MINUTES OF THE MERSEYSIDE YOUNG WALKERS GROUP 20-30’S+ A.G.M Held on Tuesday 7th November 2007 @ The Pump House, Albert Dock, Liverpool. PRESENT Stephanie Gebert –Chairman Joanne Bremner – Group Secretary Vicki Ireson – Treasurer Sanya Sanderson – Membership Secretary Ian Clayton – Map Man Cameron Ward – Walks co-ordinator Ian Berry – Website editor Kelly Gwilliam – Booking secretary Dave Fagan – Social secretary Gloria Thayer - Area Secretary Grant Gibson Simon Rose Steve McNally Sally Partington Dave Calland MINUTES OF PREVIOUS A.G.M. Accepted by all present. 1. WELCOME/CHAIRMANS REPORT As chairman I would like to thank everyone for their contributions over the past year. 2. MATTERS ARISING None. 3. AGREEMENT OF CONSTITUTION All present agreed to its present content. 4. TREASURER’S REPORT Financials At 30th September 2007 we are £359.91 in credit vs £345.44 at 30th September 2006. Summary of Year MiniBus Hire In the financial year we spent £2,029 on mini bus hire and received from members £2,122 for payments towards costs. Therefore, we made a surplus of £93. Weekend Aways We had 3 weekends away in 2006 /2007, which cost the group £246 for accommodation and we received £540 from members towards costs. This also gave us a surplus of £294. The Surpluses we have made on these events have enabled us to pay for other group expenses. Below shows a full year summary of Income and Expenditure for the group. Income Walks Weekends away Transfer from Area Bank Interest Earned £2,122 £540 £250 £9 £2,922 Expenditure Stationary, Photocopying Personal Phone refund Mileage refund Group Web Page Costs Postage Personal Internet Refund Minibus Hire Minibus Refund Weekend away expenses Maps, Books, Programmes Leaders Course AGM Buffet (Nov 05) £12 £158 £115 £141 £97 £84 £2,029 £0 £246 £25 £0 £0 £2,907 Income over Expenditure £14 During the year we did experience a fall in numbers booking onto the minibus for walks, this decline began to erode any small surpluses we had, therefore we had to review the costs being charged and also looked into ways of mitigating these exposures. It was decided at the Committee meeting in July that for the financial year 2007 / 2008, that no personal internet refund would be required. We will pursue with area the potential to recover Internet charges which will help us to keep minibus charges as low as possible. Summary We have managed to cover all costs throughout the year and have provided an average of 2+ walks per month and 3 weekends away. 5. BOOKING SECRETARY’S REPORT Bookings for the bus have continued to increase since February, most buses have gone out full and no bus has run at a loss to the group. Reserve lists have been long for many walks and the possiblity of approaching the bus company for a twenty-seater bus could be considered. This would be particularly useful in light of increased membership and the expected extra interest after Christmas. Any previous problems with payments appear to have been ironed out, late payments are now very rare. Buses are booked for every walk between now and April, all have at least one person already booked on. 6. WEBMASTERS REPORT The website has been growing in popularity this year, with nearly 15000 unique visitors to the site, up from 12000 last year. This has increased following the publication of the eagerly awaited new walks programme, which I have been working on with Walks Coordinator Cameron Ward. The walks programme has now been now completed for the whole of 2008 and is currently published on the internet until July 2008 (the rest to follow soon). The message board helps the group with informal matters and last minute changes as anyone can change the content so long as they are a registered user. It has been improved to categorise information into sections including: walks information, socials, RA, car share, booking information to make things easier to find. There are currently 112 registered users for the message board up from 50 last year all contributing to discussions about the group. Photos have been consolidated due to sheer numbers we have had taken in the past. New photos are still being added after every walk either by myself of Jo Bremner. The website has incurred costs of around £140 for this year for website hosting and photograph sites and use of the address - plus a fair bit of hard graft on my part! If anyone is interested in helping out with the website please don’t hesitate to ask! 7. