Task 3. Read two stories about nightmare journeys

Module 3_12th grade
Module 3 Travelling
Task 1.Write out the definitions of the following key words from the EnglishEnglish Dictionary or translate the words.
Describing places:
breath-taking-aizrauj elpu,
cultural melting pot-saplūst kultūras,
flora and fauna-floras un faunas,
wide open-plaši atvērtas,
world-class-pasaules klases
Describing journeys:
package tour-kompleksa ceļojums,
overnight bag-nakts soma,
saddle bag-seglu soma,
wash bag-mazgāšanas maiss
Task 2.Choose two places that you would like to go. Use the key words to
describe these places. Underline these words in your brief notes.
Task 3.Read the text and underline the best words to complete this description of
When you walk through its (1) breath-taking/bustling /striking streets you can just feel
the vitality of this (2) ancient/ antique/historic city. It was built on several hills and so
from different parts of the city there are (3)breath-taking/exotic/ romantic views. The
setting is (4) unspoilt/perfect/scenic, with the Bosporus dividing the city's western and
eastern sides. When you cross one of the (5) magnificent/powerful/ breath-taking
bridges you can often see the old city with its beautiful, (6) good-looking/
bustling/historic buildings like the Haga Sofia mosque or Topkapi palace. The people
are extremely (7) exotic/magnificent/friendly and there is (8) delicious/elegant/ graceful
food. What more could you ask for?
Task 1.Watch the video “Venice” and answer the questions:
1. How many islands is Venice made of?
2. How old is Venice?
3. Who was the first to live in Venice?
4. How can travel along the canal?
5. What is threatening Venice nowadays?
6. Why have many residents left the city?
Task 2. Mention 20 tips how to travel cheap:
Task 3. What tips to travel cheaply are mentioned in the video?
Pay attention to the following words. They Miscellaneous:
These four words are commonly used when speaking about holidays and vacations.
They are also often confused. Here is a guide to the use of these four critical words.
As a noun, 'travel' refers to the activity in general and is generally used as an
uncountable noun.
I enjoy travel and playing golf.
Travel and music are two of my favourite activities.
'Travel' can also be used as a verb and refers to the activity of moving from one place
to another. Generally, 'travel' is used as a general verb and is rather formal. People
often use the mode of transport to express this activity.
I travelled by plane to Madrid. = I flew to Madrid.
She travelled more than three hundred miles to get to the meeting. = She drove more
than three hundred miles to get to the meeting.
Sometimes, 'travel' is also used as a countable noun in the plural form. In this case, it
is often used in the sense that someone has been to many different places during one
longer journey. This usage is also rather formal, and isn't likely to be used much in
everyday speech.
His travels took to the far corners of the globe.
Ms Bancroft sketched extensively during her travels around Europe.
'Trip' is a countable noun which indicates travel to and from a place. It is often used
together with the reason for the return journey.
I took a trip to the coast last weekend to relax.
Frank needs to take some time off and maybe take a trip to some exotic location.
Journey refers to the actual time spent travelling. It tends to be used in British English
more often than in American English.
How was your journey from Oxford?
The journey to Rome was long and tiring.
'Voyage' refers specifically to long distance travel by sea.
The voyage to Japan takes about two weeks from San Francisco.
Many voyages were made to the Indian Ocean during that period.
Other Common Travel Expressions
A 'flight' is a noun which refers to travel by air. It is similar to the verb 'fly' which
means to travel by air.
My flight was delayed in Chicago.
She needs to book a flight to San Diego next week.
She flew to London last weekend.
They might fly a jet next weekend.
'Drive' is both a verb and a countable noun. It refers to travel by car or other four
wheeled vehicle.
The drive to the coast is beautiful.
She drove for six hours non-stop.
Let's take a drive in the countryside.
Would you like to drive, or should I?
'Ride' is generally used as a verb, but can also be used as a noun. It refers to travel by
bicycle or motorcycle.
Janet rode her bicycle to the grocery store.
Can I ride your motorcycle?
Let's take a ride on our bikes through the countryside.
Walk, Jog, Run and Sprint
'Walk', 'jog', and 'run' are also used as both verbs and countable nouns. They refer to
travel on foot. Walking is the slowest, jogging faster, running still faster and sprinting
the fastest. Here are some examples that show the different speed:
I walk through the park on a sunny summer's day.
I jogged three miles last week.
