from " " 2013

Ref number 35 on: 01/25/2013
Approved by
Government Resolution
Republic of Kazakhstan
from " "
subsidies to support livestock breeding
General provisions
1. These Rules subsidies to support livestock breeding (hereinafter - Rules) determine the procedure for providing
budget subsidies (hereinafter - subsidies) at the expense and within the means and measures envisaged in the national budget
for the financial year to domestic agricultural producers (hereinafter - the producers) Republican breeding center purebred
breeding in animal husbandry (hereinafter - the Republican breeding center), breeding factory in Kostanai breed of horses,
breeding reproducer of poultry meat, in order to increase the proportion of breeding animals and productive qualities of farm
2.Napravleniya to be subsidizing:
1) acquisition of producers of breeding young cattle;
2) the selection and breeding work aimed at improving the qualitative composition of the breeding stock of cattle of
meat and dairy breeds;
3) the acquisition of producers estimated seed bulls and embryo transfer;
4) maintenance of breeding bulls of beef breeds used for mating to the public herd of livestock formed private farms;
5) acquisition of tribal producers of day old chicks meat and egg direction and breeding eggs from domestic breeding
poultry farms containing grandparent, parent form;
6) purchase of pedigree cattle producers at the domestic breeds of domestic breeding plants or breeding farms;
7) the acquisition of the special process, laboratory equipment, breeding bulls, semen foreign selection Republican
breeding center; the content of pedigree bulls, receive, store seed, evaluation of the quality of the seed progeny, receipt,
storage and use of embryos Republican breeding center;
8) breeding, maintenance and training of breeding horses, the receipt and storage of semen stallions breeding factory
in Kostanai breed of horses;
9) full cost recovery for the acquisition of breeding poultry breeding reproducer of poultry meat.
3. The ratio of subsidies in each direction is set in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation.
4. Each year, about bemsya subsidies for each area and by region are approved by order of the Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the limits of the funds provided in the national budget for the current fiscal year.
Terms of subsidy payments
5. The obligatory and necessary condition for obtaining grants producers are th tsya full compliance with
the relevant areas, listed in Annex 2 to this Regulation, the contents of all livestock farm animals in accordance with the
rules and implementation of zootechnical veterinary measures.
6. subsidizing does not subject:
1) young breeders, poultry products, seed bulls, embryos previously reduced the price, and purchased on a
barter basis, in respect of settlements or used not for reproductive purposes;
2) the breeding stock - to conduct selection and breeding, breeding sires, used for mating to the public
herd, - the maintenance, Subsidized in the current year;
3) young breeders of cattle imported from abroad, are not rated by an index system; breeding bulls
imported from abroad, are not assessed on their own productivity or the quality of the offspring;
4) Breeding heifers used for industrial crossing.
7. Failure to comply with the above conditions is the basis for producers collecting subsidies paid on
agricultural tdelom respective district (hereinafter - about tdel) in the manner prescribed by law.
8. In the case of exceeding the amount of subsidies, declared producers of the selected volume of subsidies
as a priority are satisfied bids for purchasing the breeding of young cattle beef, the balance is distributed proportionally
according to the entrance application. Grant unpaid balance owed to producers to be paid to him of the funds provided in the
following (s) month (s).
The order of the Ministry and the regions and Kimathi
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Ministry) states the order of the
following documents:
1) the form of applications for subsidies;
2) form of collective acts of the district / region;
3) the form of a report on budget implementation on the field;
4) the form of the report in terms of acquisition of breeding production (material), as well as the selection
of and breeding area for the quarter;
5) form of solutions vanishing residents of the village - livestock owners and to secure the use of bulls;
6) the form of commitments to use the acquired breeding young cattle;
7) form of the act of using the seed;
8) The form of the act for the birth of offspring;
9) in the form of an act of transplantation of the embryo.
The Minister Agriculture of Kazakhstan and a ki areas we annually up to 3 0 January signed an agreement
with an individual monthly financing plan to support the field of livestock breeding.
