William Campbell, Fife Community Safety Partnership & Vice
Chairperson Fife Access Forum; Liz Pullar, British Horse Society;
Johanna Willi, Scottish Wildlife Trust; Ian Wilkinson, Scotways;
James Adam, National Farmers Union of Scotland; John Stewart,
National Farmers Union of Scotland; Aileen Davis, Forth & Tay
Disabled Rambers; George Berwick, Cyclist Touring Club; James
Lamont, National Farmers Union of Scotland; Beryl Leatherland,
Community Representative
Alison Irvine, Team Leader (Access); Sarah Johnston, Access
Officer; Craig Gilbert, Information Assistant
Mr. George Carstairs, Porterfield, Comrie
Douglas Christie, Scottish Land & Estates; Chic Nash, Scottish
Ramblers Association; Rae Mcknight/Neil Sutherland, Markinch
Heritage Group; Patricia Galfskiy, Fife Rural Partnership, Izzy
Corbin, Community Council representative
The minutes were approved as an accurate record, proposed by John Stewart,
seconded by Johanna Willi.
3.1 Ref. 3.1 Membership Renewal: Alison and Bill pointed out that in Spring 2015
members of the forum would need to be re-nominated. Alison is also working to find AI
a replacement for Ed Heather-Hayes from the Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, and
also someone from the Scottish Canoe Association to fill the vacancies in the forum.
Bill mentioned that in the constitution there was a clause that states when a member
has not attended a forum meeting for three consecutive meetings, that an
investigation is required to ascertain the reason behind this. Chic to progress with a CN
few members who now fall into this category.
3.2 Ref 4(a) Alison said to the group that the visit to Oatridge will be postponed until
Spring next year when the weather improves. Alison will arrange then.
3.3 Ref 5 (c) Bill raised the issue of unclear signing of the walks between Lower
Largo and Elie. AI to investigate.
(a) Porterfield, Comrie
In attendance at the meeting was Mr. George Carstairs, who gave a presentation on
the access situation at Porterfield, Comrie.
Several problems were discussed:
Anti-social behaviour has recently become a problem again e.g berries thrown at
house windows and dustbin stolen when left out for collection
The dung that is left on the path by the horses coming from Tapitlaw stables, riders
on horses being able to look into Mr. Carstairs’ back garden and house giving rise to
privacy concerns, confrontations between horse-riders and residents, and anti-social
behaviour/ abuse from some riders.
Mr. Carstairs said that it was more than just him who had problems with horse riders
and as chair of the community council he knew that horse dung concerned other
residents in the villages.
Discussion ensued from forum members who had visited the site previously. Beryl
had thought the anti-social behaviour had eased, but Mr. Carstairs said it had started
up again. Liz asked that if horse-riders dismounted along the path whether that would
help with the privacy concerns, of which Mr. Carstairs agreed, so long as it was
adhered to and that riders dismounted at sewage works at bottom of hill and walked
up. Ian asked whether the livery yards could help with notices, but Mr. Carstairs said
this had been tried with no success. It was also felt that the livery / riding school
businesses should be more pro-active in clearing up dung – as a commercial
business which was impacting on private rights the onus is on them to clear up.
Mr. Carstairs thanked the forum for their time and left the meeting.
ACTION: After some more discussion, it was agreed the forum needed more time to
consider all the points raised at the meeting. Communication with all the livery yards
in the area should take place, as it is their businesses that are causing issues. Liz
said that although it appeared the village was surrounded by riding country, there
were issues with wet ground in the fields which severely restricted horse access.
James Adam said it would be worth contacting the police again, which Beryl would
do as she has a contact for the area. Getting further information from community
councils’ minutes would also be required. Alison to co-ordinate and follow up the site
visit for further discussion. It was noted that the Forum could only comment on the
access issues and not on the social problems.
(b) Elie. Visit Postponed.
Bill informed the group that the Elie visit would take place on 24th October.
Simon Hill from the Fife Coast & Countryside Trust gave a presentation on the Fife
Pilgrim’s Way to formally introduce the route to the Fife Access Forum, and
welcomed any questions members had on the route and ongoing process.
Simon gave some background to the route (as per attached briefing note).
Johanna asked about what the £330,000 would be used for. Simon said these were
capital costs for upgrading paths, which would also include signage but not currently
interpretation. She asked if Sustrans Greener Greenways fund could be used to
improve biodiversity on the route. Simon said that the bulk of the paths on the route
did not fit Sustrans criteria of surfaced wide paths and therefore grant was not
available to them.
