Changes in land surface processes with land cover change: An analysis of the energy and water balance over a simulated woody encroachment gradient. Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Changes in land surface processes with land cover change: An analysis of the energy and water balance over a simulated woody encroachment gradient. Abstract The sensitivity of land surface processes to a change in vegetation composition was assessed. The simulated change in vegetation cover constitutes “woody encroachment”, the gradual replacement of grasslands by shrubs and trees. The effect of this woody encroachment on the energy and water balance was assessed for the Sleepers River watershed, using a 5 year time series of forcing data. Results of the sensitivity analysis show that a total shift from grass cover to woody cover results in a yearly increase in net shortwave radiation (36%) and sensible heat flux (253%), and a decrease in net longwave radiation (- 15%), latent heat flux (-16%) and ground heat flux (-21%). The yearly surface runoff and evapotranspiration are respectively 1% and 16% lower with complete woody cover, while the yearly subsurface runoff is 8% larger. The decreased net longwave radiation can be explained by the lower vegetation temperature, ground temperature and soil temperature with 100% woody cover. The unexpected result for the decrease in latent heat and evapotranspiration can be explained by the low photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance for the plant functional type (PFT9) chosen to represent the encroaching species. Page 2/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Introduction Human impacts on the environment are manifold and the human impact on land surface processes can manifest itself either through altered climatic conditions or through human induced changes in land cover. Changes in land cover type are either direct, e.g. agriculture, forest clearing; or indirect as a result of altered disturbance processes, e.g. altered fire cycles, cattle grazing and so forth. Woody encroachment has been defined as the addition of woody canopies without major losses of herbaceous cover, although herbaceous production might decrease” (Asner et al, 2004). Proposed mechanisms for this change in land cover pertain to chronic overgrazing by domestic animals, disturbance of the natural fire cycle, rising CO2 levels, altered precipitation regimes and nitrogen pollution (e.g. Van Auken, 2000). This change in ecosystem structure implies a change in ecosystem functioning as well and forms the main focus of my dissertation research. Approach The effect of woody encroachment as a land cover change on land surface processes was modeled using the Community Land Model (CLM2.0). The forcing data was kept as in the initial dataset given for the Sleepers River watershed in Vermont. The same forcing variables are being obtained at an encroaching central Texas savanna site, but due to the relative shortness of time series of forcing variables (16 months), I decided to use the 5 year dataset from Sleepers river watershed instead. The climatic conditions in Vermont are hardly comparable to the climatic conditions for Central Texas, and as thus are the results of this sensitivity analysis not applicable to a Central Texas savanna ecosystem. Page 3/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project The different plant functional types considered to represent the different land covers over the encroachment gradient are broadleaf evergreen temperate shrub (PFT 9), C3 non arctic grass (PFT 13) and C4 grass (PFT 14). Plant functional type 9 was chosen over other possible candidates (PFT 1, needleleaf temperate evergreen tree and PFT 5, broadleaf evergreen temperate tree) to represent the encroaching species. At my study site in Central Texas, the main encroaching species is Ashe juniper, and it is not clear whether the cylindrical leaves of Ashe juniper should be considered as needleleaf and broadleaf. Furthermore, the photosynthetic characteristic for PFT 9 (Vmax 25 = 17) closely resembles Ashe juniper. The root distribution for PFT9 was altered (parameter b was set to 1.0 instead of 1.5) to allow for the deeper rooting system of the encroaching species in comparison with grasses (Figure 1). Root Distribution of different plant functional types 0 Soil Depth [m] 1 2 PFT9, BES temperate original 3 PFT9, BES temperate modified 4 PFT13, C3 grass 5 PFT14, C4 grass 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Cumulative Root Distribution Figure 1: Root distribution of the different plant functional types. The seasonal changes in the grassland component of the modeled land cover types is represented in Figure 2 and Table 1, with low leaf area indices in the winter time and higher leaf Page 4/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project area indices for C3 in the spring and for C4 grasses in the summer time. One paper (Hicks and Dugas, 1998) gives an empirical relationship for the leaf area of Ashe juniper as: Tree leaf area [m2] = -18.5 [m2] + 12.4 [m2/m2] * canopy area [m2] with the intercept not significantly different from zero. Using this equation, the derived leaf area index for the encroaching species would be 12.4, which seems extremely high. Instead of using this value, I opted to set the leaf area index for the encroaching species at 5 for the entire year. 