The Ministry, as the administrator of the budget program, monthly lists target current transfers to regional
budgets to support the livestock breeding in accordance with the individual plan of financing the payments, and signed an
agreement on the results of target current transfers between Kim and the region and the Minister of Agriculture of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Akim of the region from the date of entry into force of this Regulation within ten working days of its
decision to create a regional commission on subsidies to support livestock breeding under the chairmanship of deputy
akim on Agriculture (hereinafter - Commission), approved by the decision of regional maslikhat.
The Commission operates on a permanent basis for the duration of this Regulation. The Commission comprises
specialists of agricultural area (hereinafter - Office), the territorial inspection of Committee of state inspection in the
agricultural sector and the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, as well as representatives specialized NGOs. The membership of the Commission may be amended by a
decision and Kim field. The working body of the Commission is management.
13. In the Commission shall determine the volume of I m due to budget money at the request of producers within
the limits established by the financing plan by month, and according to priority areas, the formation of the consolidated
statement on the form approved by the Ministry and approval of the register of accounts payable.
14. Meetings of the Commission are carried out at least once a month. At the next meeting, the Commission first of
all satisfy the applications in priority areas previously approved but not funded or partially funded proposal, then the
application of the current month.
15. In the case of an incomplete development of the allocated funds, the Ministry in accordance with the legislation
proposes to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the reallocation of funds for the payment of fiscal subsidies
for areas within the funds provided for in the national budget for the implementation of the budget of the program.
The procedure for consideration and satisfaction Producers applications for grants
16. Within five business days after the official publication of the Rules of tdel places on the Internet site and
Kimata district and district official publications announcement of the beginning of acceptance of applications for subsidies.
17. Each year, not later than 5 business days after the signing of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, and Kim areas of agreement with individual monthly financing plan area to support the livestock breeding
management places it on an Internet resource and Kimata area of tdely - on an Internet resource and Kimata the area
18. Commodity producers as and when appropriate grounds are in a tdel application (full package of documents in
accordance with paragraphs 30-32 of this Regulation) on the actual amounts to be subsidies under the direction specified in
paragraph 2 of this Regulation. Department records filing commodity producer in the corresponding registration log.
19. The department is obliged to accept applications, which since the beginning of the grounds for its submission is
not older than 1 year.
20. Department for three working days from the receipt of the application checks documents and producers for
compliance with the requirements specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Regulation.
In the case s of incomplete set of documents or non-compliance with the requirements of tdel promptly return the
documents submitted producers indicating the reasons of return.
Producers have the right to re-make correction or addition of a request.
In the case s of compliance submitted documents with the requirements of this Regulation and the lack of
grounds for the rejection of applications under these Rules of tdel within two business days of
checks data, submitted producers in the application: the database of legal entities on the official website of the Ministry of th
ments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the official website of the Tax THE B OARD Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, complements the application a certificate of veterinary welfare, issued by the district veterinarian, under the
sponsorship of areas relating to cattle - a statement s with a common information base selection and breeding work
(hereinafter - IAS), of the "Identification of farm animals" (hereinafter - COLI).
Division is the combined act of purchasing pedigree cattle producers, poultry products, and of the selection
and breeding, as well as the content and sires, approved by the Governor of the district. Applications producers with a
complete package of documents and approved the consolidated act of not less than 1 time in two weeks, submitted to the
Office. This ensures the accuracy of tdel submitted supporting documents to the Office. At the board registers an application
for summary tdela in the appropriate log.
Management considers to be within three working days of tdelami submitted applications for compliance with
the requirements established by these Rules. In the case of applications submitted by non-compliance requirements of this
Regulation, the Office no later than three working days from the date of registration returns submitted in the application for
revision of tdel indicating the reason for the return.
In the case of compliance of the submitted documents the requirements of this Regulation, the Office within
two working days send an application to the Commission, which after a meeting of a consolidated list of producers and
amounts owed subsidies subsidy program participants.
On the proposal of the Commission Akim of the region presented by the Commission approves the lists within
three working days. Management shall immediately forward the decision of akim of the Ministry and relevant departments.