Peter ran the last quarter mile to his home.
He sprinted the final fifty meters to the finish line.
'Hike' is used as a verb and as a countable noun and refers specifically to walking in
the mountains or countryside.
We went on a hike in Mount Rainier National Park last weekend.
She hiked 10 miles in six hours.
Task 1. Read about a safari park in India and decide if the statements (1-10) are
true or false.
Tick (✓) your answers in the table below.
The text is about a safari park that has just opened in India.
Dacoits is an Indian word for bandits.
The eastern parts of the state of Uttar Pradesh are dangerous
to people with good cars.
The average number of people kidnapped in the state of
Uttar Pradesh during the past five years is forty a year.
The safari park will deter criminals because it will be too
bright for them to hide anywhere.
Contrary to popular belief, lions don’t just live in Africa.
In the past, some Asiatic lions lived close to Europe.
The lions in the safari park will be trained to live in the wild.
Wildlife groups are afraid that the lions will be stolen before
the project really starts.
Earlier this year, a large elephant population in one of
India’s wildlife reserves disappeared.
A safari park with a difference
Police in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India say they have come up with a new weapon
against the bandits who plague large areas of the country: lions. They are seriously
proposing that a new lion safari park will help rid the area of bandits.
But Indian wildlife groups are warning that the bandits will kill the lions to sell their
skins. The proposal comes months after it emerged that India’s natural tiger
population has been sharply reduced by poachers.
Uttar Pradesh is particularly notorious for dacoits, as bandits are known in India.
Because of the number of car jackings by bandits, eastern areas of the state are, in
effect, off limits to drivers of more expensive cars.
The state is known for kidnappings as well. In the area around the Chambal ravines,
where the authorities want to set up the 371-acre safari park, there have been 4,000
kidnappings over the past five years. Those who are kidnapped are held for ransom. If
the money is not paid, the victim may be killed.
Police in these remote rural areas are often forced to patrol like soldiers, armed with
military assault rifles. Now they are suggesting lions may be the answer. Not that the
lions will actually be chasing the bandits. The lion park will attract many visitors and
officials say it will be brightly lit. This is supposed to force the dacoits to flee.
The state government thinks the park will attract tourists because of the rarity of the
Asiatic lion. Although lions are generally thought of as African, a sub-species once
roamed much of Asia, as far west as the Mediterranean. Today, there is just one
population of Asiatic lions left in the wild, in Gujarat in India.
The proposed safari park is not an attempt to reintroduce lions to the wild. The state
government is asking Indian zoos to donate captive Asiatic lions and the animals
would be fed by park officials.
But wildlife groups say the proposal is disastrous. They think the lions will be used
for target practice by Chambal’s bandits. They also claim that the project will be a
waste of money, and in fact, will never take off. Their warnings must be treated
seriously. Earlier this year, it emerged that the entire wild tiger population of a major
reserve in India had disappeared. They are believed to have been killed by poachers
for their valuable skins.
Task 2. Dialogue - A Holiday in Italy
Choose the correct answer to these questions based on the dialogue. Each question has
only one correct answer. There are 5 questions in this quiz. Check yourself with the
A Holiday in Italy
(two friends looking at pictures of a holiday)
Tim: Alan, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy?
Alan: Sure, what was it like?
Tim: Ah, the holiday was great! The food was great! The wine was great! The traffic
was horrible!
Alan: Why was the traffic horrible?
Tim: Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don't want to think about it!
Alan: OK, OK, let's return to the good parts ...
Tim: Yes, so here's a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Alan: Incredible!
Tim: It was raining that day, but it was still wonderful. We climbed to the top!
Alan: And what's this?
Tim: That's a photo of the Arno river, in Florence. That's the 'Ponte Vecchio' the old
Alan: What was Florence like?
Tim: It was very interesting. There were beautiful old medieval buildings in the city,
impressive cathedrals and churches, and lots of wonderful museums.
Alan: How was your Italian?
Tim: My Italian wasn't very good. But many Italians speak English very well. I was
Alan: Oh, this one is nice.
Tim: Yes, that's a shot of a tasty pizza served by a beautiful Italian!
Alan: She is beautiful, isn't she?
Tim: Ah, yes, the land of fashion, food and wine. I'd recommend Italy anytime!
Alan: I'm so jealous...
Task 3. Read two stories about nightmare journeys competition. Choose the
story you liked the best.
Story number 1.Rafa’s story.
