Warrior Explanation

The Warrior strength program is built around the premise that an increase in capability for strength, or
power, output leads to enhanced athletic performance. In order to reach this enhanced performance through
weight training, an athlete must take part in a program that increases the maximum amount of force a muscle
is able to displace along with improving motor neuron recruitment within the muscle. This enables the
athlete to create a maximal muscular contraction in a shorter period of time. Realizing that there are two
different focuses in a properly designed weight program, it is easy to understand why one should use two
different types of exercises.
The first type of exercises to be considered is the general strengthening exercises. These are the exercises
that cause muscle fibers to adapt in a way that leaves them able to create a greater amount of force when
fully contracted. In the Warrior strength program, these exercises would be the squatting movements for the
lower body and the pressing movements for the upper body. The second type of exercises to be considered is
the Power, or Olympic, movement exercises, which improve motor neuron recruitment. Examples of power
movements would be the power clean and other Olympic movements. As beneficial as these lifts are, it is
very important that proper technique be the main training focus at first and not the amount of weight
being lifted! Both groups of exercises are simple for most to learn, however, injuries can occur if proper
technique is not performed. To insure safety, always lift with a spotter and learn proper technique from a
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
Strength Exercises
1. Squats – The squat is the most important strengthening exercise for the lower body. When full range of
motion is utilized it is excellent for creating even development between the quadriceps and the hamstrings.
Starting Position
-bar rests on traps, just below back of neck
-feet slightly wider than shoulders and slightly pointed outward
-chest tall, back flat, shoulder back
Squatting Motion
-lower bar by bending hips and knees
-keep tight position: chest up, back flat and pushing knees outward
-bar is lowered until thighs are parallel to the ground
-once parallel, push the bar upward, extending hips and knees
-feet flat throughout movement, holding tight position
-do not round back or lean forward unto toes
2. Lunges (DB/BB)
Starting Position
-place bar on shoulders behind neck
-feet shoulder width apart
-keep chest tall, back flat
Lunging Motion
-take a long step forward, keeping foot flat and toe pointed forward
-drop hips straight down, bending front knee, to 90 degrees
-keep front bent knee behind toes
-back knee should be bent 90 degrees, but should not hit ground
-hold tight position throughout movement: back tight, chest up
3. Step Ups (DB/BB)
Starting Position
-hold bar on shoulders or ho ld DB in each hand
-keep chest tall, back tight and flat
-face box or bench
Stepping Motion
-step up onto box or bench
-extend up leg to full extension, until trail foot is on the box
-keep foot flat and knee behind foot
-step back down, until both feet are on the ground
-repeat by switching legs
4. Romanian Dead Lift
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width apart, arms straight and just outside the legs
-tight torso position, chest tall, back flat, knees slightly bent
Lowering Motion
-lower bar along thighs, bending hips only, knees stay slightly bent
-body weight should be mostly on the heels
-bar lowers to just below the knees or middle of the shins
-extend hips back to starting position
-be sure to keep tight position throughout whole movement
5. Bench Press (DB/BB)
-Lie on bench face up, grab bar, slightly wider than shoulder width
-keep head and butt on bench and feet flat on floor throughout lift
-take bar off rack and lower it until it touches lower chest
-without bouncing, extend arms, and press the bar to start position
-the pressing path of the bar is from the lower chest back toward chin
6. Incline Press (DB/BB)
-adjust bench to an angled position (about 45 degrees)
-grab the bar slightly wider than the shoulders
-lower the bar to the upper chest
-without bouncing, extend arms, and press the bar to start position
-the pressing path of the bar is from upper chest and slightly backward
-keep hips, chest on bench and feet flat throughout the lift
7. Close Grip Bench
-same mechanics as the bench press, but grip is moved in closer
-the grip should be a fist, to a fist and a half to the inside of the bar
8. Standing Shoulder Presses (DB/BB)
-stand feet shoulder width apart, grip bar or DB with hands facing forward
-keep chest tall, back flat, feet flat, and knees slightly bent
-with the bar or DB at the top of the shoulders, press straight above head
-the arms extend to a locked out overhead position
-the pressing path of the bar: top of shoulders back slightly to above ears
9. Push Press
-stand feet shoulder width apart, grip bar slightly wider than shoulders
-keep chest tall, back flat, feet flat, and knees slightly bent
-with the bar at the top of the shoulders, press straight above head
-the arms extend to a locked out overhead position
-the pressing path of the bar: top of shoulders back slightly to above ears
Power Exercises
1. Clean Pull – The clean pull is the first phase of a power clean. The clean pull is broken down for
teaching purposes into two pulls: the Primary Pull and the Second Pull.
