Peru Fossils Attract Smugglers

Peru Fossils Attract Smugglers:
Summary: Ocucaje Desert has now been found to have a medley of life and evolution.
The sand covers tons of hidden marine fossils. Many things have been found. From giant
fossilized Megalodon shark teeth, penguins, and whales. Although this discovery attracts
many paleontologists, it also attracts smugglers. Ocucaje is open to anyone who wants to
search for fossils, but Peruvian laws keep fossils found in Peru, to stay there. But
although it is a law, it is poorly enforced. Seizures of illegally obtained fossils are
increasing dramatically. Paleontologists also fear that their discoveries will be stolen.
Importance: Most of Peru used to be part of the ocean. Because of this, many fossils
were left in Peru deserts. If Peru hadn’t been ocean, the fossils would have never been
there. But if the fossils weren’t there, the smugglers would never have been there. If there
were no smugglers, the crime rate of stolen fossils would be way down. But because Peru
was once an ocean, the fossils are there, and the smugglers are there, leaving the crime
rate high.