The Closed-Loop Control for Dual-Output Boost Converter with Single Inductor Yaw-Shih Shieh (謝曜式), Jyun-Hong Chen (陳俊宏) and Tze-Yun Sung (宋志雲) Department of Microelectronics Engineering, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec. 2, Wufu Rd., Hsinchu, 30012, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 03-518-6397 Fax: 03-518-6891 Email:,, Abstract The power supply is a very common component in the electronic products. For the sake of reducing the size of product, how to design a power supply providing multiple output voltage levels with the smaller volume and light weight is an important issue. Owing to the volume and weight of the power supply being dominated by inductors, the number of inductors should be minimized. In this paper, the topology in which a dual-output boost converter with single inductor is developed. Due to the nonlinearity of the PWM switching circuit, it is very difficult to analyze the behavior and performance of switching converter exactly. The study utilizes the algorithm that the PWM switching circuit is approximated by its time-average model, to obtain the state equations of switching converter. Based on the developed model, a closed-loop controller is proposed to regulate both voltage outputs simultaneously. Finally, the validations of the proposed model and controller are verified by the experiments and computer simulations. Keywords: time-average model, dual-output boost converter, closed-loop controller 1. Introduction The DC converters are topics of converter. the necessary research Hence, it is worth the effort to continuously. In this paper, the components for many modern electronic products time-average model, based on the large-signal such as mobile phone, LCD TV, etc. The main approximation during a switching period [1-4], is requirements of the converter are small volume, utilized to model the switching circuit of converter in multiple output voltages with accurate levels. order to reduce the difficulty of dealing nonlinear As the results, how to reduce the number of inductors nature of switching. and reduce the volume of inductor are the essential model is nonlinear, at steady state, the controller can issues. be designed carefully to regulate the output voltages. In this paper, the proposed model and converter with minimizing the number of inductors is presented. Although the time-average There were some closed-loop control schemes proposed [5-8] for switching circuits. In this paper, Basically, the switching converter is a nonlinear the modified macro variable method [8], with respect system due to the nature of switching in power to the time-average model of switching circuit, is circuits and the MIMO system for multiple output proposed. voltages levels. is considered. The time-average model of the It is a big and interesting challenges to model, analyze, design and implement. There were many researchers who contributed in those Firstly, the single-output boost converter switching circuit is derived and the proposed control algorithm is thus applied. Computer simulations and experimental results show that the proposed voltages, is control algorithm can improve the performance of converter easily. Vo 1 Vi 1 d Moreover, the results obtained for (1) single-output boost converter are extended to the case where 0 d 1 [9]. of dual-output boost converter with the some to determine the output voltage of converter under modifications for different structures of switching the circuit. The proposed control algorithm can performance of converter, the closed-loop control improve the system performance significantly, which strategy should be used. However, equation (1) is not is adequate for closed-loop control. Based on averaging proved by the circuit simulations and implementations. open-loop Equation (1) is usually used control. For improving the the node voltages and currents of branches during a This paper is organized as follows. The switching period, the large-signal time-average model operating theorems of the single-output boost will be found and applied on the analysis and design converter and the time-average model are presented of closed-loop control of boost converter [1]. in section 2. The proposed topology of the There are two switches in the basic boost dual-output boost converter and the corresponding converter, shown in Figure 1, in which power time-average model are derived in section 3. The transistor Q is the active switch controlled by VG and closed-loop controls with the modified macro diode D is the passive switch. Terminals a, p and c variable method for single and dual outputs are show form in sections 4 and 5, respectively. time-average model of switching circuit are depicted Finally, the a switching circuit. The variables of computer simulations and experimental results are in Figure 3. given in section 6. shown in Figure 2, these variables can be found as 2. Single-output boost converter with time-average