1. The title of the module Clinical Animal Behaviour 2. The

1. The title of the module
Clinical Animal Behaviour
2. The Department which will be responsible for management of the module
Canterbury College
3. The Start Date of the Module
September 2009
4. The cohort of students (onwards) to which the module will be applicable
2009 - 2010
5. The number of students expected to take the module
6. Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module
7. The level of the module
8. The number of credits which the module represents
9. Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern)
Terms 1 to 3
10. Prerequisite and co-requisite modules
11. The programmes of study to which the module contributes
BSc (Hons) Animal Science
12. The intended subject specific learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to
programme learning outcomes
The student must:
a) investigate and assess the incidence and impact of problem behaviour in a range of animals
(programme outcomes A2, A4, A5, B1, B2, B4, C2, C3, C4, C5, D1, D3, D5)
b) critically discuss the aetiology of companion animal behaviour problems (programme
outcomes A2, A5, B1, B2, B4, C3, C5, D1, D3, D5)
c) critically evaluate treatment options for behaviour problems in animals (programme outcomes
A2, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, D1, D3, D5)
d) analyse approaches to the practice of clinical animal behaviour (programme outcomes A2,
A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C5, D1, D3, D5)
13. The intended generic learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to
programme learning outcomes
The student will be able to demonstrate:
a) Ability to analyse problems and identify appropriate solutions (programme outcomes A2, B3,
C5, D1, D3, D5)
b) Ability to work and study independently and utilise resources effectively (programme
outcomes C4, D3, D5)
c) Ability to work with complex material (programme outcomes B1, B2, D1, D4, D5)
d) Communication skills (programme outcomes D1, D4, D5)
e) Critical thinking skills (programme outcomes B2, D1, D3)
f) Effective self-management skills (programme outcomes D2, D3)
14. A synopsis of the curriculum
This module examines the relatively new but rapidly expanding field of clinical animal behaviour – the
process of determining the causes of an animal’s problem behaviour and exploring treatment options
for its resolution based on scientific understanding of all aspects of animal behaviour. Behaviour
problems in companion and other animals are very common and are a primary reason for euthanasia
of dogs in the UK.
The module considers definitions, impact and incidence of problem behaviour before exploring its
aetiology, including pathological and experiential factors. Approaches to treatment will be explored,
including pharmacological and psychological intervention, such as behaviour modification plans
based on management and training. Approaches to practice are also evaluated, including the roles of
professionals and owners, history taking, case monitoring and owner compliance.
15. Indicative Reading List
APBC (2004) APBC & CABTSG Manual of Behavioural First Aid, APBC, ISBN: 0954556208
Appleby D (ed) (2004) The APBC Book of Companion Animal Behaviour, Souvenir Press Ltd, ISBN:
Bowen J and Heath S (2005) Behaviour Problems in Small Animals – practical advice for the
veterinary team, Elsevier Saunders, ISBN: 0702027677
Horwitz D, Mills D & Heath S (eds) (2002) BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural
Medicine, BSAVA, ISBN: 0905214595
Landsberg G, Hunthausen W & Ackerman L (2003) Handbook of Behaviour Problems of the Dog and
Cat, Saunders, ISBN: 0702027103
Lindsay S.R (2001) Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training: Vol 2 Ethology and assessment
of behavior problems, USA: WileyBlackwell, ISBN: 0813828686
McGreevy P (2004) Equine Behavior: A guide for veterinarians and equine scientists, USA: Saunders
Ltd, ISBN: 0702026344
Overall, K (1997) Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals, USA: Mosby, ISBN: 0801668204
Animal Behaviour
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Journal of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research
16. Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and the
total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to achievement of
the intended learning outcomes
The total learning time for the module will be 150 hours. There will be approximately one and a half
hours of class contact time per week consisting of an appropriate mix of 1 hour or 45 minute lectures,
30 or 45 minute seminars and 1.5 hour practical sessions over the year (total 45 hours). Seminars will
typically include discussions, problem-solving and case-studies to which students will be expected to
contribute both as individuals and as part of a group. In addition, practical work may be incorporated.
Students will be expected to undertake approximately 105 hours of independent study, including
required reading, research and assignment work.
Overall, the focus of the lectures, seminars and practical sessions will be on the subject specific
learning outcomes 12 and generic learning outcomes 13.
17. Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended learning
Written report of an investigation into current trends in a specified area of the field (1,500 words)
demonstrating achievement of learning outcomes 12 a and 13 a-f (weighting 25%)
Case study analysis (2,000 words) demonstrating achievement of learning outcomes 12 b & c and
13 a-f (weighting 50%)
Time constrained assignment under exam conditions (1,500 words equivalent) to demonstrate
achievement of learning outcomes 12 d and 13 c-f (weighting 25%)
18. Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space
There are adequate classrooms and resources. There is a dedicated IT room in the HE College.
Texts and Journals will be available in the LRC in HE College / main site.
19. A statement confirming that, as far as can be reasonably anticipated, the curriculum,
learning and teaching methods and forms of assessment do not present any non-justifiable
disadvantage to students with disabilities
As far as can be reasonably anticipated, the curriculum, learning and teaching methods and forms of
assessment do not present any non-justifiable disadvantage to students with disabilities.
If the module is part of a programme in an Associate College, please complete the following:
20. Associate College:
Canterbury College
21. University Department (for cognate programmes) or Faculty (for non-cognate programmes)
responsible for the programme:
STMS Faculty
Statement by the Director of Learning and Teaching: "I confirm I have been consulted on the
above module proposal and have given advice on the correct procedures and required content of
module proposals"
Director of Learning and Teaching
Print Name
Statement by the Head of Department: "I confirm that the Department has approved the
introduction of the module and, where the module is proposed by Departmental staff, will be
responsible for its resourcing"
Head of Department
Print Name
(Where the module is proposed by an Associate College)
Statement by the Nominated Officer of the College: "I confirm that the College has approved the
introduction of the module and will be responsible for its resourcing"
Nominated Responsible Officer of the Associate
Print Name
Associate College