I’m going to tell you the worst journey that I remember, and it was last year, so I
remember it perfectly. I had gone to New York with a close friend for a week,
because we had things to do there and also because we like The United States. During
that week we had a very good time, we had spoken a lot of English, we had bought a
lot of clothes… well actually we had spent a very good week, but the problems began
the last day because of the weather. That day early in the morning it was snowing a
lot…. we had the flight at eight o’clock p.m., and there was plenty of snow in the
airport, and of course on the plane too…. well anyway we boarded in time and when
we were sitting on our seats suddenly a big machine began to take the snow off the
plane, but unfortunately for us that machine broke the plane’s right wing. After that
the plane captain said to us:” You have to leave the plane”, and we had to wait for
another flight. We spent the night at the hotel and the next day we were waiting for a
new flight. Finally we left at eleven o’clock p.m. in a flight to Brussels, where we had
problems because our flight arrived an hour late to Brussels…. so again we spent the
day at the hotel and at last we flew to Madrid but it was three days later. When we
arrived to the baggage reclaim, our luggage wasn’t there because it had arrived three
days before in another plane, so once again we had to wait another day in Madrid
looking for our luggage….. Finally we found it in another terminal. As you can see, it
really was a nightmare journey, isn’t it?
STORY NUMBER 2. Javier’s story
One of my nightmare journeys
One of my worst day journeys was in the last month of August. Last summer I went
with my motorbike across Europe, I could visit ten countries in sixteen days, I had a
nice time although several of those days were horrible because the weather was very
bad. Now, I´m trying to explain one of those horrible but beautiful days too.
On August 28th I spent the night in the city of Fussen. Fussen is a city in the south of
Germany, near of this city there is one of the most famous castles in the world,
Neuschwasntein Castle; it is a beautiful and quiet place, it´s like a fairy tale.
It’s a beautiful place, don’t you agree with me?
After lunch I visited the castle but in the evening it was raining a lot and I decided not
go out until the morning because the next day I would spend many hours on the
motorbike because the next day I would travel from there to Venice. Next morning I
got up early and it was raining, I had breakfast and through the hotel windows the
views were amazing, I could see a lot of mountains in front of me, the Alps. That day
I began to ride the motorbike at 7,30H more or less because the distance from there to
Venice is 600 Km, not much, yes, but the road through the Alps is always in good
condition and I would have to cross Austria too. I crossed the Austrian Tirol early,
very beautiful places, perfect roads to enjoy the views but the weather was not good,
it was raining and the temperature was cold. After two hours I arrived in Landeck, it is
a strange city in Austria, I´ll never forget this city because I was lost there for one
hour, the village is not so big but for that hour it was impossible to find the road to
Italy, I tried to explain my intention to some people but nobody understood me,
nobody spoke English and much less Spanish, all people spoke to me in one language
unknown to me, I didn´t understand anything. I was desperate for one hour until one
man showed me the correct way to leave Landeck.In the motorbike I have got a GPS
system but when it´s raining I cannot use it because is not water resistant.
Definitely, I had had a horrible morning, while I was driving the rain was falling
down, the cold and humidity were present in my bones, it was a very hard experience,
it was summer but in the Alps the weather is not always good. During that day I had
changed my clothes three times. I crossed the Alps through “PassodelloStelvio”, it is
an amazing place, it is one of the highest roads in Europe, you can drive at 2758 m
and the road to climb there is terrible, it´s one of the most beautiful places which I
have ever seen.
As you can see, the views from there are amazing.
Fortunately for me, as soon as I started to climb, the weather was much better and I
could enjoy the views and I could take very beautiful photos. After that I was in Italy,
I had lunch and the weather was much better than that horrible morning. I arrived in
Venice at 19:30H very tired because the day had been very hard and long, I had been
driving for 12 hours. Next day the weather was good, I was more relaxed until the
Italian police gave me a parking fine, I could visit Venice but that is another story.
So now it’s time for you to vote. Which story did you like the best?
Task 1.Discuss the positive and negative aspects of mass tourism. Record
yourself. Make notes.
Here are some arguments you may wish to
Mass tourism brings much needed
employment and revenues to the local
Local people often benefit little
from tourism as most revenues go to
governments or corporations.
People have an innate need to
explore and experience new things.
Tourism has a huge
environmental impact on water, land
and air.
Tourism provides an opportunity
for different cultures to learn about
each other.
