudy or cloudless days?
If you answered day, afternoon, summer and cloudless you may be well on your way to understanding what
is causing global warming.
For the past century and a half, Earth has been warming. Coincidentally (or perhaps not so coincidentally),
during that same period, our sun has been brightening, becoming more active, sending out more radiation.
Habibullah Abdussamatov of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St.
Petersburg, Sami Solanki of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in
Germany, Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon of the Solar and Stellar Physics Division
of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a host of the rest of the
world's leading solar scientists are all convinced that the warming of recent years is
not unusual and that nearly all the warming in the past 150 years can be attributed
to the sun.
Solar scientists from Iowa to Siberia have overlaid the last several warm periods on our planet with known
variations in our sun's activity and found, according to Mr. Solanki, "a near-perfect match."
Mr. Abdussamatov concedes manmade gasses may have made "a small contribution to the warming in
recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance."
Mr. Soon showed as long ago as the mid-1990s that the depth of the Little Ice Age -- the coldest period in
the northern hemisphere in the past 1,500 years -- corresponded perfectly with a solar event known as the
Maunder Minimum. For nearly seven decades there was virtually no sunspot activity.
Our sun was particular quiet. And for those 60 to 70 years, the northern half of our globe, at least, was in a
deep freeze.
Is it so hard to believe then that the sun could be causing our current warming, too?
At the very least, the fact that so many prominent scientists have legitimate, logical objections to the
current global warming orthodoxy means there is no "consensus" among scientists about the cause.
Here's a prediction: The sun's current active phase is expected to wane in 20 to 40 years, at which time the
planet will begin cooling. Since that is when most of the greenhouse emission reductions proposed by the
UN and others are slated to come into full effect, the "greens" will see that cooling and claim, "See, we
warned you and made you take action, and look, we saved the planet."
Of course, they will have had nothing to do with it.