Example--Using KWLW to Generate Research Questions What’s Buried Behind the High School? What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I LEARNED (Questions) Further WANDERINGS (More Questions) Wheeler County is in Eastern Oregon. What is buried behind the school? fossils of leaves and fish Fossil is in Eastern Oregon in a sparsely populated area. Is there oil there because of the “lush forests”? Apparently not. Just fossils. What do fossils have to do with “future prosperity”? People pay admission and then get to keep the fossils they find. They get grants. They got $250,000 from the federal government. They are going to build a paleontology institute for teachers, students, public. Do they have fossils of big animals like saber-toothed tigers? Mammoths? Dinosaurs? Why are the fossils here? How many people go there? How much money do they make? Who gets the money? What are they going to do with it? How much have they received already? Why do organizations give them money? Is it started? What is it going to be like? Where will it be? Will it be successful? CIM Separated Lesson: Generating Research Questions—What’s Buried Behind the High School?