Most tourists see little of the
local culture as they stay in hotels
and do not explore.
Any negative environmental impact 
of flying, for example, can be offset by
Tourism is one-way with only
people from rich countries able to
Word building
Task 1.Read these sentences and write the opposites of the words in brackets.
1. They are so impatient (patient), and theydisagree (agree) with everything I
2. Is it illegal (legal) to park here?
3. The beach was uncrowded (crowded) and unspoilt (spoilt) by tourism.
4. I'll unpack (pack) my bags later.
5. He's a unloyal (loyal) and unresponsible (responsible) worker.
6. Are you going to unwrap (wrap) the present now?
7. You always seem to misunderstand (understand) me.
8. I've never met such inhonest, unhelpful (honest, helpful) and unfriendly
(friendly) people.
9. She's very insensitive (sensitive) and intolerant (tolerant).
10. We were unlucky (lucky) - the hotel was uncomfortable(comfortable) and very
inconvenient (convenient) for the beach.
11. Our postal service is very unreliable(reliable) and inefficient (efficient).
12. I've never seen such an uninteresting (interesting) programme.
13. Is it invisible(visible) without a microscope?
14. The magician made the rabbit disappear (appear) in a hat.
15. I think it's impossible (possible) to do this incorrectly (correctly).
Task 2.Dictionary work. Longman English Dictionary online.
Read the information in the box. Then add a prefix to each of the words below.
Use a good dictionary to help you. Translate the words.
Entries beginning un-, in-, im-, ir- oril- are usually adjectives.
Entries beginning dis- ormis- are usually verbs (v).
1. Inaccurate-neprecīzs
2. Inactive-bezdarbīgs
3. Disapprove-neatdzīt
4. Miscalculate-pārrēķināt
5. Unconventional-dabisks
6. Discommon-atņemt tiesības
7. Incompetent-nekompetents
8. Incredible-neticams
9. Unequal-nevienāds
10. Inexperienced-nepiedzīvojis
11. Unfortunate-neveiksmīgs
12. Inhuman-necilvēcīgs
13. Unimportant-nesvarīgs
14. Misjudge (v)-zemu novērtēt
15. Unkind-nelaipns
16. Unlike-pretēji
17. Dislike (v)-nepatika
18. Unnecessary-nevajadzīgs
19. Disobedient-nepaklausīgs
20. Imperfect-nepilnīgs
21. Misplace (v)-nolikt nevietā
22. Displeased-nepatika
23. Unpopular-nepopulārs
24. Impractical-nepraktisks
25. Irregular-neregulārs
26. Irrelevant-nenozīmīgs
27. Unsatisfactory-neapmierinošs
28. Unsuitable-nepiemērots
29. Unsuccessful-nesekmīgs
30. Distreat (v)
31. Unusual-neparasts
Task 3. Multi-part verbs
Replace the words in brackets with these verbs in the correct form. Use a
dictionary to help you.
check in, catch up with, fill in, get back, get to, get up, go out, keep to, pick up, set
off, stay over, stop off
It was an amazing journey. Wedidn'thave to (1) check-in (register our arrival) as
youdo in airports, though my boyfriend had to (2) fill in (complete) a form, because
he's Americanandnot from the European Union. Well, we (3) set off (started our
journey) at about one o'clock and we (4) get to (arrived at) Austerlitz Station in Paris
in under three hours.
We wanted to(5) stop off (spend the night) in Paris so we went to a hotel and booked
a room. Then we (6) get back(left our hotel) and had dinner together. The next
morning we(7) get up (rose) early and got the TGV south. It's really punctual and
always catch up with (follows) the timetable, not like trains here! Anyway, in Nice we
(9) keep to (joined) some friends who'd gonedownthere a few days earlier. They (10)
keep to(collected us) from the station and we went to their villa.
It was a marvellous holiday. On the way back, we (11) go out (interrupted our
journey) for two hours in Paris. We (12) get back(returned) to London last night!
Task 4. Multi-part verbs in fixed expressions
Complete the sentences with these verbs in the correct form.
bring, bump, come, get (x2), make (x2), run, take, turn (x2), watch
1. _______ I ... timeoff work next July to go camping in Scotland.
2. _______ When we set off it was cloudy, but later it ... out nice.
3. _______ We went hitchhiking round France, but get out of money after a
4. _______ I ... into an old friend while I was in London; we hadn't seen each
other for ages.