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 LAI C3 grass LAI C4 grass Ja n F e uar br y ua r M y ar ch Ap ril M ay Ju ne Ju A ly S e ug pt ust em b O er ct N ob ov er e D mb ec e em r be r LAI [m2/m2] Seasonal change in grass LAI Figure 2: Seasonal changes in grass leaf area index. Table 1: Seasonal changes in LAI January February March April May June July August September October November December LAI C3 grass (PFT 13) 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Page 5/15 LAI C4 grass (PFT 14) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 LAI tree (PFT 9) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project A sensitivity analysis of the energy and water balance components to fractional cover of trees (PFT9) was performed. The leaf area indices for the different plant functional types remained the same throughout the sensitivity analysis, only the fractional cover of the different plant function types was altered. Table 2 and Figure 3 give the different tested scenarios, an encroachment gradient that ranges from pure grassland to complete tree canopy cover. Table 2: Fractional cover of the different plant functional types used in the sensitivity analysis. Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6 No trees 20% trees 40% trees 60% trees 80% trees 100% trees fraction C3 grass (PFT 13) 0.49 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 fraction C4 grass (PFT 14) 0.49 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 fraction trees (PFT 9) 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 98 Figure 3: Representation of different land covers over the encroachment gradient : 0, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% tree cover. Page 6/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Results and Discussion The CLM2.0 model was run for each of the scenarios. Differences between the different scenarios were assessed visually. For the energy and water balance components, the yearly cumulative sums were calculated, averaged and compared for the different scenarios. Next to the yearly values, the summer conditions (June 21 – September 20) were assessed separately. For the state variables, the yearly averages and summer averages were calculated and compared. The outcomes of scenario 1 and scenario 6 are compared and a summary of the results is given in table 3. Table 3: Summary of model output comparison between scenario 1 and scenario 6. Positive values indicate that the component/variable was larger for scenario 6, negative values indicate the opposite. Yearly Summer conditions Energy Balance Components Net Shortwave Radiation Net Longwave Radiation Sensible Heat Flux Latent Heat Flux Ground Heat Flux - relative differences [%] 36.36 11.38 -15.33 -29.54 253.19 153.60 -16.10 -30.84 -21.01 -21.34 Water Balance Components Surface Runoff Subsurface Runoff Evapotranspiration - relative differences [%] -1.01 9.49 8.75 31.24 -16.10 -30.84 State Variables Vegetation temperature [K] Ground temperature [K] Soil temperature (1) [K] Soil temperature (10) [K] Soil moisture (1) [%] Soil moisture (10) [%] - absolute differences -1.23 -1.77 -3.97 -8.79 -4.98 -8.79 -4.54 6.07 0.22 0.94 0.03 0.04 Page 7/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project For each variable the different scenarios are represented on one graph in the figures below. When the outcomes between the different scenarios were not much different, only scenario 1 (no tree cover) and scenario 6 (100% tree cover) are represented for clarity. Sensitivity of the energy balance components All energy balance components (net short wave radiation, net longwave radiation, latent heat, sensible heat, ground heat) show maximum values in the summer time. The responses to the land cover change are component specific and are discussed separately. The net shortwave radiation increased with increased tree cover (Figure 4). The difference between scenario 1 and scenario 6 amounted to 31095 W/m2 on a yearly basis (36.36%), but the difference was smaller in the summertime (only 11.38%). The increase in net shortwave radiation can probably be explained by the higher LAI values with increasing tree canopy cover and a decrease in the albedo of the ecosystem. The smaller difference in the summertime might be due to the higher grass LAI values in the summertime. scenario 1 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 scenario 1 scenario 2 scenario 3 scenario 4 scenario 5 scenario 6 0 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 scenario 6 sum daily net shortwave radiation 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Cumulative net shortwave radiation 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily net shortwave radiation Net shortwave radiation Figure 4: Daily and cumulative net shortwave radiation [W/m2] for the different scenarios. Page 8/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project The net longwave radiation showed an opposite trend from the net shortwave radiation and decreased with increase in tree canopy cover (Figure 5), probably due to the lower temperature of vegetation, ground and soil in scenario 6 (Figures 12-13, Table 3). The total yearly difference amounted to 6271 W/m2 (-15%) between scenario 1 and scenario 6 and the differences were even more pronounced in the summer time (-29%) when also the temperature of vegetation, soil and ground were