Aileen asked if there would be a publication highlighting multi-use aspects of the
route. Simon said he would use the example of the Coastal Path guide and provide
similar for the Pilgrim’s route.
John asked if the detailed route was publicly available. Simon said no, but would be
launched after land owners and councillors had been further briefed and locality
support communication had been done.
James Lamont asked about the upcoming landowner meeting. Simon said this would
update landowners involved about the route and answer any questions they may
have. The landowners had already been contacted about the path.
The group thanked Simon for his time.
(a) Communication Sub Group
i) Alison informed members that the Evening Seminar was going ahead on October
7th, in Fife House, and requested as many FAF members to attend if possible. The
Seminar will once again focus on health, as a follow up to the annual daytime
Seminar. Vivienne McNiven will give a talk on Bums off Seats, followed by an
informal network discussion on routes, with leaflets and the forum’s website on
ii) Possible development of an app – this discussion was postponed until a member
of the Markinch Heritage Group was present.
(b) Dog sub group
Sarah explained that Deirdre Munro, who had been taking the lead in doing a dog
training workshop, would do one workshop, but then due to work commitments would
be unable to continue. Therefore Sarah suggested liaising with Fife Council’s dog
wardens on taking education for dog walking forward.
John and James A said they had been at an NFU meeting the night before and dogs
had again been raised as a major issue. There is still a great need to promote
responsible dog ownership messages.
ACTION: It was agreed for Sarah to contact the dog wardens and for them to come
to the forum via the dog sub group with a presentation.
(a) Raith Estate
Alison said the sub group had visited Raith, but had not completely agreed on the
wording of the note of this site visit. Ian Wilkinson felt that the Estate could provide
notices providing extra information to the public on when they could access the
estate during the shooting season, if there was a week with fewer shoots, and talked
members through possible wording of these signs.
John Stewart said he was not comfortable with day to day changing of signs, as the
extra work required of the gamekeeper would be interfering with the commercial
business. James Adam agreed, saying that because there were other routes
available, that the commercial shoot should be able to perform unhindered.
During pheasant release season (July to Sept inclusive) the current wording to allow
access but not past pheasant pens effectively closed the Estate to access. It was
agreed that there could be works and signage encouraging responsible behaviour
past the pens to allow quiet access at that time of year. John said that a few “one-off”
works such as planting a hedge, or moving the pens would be much easier for the
Estate than constant and regular changing of signs around the whole Estate.
Beryl suggested that the core path link at Torbain lodge should be developed to
encourage public access away from the shooting area.
The main issue at Raith was how to allow reasonable responsible access without
opening the floodgates to a large number of people leading to cumulative major
access problems, and how to communicate complex local access guidance to the
public and a way that they understand.
ACTION: After much discussion, it was agreed that Alison would change the wording
of the document and liaise with the sub group on obtaining a written response to be
signed off, so she could then approach the landowners of Raith Estate with moving
the issue forward. Ian Wilkinson suggested a trial period of one year with feedback to
the Forum to see if any new signage was working.
a) Implementation and Signing team update: Alison reported there were 4 young
people currently employed helping mainly with greenspace projects in Buckhaven,
North Kirkcaldy, Benarty and Linburn (Dunfermline). Funding expires in January but
progress is currently being made on raising funds to continue a team for core path
maintenance, allotment and biodiversity projects.
b) Diversion and Deletions: All previous deletions and diversions work now
Gallowridge – Broomhall Estate have made a formal request at Gallowridge to divert
the core path and public right of way, and Alison asked members if they were happy
with the alternative.
ACTION: All members except Ian supported the proposed diversion. Ian Wilkinson
said he probably supported the change but wanted to visit the site and would AI/IW
feedback to Alison, who would then progress through the procedure to formally
c) Path Project Updates: Colinsburgh had received full funding and work would now
go ahead on this project. Alison is also working with Sustainable Cupar for the Moor
Road from Ceres to Cupar, to seek funding to tackle drainage, put in a biodiversity
project and interpretation panels for this route over a period of 3 years.
a) National Access Forum – Alison said that the annual meeting for Local Access
Forums was on 4th November at Glen Eagles equestrian centre. Papers will be
circulated for it to members in due course, who were all encouraged to come. Bill
stated he wouldn’t be able to make this date.
b) Liz Pullar intimated that she was to stand down as BHS representative on the
Forum. She would come to the December meeting if a replacement had not been
found by that time. Bill thanked her very much for her active contribution to the
Forum over the last two years.
Tuesday 9th December, 6.30pm, Fife House.