5. _______ ... out. The drivers are crazy in this country.
6. _______ I spent all day in the museum. It was worth it; I really ... a lot out of
7. _______ She ... down with a cold on holiday after she'd been swimming in
the lake.
8. _______ I don't want to ... up the subject, but how are we going to get home?
9. _______ This map isn't very clear; I justcan't ... it out. I suppose after the
long holiday we'll have to ... down tosome work.
10. ______ He ... up an excuse for being late for the bus.
11. ______ They said we could stay an extra two days but we ... down their
Task 5. Multi-part verbs in fixed expressions
Complete the expressions with these words. Use a good dictionary.
against, into, of (x2), up, with
Amy: We couldn't (1)make ... our minds about where to go on holiday.
Brenda: So where did you go in the end?
Amy: We decided to go to Cornwall. We took the train.
Brenda: Oh, you didn't drive?
Amy: No. You've got to (2)take ... account that it's nearly 500 miles away, and that's
a lot of driving, isn't it?
Brenda: Yes, it is. You can get a plane nowadays.
Amy: (3)I've nothing ... planes - I'm not afraid of flying or anything like that, but I
prefer the train.
Brenda: What was the weather like?
Amy: Not too bad. We (4) made the most ... the sun when it came out. I even got a
bit of a tan.
Brenda: So what did you get up to?
Amy: Most days we went down to the beach and (5)made do ... a couple of
sandwiches for lunch. Oh, once we tried windsurfing. Everybody (6)made fun ...
me because I kept on falling in!
Verb patterns 1
Verbs and expressions followed by –ing form or infinitive
A. Study the rules
B Do the exercises Test 1 (exercise 1/exercise2/exercise 3).
Do the exercises Test 2 (exercise 1/exercise2/exercise 3).
Check yourself on the Internet.
C –ing or to? Study the rules and do the exercise that follows. Check the keys.
D Do some exercises and check the keys.
E With verbs of senses such as see, hear, watch, notice we can use two patterns.
We use:
See/hear/watch/notice somebody do something when we want to say that we
observed the whole action (and we know how it ends);
E.g. I watched the children cross the street. (I saw them as they reached the other side)
We heard john sing our national song. (We heard the whole song)
See/hear/watch/notice somebody doing something when we want to say that we
observed the action in progress.
E.g. we watched the whales swimming off the coast. I saw them sunbathing on the
Task 1.Infinitive or -ing?
Complete the sentences with the infinitive + to or the -ing form of the verbs in
Many people can't afford to send (send) their children to private schools.
I've never really enjoyed … (visit) other countries.
I didn't manage … (meet) anyone famous when I was in Hollywood.
We're looking forward to … (see) Egypt and the Middle East.
I'll have to consider … (take up) a job away from the city.
He offered … (organize) our trip to Mexico.
During the trek in Nepal I sometimes couldn't stand … (sleep) in a tent.
We threatened … (call) the police if they didn't stop … (make) a noise.
They suggested … (have) a cup of tea before we left.
I don't regret … (go) to Asia as it was a fascinating journey.
Task 2. Match the verbs with the verb patterns given.
agree, admit, avoid, consider, finish, decide, enjoy, imagine, manage, offer, not mind,
plan, promise, put off, refuse, want, would like
to do something
doing something
Task 3. Choose verbs from Exercise 2 to complete these sentences. Use the
correct form of each verb.
1. I never … to do the washing-up. I could even say I like it.
2. The student union … to call off the rally because of the weather.
3. After a few questions from the teacher that he couldn't answer, Tom … being
unprepared for the lesson.
4. If you don't want your breathing problems to get worse, you should … passive
smoking at all costs.
5. She's always … eating – that’s why she is so plump.
6. Frankly, I can’t … living in another country. I’ve lived here all my life.
7. After a lot of effort he … to change his lifestyle completely after his first heart
8. Some people were so keen to listen to the concert live that they … sitting on
the floor.
Task 4.Underline the verbs that could complete the gap.
e.g. He was so scared of the storm that he ... to hide under the table.
tried / attempted / risked / wanted
1. Tessa ... her children cook lunch on Sunday.
allows / lets / makes / prepares
2. We ... to finish the exam before 11 a.m.
hoped / wanted / expected / tried
3. The girl ... losing the money on her way home.
happened / seemed / admitted / regretted
4. Harry couldn't ... listening to the director's speech.
stand / afford / remember / refuse
5. We finally ... to go on a short holiday to the mountains.
arranged / considered / managed / suggested
6. When I am abroad, I always ... tasting the local food.
enjoy / offer / decide / avoid
7. People nowadays ... to use a lot of cosmetics.
seem / tend / admit / risk
Task 5.Infinitive or –ing?Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive with to or
the -ing form.
