101 Department Philosophy

Utah Valley University Department of Public Safety
Approved By:
Department Philosophy
John C. Brewer, Chief of Police
A. Mission Statement
The respect for individual rights is the basis of our constitution and the cornerstone of our values at the
Utah Valley University Department of Public Safety. Our mission is to serve as law enforcement leaders in
protecting and assisting all people in our University community through effective problem solving,
professional service, and the relentless pursuit of those who victimize our citizens and compromise public
B. Reverence for the Law
1. The primary duty of a police officer is to uphold and enforce the law. The application and enforcement
of the law must be accomplished in the spirit set forth by the framers of the Constitution. The rights of
each individual are equal with those of the state that might accuse him. The Constitution provides for
fundamental enforcement of the law with fairness and equity.
2. Officers are prohibited from bias-based profiling in traffic contacts, field contacts, and in asset seizure
and forfeiture efforts. Bias-based profiling is the selection of individuals based solely on a common trait
of a group. This includes, but is not limited to, race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation,
religion, economic status, age, cultural group, or any other identifiable groups.
a) All sworn officers will receive training in bias-based profiling issues, including legal
b) Corrective measures, in accordance with the Discipline and Misconduct order, will be taken
if bias-based profiling occurs.
c) Under the direction of the Chief, an administrative review will be conducted annually
regarding agency practices, including citizen concerns.
3. The laws of Utah allow for the application to be made fairly and with the spirit of the law, rather than
with blind adherence to the strict construction of a statute. Officers shall direct their efforts to the
impartial application of the spirit of the law for the purpose set forth in the statutes.
a) Prior to accepting the status of a peace officer, a person must take an oath of office as
defined in Utah State Constitution, Article 4, Section 10, to enforce the law and uphold the
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Utah.
b) When taking enforcement action, officers are not to grudgingly grant the accused their
rights. All enforcement action will be conducted in the spirit of ensuring that police protect
the rights of accused persons.
c) In the enforcement of statutes, conduct that violates the law is not allowed. Expedient
enforcement of the law is not a justification for violating a law.
d) Officers shall display a reverence for the law and legal rights of all citizens.
C. Discretion: When applying the law, officers shall exercise mature judgment and discretion within the
limits of statutory authority and department policy.
1. Employees will adhere to departmental orders, policies and procedures and strive to use proper
judgment and discretion in situations not specifically covered in manuals.
2. Employees may deviate from established departmental policies and procedures when it is in the obvious
best interests of the department to do so. Any deviation must be justified and receive supervisory
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3. Supervisors may issue orders that deviate from written orders during an emergency. Such orders are
temporary and remain in effect only during the emergency. Such deviations will be reported to the next
higher level supervisor as soon as practical.
4. Officers have the following options when dealing with violators:
Physical arrest
Long form complaint or juvenile referral
Referral to social agency
Released, no police action necessary.
D. Authority: Officers are sworn peace officers in the state of Utah. Peace officers are vested with the
authority to enforce and investigate violations of state law and the University code of conduct.
E. Public Approval of Police
1. The ability of the police to effectively perform their duties relies upon the approval of the public. The
ability of police to secure and maintain public respect depends on the actions and behavior of individual
officers and the entire police organization.
2. The police must secure the cooperation of the public to voluntarily observe the law in order to secure
and maintain the respect and approval of the public. The degree of public cooperation that can be
secured voluntarily diminishes proportionately with the improper use of force to achieve police
3. To ensure that department policy reflects the needs of the community; the department will accept
comments and concerns from various community-based groups. The department is committed to
maintaining a positive relationship with the community and correcting any possible adverse actions,
and practices and attitudes that may contribute to community tensions and grievances
F. Cooperation with Other Law Enforcement Agencies
1. Specialization within the department is necessary to best serve the University community. Employees
working within the general patrol function and those in specialized areas shall work closely together to
meet departmental goals. This ensures a unity of effort, resources and effective service to the
2. As crime does not have jurisdictional boundaries, members of the department will cooperate whenever
possible, with other city, educational, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The Chief will
maintain liaison with other agencies through organizations such as the Utah Chiefs of Police
Association, the Utah Valley Chiefs of Police Association and the Utah FBI National Academy
3. The police alone cannot successfully resolve the problems of crime. The criminal justice system relies
on the cooperation of the police with prosecutors, courts and correctional officers to ensure the
development of a safer community.
G. Code of Ethics
1. Officers will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the policies and philosophies of the
department. During the performance of their duties, they will strive to project a professional image and
abide by the following code of ethics:
“As a law enforcement officer, I will exercise self-restraint and be constantly mindful of the
welfare of others. I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and loyal to the state of
Utah, my agency and its objectives and regulations. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential
nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept secure unless revelation is
necessary in the performance of my duty.
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Utah Valley University Department of Public Safety
I will never take selfish advantage of my position and will not allow my personal feelings,
animosities or friendships to influence my actions or decisions. I will exercise the authority of my
office to the best of my ability, with courtesy and vigilance, without favor, malice or ill will and
without compromise. I am a servant of the people, and I recognize my position as a symbol of
public faith. I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the law and serve the
people of Utah.”
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