model of switching circuit According to switching conditions follows: (a) For 0 t dTs ia (t ) ico (t ) (2) converter is examined to sure that the time-average i p (t ) 0 (3) model is suitable for analyzing the steady-state Vcp (t ) Vap (t ) (4) performance of the nonlinear switching circuits. Vac (t ) 0 (5) The time-average model for single-output boost The basic boost converter is shown in Figure 1 where (b) For dTs t Ts VI is DC voltage source, Q is switch, power transistor, ia (t ) 0 (6) L is inductor for energy transfer, and C, capacitor, i p (t ) ico (t ) (7) and R, resister, present load impedance. Vcp (t ) 0 (8) Vac (t ) Vap (t ) (9) Under the steady-state condition, the timing diagram of Q is shown in Figure 2, in which T is switching period, tON From equations (2)-(9), the variables of switching is the turn-on time interval of Q and d is thus the duty circuit can be determined in term of ico and Vap as cycle of Q. Under the continuous-conduction mode, the ia d ico (10) i p d ' ico (11) Vcp d Vap (12) steady-state relationship, found by voltage-second balance equation, between the input and output Vac d ' Vap (13) approximating switching circuit consideration, because the power transfer of each output is where d 1 d and “ ” denotes the average determined by the corresponding power transistor, value of variable. and D1 and D2 are for avoiding reverse current. For simplicity and clarity, we will omit “ ” in the following derivation. Because ico is The timing diagram of power transistors are the negative of inductor current iL and Vap is the shown in Figure 7 where Ts is switching period, d1, d2 negative of output voltage, Vo or Vc the variables of and d3, d1+d2+d3=1, are turn-on time intervals of Q1, switching circuit can be expressed in terms of Q2 and Q3, respectively. And the switching circuit inductor depicted by terminals a1, a2, a3 and c can be current and output voltage. The time-average model of switching circuit is shown in approximated by the time-average model. Figure 4. The boost converter in which the variables of switching circuit are depicted and switching circuit is represented by time-average defined in Figure 8. The average values of variables model is shown in Figure 5. are And the state equation is 1 d VI L iL (14) 1 Vc L 0 RC steady state, iL 0 and Vc 0 , the iL 0 1 d Vc C At relationship between DC voltage source and output voltage is ia1 d1 ico (16) ia2 d2 ico (17) ia3 d3 ico (18) Vca2 d1 Va1a2 d3 Va3 a2 (19) Vca3 d1 Va1a3 d 2 Va2 a3 (20) Va1c d 2 Va1a2 d3 Va1a3 (21) The time-average model of the switching circuit is Vo 1 Vi 1 d (15) The result of equation (15) is the same as that of equation (1). The It is clear that the time-average model can analyze the switching circuit of boost converter. 3. Dual-output boost converter with time-average model of switching circuit As previous results that the time-average model represents the switching circuit for single-output shown in Figure 9. For using state equation to analyze and design the converter, variables in equations (16)-(21) must be expressed in terms of states, current of inductor and voltages of capacitors, as follows: ico iL (22) Va1a2 Vc1 (23) Va3 a2 Vc2 Vc1 (24) Va1a3 Vc2 (25) boost converter, the dual-output boost converter with Replacing the switching circuit, depicted by terminals some modifications for the different structure of a1, a2, a3 and c in Figure 6, by the time-average switching circuit can be used by time-average model. model shown in Figure 9, the time-average based The schematic of dual-output boost converter is dual-output boost converter is shown in Figure 10 shown in Figure 6 where VI is DC voltage source, L and the state equation is. is inductor for energy transfer, Q1, Q2 and Q3 are active switches controlled by gate voltages, and Ci and Ri, i=1,2, are the load impedances of outputs, respectively. The switching circuit is composed by Q1, Q2 and Q3. Diodes D1 and D2 do not be taken into 0 iL d2 Vc1 C V 1 c2 d 3 C2 d2 L 1 R1C1 0 d3 VI L iL L 0 Vc1 0 1 Vc 2 0 R2 C2 (26) In equation (26), d1, d2 and d3 are the duty cycles of power transistors. The steady-state relationships respectively, and k is a weighting factor. The control law is chosen as T 0 between DC voltage source, VI, and output voltages (30) where T 0 is a design parameter to determine the are Vc1 Vc 2 d 22 d2 VI d 32 (27) d 22 d3 VI d 32 (28) convergent rate of macro variable. Because of the positive value of macro variable, the control law will force macro variable to be zero, thus x1= x1ref and x2= x2ref as time approaches to infinite. In the case of open-loop control, the values of output voltages can be determined by the values of d1, d2 and d3, in equations (27) and (28). For the given specification of output power, x1ref and x2ref are related as For x1ref closed-loop control, the values of d1, d2 and d3 are x22ref (31) VI R determined by controller and fed to the converter The power delivered from DC