Jenny Adams, an 11-year-old girl travelling from San Diego to Philadelphia by
Western American Airlines ended up in Miami instead.
Jenny first flew from San Diego to Denver, where she managed (1)to get (get) to the
Philadelphia gate just in time. However, the airline staff rushed her through the
adjacent gate of the Miami flight, convinced that this was her destination. Seeing
that she was being put on a wrong flight, Jenny tried (2) ... (protest) but the airline
staff chose (3) ... (ignore) her desperate attempts to change flights.
'When I heard the pilot (4) ... (announce) the estimated landing time in Miami I
knew it was too late, there was no point in (5) ... (say) anything to the cabin staff, so
I decided (6) ... (call) my mother from Miami and ask her what to do,' said Jenny.
In Miami, a passenger who had been sitting next to her, agreed (7) ... (lend) her his
mobile so that she could call her parents, who, in the meantime had not seen her (8) ...
(get) off the plane in Philadelphia and were seriously worried.
'We deeply regret (9) ... (trust) the Western American Airlines. We only let our
daughter (10) ... (fly) alone after carefully (11) ... (check) that the airline would take
care of her properly. Jenny isn't used to (12) ... (travel) on her own, so we were quite
anxious. Ironically, we paid an additional $100 for this service,' said Marilyn Adams,
Jenny's mother.
The airline spokesperson admitted (13) ... (make) a serious mistake and offered (14)
... (refund) the extra $100 charge the parents had paid.
Verb patterns 2
Used to, be used to and get used to
We use:
Used to + infinitive without “to” talk about states and activities that happened
regularly in the past but they are no longer true:
We used to go camping a lot (we don’t go camping a lot anymore).
He used to be a doctor (he is not a doctor anymore).
Be used to + ing form or a noun to say that we are very familiar with something:
We’re used to getting up early (we do that often).
She’s used to the cold climate.
Get used to + ing form or a noun to describe the process of getting familiar with
We got used to eating rice when we lived in Asia (and it took us some time to get
familiar with the food).
Task 1.be used to and get used to
Complete the sentences with (not) be used to, (not) get used to or used to/didn't
use to.
1. When I started living in the forest I gradually got used to the complete silence
at night and birds singing at dawn.
2. My granny … make up fairy tales for me when I was a little girl.
3. Be careful! The dog … being touched by strangers.
4. Farmers in this area … buy chemical fertilisers until the 1970s.
5. Don't worry! You will slowly … our working hours and even if you … getting
up so early, you'll soon find finishing work early a great advantage.
6. Travelling … be much slower and less comfortable in the old days.
7. We have never been to Africa before and I … the hot and humid climate at all.
8. When you start a new job, it can take some time to … the different routine.
Task 2. Do the exercises on the Internet.
Writing activity
Task 1. Linking
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence.
Use between two and five words including the cue given.
e.g. You can borrow my car but you must bring it back tomorrow morning, (unless).
You can't borrow my carunlessyou bring it back tomorrow morning.
1. I don't think I'll buy a new CD player without a discount, (provided that).
I'll buy a new CD player ... a discount.
2. I think that might not be such a good idea, (whether).
I'm not sure ... such a good idea.
3. If it rains, I'm certainly not going swimming, (as long as).
I'll go swimming ...rain.
5. I only went to see her because I wanted to help her out, (if).
I wouldn't have gone to see her ... help her out.
6. Could you possibly send me a leaflet about the hotel? (if).
I would ...send me a leaflet about the hotel.
7. I'll help him when he gives me back that CD I lent him, (except if).
I ... he gives me back that CD I lent him.
8. I'll do it provided that it's safe, (unless).
I ... it's safe.
Task 2. Linking
Complete the article using these linking words.
in order to, also, although, as long as, as well as, because of, despite, for example,
however, if, in conclusion, provided that, since, unless, whether
Package Holidays
Literally millions of people leave Britain every summer (1) in order to relax on the
sunny beaches of the Mediterranean. There are (2) ... growing numbers of tourists
who travel to more exotic holiday destinations.