Transfer of budget subsidies owed to the bank accounts of producers carried out by the Office in accordance
with the individual plan of financing the payments by providing for three working days in the territorial division of the
Treasury registry accounts payable with accounts payable application in duplicate.
Management of each month sends to tdel information on the volume of budget funds paid to producers in the
For information on obtaining subsidies for the first tribe th young cattle, will I sires and embryo
transplantation th, conducting breeding th th th and tribal works from, ie content pedigree bulls of beef breeds to be made
about tdelom in IAS indicating the identification numbers of each animal, to which were allocated subsidies, within ten
working days of receipt of such information from the Office.
Management on a monthly basis up to 5 numbers following the reporting month, but no later than December
20 submit to the Ministry a report on the volume, value and efficiency of subsidies paid to the budget.
5. The list of required documents etc. To obtain subsidies
Producers are in a tdel application for the actual amounts to be subsidies under the direction specified in
paragraph 2 of this Regulation.
Shall be accompanied by documents proving the requirements set out in Annex 2 of this Regulation.
In addition, commodity producer is making a certificate from the bank of a bank account.
Originals After verification of the supporting documents are returned with copies of the final recipient.
6. Procedure for the use of target current transfers subsidies, providing full reimbursement Republican breeding
center breeding factory in Kostanai breed of horses, breeding reproducer of poultry meat
34. For a full reimbursement to the Office not later than 10 December:
1) Republican breeding center is one copy of documents (contracts, copies of pay ments documents, acts oprihodo
tion) to support the costs of the acquisition of breeding bulls, semen foreign selection, about orudovaniya, techniques
according to the list approved by the Ministry, a copy of the documents confirming the cost of maintaining pedigree bulls,
receipt, storage and assessment of their seed, as well as reception, storage and use of embryos (when incurred);
2) n lehmen plant in Kostanai breed of horses is one copy of the documents confirming the cost of breeding,
maintenance, training, breeding horses and storage of semen of stallions (when incurred);
3) n lehmen reproducer of poultry meat is one copy of documents (contracts, copies of payment documents,
certificates of posting) to support the cost of purchasing chicks (when incurred).
35. The Office for the five business days checks the documents, forms a summary list in the form according to Annex
3 to this Regulation, and is the registry accounts payable with accounts payable application in duplicate to the territorial
division of the Treasury for the transfer of budget subsidies for bank the republican pedigree center breeding plant in
Kostanai breed of horses, breeding reproducer of poultry meat.
Appendix 1
subsidy Regulation
to support breeding
1. Norm's budget subsidies for partial reduction in price
(no more than 50%) of the purchase price of producers of breeding young cattle
Type of breeding production
domestic breeding
imported from abroad:
Australia, North and South
European countries
The Russian Federation, Belarus
and Ukraine
Standards subsidies 1 head tenge
Meat breeds *
Dairy Breed
Heifers and
Heifers and heifer
2. Norm's budget subsidies for partial reduction in price
(50%) of the cost tovaroproizvod Itel costs related to the selection and breeding work aimed at improving the qualitative
composition of the breeding stock of cattle of meat and dairy breeds
Type of breeding production
Standards subsidies 1 head tenge
cows and heifers meat breeds *
14 000
cows and heifers of dairy breeds *
* For the combined breeds of meat and dairy is applied direction in order to be used by the cattle producers.
3. Standards of budget subsidies for partial reduction in price
(50%) of the estimated value of the purchased seed producers bulls and embryo transfer
Type of breeding material
Standards subsidies for 1 unit., Tenge
seed bulls, in Vol. h .:
bisexual seed (domestic)
imported seeds
unisexual seed
4. Norm's budget subsidies under Part astichnomu reimbursement (50%) for the maintenance of breeding bulls of beef
breeds used for mating to the public herd formed livestock from private farms
Type of breeding production
Breeding bulls of meat breeds
Standards subsidies for 1 head, in tenge
5. Norm's budget subsidies to partially reduce the cost (50%) purchased by domestic poultry farms breeding day-old chicks
and eggs from domestic breeding pedigree poultry farms containing grandparent, parent form *
Norm's subsidies for day-old chicks and breeding egg tenge
from grandparent flocks **
from parent stock ***
Not more than 50% of the cost, but
no more
303 tenge per 1 head
Type of breeding
Daily chicken (beef)
Daily chicken (egg-laying)
Chicken egg
Not more than 50% of the cost,
but no more
50 tenge for 1 head
Not more than 50% of the cost,
but no more
21 tenge per 1 piece
* To be subsidized in breeding products (chicks, breeding eggs), implemented Pedigree Poultry Plant, received the status of
the breeding establishment.