power source has to be described by equation (26) in order to regulate the greater than the power absorbed by the load. output voltages of converter. The converter clear that the inductor is the intermediate stage for described in equation (26) is a MIMO nonlinear power transfer from the DC power source to the load, system due to the system matrix containing control the energy stored in the inductor thus has to be large inputs, d1, d2 and d3. enough for the requirement of load. equation 4. Closed-loop control of single-output boost converter The block diagram of the control system for the single-output boost converter is shown in Figure 11, where Vref is the desired output voltage, Vout is the actual output voltage, d is the control input to the converter and controller is a regulator that generates d from difference of voltages, e. The problem is to design the controller such that Vout approaches Vref as (31) satisfactory is the regulation necessary of It is Criterion of condition single-output of boost converter under closed-loop control. From equations (14), (29) and (30), the duty cycle can be represented as kVI e1 x2 e2 ke12 e22 RC 2T d 1 L kx2 e1 x1e2 L C (32) where e1=x1-x1ref and e2=x2-x2ref are the errors of inductor current and output voltage, respectively. closely as possible. For the nonlinearity of converter, the analysis of system and design of controller are very difficult and still an open problem. In this paper, we proposed the control scheme [7] and the macro variable is represented as ( x2 x2 ref ) 2 k ( x1 x1ref ) 2 , (29) For the given values of parameters, once the inductor current and output voltage are measured and converted via ADC(Analog to Digital Converter), d can be determined digitally by microprocessor. 5. Closed-loop control of dual- output boost converter The block diagram of the closed-loop control where states x1 and x2 are the inductor current and system for the dual-output converter is shown in output voltage, respectively, x1ref and x2ref are the Figure 12 where V1ref and V2ref are the desired output desired voltages, V1out and V2out are the actual output voltages, inductor current and output voltage, d1, d2 and d3 are the duty cycles of power transistors D k2 x3 E1 x1 E3 L C2 (43) E k 2 x2 E1 L (44) and e1 and e2 are the voltage error of each outputs. The controller is a regulator which generates duty cycles from voltage errors. The problem is to design the controller such that each output voltage F approaches its desired voltage as closely as possible. k2V1 E1 x3 E3 k2 E12 E32 L R2C2 2T (45) The results of the controller design for E1 x1 x1ref (46) single-output boost converter is extended to the E2 x2 x2ref (47) dual-output boost converter. The macro variables for dual-output converter are defined as For the given values of parameters, once the inductor current and output voltage are measured and 1 ( x2 x2 ref ) 2 k1 ( x1 x1ref ) 2 (33) 2 ( x3 x3ref ) 2 k1 ( x1 x1ref ) 2 (34) converted via ADC(Analog to Digital Converter), d1, d2 and d3 can be calculated from equations (37)-(39) digitally by microprocessor. From the specifications of each output, x1ref, where states x1, x2 and x3 are the inductor current and x2ref and x3ref have to meet following constrain so as to output voltages of each output, respectively, x1ref, ensure the power transfer. x2ref and x3ref are the desired inductor current and x22ref output voltages of each output, respectively, and k1 x1ref and k2 are the weighting factors of inductor currents for each macro variable. R1 X 32ref R2 VI (48) The control laws are 6. Simulations and experimental results chosen as T 1 1 0 (35) In this section we will show the computer T 2 2 0 (36) simulation and experimental results to verify the The duty cycles can be found by equations (26), usefulness of the proposed closed-loop control algorithm. (33)-(36) and represented as follows: For the single-output boost converter, the d1 DC FB AF CE AD EB AD EB (37) d2 FB DC AD EB (38) d3 CE AF AD EB (39) experimental results are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14 for different settings of x2ref = 6 v and 10 v, respectively. The parameters of circuit are VI = 5 v, L = 6000 h, C = 6600f, R = 2000 , T = 0.1 and k = 0.5. The switches Q is of IRF840 N type MOSFET. D is of IN404 diode. The switching frequency is 10 where A k1 x2 E1 x1 E2 L C1 k x E B 1 3 1 L kVE x E k E 2 E22 C 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 L R1C1 2T kHz. Inductor current is measured by current probe (40) and output voltage is measured by voltmeter. In Figures 13 and 14, channel 1 and channel 2 (41) are the waveforms of duty cycle and VG, respectively, and channel 4 presents the waveform of inductor (42) currents at steady-state condition. The actual output voltages are 6.02 and 10.03 v, respectively, which are “PWM-Switch Modeling of DC-DC Converter,” very close to the desired voltages. 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