(3) ... , these package holidays have many disadvantages. It doesn't matter (4) ... you
are flying or going by tour bus, it can be uncomfortable and exhausting (5) ... delays
and long journeys. (6) ... that, many British tourists are disappointed with the resorts.
(7) ... , the apartments are not always as big as they seemed in the brochure. And
many British people only like the bars and restaurants (8) ... they serve British food
and (9) ... the menu is in English!
(10) ... these disadvantages, foreign travel has revolutionised the quality of life for
many people. (11) ... you live in a warm climate anyway, a couple of weeks in the sun
can make all the difference to you, (12) ... it cheers you up and gives you something
to look forward to. And to be fair, (13) ... a lot of tourists do stay in the resorts, there
are many others who make an effort to get to know something about the people and
country they are visiting. (14) ... , foreign travel is a great thing for most people. (15)
... they didn't go abroad, many people wouldn't have the opportunity to experience
cultures and lifestyles which are different from their own.
Task 3. Answer the questions:
What do you like or dislike about travel?
What is the longest journey you’ve been to?
What was the best trip you’ve ever been on?
Have you ever been on a package tour or on an excursion while on holiday?
Would you like to go on a cruise?
Would you like to go on a long sea voyage?
Task 4.Use the words below to complete the letter. Use each item once only.
Concerning, in advance, address, reply, reference, restrictions,
20 October, 2003
Dear Mr. Ivor Dixon
With ... to an advertisement published in the magazine, I write to you to get more
information ... Acorn Activities camp.
I have two children aged 12 and 14, they are fond of swimming and photography. I
want to know if there are qualified instructors to teach my sons to swim. Is there the
necessity of own equipment, when my boys will take the photographs.
I saw your ... in the magazine, however it will be grateful if you tell me where exactly
camp is situated: forest, countryside? Also, are there any age ...? Do your holiday
activities available in August and how many of free places there will be left then?
And the last: do I have to pay you some money ...?
Thanks you for the help. I look forward to your ....
With respect,
Mary Smith.
Task 5. Use the words below to complete the letter. Use each item once only.
current issue
additional charge
particularly interested
eligible for
package holidays
under what circumstances
look forward to
with reference to
send me information
Dear Sir or Madam,
(1 ) _ to your advertisement in the (2) _ of "Summer Holiday" magazine, could you
please (3) _ about the holidays you offer in the United States? I am (4) _ in your (5) _
to California and Florida. In your advertisement you state that there are reduced prices
for children but it is not clear (6) _ these reductions can be obtained. We are a family
of four, with two adults and two children, aged 10 and 16. Could you tell me whether
my 16-year-old child would still be (7) _ a reduction or if he is now classed as an
adult? Your advertisement also (8) _that a free hire car was included in the holidays in
the United States. (9) _ there was no information about insurance. I would be (10) _
therefore, if you could inform me whether this is included or not. If it is not, I would
like to know how much the (11) _ would be. I hope you will be able to answer my
queries. I (12) _ hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Smith
1 Underline the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
I’ve always enjoyed to travel/travelling.
1. It’s no use to complain/complaining about the weather.
2. We decided to go/going to China.
3. He refused to get/getting on the bus.
4. There’s no point in wait/waiting for the train.
5. It’s not worth spend/spending good money on.
6. I expect toarrive/arriving before 11 o’clock.
7. I’m looking forward to see/seeing the Pyramids.
8. What about to have/having a pizza?
9. It’d be a good idea to reserve/reserving a seat on the train.
10. She’s planning to travel/travelling to South Africa next year.
2 Put the words in brackets in the correct form.
e.g. I can’t stand ____visiting____ (visit) museums of natural history
1. I’m not an early bird but I’ve got used to _______________ (get up) at dawn
2. Tim is looking forward to _______________ (visit) his friend in Paris next
3. The teacher refused _______________ (take part) in our outing.
4. For several moments I watched them _______________ (fight) one another in
the gym but I left before they finished.
5. When I was younger I used to _______________ (vote) for the Green Party.
6. I regretted _______________ (not give) a chance to apologise for my
7. I saw Ann _______________ (enter) the university building.
8. There is only one programme worth _______________ (watch) today – the
documentary on Mexican refugees.
9. They finally decided _______________ (take out) a mortgage on their house.
10. Everybody stopped _______________ (work) when they heard ambulance
11. It’s no use _______________ (worry) about it. You can’t do anything to
change it.