more different between the different scenarios (Table 3). Cumulative net longwave radiation 100 50 scenario 1 scenario 6 0 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 scenario 1 scenario 2 scenario 3 scenario 4 scenario 5 scenario 6 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 -50 sum daily net longwave radiation 150 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily net longwave radiation Net longwave radiation Figure 5: Daily and cumulative net longwave radiation [W/m2] for the different scenarios. The sensible heat flux showed the strongest response to a change in land cover with a strong increase in sensible heat flux with an increased tree canopy cover (Figure 6). The 235% relative increase between scenario 1 and scenario 6 seems large, especially because the vegetation, ground and soil temperature are lower in scenario 6 than in scenario 1. An increase in sensible heat can be expected due to the higher leaf area index and the larger roughness length for scenario 6, but it seems odd that this is not reflected in the latent heat flux as well. There is a decrease (-16 % annually) in the latent heat flux with increase in tree canopy cover (Figure 7). The higher leaf area index and higher roughness length in scenario 6 would let one expect a higher latent heat flux with an increase in tree cover, but the photosynthetic Page 9/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project characteristics of PFT 9 (low Vmax,25 and concurrently low stomatal conductance) might be responsible for the lack of such a response. To test this hypothesis, scenario 6 was altered into scenario 7 *** with a different Vmax, 25 for PFT9 (69 instead of 17, 69 is the Vmax, 25 value for PFT 5, a broadleaf evergreen temperate tree). The results for scenario 7*** are given as a black line in Figure 6 and 7. When Vmax, 25 is altered, a completely different result shows up; the sensible heat flux is for scenario 7*** is still higher than for scenario 1, but is well below the sensible heat flux of scenario 6 (Figure 6). As expected, the latent heat flux for scenario 7*** is much larger than for scenario 6 and scenario 1. The conclusion of this extra simulation is that we don’t see the expected increase in latent heat flux in scenario 6, because the low photosynthetic capacity of PFT 6 prevents high photosynthetic rates and high transpiration rates, despite the high leaf area index. Since the photosynthetic capacity of the encroaching species, Ashe juniper, at my study site resembles more PFT9 than PFT5, I opt to keep using the normal parameterization for PFT9. Cumulative sensible heat scenario 1 scenario 1 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 -20000 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 scenario 6 sum daily sensible heat 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily sensible heat Sensible heat Figure 6: Daily and cumulative sensible heat [W/m2] for the different scenarios. Page 10/15 scenario 2 scenario 3 scenario 4 scenario 5 scenario 6 scenario 7 *** Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Latent heat Cumulative latent heat daily latent heat 90 70 scenario 1 50 30 scenario 6 10 -10 11 9 96 /1 /1 11 0 97 /1 /1 11 1 97 /1 /1 11 2 97 /1 /1 11 sum daily latent heat scenario 1 110 3 97 /1 /1 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 11 9 96 /1 /1 scenario 2 scenario 3 scenario 4 scenario 5 scenario 6 11 0 97 /1 /1 11 1 97 /1 /1 11 2 97 /1 /1 11 3 97 /1 /1 scenario 7 *** Figure 7: Daily and cumulative latent heat [W/m2] for the different scenarios. The ground heat flux is reduced with an increase in tree canopy cover (-21%), as can be expected due to lower ground temperature (Figure 12) and the denser canopy in scenario 6 that shields the ground from large fluctuations. 200 150 100 scenario 1 50 scenario 6 0 -50 10000 scenario 1 8000 scenario 2 6000 scenario 3 4000 scenario 4 2000 scenario 5 0 scenario 6 -2000 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 -100 sum daily ground heat Cumulative ground heat 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 sum daily ground heat Ground heat Figure 8: Daily and cumulative ground heat [W/m2] for the different scenarios. Sensitivity of the water balance components The decrease of latent heat (Figure 7) with increase of tree canopy cover mirrors in the decrease of evapotranspiration (Figure 9). This unexpected result, again, is probably due to the low photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance of the trees and this also finds some support in the higher soil moisture values in scenario 6 (Figure 14). Page 11/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Cumulative evapotranspiration 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 scenario 1 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 scenario 6 sum daily evapotranspiration 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily evapotranspiration evapotranspiration 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 scenario 1 scenario 2 scenario 3 scenario 4 scenario 5 scenario 6 Figure 9: Daily and cumulative evapotranspiration [mm/day] for the different scenarios. An increase in tree cover has only a slight negative effect on the yearly surface runoff (1%, Figure 10), and a positive effect on the yearly subsurface runoff (+ 8.75 %, Figure 11). Both for surface and subsurface runoff, the peak flows seems to be earlier for no tree cover. The lower interception due to the lower LAI is probably responsible for this. Cumulative surface runoff sum daily surface runoff 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 scenario 1 scenario 6 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 11 0 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily surface runoff Surface runoff scenario 1 scenario 6 Figure 10: Daily and cumulative surface runoff [mm/day] for the different scenarios. