Crumple_zones (1)

Crumple zones
The aim of this experiment is to study the effect of crumple zones in a collision.
In this quick lab, you will design and test several materials to determine the optimum
conditions for passengers in a vehicle.
Remember: Damage to people in
a car in a collision is due to how
quickly they “decelerate”
(accelerate by slowing down). A
long, slow “deceleration” will cause
less injury that a short, rapid one.
1. Trolley (lab cart) that will be the “cell” of your car
2. Solid wall for the cart to hit/crash into (what will you use?)
3. Crash test dummy (made of modelling clay, putty, play dough, etc) – you must be
able to see any “bruising” or broken legs, etc
4. Runway –Some sort of sloped surface. How big? How wide? What material – will
there be friction?
5. Various types of ‘crumple’ zones that can be fixed to the front of the trolley.
For Monday: You will need to figure out the following within your group of AT MOST 4 and
bring them:
1) A variety of materials that you want to use for crumple zones (think carefully!). You
want at least 4 crumple zone materials and they must be ordered from “soft” to “hard”
or rigid. You want to be able to tell the difference between how well a soft crumple
zone protects compared to a rigid crumple zone.
2) What your “crash test dummy” will be made of (it must be something that will show
injuries, dents, deformations). How will it be attached? (We are assuming that
occupants in a car will be wearing seatbelts).
3) What will your wall be made of? It must be solid/rigid for the crash. It must be large
enough to not get knocked over (as a real wall wouldn’t knock over in a crash). You
can also choose a “telephone pole” structure if you would prefer.
4) Make a PREDICTION/HYPOTHESIS about which crumple zone will be the best and
explain why. Rank you crumple zones and explain why.
1. Set up the runway at an angle and allow the trolley to run down it so that it collides with the
wall. You are not going to push the car so you need a sloped runway (so gravity does the
pushing). Do a trial run without the crash test dummy to make sure your car runs down the
slope. Make detailed observations about the runway (material, slope, length, etc) and the
wall (material, size).
2. Attach your crash test dummy. Make detailed observation of the crash test dummy, and
how the dummy is attached.
3. Make detailed observations of what types of injuries your crash test dummy sustains
without a crumple zone when the car rolls down the hill.
4. Repeat the experiment with 4 different crumple zones. Make sure you describe the
material and the shape/size of it (observations). Always start with the trolley the same
distance away from the wall up the slope so that it has the same speed (roughly) every time.
5. Answer the Analyze and Conclude questions on page 204. Answer in complete sentences
and be descriptive!
6. Research: Research what materials are used in crumple zones and why. Write a
paragraph about the material and include websites you used in this section. You will also
need to find an online video outlining crumple zones and include the link.
7. Conclusion: What type of material do you think would be good for car manufacturer’s to
use? Why do you think this? Use your materials to first answer this and then do some
research to back up your ideas. It should be based on observations you made. If your
observations don’t make sense with your research, explain what errors may have happened.
Once you find out a good material for the crumple zone, explain why it is a good material for
as many reasons as possible. Remember: safety is your top concern!
Make sure you describe your crumple zones and the injuries in detail. Make note of the size
and shape, how it is attached, etc. OBSERVATIONS ARE IMPORTANT!
You are required to TYPE a FORMAL group lab for this lab. It must be typed in 12 Times
New Roman font and double-spaced. You need to do the following:
Title Page
Hypothesis (should have been done over the weekend)
Materials (you need to bring these)
Procedure: Modify the procedure above with your crumple zones and how
you did the experiment.
Observations: This should be a large portion of the lab.
Analysis: Answer the Analyze and Conclude questions on page 204. Use
key terms to support your answers.
Research: Paragraph with sources about the best type of crumple zone and
why (using physics terms like momentum and impulse). Also include the link
to the crumple zone video.
Time Given: 15 minutes prep on Friday before
Full class for doing the experiment and answering questions (with laptops available)