12. A passer-by managed _______________ (give) first aid to the wounded.
3Use the prefixes un-, in-, im-, ir- or il- to make the adjectives negative. Check in
the dictionary.
E.g. usual
4Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Before setting out on a journey to some (0) __unspoiled____ (spoil) place far away
from civilisation, it is wise to consider the following advice. First, your luggage.
Remember to take as few things as possible; when the scales in the airport show
excess weight, it will be too late to (1) _______________ (pack). Another important
thing is the right kind of preparation. Remember that a badly (2) _______________
(organise) traveller is an (3) _______________ (responsible) traveller, too. Many
wonderful destinations are wasted and lost if you are not aware of what they have in
store, and how their wonders can be discovered. It is also very important to check
which types of activity are (4) _______________ (legal) in the area you are going to
visit. (5) _______________ (experience) travellers often get in trouble if they happen
to (6) _______________ (agree) with the local policeman or another person in power.
Finally, take care never to get (7) _______________ (patient) with local people. Your
primary aim in getting there is to have a nice and interesting time, and irritation is not
only counterproductive, but it can also cause major cultural (8) _______________
5 Match the words from the two columns to form compound words.
0 wide open
1 bustling
2 breath-taking
3 delicious
4 snow-capped
5 teeming
6 sleeping
with wildlife
7 historic
8 cultural
6Complete the sentences with the correct multi-part verbs from the box.
Get back, set off, stop off, get to, catch up with, pick up, fill in, keep to, check
in, go through, get up
E.g. When you arrive at the airport, go and check in at the airline desk.
1. Don’t forget to _______________ your passport and boarding card from the
airline desk.
2. Get a label and _______________ your name and address before you attach it
to your hand baggage.
3. You must arrive at the airport at 6.30 so you’ll have to _______________
early in the morning!
4. It takes nearly two hours to drive to the airport so you’ll have to
_______________ from home at 4.30.
5. When you’ve got your boarding card, you can _______________ the security
check to the duty-free shops.
6. You’ll have to wait for an hour or more so why not _______________ some
shopping for presents in the shops?
7. Don’t forget that you must _______________ the departure gate 15 minutes
before the flight.
8. When you are walking along the corridors, _______________ the left so you
don’t bump into other people.
9. Your plane may fly directly to your destination or perhaps it will
_______________ at another airport to get more fuel and passengers.
10. Don’t forget to send me a postcard! I’ll see you when you _______________!
7Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
e.g. We need to _____get______ in touch before the meeting.
Choose from the following options: pick; to; stay; off; off; catch
1. To my mind, these rules and regulations are unfair but I’m going to keep
_______________ them.
2. My little nieces were always very excited to set _______________ on a
camping trip.
3. Because of the blizzard, all planes were cancelled for two days and we had to
_______________ over in a hotel.
4. They left five minutes earlier so I had to run to _______________ up with
5. We decided to stop _______________ in New York for a couple of days
before heading for Rhode Island.
6. It would be great if you could _______________ me up at my place at about
What is the meaning of these sentences? Mark them A, B or C.
= a habit in the past
= the process of becoming accustomed to something
= the state of being familiar with something
We’ve got used to the cold weather.
When I was younger, I used to love playing with fire.
Don’t worry about Peter! He’s used to working all night.
The local people used to speak an old form of Spanish.
Are you getting used to eating Mexican food?
My father used to carry me on his shoulders.
Underline the correct verb in the sentences.
She was so frightened of the wasp she tried/risked to hide under the bed.
People nowadays admit/seem to use mobile phones all the time.
We can’t refuse/stand eating in restaurants every night.
When I am in Spain, I avoid/decide eating paella.
They wanted/admitted me to finish my homework before I went out.
George couldn’t want/risk losing his money.
Paula couldn’t manage/try to change the flat tyre.
They refused/suggested paying for the drinks.
Bill decided/remembered feeding the hamsters.
We regretted/happened to find three old sandwiches under the cupboard.
She admitted/managed opening the cash box.
Look at these extracts. Are they from a formal [F] letter or from an
informal [I]
Dear Ms Parker,
However, there are still three points which require clarification.
Anyway, keep in touch and give me a ring when you’ve got time.
Thank you for your letter of 25 January.
There are still a couple of things I’m not sure about.
Yours sincerely,