INTrain Meeting Minutes February 17 2009 I. Introductions-Mary Held moderator Attendees for today: Erica Luuga, Cindie Vandebur, Patty Cook, Randy Krieble, Roberta Sutton, Nanette Whightsel, Jackie Pitman, Stephen Steed, Ron Smith, Marcy Thompson, Stephen Liebsch, Jennifer Howlett, Tera Evans, Jenny Todd, Brad Galin, Donna Gore-Olsen II. What’s New? Patty Cook: Outreach is setting up an “Ask the behavior consultant” phone call/online meeting that will be coming soon. Nanette: Betty and Nanette have been traveling around the state training people about their toolkit for discuss OASIS Stephen Steed: Today’s teleconference Direct Support Resource Center Webinar on the Apprenticeship program. III. Your Guidance: Review and Prioritize Training Topics for recommendations to DDDS and Outreach Mary: Are there any suggestions for Outreach in terms of what we need to develop in Indiana? No suggestions made. Outreach will coordinate the development of the different trainings; Trainings will be delivered in different formats and will be available on the Outreach and the IIDC Websites; Would it be helpful to develop more associated topics for the Dental School trainings? Yes it will be an agenda item for next time to generate a list of topics. QMRP Trainings - There is a national website and it has standards and competencies. Jennifer: Is there a different focus for QMRP’s than we are planning for Supervisor Training? Or is it the same? Do we to look at the CDS Supervisor Training and see if it would meet the training needs for QMRP’s? Mary will make the comparison and report back to the group. IV. College of Direct Support Contract is almost finalized. Purchasing is based on the number of individuals with a disability supported—anyone on the person’s team could take the training; Indiana will purchase 3,200 “slots”---so if we estimate that there are approximately 6 persons in each persons’ life—then there are about 18,000 people who may take the training; In addition to this contract, College of Direct Support has asked to do a Demonstration Project for individuals and their family members who are waiting for Waiver services. People will be able to register to take the online training by contacting an Indiana CDS Administrator. Administrators need to be identified and trained. Potentially roll-out could begin this summer. 1 On March 2 at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indianapolis in Conference Room # 1 there will be two meetings with Amy Hewitt from the University of Minnesota. (See the attached meeting announcements for details). INTrain members are encouraged to participate. The morning meeting will focus on beginning the CDS strategic planning for Indiana. The afternoon meeting will be for individuals interested in being a site administrator for the Waiting List project or individuals who would just like to know more about what a site administrator does. J. Howlett-Will agencies be able to collaborate for the site administration. That will be discussed at the meeting. Randy: Supervisors taking the training may be optimized by being selected if they are part of the persons’ network and are then eligible to take the training. V. Work Plan Review of larger overall goals? Do they still make sense? Yes from the group Review of sub activities: Ron Smith, Chris Perry and Jennie Todd will review the “best practices” “standards” document and give feedback to Outreach. Ongoing surveys of Trainer in Indiana-have done 2 surveys so far More T3 training information What agencies might need to know about the 3 tracks to certification NADSP Registration-what are agencies thinking? How often should we be surveying? Quarterly? Or as needed? May Foundations and T3 will be presented to the POPS at the April meeting What are the minimum competency/standards for training They can then take topic specific to specialize in content Good for Professional Development and growth Co-Trainers Training should be part of the Work plan-added Tracking 0utcomes of trainers Certification process for Trainers Incentives and recognition for Trainers VI. Updates from the Members Outreach: will have Pre and Post Tests from now on DSP Initiative; Mary and Ron have been conducting Forums around the state; over 500 DSP’s in Ivy Tech; possibility of a Virtual Graduation VII. Action Steps Develop a third survey for Trainers Develop a Tracking System Plan to track Outcomes for Trainers develop a tracking system-May Develop a system to disseminate Training Calendar out to as many people as possible-in addition to on-line websites perhaps through and other organizations avenues such as ARC and IIDC-June-Randy will send out the info to the organization for inclusion in their calendars; people should send their suggestions to Randy Trainers Network will develop the language for the certificate and proposal for Petero Cindy, Marcy, Tera, Patty will develop ideas on this subject and send to the Trainers o Network Committee 2 VIII. Marketing tri-fold brochure will be presented at the Trainers’ Network next meeting Recommendation to DDRS Randy will ask if Peter is willing to sign certificates/approve T3 Training DDRS should begin to look at training for QMRP’s Next Meeting March 17th, 1-12 pm. Suggested Agenda Items Dental training Psychiatric issues Outreach Update 1. T3 - class held on Feb 3 & 4. It was a great opportunity to share ideas with each other. This committee will review and update the curriculum on Feb. 24th. 2. Health Assurance- Sessions 4 and 5 for IPMG will be held this week. Rescheduling one that was snowed out. Curriculum will be tweaked slightly for providers with the first provider session scheduled first week of April. 3. Curriculum under development include: Diabetes Management, Change in Status, and Managing Medical Appointments and Hospitalizations. 4. Behavior Management training will be formatted in near future for on-line presentation. 5. Police training - Tim Courtney & Tim Stultz presenting at CIT training for Fort Wayne police on Feb. 27th. 6. Working out details for starting, "Ask a Behavioral Consultant" (name may change). This will give community providers the opportunity to submit questions, then participate on a conference call or some other technology for a review of the questions and answers. Plan to expand this to other disciplines. Intent is to provide a means for getting general questions answered and technical assistance provided for non-person specific issues in a manner that others can benefit from in a group setting. 7. Comprehensive Dysphagia curriculum has been divided into 2 modules. Mod 1 covers information appropriate for all staff and is being presented most frequently. Module 2 is for staff responsible for managing dysphagia. 8. Pre Post Test Initiative --beginning March 1st all Outreach classes will include Pre & Post tests. Data will be reviewed and class content/presentation assessed. 3