Constitution - Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Classical Humanities Society of South Jersey
Stockton College
July 2009
I. Name: Classical Humanities Society of South Jersey (CHSSJ)
II. Purpose:
1. To bring together professionals and/or amateurs in the South Jersey
area interested in the fields broadly construed under the heading “Classical
2. To provide and sponsor a forum in South Jersey (hosted at Stockton
College) for the exchange and dissemination of information useful to the
promotion, scholarship, and teaching of classical humanities. This includes:
a) inviting scholars from New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
and Delaware to speak at the Classical Humanities Society
b) organizing trips to museums and concerts in the area
c) developing a Classical Society newsletter
d) providing a Classical Humanities website link, and video library
of taped lectures
e) distributing informative materials at meetings
3. To enlarge the boundaries of the classics and classicists to include
many aspects of classical antiquity and its heritage. In this regard, classical
humanities will be understood to include:
a) Greek and Latin language and literature
b) Ancient history up to and including the medieval period
c) Ancient Greek and Hellenistic philosophy
d) Classical archaeology
e) Greco-Roman myth, folklore, technology, and art history
f) the survival of the classical tradition
III. Officers:
1. Officer (“president”) shall be elected in the spring, and will serve for two
academic years, unless a new officer is not available for appointment. In the
event that the Classical Society grows in membership and activities, there shall
be appointments of:
a) Vice-President (two-year office)
b) Secretary/Treasurer (two-year office)
IV. Membership:
1. Regular membership will be $12.00
2. Student membership (with school ID) will be $7.00
3. “Fellow”-sustaining member will be $50.00
4. “Benefactor” membership will be $100.00
5. “Patron” membership will be $200.00
V. Voting ballot:
1. Only dues paying members may vote. In the event of the growth of the
Classical Society and for purposes regarding the allocation of funds for trips to
museums, concerts, and/or the selection and payment of a special invited
speaker (outside of the normal Lecture Series speakers), or the election of
president, vice-president and secretary/treasurer, voting may be in person or by
2. A majority vote of those in attendance at an announced business
meeting (usually in April) will carry measures and elections.
3. If a mail ballot is used, a majority will be the majority of those returning
the ballots by specified due date.
VI. Procedure:
The normal procedure will be informal, but if formal measures are
required, then Robert’s Rule of Order will be the arbiter.
VII. Meetings:
1. Meetings will be held in G208 at Stockton College either on Saturday at
noon, or Sunday at 2:00. They will usually fall at the end of the month. There will
be three meetings in the fall semester, and four meetings in the spring semester,
unless there is a problem with speaker availability.
2. Meetings will normally include time for socializing with light
refreshments, and shall begin promptly at the times noted above (VII. 1).
3. Meetings will normally have either a lecture/presentation on one of the
areas listed above (see 3. a-f), or a panel discussion, or general discussion.
Lecture presentations will normally be forty-five minutes long with a question and
answer session at the end.
VIII. Passing and Amending this Constitution:
1. This constitution is to be considered passed when voted on by either:
a) the majority of dues paying members and current president
b) the majority of active charter members and current president
c) the current president
d) the president, vice-president and secretary/treasurer
This Constitution has been amended and passed on Monday, July 06, 2009,
under section VIII, 1.c.
Prof. Lucio Angelo Privitello, Ph.D., and current CHSSJ President