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width, toes slightly pointed outward
-arms straight, just outside legs, knees bent
-chest is tall, back is flat
-the bar rests on the ground touching the shins
Primary Pull (to top of the knees)
-center of gravity remains over the heels
-maintain a tight, flat back throughout the lift
-the angle of the torso and hips should not get smaller as the bar raises
-elbows are still fully extended and turned outward
Secondary Pull (accelerate and explode)
-center of gravity moves from the heels to the balls of the feet
-finishing with an aggressive extension of the ankles, and shrug of the shoulders
-elbows remain fully extended and turned outward
-this movement should feel like a resisted vertical jump
2. Power Clean – The power clean is the same movement as the clean pull, but with the Scoop added.
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width, toes slightly pointed outward
-arms straight, just outside legs, knees bent
-chest is tall, back is flat
-the bar rests on the ground touching the shins
Primary Pull (to top of the knees)
-center of gravity remains over the heels
-maintain a tight, flat back throughout the lift
-the angle of the torso and hips should not get smaller as the bar raises
-elbows are still fully extended and turned outward
Pulling Motion (Secondary Pull - accelerate and explode)
-center of gravity moves from the heels to the balls of the feet
-finishing with an aggressive extension of the ankles, and shrug of the shoulders
-elbows remain fully extended and turned outward
-this movement should feel like a resisted vertical jump
-after aggressive ankle extension and shrug, elbows bend pulling the lifter under the bar to the point the
elbows can roll underneath the bar, allowing it to rest on the deltoids
3. Hang Clean Pull – From Above Knees
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width, toes slightly pointed outward
-arms straight, just outside legs, knees slightly bent
-chest is tall, back is flat
-the bar rests on upper thigh
Pulling Motion
-lower bar to the top of knee caps, keeping chest up and back flat
-knees slightly bent, shoulders over bar (“cover the bar”)
-thrust hips upward and forward explosively to a full extension
-shoulders shrug at the top of extension
-the bar staying close to the thighs during the whole movement
-arm stay straight during whole movement
4. Hang Clean High Pull – From Above Knees
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width, toes slightly pointed outward
-arms straight, just outside legs, knees slightly bent
-chest is tall, back is flat
-the bar rests on upper thigh
Pulling Motion
-lower bar to the top of knee caps, keeping chest up and back flat
-knees slightly bent, shoulders over bar (“cover the bar”)
-thrust hips upward and forward explosively to a full extension
-momentum of the bar carries it to lower chest, keep elbows high
-the bar staying close to the thighs during the whole movement
-arm stay straight during whole movement
5. Hang Clean – The hang clean is the secondary pull and the scoop phases of the power clean.
Starting Position
-feet shoulder width, toes slightly pointed outward
-arms straight, just outside legs, knees slightly bent
-chest is tall, back is flat
-the bar rests on upper thigh
Pulling Motion
-lower bar to the top of knee caps, keeping chest up and back flat
-knees slightly bent, shoulders over bar (“cover the bar”)
-thrust hips upward and forward explosively to a full extension
-momentum of the bar carries it to lower chest, keep elbows high
-the bar staying close to the thighs during the whole movement
-arm stay straight during whole movement
-after aggressive ankle extension and shrug, elbows bend pulling the lifter under the bar to the point the
elbows can roll underneath the bar, allowing it to rest on the deltoids
Accessory Exercises
1. DB Front Raises
-feet shoulder width apart, DB’s in hands and to sides of the legs
-keep chest tall, back tight, and feet flat
-raise the DB’s to the front keeping palms down toward the floor
-DB’s are raised with straight arms and until they are parallel to floor
-return down to the start position
2. DB Side Raises
-feet shoulder width apart, DB’s in hands and to sides of the legs
-keep chest tall, back straight, and feet flat
-raise the DB’s to the sides of the body, keeping palms facing down
-DB’s raised with arms straight and until they are parallel to floor
-return to starting position
3. DB Posterior Raises
-feet shoulder width apart
-bend forward from the hips, keeping chest up, back flat, feet flat
-begin with arms extended downward while holding DB’s
-raise the DB’s out to the side until they are parallel to the floor
-keep arms fully extended, keeping the bent over position
-keep chest tall, head up, back tight throughout movement
4. DB Rows
-position your body securely and with a tight, flat back
-begin with arms extended downward while holding DB’s
-pull the DB up toward the chest, keeping the upper arm and elbow next to ribs
-lower DB slowly and under control to a fully extended elbow position
5. Pull Ups
-grasp bar with an overhand grip, wider than shoulder width
-pull up until your chin is over the bar, while keeping your chest out, back tight and legs still
-return to start position controlled and through the full range of motion
6. Upright Rows
-grasp bar with a close grip
-flex knees slightly, keep torso erect, and elbows pointed out and above the wrists
-pull bar up to the chin, keeping it close to the body
-lower slowly