5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007 The Paleogene of the southern Upper Rhine Graben: biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironment and reworking problems Pirkenseer Claudius*, Spezzaferri Silvia* & Berger Jean-Pierre* *Section Géologie & Paléontologie, Université de Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 6, CH1700 Fribourg (claudiusmarius.pirkenseer@unifr.ch, silvia.spezzaferri@unifr.ch, jeanpierre.berger@unifr.ch) The Upper Rhine Graben represents the central part of the Tertiary European Continental Rift System (ECRIS) and extends about 300km on an approximate North-South axis between the cities of Wiesbaden (W Germany) and Basel (NW Switzerland). The study of the entire Paleogene succession of the southern Upper Rhine Graben by means of two boreholes and several critical outcrops allows a more complete view of the biodiversity, palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Tertiary deposits in this area (PIRKENSEER 2007). The interpretative analyses is based on an as complete as possible registration of the occurring microfossil taxa. As main groups about 150 benthic planktonic Foraminifera and 50 Ostracoda taxa are recorded from Rupelian strata of the research area. While the mainly lacustrine and terrestrial Eocene deposits remain enigmatic due to very scarcely occurring fossil material, the two Rupelian transgression-regression cycles (Earliest Rupelian “Zone fossilifère”, Late Rupelian “Série grise”) of the Upper Rhine Graben are well traced by the two main microfossil groups. Both transgressions start off with fully marine outer shelf to upper bathyal Ostracoda and Foraminifera assemblages. In both cases the maximum flooding is achieved early in the sequence cycle. In the second Rupelian transgression the benthic and small sized autochthonous planktonic Foraminifera associations indicate cold to temperate water temperature. While generally well-oxygenated bottom waters and sediments prevailed during the initial phase (“Marnes à foraminifères”), they abruptly changed to suboxic to anoxic conditions in the subsequent “Schistes à poissons”. The latter is indicated by a relatively high abundance of dwarfed oxic species and suboxic to anoxic taxa. The corresponding regressive phases of the “Zone fossilifère” and the “Serie grise” are characterised by mass occurrences of brackish ostracod taxa as in the respective uppermost parts of both units. The succession from marine to coastal ostracod assemblages is more pronounced in the final unit of the second Rupelian transgression (“Marnes à Cyrènes”). While the regressive phases at the drill site Allschwil-2 show certain shallow marine-freshwater fluctuations in their respective upper parts (charophytes, freshwater Ostracoda), the transition from shallow marine to exclusively brackish condition in the “Marnes à Cyrènes” (uppermost “Série Grise”) is rather short and abrupt. Palaeobiogeographic relations between the ostracod assemblages of adjacent Tertiary basins confirm a marine incursion of northwest European provenance in the Early Rupelian “Zone fossilifère”. This interpretation is reinforced by recently submitted data of a similar, but higher diverse ostracod fauna derived from a thicker marine to brackish succession of equivalent sediments from the 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva 2007 Mainz Basin (GRIEßEMER et al. 2006). Similar results apply to the “Série grise” deposits. While the Upper Rhine Graben was not connected to the Paratethys during the first Rupelian transgression, some simultaneously occurring ostracod species and the benthic Foraminifera associations of the “Serie grise” suggest at least occasional connections between the two basins in the Late Rupelian. The biostratigraphic data derived from planktonic Foraminifera assemblages ranges is distorted by the simultaneous occurrence of facultatively reworked EoOligocene species (e.g., Subbotina utilisindex) and requires a conservative estimate of a Mid P20 to P21a age for the “Serie grise” deposits. The Age NP23-24 indicated by calcareous nannoplankton in the basal “Serie grise” corresponds to other datings from the Upper Rhine Graben. Charophyte assemblages from the “Marnes à Cyrènes” and the lower part of the Niederroedern Formation suggest an attribution to the Late Rupelian to early Chattian Chara microcera – zone. Abundant reworked Cretaceous (10 taxa, e.g. Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana) and Late Paleocene to Eocene (20 taxa, e.g. Acarinina bullbrooki, Turborotalia cocoaensis) planktonic Foraminifera from the Late Rupelian “Serie Grise” occur in the research area and many additional localities in the Upper Rhine Graben and the Mainz Basin. At least Late Cretaceous, Ypresian, Lutetian and Priabonian ages of source sediments are indicated by the reworked specimens. The Lutetian is by far the most frequently represented stage. Abundant reworking starts in the Late Rupelian lower “Couches à Mélettes” and reaches its acme in the increasingly clastic “Marnes à Cyrènes”. Only sparse records are documented from the subsequent fluvio-lacustrine Niederroedern Formation. The Foraminifera are supposed to be reworked from the alpine domain, as other likely source areas are to far away and/or were not subject to erosion in the Late Rupelian. This accords with the proposition of a vast northwards prograding delta-system by ROUSSÉ (2006) that was located close to the southern margin of the research area. Geodynamic implications include already uplifted Early to Late Eocene sediments within the central and southwestern Helvetic realm as well as a beginning sedimentary overfill of the western Swiss Molasse Basin in the Late Rupelian that led to the northward deviation of an axial drainage system of the Swiss Molasse Basin (“pre-Genferseeschüttung”). REFERENCES Grießemer, T.W. et al. 2007, in press: Die Ostracoden der Mittleren Pechelbronn-Schichten (Unter-Oligozän) in der Bohrung Wallau B98-BK5, östlich von Wiesbaden (nördliches Mainzer Becken). Geologische Abhandlungen Hessen, 116. Pirkenseer, C. (2007): The Southern Upper Rhine Graben Paleogene: Microfossil assemblages (focus on Ostracoda and Foraminifera) and their palaeoecologic, biostratigraphic and palaeogeographic implications in reference to reworked planktonic Foraminifera. PhD thesis, 320pp, Fribourg. Roussé, S. (2006): Architecture et dynamique des séries marines et continentales de l´Oligocène Moyen et Supérieur du Sud du Fossé Rhénan: Evolution des milieux de dépôt en contexte de rift en marge de l´avant-pays alpin. PhD thesis, 471pp, Strasbourg.