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Cumulative subsurface runoff scenario 1 scenario 6 sum daily subsurface runoff 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 daily subsurface runoff 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 Subsurface runoff 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 scenario 1 scenario 6 Figure 11: Daily and cumulative subsurface runoff [mm/day] for the different scenarios. Page 12/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Changes in state variables Some of the state variables have already helped to explain the sensitivity of the energy and water balance components to a change in land cover. Here these changes are summarized shortly. The vegetation temperature (Figure 12) is on average 1.23 K lower when there is a complete tree cover. The ground temperature (Figure 12) shows less fluctuations in temperature with a complete tree cover, and is also on average 3.97 K lower. Soil temperature 1 (Figure 13) is reflective of the ground temperature when there is no snow cover and is higher than the ground temperature when there is snow cover. Soil temperature 1 is about 5 K lower with complete tree cover than with complete grass cover. The soil temperature at depth 10 is a smooth sinusoidal in function of the seasons and is also on average about 4.5 K lower with complete tree cover. Ground temperature Vegetation temperature 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 scenario 1 scenario 1 scenario 6 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 11 /1 /1 96 9 11 /1 /1 97 0 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 3 scenario 6 Figure 12: Vegetation and ground temperature [K] for the different scenarios. Soil temperature 1 295 320 315 310 305 300 295 290 285 280 275 270 290 scenario 1 scenario 1 285 scenario 6 scenario 6 280 275 3 11 /1 /1 97 2 1 11 /1 /1 97 0 97 /1 /1 11 11 11 /1 /1 96 /1 /1 /1 /1 11 97 9 3 97 2 1 11 /1 /1 97 0 97 /1 /1 11 11 /1 /1 97 9 270 96 /1 /1 11 Soil temperature 10 Figure 13: Soil temperature at two depths [K] for the different scenarios. Page 13/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Soil moisture 1 (Figure 14) was on average 0.03 % higher under complete tree cover than under complete grassland. The lower ground and soil temperature will lead to lower evaporation rates. This is also in accordance with the lower evapotranspiration rates (Figure 9). Soil moisture 10 Soil moisture 1 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.45 scenario 1 3 2 97 /1 /1 11 11 /1 /1 97 1 0 97 /1 /1 96 /1 /1 11 11 11 /1 /1 97 9 3 97 2 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 97 /1 /1 11 11 /1 /1 96 0 0.3 0.25 9 0.3 /1 /1 scenario 6 0.35 0.25 11 scenario 1 0.4 scenario 6 11 0.4 0.35 Figure 14: Soil moisture at two depths [m3/m3] for the different scenarios. Snow water content and snow depth were slightly larger with complete tree cover than with complete grassland cover (Figure 15), probably because of the lower ground temperatures with complete tree cover. SWE Snow depth scenario 1 3 97 2 11 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 97 /1 /1 /1 /1 11 11 /1 /1 96 0 scenario 6 9 3 97 2 /1 /1 97 1 11 /1 /1 97 0 /1 /1 11 11 /1 /1 97 9 scenario 6 11 scenario 1 96 /1 /1 11 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 11 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 15: Snow water [kg/m2] and snow depth [m] for the different scenarios. Page 14/15 Ann Thijs Homework 5 Physical Climatology Land Surface Modeling Project Conclusion The simulated sensitivities of land surface processes with change in land cover are largely what one would expect with an increase in tree cover. The unexpected result for the sensitivities of the sensible heat flux and the latent heat flux to an increased tree cover can be explained by the low photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance of the encroaching tree species. It will be interesting to see whether the low photosynthetic capacity of Ashe juniper actually results in lower evapotranspiration rates, because this is opposite to popular belief. As stated before, the results of this simulation can not directly be translated to central Texas savanna ecosystems. A longterm dataset of forcing variables and a more intense parameterization of the ecosystem is needed before such question can be answered in a modeling context. Cited Literature Asner G.P., Elmore A.J., Olander L.P., Martin R.E., and Harris A.T. (2004) Grazing systems, ecosystem responses, and global change. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour., 29, 261-299. Hicks R.A. and Dugas W.A. (1998) Estimating Ashe juniper leaf area from tree and stem characteristics. Journal of Range Management, 51, 633-637. Van Auken O.W. (2000) Shrub invasions of North American Semiarid grasslands. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 31, 197-221. Page 15/15