
Supporting Information
In-situ device integration of large-area patterned organic nanowire arrays for
high-performance optical sensors
Yiming Wu1, Xiujuan Zhang1, Huanhuan Pan1, Wei Deng1, Xiaohong Zhang2, Xiwei
Zhang1 & Jiansheng Jie1
Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM) and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for
Carbon-Based Functional Materials & Devices, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu,
215123, P. R. China, 2Nano-organic Photoelectronic Laboratory and Key Laboratory of
Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics
and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, 100190, P. R. China.
Figure S1. (a) and (b) are SEM images of the CuPc NW film grown on bare Si
substrate without Au coating.
Figure S2. CuPc NW arrays grown on the Au-coated SiO2/Si substrate. (a), (b) SEM
images of CuPc NW array under different magnifications. (c) Enlarged SEM image of
the NW array at the bottom, indicating that the NWs were grown from the Au NPs.
Figure S3. (a) SEM image of the CuPc NW array grown on 8 nm Ag-coated Si
substrate. (b) The enlarged SEM image shows the CuPc NWs grown from Ag NPs.
Figure S4. SEM image of (a), (b) PTCDA and (c) F16CuPc NW arrays grown by the
Au NP-templated method.
Figure S5. TEM images of the CuPc NWs at nucleation stage. The arrows indicate
the positions where CuPc NW nucleus were formed. It is clear that the NW nucleation
tend to occur at the edges of Au NPs with large curvature.
Figure S6. (a) and (b) are the SEM images of the CuPc NW arrays grown on
Au-coated Si substrates under different reaction pressures of 2 × 103 Pa and 2 Pa,
Figure S7. (a-e) Schematic illustration of the fabrication flow of the image sensor
circuit. (f) Optical microscope image of the sensor circuit before NW array growth.
Figure S8. Enlarged SEM images highlight the contact points of the crossed-aligned
NW array. (a) As-prepared NW array on planar Si. (b) NW array at device channel.
The contact points are marked by the red circles.
Figure S9. (a) Optical microscope image of the bare Au-Au electrode pairs. (b)
Single CuPc NW and (c) multiple CuPc NW based devices fabricated by dispersing
the NWs onto the electrode pairs. (d) and (e) show the photoresponse characteristics
of the single-NW and multiple-NW based devices, respectively. A red laser diode was
used as the light source.
Figure S10. (a) Optical microscope image of the Ti-Au electrode pair with CuPc NW
array grown on it. (b) I-V characteristics of the Ti-Au device under dark and light
illumination, revealing a Ilight/Idark ratio of ~60. (c) Photoconductive response of the
device under on-off modulated light illumination. A red laser diode was used as the
light source.
Figure S11. Optical microscope images of the Ti-Ti electrode pairs (a) before (b)
after CuPc NW array growth. (c) I-V characteristics of the Ti-Ti device under dark
and light illumination, revealing a Ilight/Idark ratio of ~125. (d) Photoconductive
response of the device under on-off modulated light illumination. A red laser diode
was used as the light source.