** In order to form breeder in poultry meat.
*** For the formation of the industrial poultry flocks in egg.
6. Standards of budget subsidies to partially reduce the cost of purchased domestic producers of pedigree cattle breeds from
domestic breeding plants or breeding farms
Types and breeds pedigree animals
Standards subsidies
1 head tenge
Kazakh fine-fleeced
Kazakh arharomerinos
South Kazakh Merino
8000 tenge, but no more
50% of the purchase price
Severokazahsky Merino
Australian Merino
Kazakh polutonkorunnyh with crossbred wool
Degeresskaya mjasosherstnyh
Kazakh fat-tailed and coarse polugrubosherstny
eleven. Esilskij kurdjuchnogo
Kazakh-type "Jabe"
Kazakh-type "and let th '
40 000 tenge, but no more
50% of the purchase price
Large White
German noble
15 000 tenge, but no more
50% of the purchase price
Kazakh Bactrian
37 000 tenge, but no more
50% of the purchase price
Maral (Deer)
thirty 000 tenge, but no more
50% of the purchase price
Annex 2
subsidy Regulation
to support breeding
Requirements for producers in the livestock and poultry
Direction subsidies
Acquisition of producers of
breeding young cattle.
1. Age acquired pedigree cattle should not exceed e n at the time of setting in
quarantine: heifer - 18 months, heifers and bulls - 26 months.
2. The original and a copy of pedigree svidetelstvna acquired young breeders, issued by
the Republican Chamber of appropriate breed.
3. The original and the copy of the veterinary certificate.
4. The original and the copy of the contract of sale / lease. The application for the
payment of subsidies for the repayment of principal under a lease agreement with details
of the lessor (only in case of purchase of pedigree cattle on the basis of the leasing
5. Originals and copies of payment documents - credit and cash receipt or payment
order the bank confirming the payment of 100% of the contract.
6. Originals and copies of the certificate of posting of pedigree cattle (or the act of
removal from quarantine at the producers).
7. A written commitment to the use of pedigree breeding stock acquired in the
reproductive purpose of at least 2 years (for the bulls - at least 2 breeding season).
8. A written commitment to the use of artificial insemination breeding contingent seed
breeding bulls assessed on progeny and / or used in the manual on their own mating
estimated productivity of breeding bulls (in meat cattle breeding); 100% on the use of
artificial insemination breeding contingent seed breeding bulls assessed on progeny
(dairy cattle)
In addition, for households containing breeding stock:
9. The original and the copy of the agreement on scientific and consulting support of
the Republican Chamber of appropriate breeds or legal entities and individuals
recommended by the Republican Chamber of the respective breed.
In addition, the purchase of pedigree cattle from abroad:
Selection and breeding work
aimed at improving the qualitative
composition of the breeding stock
of cattle of meat and dairy breeds
10.Original and copy of the DNA - a passport (only for breeding bulls)
11. A written commitment to the use of breeding cattle and the offspring resulting from
it for the reproduction of the herd for 3 years only in the territory of the Republic of
1. The presence of a standard form of identification numbers of animals and their
registration in the COLI.
2. Availability of registration of breeding stock in the IAS.
3. For farm containing breeding stock:
1) and a copy of the riginal agreement on scientific and consulting support of the Republican Chamber
of appropriate breeds or legal entities and individuals recommended by the Republican Chamber of the
respective breed.
