LA IV – Macbeth 12/03/2012 Act 1 – Scene 5 Lady Macbeth – fears that Macbeth will not be able to kill because he is too kind; he is like a girl (“has milk”); challenges his manhood – odd role reversal Lady Macbeth thinks it’s great news that the king is coming over to their home so they can kill him “the raven himself is hoarse” signifies that death is coming and there’s no avoiding it Lady Macbeth called upon the spirits to be less of a woman by nature, and more of a man. “unsex me” She wants this for power and greed “feel to the top of my head with cruelty” Macbeth is unsure what to do about Duncan. Not only because he doesn’t feel comfortable killing, but also because he is his cousin. Act 1 – Scene 6 Act 1 – Scene 7 3 reasons why Macbeth doesn’t want to kill Duncan 1. Great king 2. He’s his cousin (kin) 3. karma – it always comes back Macbeth’s character traits why he doesn’t want to kill 1. conscience – don’t kill for no reason 2. pride of being a decent person Macbeth tells them that he will not go through with the plan to kill Duncan Lady Macbeth insults Macbeth by calling him a coward, antagonizing and baiting him to kill Duncan Questioning his manhood by calling him a lady Lady Macbeth says that she would not only do this killing herself, but she would also not hesitate to do kill my baby if I gave you my word They will kill Duncan and frame the servants by getting them drunk