building directors - terms of reference

McGill University
June 13, 2015
1.1. In each University building, a staff member is appointed as Building Director (BD) by the
Dean responsible for the area or, in the case of administrative buildings, by the senior
Director. (In the absence of a senior Director, the BD is assigned by Campus Space and
Planning in consultation with the building occupants.) In turn, Building Directors in larger
buildings or building complexes may opt to appoint Deputy Building Directors to assist
with the workload. In such cases, the following Terms of Reference shall apply to the
Deputy Building Directors to the extent that responsibility has been transferred to the
Deputy BD by the BD.
1.2. The responsible Dean shall advise the Office of Campus & Space Planning of any new
appointments of Building Directors or Deputies. Various models exist for this position on
campus, including dedicated Building Directors hired specifically for this purpose. Staff
members who accept this designation usually take on the responsibilities delineated below
in addition to the duties associated with their official staff appointment. As a result,
additional support and/or relief from their official staff responsibilities may be required
during periods of high BD demand (ex: moves, renovations).
1.3. A Building Director’s website has been established which includes all the documents
referenced herein:
These Terms of Reference are issued by the Associate Vice-Principal (University Services) and
shall constitute the necessary authority for Building Directors (and Deputy Building Directors
to the extent that responsibility has been transferred to them) to carry out their functions.
Their scope of authority extends to all space in their respective buildings having due regard
for departmental, Faculty and University jurisdictions where required.
General responsibilities of Building Directors are summarized as follows:
3.1. Responsibility for dissemination of information to building occupants regarding University
policies concerning building management, safety and security, and for their application.
The latest versions of these policies are posted on the Building Director’s website.
3.2. A liaison role between building users and the service departments involved in the
operation of the facilities
 Facilities Operations & Development (FOD), including Project Management,
Facilities Operations, and Buildings, Grounds & Special Events
 University Safety including Security Services, Emergency Measures & Fire
Protection, Environmental Health & Safety
 Office of Campus & Space Planning (CSP)
 Content, Collaboration and Solutions (CCS)
NB: It is understood that these units shall maintain an ongoing dialogue with BDs
regarding any anticipated or current activities in their buildings.
3.3. A liaison role between emergency responders and building occupants in the event of
NB: Building Directors must provide Campus Security ( and
FCC access to their buildings’ LISTSERVs (see 4.1 below), to allow direct communication
with all building occupants in case of emergency and/or in the absence of the BD.
3.4. An advisory responsibility to the Associate Vice-Principal (University Services) or his/her
delegate, on matters affecting the operation of the building, and to the Office of Campus &
Space Planning on matters concerning space allocation.
Building Directors will ensure that the following functions are carried out:
4.1. Maintain a LISTSERV (electronic mailing list) of building occupants for each building.
(Contact IT Services for support, if required.)
4.2. Distribute University Building Regulations and information pertinent to their buildings’
operations to their building occupants.
4.3. Provide assistance and information to Vice-Principals, Deans, Chairs and other
academic/administrative managers regarding space allocation in consultation with Campus
& Space Planning.
4.4. Collaborate in the updating of the space database system (FAMIS) by advising Campus &
Space Planning, at minimum on an annual basis, of any changes to the room by room
space allocation in the building, and also of any errors/omissions in the current base
building floor plans.
4.5. Coordinate with the users and with the service departments indicated in 3.2, as appropriate,
with respect to the temporary assignment of space for conferences, entertainment and other
special events not related to regular academic activities, and approve such events as per the
Building Policies as outlined in the following website:
4.6. Advise Facilities Operations & Development, via the Facilities Call Centre (FCC), (local
4555) or via FAMIS of any building problems or urgently required repairs. The status of
the service request can be viewed by BDs in FAMIS.
4.7. Help Facilities Operations & Development coordinate all building cleaning, regular
maintenance, construction/renovations, and/or building shutdowns as requested by them. A
request for support shall be sent to BDs by FOD with at least 48 hours notice of such
activities, except in case of emergency.
4.8. Sign off on all projects undertaken with their building.
4.9. Communicate and coordinate with Security Services (telephone local 3000 at downtown
campus and 7777 at Macdonald Campus) regarding emergencies.
4.10. Communicate and coordinate with Utilities and Energy Management on HVAC systems
operating hours and approve all changes to these hours, whether temporary or permanent.
4.11. If and when requested by Dean, collect information from building users regarding
proposed renovations, improvements and repairs for consideration in the annual capital
alterations budget cycle.
4.12. Communicate and monitor building opening and closing hours and ensure these are
publicly displayed (See “Building Hours” in Building Policy available at Communicate any discrepancies to Security Services.
4.13. Assist the designated University Fire Prevention Officer (local 3473) in reviewing fire and
emergency regulations, and support the organization of the annual evacuation exercises.
(Note that Evacuation Exercise training is available for Building Directors: contact the Fire
Prevention Office to arrange this.) In buildings where special hazards exist, ensure that the
Fire Prevention Office (FPO) is aware of these hazards. Assist in the publicizing of fire
and emergency procedures and facilitate the distribution of related information (See "Fire
Protection Policy" at
4.14. Support Security Services personnel in the conduct of security audits and the introduction
of appropriate means and methods to ensure building security.
4.15. In consultation with Environmental Health & Safety personnel, assist in identifying the
full-time employees in the building best suited to undergo first aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation training.
4.16. When needed, assist Environmental Health and Safety staff in matters related to
occupational health and safety.
4.17. In buildings housing laboratories or workshops, liaise with Hazardous Waste Management
(tel. (514)398-5066) in matters pertaining to the disposal of chemical, biological and
radioactive wastes. In buildings with regular demand for hazardous waste disposal
services, the appointment of hazardous waste coordinators is suggested.
4.18. Control the distribution and return of all internal keys, maintain a registry for this purpose,
and manage the LENEL card access system for the building. Authorize, in liaison with
Security Services and the department concerned, access to a building, room or area during
“silent” hours (defined as the hours the building, room or area is not normally considered
open: see “Building Hours” ).
4.19. Approve the distribution of pamphlets, leaflets, etc., the posting of notices, the setting up of
counters, voting stations, etc., and the installation and use of public display screens.
A Liaison Agent shall be designated by the Associate Vice-Principal (University Services) to act
as the point of contact between Building Directors and University Services. The Liaison Agent
shall also:
 Ensure that the Building Directors’ website, including the list of Building Directors and
their coordinates, is maintained and updated as appropriate by Campus Space and
Planning personnel
 Organize and chair meetings of the Building Directors’ Working Group
 Organize and facilitate Building Directors’ Workshops
 Establish the agenda for the annual Building Directors’ luncheon
An ad hoc Building Director's Working Group shall be established under the authority of the
Associate Vice-Principal (University Services) to review common problems of concern to
Building Directors in general and to develop suggestions for improved regulations, procedures,
and communications. The Building Director Liaison is delegated by the AV-P to call and Chair
meetings of the working group on an as-needed basis.