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT The year ending Nov 2007 has been a successful year for LL6. We have seen a large increase in interest in the group. Nov 2005-2006: 46 enquiries to membership secretary Janet Nov 2006- 2007: 136 enquiries to myself, up ~ 3 fold on last year Of these 136 enquiries, 35 have joined (26% joining rate). New members comprise ~50 % of current paid up LL6 membership The same proportion of men and women joined. We have had interest from people aged 18 to late 50s and also from family groups. 31 of members have renewed at least once since the start of LL6 records (2004) There is a discrepancy in the membership records provided by Head Office. Head Office numbers 114 members but looking through the detail, many are lapsed memberships. According to our records, we have 84 paid-up members who regularly walk with LL6 Of these, 7 are not listed by head office – 3 are new LL6 members; 4 belong to other RA groups but walk most regularly with us. Of the 84, 8 have just become overdue by a few weeks and may not be listed by head office. Most memberships are single as expected for a young group. Since the start of LL6, 62 members have left either not renewed, transferred to LL2 or other groups, moved from area, lost interest in walking. This is not surprising considering the migratory nature of this age group. Most members are now contacted by email which has cut down on paper and postage related costs. 8. MAP MAN’S REPORT No advice on a suggested walk to lead has been sought from the Map Coordinator. The group now owns 3 maps, two of which have been bought this year. During the year 4 requests (from 2 members) for map loans have been received. For the benefit of new committee members: a spreadsheet of all maps owned individually by committee members is kept by the Map Coordinator - the diversity of which effectively means that all areas we normally walk in are covered. People have agreed in the past to loan out, where requested, their maps to any member who requires one, on the proviso that any damage would be compensated by MYWG. To date nobody has ever requested such a loan! At the 5th September committee meeting a suggestion was received that we consider purchasing mapping software, which would offer suggested routes and the facility to print out sections/ personalised routes. Adverts placed on the group message board in the past offering colour photocopies of map sections and sources for walk ideas have provoked no reponse. As a result the committee felt that the £100+ may not prove a good investment at present. This should be reviewed when the 2008/ 09 programme is being put together in order to keep the pool of leaders as high as possible. 9. COMMITTEE ELECTION As standard all committee members resigned their positions. Nominations were sought over several weeks, deadline for inclusion being 3rd November 2006. Details of outcomes below: Position: Walks Co-ordinator Nominee: Cameron Ward Nominated by: Vicky Ireson Seconded by: Dave Fagan Carried forward by all present. Position: Membership Officer Nominee: Sanya Sanderson Nominated by: Kelly Gwilliams Seconded by: Ian Clayton Carried forward by all present. Position: Social Officer Nominee: David Fagan Nominated by: Jo Bremner Seconded by: Cameron Ward Carried forwarded by all present. Position: Booking Secretary Nominee: Kelly Gwilliams Nominated by: Vicki Ireson Seconded by: Ian Berry Carried forward by all present. Position: Chairman Nominee: Stephanie Gebert Nominated by: Jo Bremner Seconded by: Ian Berry Carried forward by all present. Position: Treasurer Nominee: Vicki Ireson Nominated by: Cameron Ward Seconded by: Jo Bremner Carried forward by all present. Position: Map Person Nominee: Grant Gibson Nominated by: Simon Rose Seconded by: Sanya Sanderson Carried forward by all present. Position: Webmaster Nominee: Ian Berry Nominated by: Dave Fagan Seconded by: Sanya Sanderson Carried forward by all present. Position: Group Secretary Nominee: Joanne Bremner Nominated by: Ian Clayton Seconded by: Sanya Sanderson Carried forward by all present. Position: Walking Weekend Coordinator Nominee: Sally Partington Nominated by: Kelly Gwilliams Seconded by: Dave fagan Carried forward by all present. Position: General Committee Member Nominee: Simon Rose Nominated by: Stephanie Gebert Seconded by Kelly Gwilliams Carried forward by all present. Position: General Committee Member Nominee: Steve McNally Nominated by: Sanya Sanderson Seconded by Vicki Ireson Carried forward by all present. Twelve committee positions were filled for the next coming year of the MYWG 20-30s+. 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No other business was discussed