COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT’S ADLOLESCENTS FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES POLICY AND PROCEDURE Policy Title: Program Area: Adolescents Family Planning Services Family Planning Policy Identifier: (optional) Effective Date: Approval Date: Revision Date(s): Approved by: Kim Smith RN, BSN, MSHCA, Health Director Approved by: Hilda Memory RB, BS, MSHA, Director of Nursing 10/28/11 02//03/2015, 04/15/2015 Purpose: To provide confidential counseling and age-appropriate information to adolescent patients (under age 18) seeking contraceptive services in Title X Family Planning Clinics in North Carolina. Appointments should be available to them for counseling and clinical services as soon as possible. Definitions: Columbus County Health Department will have policies in place that addresses the required areas of Title X requirement for all adolescent patients seeking contraceptive services in the Title X Family Planning Clinic. Responsibilities: Local Health Department Employees and designated personnel Procedures: 1. Columbus County Health Department scheduling staff and providers will ensure appointments for services to adolescents are provided as soon as possible. Should be no later than 2 weeks and if no slot is available scheduler should consult with Physician Extender (for any available time not accessible through the scheduling template in CureMD). 2. Adolescent patients must be informed about all methods of contraception. 3. Abstinence as well as contraceptive and safer sex practice options to reduce risks of STD/HIV and pregnancy must be discussed with all adolescents. 4. Adolescent patients must be offered counseling on how to resist coercive attempts to engage in sexual activities. This counseling or other appropriate service must be provided in cases where the adolescent client requests it or is evidenced by physical exam or history. 5. Adolescent patients must be assured that the counseling sessions are confidential and, if follow up is necessary, every attempt will be made to assure the privacy of the individual. FP Page 1 of 2 COLUMBUS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT’S ADLOLESCENTS FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES POLICY AND PROCEDURE 6. Adolescents should be encouraged to engage family participation in the decision of minors to seek family planning services and provided counseling on how to engage participation. 7. Adolescent patients may give effective consent for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and other reportable diseases, abuse of controlled substances or alcohol, and emotional disturbance. 8. Title X projects may not require written consent of parents or guardians for the provision of contraceptive services to adolescent patients. Ask the patients if their parents are aware of their visit Ask if both parents are aware of their visit, since sometimes the mother may be present with the patient, however, the father may not be aware of the visit. Ask if you can send a bill to the home, to both parents. If the patients states both parents are aware and it is not a confidential visit, you should treat as such. 9. Title X projects cannot notify parents or guardians before or after an adolescent client has requested and received Title X family planning services. 10. Parents or guardians of adolescent patients may be notified in the event the attending physician indicates that notification is essential to the life or health of the minor. 11. Encourage adolescent to continue their education and at least get a high school diploma or GED. 12. CCHD staff will report an suspected child abuse, neglect by and human trafficking will report any suspected child abuse or human trafficking to Columbus County Department of Social Services. See attached Policy on: Child Abuse, Neglect, and Human Trafficking. (Control Click on link) Laws and Rules: Title X Regulations Section 8.7 North Carolina’s General Statutes’ 90-21.4b and 90- 21.5 provide guidance in this policy. Reference(s): Billing and Eligibility Policy page 5 FP Page 2 of 2