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Annex 1: Summary of International Commitments and Agreements
1. The Millennium Declaration/ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Focus: Poverty alleviation
The Millennium Declaration committed countries to do all they can to eradicate poverty,
promote human dignity & equality and achieve peace, democracy and environmental
sustainability. Through increasing aid, trade and technology transfers, the interventions should
 Inadequate incomes
 Widespread hunger
 Gender inequality
 Environmental deterioration
 Lack of education, health services and clean water
 Debt
The Millennium Development Goals
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development
Key Interventions:
1. Economic reform to establish macro-economic stability
2. Strengthening of institutions and promoting good governance
3. Increase participation and endorse social justice
4. Overcoming structural constraints
2. The New Partnership for Africa’s Development, NEPAD
Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
 To eradicate poverty
 Put SSA on a path of sustainable growth
 Halt the marginalisation of SSA in the globalisation process
 Promote the role of women
Goals: MDGs
Key interventions:
A1 Peace, Security, Democracy, Political Governance Initiative
A2 Economic and Corporate Governance Initiative
B1 Bridging the Infrastructure Gap
B2 Human Resources Development Initiative incl. Reversing the Brain Drain
B3 Agriculture
B4 The Environment Initiative
B5 Culture
C1 Capital Flows Initiative
C2 Markets Access Initiative
3. The Doha Development Agenda
Focus: Trade
Promote and contribute to economic growth, sustainable development and employment
Continue process of reform and liberalization of trade policies
Pledge to reject the use of protectionism.
Continue to make positive efforts designed to ensure that developing countries, and especially
the least developed among them, secure a share in the growth of world trade commensurate
with the needs of their economic development
Address the marginalization of least-developed countries in international trade and improve
their effective participation in the multilateral trading system
Ensure internal transparency and the effective participation of all members
Key Interventions:
 Agriculture: to establish a fair and market-oriented trading system
 Services: Promote economic growth of all trading partners and the development of
developing and least-developed countries
 Market access for non-agricultural products: Reduce or as appropriate eliminate tariffs
as well as non-tariff barriers, in particular on products of export interest to developing
 Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights: Implementation and interpretation
of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS
Agreement) in a manner supportive of public health and fully taking into account the
development dimension.
 Relationship between trade and investment: Secure transparent, stable and predictable
conditions for long-term cross-border investment, particularly foreign direct
 Trade and environment
 Trade, debt and finance
 Electronic commerce; Small economies; Trade and transfer of technology; Technical
cooperation and capacity building; Special and differential treatment; Transparency in
government procurement
4. The Monterrey Consensus
Focus: Financing
To eradicate poverty, achieve sustained economic growth and promote sustainable
development as we advance to a fully inclusive and equitable system.
I. Targets ODA/GNI
II. Coordination and harmonisation
III. Untying of aid to LDCs
IV. Increase trade related assistance
V. Support identification of Global Public Goods
VI. Support reforms of international financial system and strengthen the voice of developing
countries in international economic decision-making
VII. Pursue debt sustainability in the context of HIPC
Key Interventions:
Within the areas specified under goals.
5. European Commission
Focus: The external dimension of the EU’s contribution to sustainable development
 Greater coherence of EU policies
 Improved governance at all levels
 Increased financial resources
MDGs with special emphasis on trade issues
Key Interventions:
 Unequal distribution of resources
 Unsustainable consumption and production
 Development of energy and transport sector
6. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
Focus: Sustainable development
Key Interventions:
 WEHAB initiatives (incl. energy initiatives GNESD, EUEI): Water & Sanitation;
Energy; Health; Agriculture; Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management
 Opening access to markets emphasised
Annex 2: Reports surveyed
The Millennium Declaration/ The Millennium Development Goals
 The Millennium Declaration. UN 2000
 Progress towards and challenges and constraints to the achievement of major development
goals and objectives adopted by the UN during the past decade. Report of The SecretaryGeneral A/58/327 2003
 Human Development Report 2003. UNDP 2003
 Human Development Report 2004. UNDP 2004
 Global Monitoring Report 2004: Policies and actions for achieving the MDGs and related
outcomes. IMF and World Bank Development Committee 2004
 Global Monitoring Report 2004: Policies and Actions for Achieving the MDGs and the
Related Outcomes. IMF and World Bank 2004
 The Millennium Development Goals in Africa – promises and progress, UNDP/UNICEF,
The Doha Development Agenda
 The Doha Declarations. WTO 2001
 The Road to Doha and beyond. WTO 2002
The Monterrey Consensus
 The Monterrey Consensus. The UN Secretariat A/CONF/198/11 2002.
 Implementation of and follow-up to commitments and agreements made at the
International Conference on Financing for Development. Report of The Secretary-General
A/58/216 2003.
 Translating the Monterrey Consensus into practice: the contribution by the European
Union. European Commission. COM (2204) 150 Final 2004.
 MDGs and Monterrey Consensus: From Vision to Action. Zia Qureshi, World Bank 2004
The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation/WSSD (Sustainable Development)
 Johannesburg Summit: Global Challenges, Global Opportunity. UN 2002
 The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (Plan of Implementation of the World Summit
for Sustainable Development). UN 2002
 The Road from Johannesburg – what was achieved and the way forward. UN 2003
 Overview of progress towards sustainable development: a review for the implementation
of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. Report of The Secretary-General E/CN.17/2004/2
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development
 The New Partnership for Africa’s Development. NEPAD 2001
 NEPAD In Brief. NEPAD 2002
 NEPAD Annual Report 2002. NEPAD 2002
EU Development Policy
 Towards a global partnership for sustainable development. European Commission (COM
2002 82 Final) 2002
 The Cotonou Agreement. EC 2000
 Africa and the European Union. EC 2003
 Political Dialogue: one of the main tools for effective ACP-EC cooperation. The Courier
ACP-EU 2003
 Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations - state of play. The Courier ACP-EU 2003
 2015-Watch: The EU’s contribution to the MDGs. Alliance-2015 2004
 4th Summit of ACP Heads of State and Government; Decisions and Resolutions, Maputo,
Moz. 2004