LA IV – “The Prologue” Canterbury Tales

LA IV – Macbeth
Act 1 – Scene 5
 Lady Macbeth – fears that Macbeth will not be able to kill because he is too
kind; he is like a girl (“has milk”); challenges his manhood – odd role
 Lady Macbeth thinks it’s great news that the king is coming over to their
home so they can kill him
 “the raven himself is hoarse” signifies that death is coming and there’s no
avoiding it
 Lady Macbeth called upon the spirits to be less of a woman by nature, and
more of a man. “unsex me” She wants this for power and greed “feel to the
top of my head with cruelty”
 Macbeth is unsure what to do about Duncan. Not only because he doesn’t
feel comfortable killing, but also because he is his cousin.
Act 1 – Scene 6
Act 1 – Scene 7
 3 reasons why Macbeth doesn’t want to kill Duncan
1. Great king
2. He’s his cousin (kin)
3. karma – it always comes back
 Macbeth’s character traits why he doesn’t want to kill
1. conscience – don’t kill for no reason
2. pride of being a decent person
 Macbeth tells them that he will not go through with the plan to kill Duncan
 Lady Macbeth insults Macbeth by calling him a coward, antagonizing and
baiting him to kill Duncan
 Questioning his manhood by calling him a lady
 Lady Macbeth says that she would not only do this killing herself, but she
would also not hesitate to do kill my baby if I gave you my word
 They will kill Duncan and frame the servants by getting them drunk