Intended Learning Outcomes of the programme Bachelor in psychology The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: А. Knowledge and understanding On successful completion of the programme a student should be able to Acquisition of ILOs through the following modules (courses): 1) content and basic provisions of humanitarian and Foreign Language, Philosophy, Sociology, natural science subjects to the extent required to master Psychophysiology, Human Anatomy and general professional psychological subjects and use their Evolution of the Central Nervous System, methods in their chosen profession; Computer Science, Mathematical Methods in Psychology, Basics of Academic Research. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 2) fundamental principles of psychological theory General Psychology (Theoretical Course), including psychoanalysis, behaviourism and humanistic Basics of Medical Knowledge, psychology; Anthropology, Ethnopsychology, History of Psychology. 3) general characteristics of functioning of psychological and human resources agencies, as well as management of organisations in the contemporary market economy under the conditions of globalisation; Psychodiagnostics, Legal Psychology, Differential Psychology, Psychology of Management, Political Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Labour Psychology, Psychology of the Personality, Psychology of Identity in Conflict Situations 4) theoretical and methodological basics of psychology, Pedagogy, Social Psychology, Differential category mechanism of psychology and modern Psychology, General Psychology tendencies in this field of knowledge; (Practical Course), Experimental Psychology. 5) theoretical basics of organisation and conducting of psychological research, essence and content of psychological support for scientific research, psychological expertise technologies in applied activity fields (law, military, etc.); Psychology of Motivation, Pathopsychology, Methods of Conducting Psychological Expertise in Different Fields of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Basics of Psychotherapy, Basics of Psychiatry, The Basics of Psychological Counseling 6) basics of arrangement of psychodiagnostic client examinations (collection and evaluation of empirical observations) and conducting of research on the dynamic of socio-political views, the analysis of social relations, public sentiment and mindset of different social groups; Theory and Practice of Social and Psychological Training, Psychology of Identity in Conflict Situations, Methods of Conducting Psychological Expertise in Different Fields of Psychology, Psychological Expertise in Court, Psychological Special Workshop 7) forms, methods and means of psychological Basics of Psychotherapy, Clinical counselling for adults, parents and children with an Psychology, Pathopsychology, Special impaired psychological development, correcting Psychology, Basics of Psychiatry, The technology of deviant behaviour of children and adults; Basics of Psychological Counseling 8) basics of organisation and carrying out of sociopsychological and ergonomic expert examinations for compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, means of identification of psychological characteristics and qualities of a person under the conditions of recruitment, selection, training and personnel adaptation Teaching and Learning Lectures, workshops, seminars, group work, tutorials, textbooks, monographs, journals, internet sources, e-learning, self-directed and guided study. Psychology of Motivation, Pathopsychology, Methods of Conducting Psychological Expertise in Different Fields of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Basics of Psychotherapy, Pedagogical Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Labour Psychology, Psychology of Management, Psychology of the Personality, Special Psychology, Advertising Psychology and PR, Psychology of Identity in Conflict Situations Assessment methods Examinations, tests, individual coursework (essays, reports, reviews etc.), seminar and practical-based assessment, presentations and projects, module tests. B. Application of knowledge and understanding On completion of the programme students will be able to: 1) conduct psychodiagnostic and psychocorrective work with different groups of citizens to identify psychological causes of social disadaptation of children, to choose forms and the content of psychological and psycho-prevention activities; Experimental Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Advertising, Political Science, Psychology of Identity in Conflict Situations, Psychology of the Personality 2) provide individuals, organizations with counseling; arrange the career guidance and professional selection, provide troubled categories of the population with social support; Mathematical Methods in Psychology, Sexology, Ethnopsychology, Psychology of the Personality, Special Psychology, Psychology of Management 3) provide various organizations, agencies and departments of government and management with psychological support activities, conduct sociopsychological research and improve psychological climate at work places Clinical Psychology, Pathopsychology, Experimental Psychology, Legal Psychology, Basics of Psychological Counselling, Theory and Practice of Social and Psychological Training Teaching and Learning Assessment methods Practical classes, group work, self-directed and guided Examinations, practical tasks, course study, business games, case studies, workshops, works, presentations, projects, internship internship, psychological trainings reports C. Making judgments On successful completion of the programme a student should be able to: 1) possess verbal and non-verbal means of communication: language, facial expressions, gestures, movements, written, oral forms; keep up a competent, emotional conversation with an interesting content; receive additional information; identify the socio- Students acquire skills 1–3 during study of all educational subjects. This determines the choice of corresponding methods of teaching and learning as well as assessment methods. cultural development of clients, their social set-up; distinguish shades of tone and voice of interlocutors, assess their emotional state; 2) give reflection of a client’s feelings and interpret the content of his/her statement, understand the possible implications, keep records informally as well; 3) interrelate, make external and internal contacts on the basis of interest, willingness to listen, motives, emotional state, analyze what is heard, understand the key and secondary information Teaching and Learning Assessment methods Problem-based learning, projects, workshops, seminars, business games, case Exams, seminar and practical-based studies, practical training, internships, research work. assessment, course work, projects, presentations, problem-based tasks, research projects D. Communication skills On successful completion of the programme a student should be able to: 1) develop and debate ideas, ground arguments effectively both orally and in written form; 2) present, discuss and support concepts and views through formal and informal communicative instruments; 3) give and explain information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a professional audience and the general public; 4) use communication and management skills, namely making relations, team work, psychological counselling, conducting expert examination and negotiations, using persuasion skills, elocution, problem solving, decisionmaking, leadership, teaching others, motivation, formation of effective teams considering cultural differences, solving conflicts.. Students acquire skills 1–3 during study of all educational subjects. This determines the choice of corresponding methods of teaching and learning as well as assessment methods. Students acquire skills 4, first of all, for mastery of: Psychology of Motivation, Psychology of Identity in Conflict Situations, Engineering Psychology, Psychology of Advertising, Political Science, Legal Psychology, Basics of Psychological Counseling, Theory and Practice of Social and Psychological Training, Psychological Special Workshop. Teaching and Learning Assessment methods Seminars, discussions, group work, defence of projects and course work, business Seminar-based assessment, presentations, games, case study discussions. course work and project defence E. Learning skills On completion of the programme students will be able Skills 1-7 are developed in all modules to: and related to relevant teaching and 1) work effectively alone; learning methods and assessment methods 2) work effectively in groups; as appropriate. Self-directed learning 3) extract, process and present numerical information for forms are the elements of all modules a given purpose; 4) use information technology; 5) manage their own time and workload; 6) take responsibility for their own learning; 7) develop those learning skills necessary for continuing further study with a high degree of autonomy. Teaching and Learning Assessment methods Self-directed learning forms, University Library, ICT Assessment of learning skills is packages, guided conducting research accomplished through a range of methods, which include assessment of self-directed learning, coursework, essays, projects, presentations, tests and exams.