Supporting information Appendix S1: List of pit morphological dimensions for 13 conifer species with punctured tori. Average and maximum pore sizes per species were based on SEM (n ≥ 25) and TEM (n ≥ 5) measurements. Dm, Dt, and Da were measured on a minimum of 15 aspirated pit membranes in order to obtain these parameters from the same pit. The TEM characters Tt and Dp were averaged for a minimum of 10 measurements. Av = average; Max = maximum; Dm = pit membrane diameter; Dt = torus diameter; Da = aperture diameter; Tt = torus thickness; Dp = depth of the pit chamber; / = no pores were detected with TEM; X = species not studied with TEM. Species Pore size (nm) ± SE Dm (µm) ± SE Dt (µm) ± SE Da (µm) ± SE Tt (nm) ± SE Dp (µm) ± SE Av - SEM Av - TEM Max - SEM Abies balsamea 45 ±3 59 ±7 141 12.37±0.0.18 7.20±0.16 4.15±0.09 668±30 3.54±0.05 Cephalotaxus harringtonii 36 ±2 / 73 9.31±0.42 4.48±0.10 2.97±0.05 465±27 2.77±0.09 Larix decidua 39 ±2 79 ±8 70 13.05±0.25 7.51±0.14 4.16±0.17 405±8 2.81±0.07 Picea glauca 54 ±4 / 144 10.94±0.15 5.75±0.17 2.84±0.05 612±20 3.00±0.05 Picea mariana 43 ±1 72 ±7 86 11.82±0.15 6.80±0.11 3.49±0.07 488±24 2.94±0.08 Pinus hartwegii 48 ±2 67 ±2 75 9.32±0.12 5.76±0.14 2.91±0.06 411±11 2.43±0.05 Pinus nigra 40 ±3 49 ±9 91 13.65±0.23 7.85±0.15 4.44±0.18 373±11 2.23±0.06 Pinus pinaster 63 ±3 63 ±2 99 10.47±0.17 6.34±0.10 3.20±0.07 451±8 3.02±0.04 Pinus radiata 59 ±1 / 87 14.20±0.35 7.52±0.15 4.34±0.11 348±16 4.55±0.31 Pinus wallichiana 62 ±3 X 127 13.39±0.38 7.35±0.24 4.39±0.15 X X Sequoia sempervirens 57±3 / 140 11.08±0.25 5.99±0.16 3.75±0.12 758±39 2.31±0.05 Sequoiadendron giganteum 62± 3 X 127 11.90±0.38 6.07±0.31 3.20±0.18 X X Xanthocyparis nootkatensis 55 ±4 / 102 8.65±0.21 4.75±0.10 3.04±0.10 559±44 2.39±0.35 Appendix S2: Box plot illustrating a significant difference (P<0.0001) in S50 between species with punctured tori (n = 13) and non-punctured tori (n = 20). This difference remained significant (P = 0.024) when controlling for taxonomy based on a mixed model (see Material and Methods for details). Appendix S3: Scaling of pit aperture diameter (Da) vs. pit membrane diameter (Dm, grey dots), and Da vs torus diameter (Dt, black dots) as based on average values (±SD) for 13 species with punctured tori. All linear regressions were highly significant. These relationships remain significant (P <0.0001) when controlling for taxonomy.