2) n ismennoe commitment to the use of artificial insemination breeding contingent seed breeding
bulls assessed on progeny and / or used in the manual on their own mating estimated productivity of
breeding bulls (in meat cattle breeding); 100% on the use of artificial insemination breeding
contingent seed breeding bulls assessed on progeny (dairy cattle)
For commercial flocks, involved in the transformation of the breed:
- Mr. Alice, the use in reproduction and rotation breeding bulls in accordance with the zootechnical
standards (at least 1 bull of 30 heads of breeding contingent, the bull does not use more than 2
consecutive breeding seasons)
Purchase producers estimated
seed bulls and embryo transfer
1. The presence of a standard form of identification numbers of animals and their
The content of pedigree bulls of
beef breeds used for mating to the
public herd of livestock formed
private farms
Acquisition of day-old chicks of
tribal producers of meat and egg
direction and breeding eggs from
domestic breeding poultry farms
containing grandparent, parent
registration in the COLI.
2. Availability of registration of breeding stock in the IAS.
3. The original and a copy of pedigree certificates for products (Certificate) (seed bulls,
4. The original and the copy of the veterinary certificate
5. Original and copy of the act on the use of semen sires / embryo transplantation
6. Original and copy of the act for the birth of offspring / Logging calving and rearing
of offspring obtained
7. Register offspring resulting in a COLI and IAS
1. The original and the copy of the certificate of pedigree bull-beef products
2. The original and the copy of the veterinary certificate for breeding bull-producer
3. Solution gathering of residents of the village to secure the use of data and pedigree
bulls in public herd of livestock formed private farms certified by the respective rural
district akim
4. Availability, use and reproduction of rotation breeding bulls in accordance with the
zootechnical standards (at least 1 bull of 30 heads of breeding contingent, the bull does
not use more than 2 consecutive breeding seasons)
Purchase of pedigree cattle
producers at the domestic breeds
of domestic breeding plants or
breeding farms
The original and the copy of the pedigree certificate of acquired tribal day-old chicks and breeding
eggs, recognized by the Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The original and the copy of the veterinary certificate.
The original and the copy of the contract of sale of pedigree products
Originals and copies of payment documents - credit and cash receipt or payment order the bank
confirming the payment of 100% of the contract.
The original and a copy of the posting of pedigree cattle (or the act of removal from quarantine at the
The presence of technological equipment for cell and floor maintenance.
1. Age of pedigree cattle purchased shall not exceed at the time of conclusion of the
1) of the vtsy: bright - up to 18 months; rams - up to 18 months.
2) L Oshad:
filly - up to 3 years; colt - up to 5 years.
3) erblyudy: females - up to 3 years; males - up to 5 years.
4) Vigny:
pig - to 12 months; boars - up to 14 months.
5) m Aral: female - 18 months, males (pervorozhki) - up to 24 months.
2. The original and the copy of the pedigree certificate (certificate) to acquire young
3. The original and the copy of the veterinary certificate.
4. The original and the copy of the contract of sale / lease. The application for the
payment of subsidies for the repayment of principal under a lease agreement with details
of the lessor (only in case of purchase of pedigree cattle on the basis of the leasing
5. Originals and copies of payment documents - credit and cash receipt or payment
order the bank confirming the payment of 100% of the contract.
6. The original and a copy of the posting of pedigree cattle (or the act of removal from
quarantine at the producers).
7. A written commitment to the use of pedigree breeding stock acquired in the
reproductive purpose of at least 2 years (to producers - at least 2 breeding season)
Appendix 3
subsidy Regulation
to support the livestock breeding
Head of the Department of Agriculture
_____________ farm field
(Name signature, seal)
"____" __________ 20__ year
consolidated statement
due to budget subsidies for _____________ 20 __ year
Republican breeding center breeding factory in Kostanai breed of horses, breeding reproducer of poultry meat
The amount
provided for
in the
expenses budget allocation to the
budget redstv,
thous. tenge
the volume of goods
purchased (animals)
performed works and
I owed schayasya
amount since
the beginning
of the year,
thous. tenge
since the
of the year,
thous. tenge
The residue
thous. tenge
To be
to pay,
Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry (person responsible) _______________________ (name and
last name, signature)
B uhgalter (person responsible)
_______________________ (Name, signature)